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Show ai nugun iu, luui i ail, a iivn, Dugway High Girls Form to Measure Army Altitude Effects New WASHINGTON (ANF) The U.S. Army will conduct efa itudy of human body fects on the using safe, small amounts of radioactive material in 10 volunteer subjects. cor- d tisol and aldosterone will be used to measure endocrine gland function at sea level and high elevations. " The phase of .the study will begin at Fort Lewis, Wash., in September, sea-lev- followed by high-altitu- Colo.. The study follows reports that the Indian Army had incapacitating-personne- l experienced problems resulting-froaltitude sickness, when a military force attempted to function at elevations above 10,000 feet. The study is expected to provide detailed information on the endocrine function in man at high altitudes and the changes that occur during the stress of an oxygen m . IN THE PHOTO ABOVE, Post Commander Colonel Jamies II. Watts and Chaplain Glenn D. Lauby are diown as they watch activities of the recent Vacation Bible School which was held at the Dugway Elementary School. . Your Savings Bond Quiz deficit. Recruiting Seeks NCOs Command tions are listed in AR 601HAMPTON, Va.' ( ANF U- Th Reprinting ArmF '275, and additional informaSince I have no i a Command tion can be ' obtained from (USAREC) how do I go about relatives, noncommisunit personnel officers or 1ulified naming my church as the bene- mini-inofficers with a ,ioned career- counselors. Savor coowner of the ficiary mum of four years active Recause of the large numBonds 1 own? to fill more ber of vacancies, applicants ANSWERi Unfortunately, miliUry service may request, duty in almost you cant. Regulations provide thn 300 recruiter vacancies that bonds issued in either case round the nation, any area in the 50 states. must name natural persons only. USAREC has announced But you could write a will leav- that, beginning this month, ing the bonds to your church, recruiter selection teams will Bonds may, of course, be pur- - be stationed at points where chased by you in the name erf men and women ar-tdibble church as sole owner. Degree-OC-S rive jn the United States Question: Several months ago, from ihort tour areas to dation of previous college WASHINGTON (ANF) wrote to inquire about terview NCOs in grades E--5. The first enlisted men particitraining to insure complethe then current value of a $1,- - a alK 7 for Mairnment aa tion of a degree program the in U.'S. Armys pating: 000 Series E Borai bought in recruiters. ' within 24 consecutive months. new Baccalaureate Degree-OfficJune,. 1942. I don t have a $1,- The program will permit Candidate School ProVolunteers accepted for 000 bond, but I da own several DUCWAY CHEERLEADERS Pictured here are six of Dugway High Schools nine study in a variety of discigram will begin their civilbonds bought that same fruiting, duty by the teams cheerleaders. Kneeling are Marsha Brooks and Lawanna Gerrard. Standing, left to in are that orian have plines will their right, September. schooling month. What are they worth? particularly existing re Carol Ritchie, Mary Robinson, Linda Norton and Kathy Gonzales. The program, which was suited to the needs of the Missing were DebAnswer: Each of your $100 den revoked immediately and bie Vogle, Kristine Cooper and Linda Vance. bonds bought in June, 1942, will new orden issued assigning approved in June, will offer Army. be worth $161.64 in December, them to USAREC. Applica-196- 6. Upon completion of college up to 50 qualified enlisted As you will realize, that tions will be accepted only requirements, personnel annually the opparticipants is quite a bit more than the $75 from personnel arriving from portunity to complete work will attend OCS, leading to on a bachelors degree and a commission in the U.S. short tour areas. you paid for each of them. OCS. then attend Back in the Army Reserve as a second QUESTION: The selection teams will be To be selected, applicants lieutenant with concurrent early 1940s, my aunt bought a stationed at Travis Air call to active duty for three must meet the following gennumber of Series E Bonds in to four years. eral qualifications: various War Bond drives. We came across them the other day Applications may be subEducational, mental, while helping her clean out some mitted in accordance with a medical moral, citizenship, new Department of the Arpapers. Are they any good? fitness, basic combat trainAnswer: Just a. good as the my Circular that will be ing, and advanced individual miiiu'rericV, fou;7 day shelxnight them; even more include of available shortly. exceUent miliUry training requirementa so, because interest has been OCS, as stated in AR 850-5and civilian record. WAC peraccruing on them since that day sonnel are Be on active duty at required to have and is continuing to accrue. No the time of application. three active of least at years E Bond ever sold has stopped Have a minimum of one service. Further Ninety per cent of the total qualificaearning interest. service in the active production of pineapple is canyears Question: What is the advanArmy when training begins. ned, says Collier's Encyclopedia. tage in exchanging my E Bonds Be serving in enlisted for H Bonds? The Chalice of Antioch has status. What is regarded as Ameri- - MISS UNIVERSE Sylvie Hitch-ca- s ANSWER: There is no absor been thought to be the Holy first skyscraper was a 10- - reek wmtthe'Miu USA entry in the Be able to complete lute "advantage of one bond Grail, of the lost Mite Uniterm conies!. She cup out of OCS before age 28. story building erected for a Chi- over the other, since both earn which Jesus drank at the Last wom.t. " ! .f Have an adequate foun cago insurance firm in 1880. considered the most beentiul gM the same rate of interest. If Supper. in the world. you need additional current inH Bonds can come, help you. They are sold at face value and interest is paid by . Treasury check every six months. Question: I still dont understand how the new interest rate on Series E Bonds works. Is there a simple explanation? Answer: Yes, the bonds you buy today reach maturity in 7 yean. That is the equivalent of LOCAL BUSINESSES AND SERVICES a 4.15 per cent return, comA QUICK REFERENCE for the pounded foil period. It means you will get back four dollan at maturity for every three you invest now. QUESTION: Can I name my GILLESPIE'S EXCEL SERVICE . son as a on Savings Bonds and gain a tax MNMhlUsSt. advantage for his education? Distributors lot Humble Oil & Refining Products Answer: No, the plan requires Lubrication Tiros, Batteries. Anti-Freea-e. purchasing the bonds in your fi to can II pm dally Sunday sons name, either alone or with Open FURNITURE APPLIANCES TIRES AND TIRE REPAIR either parent as beneficiary. Income tax liability usually can be shifted to the child by tiling a TIRE CLYDE Federal return in his name, at the end of the first year of bond I Full purchases, listing the increase in I 398 North Main Phone 882-15bond value as income to him. 1 Unconditional That initial return establishes Tire BepaiHng -the intent and no further returns Construction Company Vulcanizing need be filed, as long as the I GENERAL ELECTRIC 1 Excellent Stock all -- Residential child's total annual income is and Commercial Construction -APPLIANCES I 1 less than $600. No tax will be Build on Your let or Ours - Call Ike at 112-340- 1 Passenger, Track due, if the bond interest, plus I Tires & Tabes Available Nate te Yeung Marrieds Choice Building lots oth'er income, comes to less than ' CARPETS FINE LATER BUILD BUY NOW Phone 882-1372S North Main $900 ($600 personal exemption, ll ism plus $300 standard deduction). I Be sure to keep a copy of the DEALS I initial return, establishing the SEE US FIRST intent. It may be needed in later I years as passible proof that the interest had been reported. I gs minor planet liecause it orbits the sun like a planet. pollen. George I, king of England, could speak no English. he Back to School listed Plan re-$1- 00 . GD0E) 602SB geeeb v General QmdHkatSons For College er 'Specials at -- - . The average bee carries a load of 12 milligrams of Batemans PEP CLUB Pictured here are members of the Dugway High Pep Club practicing routines which they will display at school athletic events for the coming season. Mrs. Robert Dobson is the sponsor of the dub. m . An asteroid is a mass of rock. It is also called a planetoid or full games. with Any girl in grades 2 a 2.00 scholastic average or above t, must do so wishing to during the first week of school. THE DUGWAY High School Pep Club is still continuing their cheering and marching. Any girl in grades 9d2 with a 2.00 average or above, may sign up at registration at the high school. For the past two weeks the girls have been attending a workshop to work on marching, cheering, dance steps and precision marching. Because of the new methods being used, improvement can lie seen already. will need uniThe forms this year, and are hoping to attend a drill-teacamp next summer. To earn money for this, they are trying projects such as paper and bottle drives. EVERY-- ' MONDAY evening 'between 6 and 9 p.m., members of the Dugway High Pep Club will Ire traveling throughout the area collecting these items and they will be hoping for everyones assistance in this effort. Everybody can help these girls' by placing newspapers and pop bottles in front of your home. try-ou- el tests at Pikes Peak, es a new precision The marching group, has been formed this year at Dugway High School. They will lie inarching at all league footlall and Imsket-lia- ll high-altitu- Radioactively-labelle- D-Ett- 0. 02BS& QBB3& o 3310080$ aomwaas v - OF y, efaHsW TTSAS er teras SB Other Watches From $10M tom IIUIIS Special Group t M8 Bateman Jewelry Satisfaction Center 1 kU&teuet & up 3 No. Maio, Tooele lt MC-AS mpl pays to SHOP IQCAUy i r We Specialize in I e I Air Conditioned 47 East Second North PHONE-802-06- 4 7 bmh erery sd. 04 1 MOHAWK CARPETS APPLIANCES SIMMONS MATTRESS ARMSTRONG UNO AND HUE ji Estate SS S. Mala Pfc. MMZ7I MAIN TOOELE Licensed Painting and Roofing Contractor Our aptduhyt Graphiting and GAS and ELECTRIC APPLIANCES hassrving Roofs Dependable - Reasonable Sales and Service 18 If Blah anmnn QB GDQBQWMB Worthens Bryan's Plumbing & Heating Expert Installation Gordon's Furniture For KELVINATOR PLUMBING - HEATING RADIO ELECTRIC & HARDWARE sanies 882-32- Pedersen Insurance 18 North Coming soon to: JA'NONTM.MAIN is m .xpUwed Dial . Real 53 Satisfaction Center Open Alleys Every Night Westinghouse Weight Watcher SHOP GIBSON GOOD Tooele Bowl Watch for the new i nvjrv. 41 1 1 I 112-22- 79 Phone 882-405- 5 aanaMiaaafcs ,rrr.i |