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Show TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., August 18, 1967 100,000 Volunteer for Vietnam Although volunteers for Vietnam duty an considered immediately available for reassignment, they must wait for an opening in their grade and specialty. As a result, only 88,166 of the volunteers had been assigned to Vietnam by the end of Fiscal WASHINGTON (ANF) Mon than J 00, OOO U. S. Army personnel have volunteered for duty in Vietnam during the past three yean. From July 1, 1964, to June and SO, 1967, 9,435 officer 94,200 enlisted men volunteered for Vietnam tours, for a totalof 103,636. The Department of the Army ports the volunteering rate has remained high for the first half of 1967,-wita total of 27,900 officer and enlisted men volunteering. Year 1967. In addition, from November 1966 through June 1967 n h . 4S2 officers and 13,059 enlisted men volunteered to extend their tours in Vietnam for six months. DD Form 1580 New Pallets ' Used Is Needed for J0 Speed Shipments Lower Air Fare WASHINGTON (ANF) the U.S. Continental Army Command has revealed (USCONARC) that an increasing number of servicemen are returning from ovepeas areas without the Military Standby Authorisation for Commercial Air Travel (DD Form A recent report from 1580). According to the report, a large number of these returnees without the DD Form 1580 are from Vietnam. Personnel are reminded that, to be eligible for the full benefits of reduced fare military status on commercial airlines, they must have at least five signed copies of DD Form 1580. This form must be signed by an officer or warrant officer authorised to grant leave or pass and be presented when purchasing tickets and prior to boarding the air- SHARPE ARMY DEPOT, LATHROP, Calif. (ANF) A new cargo method has cut as much as 48 hours off the previous time required for supplies to reach Vietnam. The familiar wooden pallets on which cargo was previously loaded for shipment by the U. S. Army, have been replaced here with the lightweight aluminum pallets used in(air transports. Instead of reloading cargo onto the aluminum pallets at Travis Air Force Base, sup- -' plies now leave Sharpe U. S. Army Depot ready to be loaded right onto planes for Vietnam. To expedite material even more, a new roller system is being used on the trucks that carry the pallets, so they can and unloaded be 'in minimum time. ng Lb end-loade- d, CANNED PICNIC craft. o These forms can be ob- -, tained from unit first sergeants or personnel officers. h warded a contract Along with the DD Form to develop precision instruments 15M, personnel must be in guide BIU control vehicles uniform, be traveling at their planned for the complex aeronau-ow-n expense, and be on of- - tical and space mission of the ficial military leave or 122" iP?-1 contract for research authorised pass. 'and development of high perform- Personnel who are within ance gyroscopes and accelerome-seve- n days of separation or ters will make possible systems discharge must also be in which will, navigate advanced su- . rjr psss. pSiAh I mu s MHnvn KmJLa TWmj MHI 2 mpmuaaii f P's. - t- GRILLTIME HAPPY TIME . P., MORNING FRESH AA WASHINGTON (ANF) are re- minded of the regulations on medical can for dependent parents or parents-in-laand AR Citing AR 1 606--5, DA Message 823227 points out that civilian medical can at civilian medical facilities is not authorised at Government expense for dependent parents or parents-in-law. 40-12- w. They are only authorised (S EGGS $ Reminder on Uedical Care UJS. Army personnel & MEDIUM CANNED BRIQUETS the DD Form 1580 landing beams without the aid of tq travel at reduced military present radio aids; provide highly, faros on commercial airlines, precise pointing references for st-ellites; and guide interplanetary , J vehicles on missions lasting a year or more. .79 SLICED BACON ecEiUgi aEOTfagno CHARCOAL rsss 5 ft O medical care at any of the uniformed services facilities provided such services are available. Should a dependent reparent or parent-in-laceive civilian medical care at a civilian medical institution, either the individual concerned or the military sponsor is responsible for the full payment of any medical expenses incurred, the message says. w MORNING MILK CHUNK TUNA s SHAVERS GRAPEFRl GRAPEFRUIT SECTIOI The DPG Test Run MAID 0 CLOVER B MANDALAY PINEAP IPIS0M G.E. Disposal URGE HEADS TOMATOES sr UNDER GREEN ONIONS RED EEM EETTUCE IOCAUOMBER. 39 5 229' ,.5 PRICES EFFECTIVE THUR., FRI. & SAT. Satisfaction Center 391 North Main rl 382-- 1 N.B.C. GRAHAM CRACKERS 541 Rm. 69 4 |