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Show Your Own Clearance Sale In Want Ads People Buy The Darndest Things! t 5 cants dmt ward Regular (tight too type) It cants par ward Buslnew (dash toe type) SO cents per hm Up te owe Inch (Monthly isle) 1 per inch - Over ana inch (awathly imte) ILSO par inch - Dfapiay adc Really SIMPLY MOVE INTO this home and start living. The costly finishing touches are already rw s' - iL.! "wkiUiA, if . n- c. DUGWAY PERSONNEL who participated in the Ute Tribal tour, sponsored by the Acres Service are shown here in the town of Roosevelt, Utah. The tour took Club, club director, and Joan Gar vin, assistant director, August 5 and 6 with Lea Lane the trip. DOTT1E FOR RENT SPECIAL NOTICES FURNISHED APARTMENTS 2 BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 and 3 rooms. New kitchens MEETINGS 2nd and 4th and appliances, including elecTUESDAYS at 8 p.m. tric ranges, automatic gas heat. CRI at 61 N. MAIN Air conditioned Large recreation area. Rates start at $75 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE NO. 2031 per month with all utilities furnished. Rent by day, week, MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. month or year. Linen service 2 PHONE available. CRI 882-108- LEGION POST 17 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th THURSDAYS, 8 p.m. CRI AMERICAN EFFECTIVE THIS DATE, Aug- ust 8, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted for by anyone other than myself. Warren H. Flackus. NOTICE WE BUY watches, diamonds, old gold or better still trade them in on new ones. BATEMANS JEWELRY, The Service CRI Store. ,Slanto-mati-c sewing machine. Completely automatic. Excellent condition. $175. ph 882-371- 4. 882-327- 5. n , - 500A SERVICES there. Three large bedrooms, HORSE PASTURE for rent. Glen Nelson, ph CRI ltt baths, family style kitchen formal dining with built-in- s, room, huge living room with RENT new Host. Clean carpets full wall fireplace, lovely carwithout, water. Use rooms incovered and stantly. Gordon Furniture co. draperies, peting 60 South Main. patio, landscaped, fenced yard CRI and in better than new condition. For more information call por , 1982 SINCER Woodward MONTHLY RATES ara far cuawsruHve insertions only, with no with hnrineas SnM and fadividuah who Maintain counts with the Transcript and BuDatia, all Hasrified ad-- i an CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR-ia tianfflod ad dMdd he reports The h mpondble to ana Incenact inmtioa only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS wfli bo inchidad in the TEST RUN, a Ground residents and paper dtatribntod to RON Dugway Friwing d charge, fa 11 ajn. day af DEADLINE far FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATE& KEYSAR, 882-232- 1. FENDER GUITARS - amps. Salt Lake prices. As low as $8 down and $8 per month. MUSIC CO. CIIAUDOIN 882 220 S. Main, Tooele, 3336 or 8821081. HAINES ' NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF Erda, Grantsville, Tooele, Lakepoint, Clover, St. John, Stockton. Daily service Dugway every Wednesday. We repair all makes of: washers, dryers, stoves, TV's - color, black and white; radios - car and home; stereos - tape or record plavers; C. B. equip. SPARKS APPLIANCE AND TV., 315 West Peach, Grantsville, Utah. For Service Call: ' or 884-50- 884-390- 5. - LOCAL BUS SERVICE Daily REALTY service between International GERMAN SHEPARD PUPS 191 North Main C Smelting and Refining CompOFFERS registered. 8826188. any and Tooele. Tooele Army BIG PRICE REDUCTION! Depot and Tooele. Chartered CHOICE DUPLEX with baseService anywhere within the ment for possibly third unit. State of Utah. Inquire: O. T. WILL TRADE WESTERN Reduced conventional APARTMENT, $1500. Buy equity BARRUS, 8821380 or 882 515 North Main, Tooele. Ph. Maytag washer with pump, and assume balance of mort- 2621. All passengers fully inlike new, for piano. Any type. CLI sured. 8824491. 8 LARGE TR1 LEVEL three bedFURNISHED BACHELOR APT. room with many choice feaFREE PICK UP immediate occupancy, cooktures, fireplace, sliding glass MUST SELL AND DELIVERY artic circle large conditioned extra air built in doors, ing facilities, large Lawn mowers, precision sharair conditioner for trailer 365 East Vine. walkin shower. Reduced $500 house $25 or best offer. Also pened. All makes. Small engine L&S APARTMENTS, Call by equity. Assume port gage. ball Brunslift bowling repair. Saws, scissors, knives pound 8826227. CRI MONEY TO BE made on this in P-wick. Call 8821523. sharpened. CAL FARRING- resithe future TON, 287 Marvista Lane. Full MAGNA $85 comdential home in commercial FOR SALE PRI 8min movie camtime. infurnished. Utilities district. Newly painted Appletely screen. Good and era, projector cluded. New wall to wall carpraised $10,000. WE REPAIR all makes of stems,; condition $100 cash. TOOELE OFFICE pet. Drapes. radios, black and white or 25 Call color TVs. Fast Guaranteed; - 8824556 6 Service. Special service to Dug--; Evenings HAY FOR SALE $23 a ton. CRANTSVILLE OFFICE FURNISHED APT. way once each week. AL AND-LIsuitable After 5 p.m. and Saturdays, 114 West Main Street FURNITURE & APPLIfor middle aged couple. Floyd Walters 8821745. CRl! ANCE. Phone 8846635 882-006- ' 884-385- 8. K fa K Properties in Pine Canyon has been posted. No hunting or trespassing allowed. 6 297-245- 1. - 882-356- - 882-367- 0. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 882-096- 4. FOR RENT OR LEASE - 6,000 APAHTMJUNl tor rent suitable for couple. Partially sq. ft. floor space. Old Vista Liner Building at rear of Post Office, 83 N. Main. This build2 room furnished ing was built for a body, fend- FOR RENT er and paint shop with two apartment. Utilities furnished. 160 South 2nd West. 8 restrooms, paint booth, plenty of office space, air conditioned and gas furnace heat In- FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED apt. quire O. T. Barrus, 87 North Main Street. Ph. 2 bedroom HOME FOR SALE frame home, just refinished. 419 So. 380 West. Phone 882 CHI 1607. for-ish- 882-071- 882-286- 2. HOUSE FOR SALE two bed-- , room, cornet of 195 So. 6th. Inquire at 419 So. 380 West, CRI or ph. 8821607. . - one or BOARD AND ROOM two men or married couple. 160 South 2nd West. HELP WANTED MECHANIC WANTED at Motors. Must have 10 years experience. Top salary. LAND FOR SALE Top health benefits and va114 acres. cation. CRI BUILDING LOT Terra. Share in well. $1313. Ph. 8821937. 29 BEAUTY OPERATOR WANTED for Ritz Beauty Shop. EveryTRAILER SPACES FOR RENT-Lar- ge thing furnished 5660 Commislots, reasonable rent sion. Phone 2 or 882 Natural gas in all space. Home2119. stead Trailer Court, 871 So. Coleman Street, 8820705. WOMEN WANT WORK 31 Bon-nevil- le THREE BEDROOM brick home for rent or will sell. Acre of ground corral for horses. 965 West Vine. Ph. 8821130 or - 8820081. - bed-room- THREE BEDROOM HOME -patio, wall to wall carpeting, drapes, water softener, foil basement, carport. Ph. 882 8 1442 or HAMMONDS expert ironing service. Daily. 75 cents hour. 8826657. LIKE TO rent or lease pasture or corral. Ph. 8821579. 882-349- 0. p. WELL KEPT two liedroom home wall to wall carpet throughout. Garage and patio. 153 So. 5th st. 8821327. CRI 882-307- WILL TEND CHILDREN in my VEHICLES FOR SALE home or do ironings. 882-352- 3. FOR SALE Lovely 3 bedroom home. See at 390 Highland Dr. or phone 8822610. $12,000 subject to VA Appraisal. o Sept. 5 18 BABY SITTING, your home or ironing at mine. Ph 882-081- 7. P-t- MUST SACRIFICE -Ph. WILL DO HOUSEWORK Ph 8820333. NURSERY SCHOOL from Mon- day to Friday. Ph CARE-Al- so 6. 59 Chev 6 cyl. stick oveAu,ed 882-085- 4. 882-301- 8822783. Duplex. Inquire 31 8 FOR SALE EXPERIENCED CHILD sewing Ph FOR SALE 66 Mus- - 884-683- 0. P-1- y 882-459- 7. P-t- o V Call 6 P m- - week- n doy Saturday. ,ft" MISSIONARY must sell 1962 8 cyl., Ford Calaxie. top condition. $795. 2215,West minster Ave., Salt Lake City. wood shaper with metal stand. Motor and extra knives. Used very little. Sacrifice at original cost. Ph. 8820001. CRI DELUX fa - .... -- er. wringer 884-505- 5. C-1- 882-075- 884-550- 5. Gordon Furniture Co., 60 South Main. $1. Call 8826533. P-t- o Sept. forces sale. r 882-tXX- LIU I 8821972 or h V 882-052- 7. 4 i 11 136 4 a Utah Ave., TOOELE CRl ORSON WORTHEN Roofing and painting contractor bonded roofs and workMIJUN'M Sana 30 manship, and roof grafiteing shingles coating Ph. 882-405- 5. CRI Expand taiiMWat ' SEWING ft'i yaw special 4 ay, te dent cam premise printing yet the finest . . . eb available Tooele Transcript 11 I 25 CARDEN EQUIPMENT CRI m7fT IN STOCKTON -ms, -- arking lur 2 trailers, 2 Set-- Louis Floor. Stockton. f REPAIR. SMALL ENCINE REPAIR, SAW SERVICE. R. J. BURRASTON 8821035 s. TWO YEAR OLD Inteniatioii-- 1 al Tnvelal Station Wag in, V 4 speed. Very good coalition. Radio and Heater. I" ' m - 1 MOVING ACROSS COUNTRY? MOVING ACROSS TOWN? We know were doing many things right. Were giving people who are moving the treatment they expect. Busi-- r nesslike - Professional. Com- plete storage too. Call 882 1370 for free estimate. BARTON TRUCK LINE INC., 940 N. Main LAWN MOWER SHARPENED FOR SALE well kept two liedroom home, wall to wall carpet throughout. Garage and patio. 153 South 5th st. Ph. 298-344- f SOUP'S on, the rug that is, so TREE TRIMMING AND REclean the spot with Blue LusMOVAL. FREE ESTIMATE. Rent tre. electric shampoocr rental unit. will FOR SALE BY OWNER sell for FHA appraisal three bedroom rambler. l.tXXi sty ft. full basement, family roofn, Ph 882 awnings, built-in22 2984 after 4:30. 't SAGE KENNELS boarding cats, small dogs, 75 cents a day. FOR SALE 2 used girls bicycles Larger breeds $1. 50 N. Main. 8 P-- HONEY SALE 30 five gallon cans of light ainlier honey. Good .flavor, good quality. $10 each. 180 So. Hale, Grantsville. Phone 8821327. .; - 882-066- 4. 3 bedFOR SALE at Terra room home. Large closets complete kitchen utility, large living room, water, power. 1390 sq. lot. Call 8821937. lovely large brick home, beautifully landscaped and fenced. Sprinkling system, dog run, large enclosed. Playhouse, fine wool carpet throughout, folly draped, built-i- n kitchen and appliances. Full basement, large finished HAVE TOO BIG 9 room home, carpeted, 2 baths, 4 bedroom. Close to schools. Salt Lake area. Trade equities for right mailer home Tooele area. Ph TWO DEPENDABLE, ambitious boys with pickup will do 9 evenings. clean up and hauling work. 2. - FOR SALE 2 blonde night stands, white head! ward with frame. 8 65 East 1st No. 882-357- CRl; BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOME for Must see to appreciate. sale $21,500. Ph. 8820337. foale'yTIWRe? three liedroom, FOR SALE lovely three bedroom home (room for 4 bedrooms), carpets, drapes, two fireplaces, rumpus room, built-in- s, and basement rental apartment. Close to schools, churchs, town. Fully landscaped, fenced, sprinkling system. Will sell at appraised value. Ph 8826712 25 rates! YOUR insurance gone up? Check our low rates.) PEDERSEN INSURANCE ; HAVE 2piece Drexel mahogany dining set. 160 So. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING at; ' your corral. Professional work. you call us - we do the rest. STRAW BALES for sale 50 WHOLESALE' meat - USDA? each. Call 8821411. Choice or Granites Aristocrat;; Haifa or Whole, 50 cents lb.; FOR SALE Cilison amplifier Price includes processing; $95 new. Sell for $60. Phone. TOOELE ICE AND COLD ; 8821625. STORACE ; Ph. 8822601 or 8821178 FOR THE particular house wife CRI who really takes pride in ,M the cleanest house possible. CUSTOM CEMENT WORK You must see Electrolux. Do Driveways, patios, sidewalks,! it better, faster. Sales and seretc. workmanship.! Expert vice. C. M. Palmer, 35 East Guaranteed. Grantsville. Main, FREE ESTIMATES 2 Call 8821060. CEDAR POSTS 8 ft. butt. 89 fa a? .... each. Farm and Home. KEYS MADE and combinations ! P 15 & 22 changed. 8821871. 25 USED MAYTAG wash- HAY FOR SALE) 1st, 2nd crop Jerry Wilson. 8821833. 15 CRj ACENCY. 29 HU29303. TWO BEDROOM home for sale one wheel trailer at 128 N. 1st Street. Call 882 FOR SALE $30. Ph. 8822083. 3228 for appointment to see. DRAPERIES READY MADE or CUSTOM BUILT. All fabrics,; modem designs. CORDON FURNITURE CO., 60 S. Main- - FOR SALE s, two HOME FOR SALE possible third, wall to wall carpet. $10,500 or pay equity and assume old loan at $67 per month. Close to East Elementary School. Call 882 8 1518. 882-478- EXPERT CHILD CARE - Days, in my home. Call 30 CERAMIC TILE contractor. New and remodel. Free estimates.. ) Call 8822857 or Aug 28! - 882-262- 1. N r unfurnished home. FOR SALE Terra. 1300 sq. ft. water, po-- ( wer available. $3984. Call 882 1937. 29 P-1- C-2- -6 ELECTRIC IRON repairing All; makes. Steam irons cleaned; and repaired. ELMERS, 38; WEST VINE. CRI; "V MACHINE REPAIR-IN- All makes and models. Parts and service. 8823292. 25 HORSE SHOEING Jensen. 8821556. - Call Groo! |