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Show TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., Nov. 17, 1967 Army Commissary Closing Delayed The doting of the post Com-mim- ry for a two-weperiod for the purpose of remodeling has been delayed until after Christmas, Major Richard H. Goring announced this week. The contractor has at least three more weeks of Work to complete before it will be necessary to close the store. This means it will be the middle of December before die store would have to close and the command has directed that die store will not be closed the week before Christmas," Goring stated. At present, it is expected that k the closing period will start on December 27 or 28, or in the week following January 2. The definite closing date will be determined within the next two weeks and will be widely publicized. Major Goring also reaffirmed that during the, period the store is closed, all perishable items-suc- h as milk, bread, eggs and meat-wi- ll be available at the warehouse. Persons need stock up only on such items as canned goods, paper items and soaps. ek two-wee- Saves $234 Million in FY67 WASHINGTON (ANF) The U.S. Armys Coat Reduction Program achieved total savings of more than $284 million in Fiscal Year 1967, $10 million more than the assigned goal. The total effect of this savings was estimated at more than $467 million for the two succeeding fiscal years, 25 percent higher than the goal. This is the first time estimated future savings hare been reported. A significant rules change in Fiscal Year 1967 limited Coat Reduction Program reports to amounts realised in the current year actions from current-yea- r and estimates of savings expected in the two succeeding fiscal years from the same actions. Army cost reductions goals for Fiscal Year 1968 are $224 million for savings to be realised in the current year and $374 million for total effect in the next two fiscal years. However, because of the success of the Fiscal Year 1967 program, these goals may be increased. The Cost Reduction Program focuses on savings in four major areas: buying only what is needed, buying at the lowest sound A rice, reducing operating costs, and the military assistance program. . For example, included in the savings amounts in the largest category, buying only what is needed, is $45.4 million as a result of the elimination of Okinawa from the enpply pipeline to Southeast Asia. In addition, some 2,000 individual engineering actions accounted for more than $78 million in savings. In the category buying at the lowest sound price, savings were made largely through shifts from single-sourbuys to competitive procurements and by buying basis. on a multi-yece ar THE AUSTRALIANS are sending a hopping good soldier Jfochment to the U. S. Armys 82d Helicopter Ambulance at Soc Trang. Hes a live kangaroo, specially recruited for the mission by an appeal in an Australian newspaper. The animal will be a mascot for the unit which does a lot of dust-of- f c flights for hopping on its own, flying The gift forces. World Free American, Aussie, and other was previewed when the Australian Prime Minister, Harold Holt, stopped at the detachments headquarters during a visit to Vietnam; he delivered a bronze replica of the big animal from Down Under. med-eva- . DONNA JACOBS, Cara Ballenger, Ingrid Angell, and Sea Sur take the installation oath to become officers of the NCO Auxiliary. Mrs. Sur was elected president. Mis. Angell Mrs. Ballenger is the new treasurer and Mis. Jacobs is secretary. is Show a Highlight. On SASCs November Calendar Inter-Trib- al Events at the Sandy Service Club for the period from November 17 through Novemlier 27 will lie lxith entertaining and exciting for all post personnel. TONIGHT, at 5:30 p.in., there will lie a swimming tour to Tooele. All post personnel are invited to come alone. Also on ITfc THE GIFT THAT g tour to Bountiful. Transthe agenda for tonight is a portation will leave the club at 6 p.m. On Saturday, November 18, there will be an Inter-tribIndian show which promises to be the big event of the month. Included in this show are eight Indian families from the Sioux, Navajo, Ute, Pawnee and Pueblo tribes. The families will present various tribal dances and songs from their tribal history. Again, everyone on post is invited to attend this colorful evening of entertainment, beginning at the Service Club at 8 p.m. TIIE CELLAR Club" for EM and their families and guests will convene on the 2(Kh. refreshments and performances by several talented people will highlight this third club meeting. Don't forget the pxil tournaments every Tuesday night at the club. Prizes are awarded to winners. . On the 24th, the Black Eagle Federation Judo and Karate organization will lx: at the club to deomonstrate once again their amazing powers of hand and foot. Led by Tom Anguay, the group from Salt Lake City includes ineinliers of all sizes - from the very small to the very tall. JOHNNY AND the Blue Beats will lie rocking at the club on the 25th for the second big dance of the month. film Hatari" - starring John Wayne, Finally, the Elsa Martinelli, Ilardv Kruirer and Bmce Calxit - will lie shown on the night of the 27th at8 p.m. Thisaction-packe- d African adventure film is iu color and it features the music of Henry Mancini. roller-skatin- These are the states that now permit winter tires, is word from Akron, Ohio, the rubber capital of the world. Missing are Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and Hawaii, which still ban than. Theyre o.k. in Alaska, the District of Columbia and Canada. PERMIT STUD TIRES metal-studd- ed Series E United States Bonds now being sold automatic 10 year exan carry All KEEPS ON GIVING Savings tension option beyond their maturity date. ginal ori- U. S. Savings Bonds are the choice of millions of Americans for building toward economic security for themselves and their country. Folk-singin- g, COLONEL JAMES H. WATTS cuts the ribbon at the opening of the remodeled service station. Inhtng on are Major Creighton L. Calhoun, Wallace Bisby, Bud Baysore and station manager John Shaffer. full-leng- th Hljkwtr 4 r Let Me Demonstrate How to Walk on Air ,n Rifle Meet Gut To Limit Costs MASON Vefaet--uf WASHINGTON (ANF) Secretary of the Army Stanley R. Resor has announced that the U. S. Army will not conduct the National Rifle Matches, held annually at Camp Perry, Ohio, in 1968. This action is a part of the Department of Defense effort to reduce expenditures and limit spending to only the most essential programs. tadiesl I 1st year friendly MflCil (kee oeoiei koaa gain yWws feet warm Ms wiatar. House softs at aa extra cast WILLIAM HARtiSON Phene SIMMQ The. Credit Union Umbrella Man Saving is the key to independence! Start saving today at the credit union where your money works. You receive generous dividends because credit union members . work, loan and save together not for profit not for charity but for mutual service. says: THE NCO CLUB AUXILIARY, CBR personnel and members of a CBR class observe a demonstration near the oliservation post. The ladies accompanied the CBR class to the area during the auxiliary's tour of the installation last week. JOIN THE Pheasant Hunts Reported Fair Santa still uses his sleigh to haul packages and his reindeer to haul the sleigh . . . but hes found a little helper that handles the big job of Christmas shopping with a lot less strain on Santas cetbook. The little helper is a First Security BankAmericard, simply a more convenient way to buy and pay for all those Christmas gifts. Santa can use it at hundreds of department stores, clothing stores, jewelry stores, sporting goods stores, toy stores . . . just about any place. And receive but one bill for everything . . . with 25 free days in which to pay. Or take time in payas little as $10 a month. ing loob for this sign where you shop BankAmericard If you are the Santa in your family, you can get lots of help from your First Security BankAmericard. tarmow rh tmmi und I IcusoM by lawfcAmGrite Scattergunners continue to pursue pheasants in 11 Utah Counties and on State and Federal lands as the 1967 season goes into its second week of hunting Reports covering the opening weekend of the pheasant hunt' indicated an average success for most areas. Birds are now much more difficult to flush from the heavy cover with those hunters with dogs having the advantage over the hunters without a dog ARE PHEASANTS legal game through November 19, in Box Elder, Cache, Daggett, Davis, Duchesne, Morgan, Rich, Summit, Uintah, Washington and Weber Counties. All State and Federal lands will be open through Novemlier 26, subject to restrictions and closures imposed by the administering agencies. There may be other scattered lands open to hunting through November 26, under provisions in the proclamation which allows landowners to post their land open to pheasant hunting" by posting with signs pro--v vided by the Fish and Came Division. SHOOTING HOURS remain one half hour before sunrise to sunset each day, which is the same as the waterfowl shooting hours. This new regulation on shooting hours was set because1 much of the late season hunting is done on or adjacent to marsh lands. Isrvm CerptehGG 4 STAR-SPANGLE- D FREEDOM PLAN up a Savings Bonds New Freedom Shares for U.S. You am sum to be more pro-fitable saving at your Credit Union. - Pugway Fedora Credit Union - 522-257- 2 1967 CLOSE-OU- T FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS PRICES START AT HKIDAIM MEMI NEW! SIDE-BY-SI- frost-pro- SPACE DE SAVER... of ONLY 32" WIDE 15.9-u.-f-t. Gemini 16" is fully fl Youll never defrost again. 19t-ltizo vortical freezer with k Ice Ejector. 23.8-lb- . size separate AAoat Tender ia the Frest-Preo- $19995 MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM b. Flip-Quic- refrigerator section. Modal Show 3W, |