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Show .EDITORIAL. Good Form1 Locke Given Bronze tar for Flying Revolutionize Job-Hunti- millions of Americans travel on commercial EACH year,A large portion of these travelers are service- -' nen and women. Often separated from their families by great distances secause of duty and limited in their available time for travel, rapid men end women of the Armed Forces sometimes rely on air transportation to set maximum value from their leaves ind passes. Along with the special discount for military fares, the Department have agreed to issue and use a jf Defense and the airline industry new form which can make your reduced-rat- e airline travel smoother and more enjoyable. It is DD Form 1580, Military Standby Author Major Orville C. Locke. volutionize the art of The new service uses timesharing computers to match resumes of college-traine- d job applicants with countless queries received daily from employers in business, industry and government. Graduate GRAD (meaning Resume Accumulation and Distribution) is the newest service of the College Placement Counit cil, a organization serving over a thousand college placement offices across the country. The service is offered at no cost to job applicants. At the CRAD Data Center, thousands of resumes of college graduates are recorded on magnetic- storage discs. Employers specify their manpower needs by speedy teletypewriters or by mail. GRADs computers, capable of scanning thousands ' of resumes in a matter of seconds, select the most qualified applicants and rush their resumes to employers from coast to coast. With GRAD, job applicants are now able to make their qualifications known to hundreds of employers in a wide range of industries. Applicants no longer need face the task of mailing numerous resumes and the possibility of missing potential employers. Any graduate of an accredited, four-yecollege is eligible to ml out the special resumes available at his college placement office: called GRAD PACKS, the resumes feature 21 key questions that help sketch an applicant profile which the computer uses to find the right man for the right job. For men and women serving in the armed forces, CRAD resumes will be available at base education offices. If not, the GRAD PACKS and information about the computerized GRAD service may be obtained by writing directly to the placement office of ones alma mater or to the College Placement Council, 65 E. Elizabeth Avenue, Bethlehem, Pa., 18018. In Support of Soldiers Remodeling Cleanup San! 25 per yd (15 yd. limit) Button Close Out Vi Price on Life Buttons Back to School Cloth 45-in- ch $1.00 per yard Dacron and Cotton Plaid Stripes, Plains $1.19 Many Good Close Outs WASHINGTON (ANF) The U. S. Army Materiel Command has celebrated its fifth anniversary a the agency which sees that the moat modern equipment is available to U. S. soldiers. . fabric Specialty Center 15 So. Main ar in northern Greenland and obtaining earth samples that provide a polar history of at least 10,000 years. New methods of transmit- ting supply management information have been introduced, and procurement capabilities have been improved, reducing the amount of time needed to get repair parts to Southeast Asia. cap . . - IT JllcatfUMl vou aet instant i, credit everywhere you see this symbol.. Nevada North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas GES? aSSETOl bjwkamemd earlier 5. Command Reg. 4 New Army Program To Identify Top EM WASHINGTON (ANF) has approved initial plana for a Command Sergeants Major Program to identify and manage the careers of Command Sergeants Major Calendar Watch lag. 16.95 Saxony Day & Date Watch... 5 in 1 Binders (CSGMs). A CSGM is a sergeant major assigned to the senior enlisted position on the staffs of various commanders. The CSGM occupies the one position in each battalion and higher organisation which is designated by the position title of sergeant major. Under the present system, there are approximately 1,500 sergeants major filling CSGM positions at various command levels, from battalion to Headquarters, Department of the Army. These CSGMs cannot ho distinguished from other sergeants major as all wear the asms insignia of grade. After promotion to the grade of sergeant major and appointment as a CSGM, the individual cannot be identified as CSGM by military occupational specialty (MOS), since he holds the same MOS as other SGMa occupying such positions as operations sergeant major or intelligence sergeant major. The new plan calls for the establishment of a CSGM action at Department of the Army level to handle assignments, personnel actions, career management, and reeorda maintenance for those sergeants major assigned as CSGMa. This is who good deal thesgnw onauty) insurance. good deal on We and to see for hoitieownert insurance. Seefnm now! LtOMABD HAMSU 41 8 1st Eo nan mm 882-30-05 IMMISMCt STATE Wo Vi FARM IMSURANCC Offices: JGDMPANIES llwimloa. IMaais Price 375 $14M 1" Balls..... 69 Butane Lighters. $2 Fun Lead Pencils You need not be a First Security Bank customer to obtain and use BankAmericard This is who Id see fofc Nail Polish 25 $15w Seamless Nylons Summer Jewelry days after billing date. All remaining CSGMs will be brought under the centralised control of the section as operations allow. The need for a visual means of identification for the CSGM is being Decorator Candles Vi price Utah Washington and in Great Britain 25 the centralized career management of about the first 200 CSGMa from the highest levels of command (brigade and higher). 49 $1 Rex-Aut- o. when you settle your account within CSGM section will take over GG 0 8 Trans. Radio $5.99 (3 only) $4 Westdox Electric Alarm IT COSTS NOTHING to obtain a BankAmericard and nothing to use it According to the plan, the The U.S. Army Chief of Staff Formulette Baby Pants & pkg. Siryawti Major SO Banks In: Oregon 1 WASHINGTON (ANF) All personal will hand carry their official records enronte to their overseas assignment, according to DA Message 828600. The message .rescinds DA Message 828167, which excluded personnel in grades E--l through E-- 8 who were authorised leave enronte. The new message also supersedes conflicting instructions in paragraph 17a, AR 612-8- A Dorsey also at member Idaho Their Own Cmy Retorts COLONEL WAII C. CHIN pins goM leafs on the shoulder of Collin I. Hunsaker, signifying his recent promotion to major. Mrs. Hunsaker helped with the ceremony. Major Hunsaker, who was assigned to CBR here, left last week for a new assignment in Vietnam. Whitmans Chocolates you can use it to obtain a cash advance at any First Security Bank in Utah and Idaho Massachusetts b Peisoniel CH-54- D aoStMisi . Overall military communications have been improved in the past year by equipping more combat units with new FM radios, eontinu- ing work on the na tons worldwide military satellite communications system, and expanding telephone services. A In aviation, the Flying Crane, largest helicopter in the Army, has been put to use in Vietnam with much success, the AH-56CHEYENNE is being tested on the ground prior to a first flight scheduled later this year, and investigation continues into the development of. a composite aircraft, which combines the hovering capability of the helicopter and the range and efficiency aircraft of a fixed-win- g BRTStSQCHtttf BaaDfisaetJeanS California Colorado Hawaii non-prof- AMC Marks Five Years On Aug. 1, AMC personnel marked the anniversary with music, speeches, and a birthday cake in their headquarter! near Washingtons National Airport And around the world, in climates, varying from Vietnam to the North Pole, AMCs work during the past year provided its own recognition of the Commands energetic support of the Armys mission. In support of combat forces, AMC agencies during the past year have completed development of items such as spike - resistant combat hoots, a rucksack four pounds lighter than the standard item, and a lightweight water purification unit AMC reports progress on developmental projects which include a ground-base- d surveillance radar act for long-rang-e detection of troops and vehicles, and a launched bridge which has . been requested for use in Vietnam. In research, a team from AMCs Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory recorded a major scientific achievement b y drilling through the polar ice computers of the CRAD system are now in full operation. Introduced this year by the College Placement Council, CRAD promises to re- . Business is a lot like a game of tennis . . . those who dont Doc serve well end up losing. Anklam, Gilcrafter, hm., Gilbert Paper Co. ng The Unit-- I ed States Marine Corps, stationed here with the CBR Weapons Orientation Course has been awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious achievement while serving in the. Republic of Vietnam. WAS IT NOTED that throughout this period, he consistently performed his demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. The citation went on to say: Through his meticulous attention to detail and effective analysis of usage 'data. Major- Locke provided uninterrupted aviation ordnance supply . in support of Fits! Marine Aircraft Wing op--. eratiohs. In addition to his duties as ordnance .officer, he also, served as advisor to the commanding general regarding technical weapons systems problems. CFT HARRY E. SOMMER receives his new bus from Mrs. MAJOR LOCKE has also Sommer and COL James H. Watts, post commander. CFT been awarded both the Navy Sommer is an organic chemist with Chemical Division. Meand Army Commendation dals for service during the Korean Conflict. He is now serving as the Senior Marine Corps representative here at CBR. - isation for Commercial Air Travel. When the form is properly completed by the authority issuing your leave papers or liberty pass, it will confirm your leave or liberty status and your entitlement to reduced military fares. The airlines may also use the form in establishing priorities among military standbys. It is, however, your responsibility to initiate the request for sufficient DD1580s to cover every leg of .your trip, both eoming and going. In any case you should obtain not leaa than five completed copies of the form from the command authorising your leave, liberty or pass. Even in the case of emergency leave when travel and leave authorizations are prepared on short notice, be sure you dont forget to get your DD1580 forms. An added advantage of DD1580 is that Vietnam servicemen granted EAR leave in Hawaii can provide their wives with copies of their leave orders and DD1580s so they can travel from the West Coast to Hawaii and return at a special rate. TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., August 18, 1967 Computers Will Megs. rag. 33 oath ... . 260 Vidaylin Chewable Rag. 3.91 Savs 2.07 NOW 34 812-35- price Pro Tooth Brushes 10( off reg. price Twin Pack Right Guard mg. 1.49.. I4 4 Seasons Lotion 69 6 in 1 Binders . . Delux Binder Set Tooolo Drug Co. 115 North Mata (Noit to JUbortsom) V2 61 i |