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Show TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., August 18, 1967 The Chaplains Comer By Chaplain (LTC) Glenn D. Lauby ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE Every generation has been fused with serious problems and crisis situations. This generation is no exception. The seriousness of the problem is not as important as die method of approach by which the problem is faced. I believe that history will reveal that the greatest coutri- -' button to human progress has been made by men with a positive ' (can-do- H ) approach to life. J. Edgar Hoover in a recent analysis of one social groups approach to present problems, states: The New Lefts mood- -, is not one of support for America and and philosophy of life its traditions, of upholding moral and democratic values. Rather, ' it is one of defiance, hostility and opposition to our five society. It seeb to destroy, not to build. Its whole approach is one of to criticize, belittle, denigrate die principles on negativism which this nation was built Cynicism, pessimism, and are its mottoes. At its heart, the New Left is nihiUHr. an. iJt - U - "u .i schistic. One cant help but wander that this group has to offer of a positive nature that can correct our present ills and help us to move forward into new eras of progress. Wholesome criticism can help to build a better tomorrow. Destructive criticism can destroy even the good we enjoy today. In die letter the Apostle James wrote to the early Christians, he said, Whoever knows what is right to do and fells to do it, for him it is sin." I jr 'i.I CTT Walter J. McDonald is Congratulated by COL Wah C. Chin, CBR commandant, after receiving the Army Commendation Medal. CPT McDonald was an instructor in the CBR Weapons Orientation Course. He was also Dugways flight surgeon. CPT McDonald recently completed his active service in the military. . Free Mail For Injured v . In addition to the free service authorized by die reference the post office department has now authorized free mail service to international addreares for those individuals who are lunpitalized. The following procedures govern use of new service. Letters, post cards, and sound recorded communications having die character of personnel correspondence are authorized free service. Free articles to foreign countries should be addremed in the normal manner and bear senders complete return address as presently required. These articles are not, repeat not, to be marked FREE. In lieu there of the words "POSTAGE PAID and French language equivalent POST PAYE must appear in upper right comer of die address side of the article. This must be printed mechanically or applied by rubber stamp. Handwritten, hand printed, or typewritten marking is not authorized. Airmail service is authorised if article is of distinctive airmail design or if post office department label No. 19, bearing printed inscription Par Avion is affixed. These labels are available at local post offices. The prescribed procedures must be strictly adhered to in order far this mail to be procesred by foreign countries without postage being collected at time of delivery. It is recommended diet the POST PAID POST PAYE indicium be printed on articles under controlled procedures incident to determination of ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN TIP ROAST. 09 it 90 90' ik. T9 .k. MILD CHEESE ssr..... 49' re- - USttONABB ORANGE JCB. CRE ATOPIES' Os-- Pink dinners MinuM Maid Ox. Cans Qi 0s.Slxa ianpua Srond 11 Ox. Ska msmnmr How-tond- orlzo (S0FFGG moats automaucainri Drip or Reg. Grind RCD0-3S- 3tT electric, 4 colors erudite UT$.r 1 lb. saa Roasts turn out more tender, juicier, shrink less with roasting. Frigidaire Tender-mati- c Exclusive Pull 'N Clean Oven slidoout like a drgwer, clean standing up. Cook now, serve later, Minder oven control f99u a rare roast "serving surface guards against scorching, Heat-Mind- er boil-over- i 3&3S!C. I soooaa |