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Show 3 GIFT il w Y7csar Nmoi Pen bbarcstk K1 DPG 2141 Send Netro hcna For Test Rea to Iafonsstlon 0C3ss TEST RUN, Friday, August 18, 1967 Volume 11 No. 4 KffiM by 6a TmK fi 6 Amy. Oyfalaas MB66g li a Vbk, a I 6a 6a bnibi an Ma School Registration Set, Classes Begin August 28 II At 8:30 a.m. on Monday, August 28, school bells will be ringing and Dugway students will begin another year of classroom studies. The Dugway High School and the Dugway Elementary School, both under the Tooele County School District, open their doors for the first official day of school on August 28. Blaine Keller will again be the principal of the local high school, while Don Lindsay is still the elementary school for high school will be held on August 23. Registration for elementary students, kindergarten through the sixth grade, has already been held, and any students who have not registered yet are asked to contact die trial arts, chorus, typing 1 or 2, German 1 or 2, Spanish 1, art, commercial math, bookkeeping, shorthand 1 or 2, office prac- tice, or seminary. ALL ELEVENTH grade stu- dents are required to take English and American history. They se- lect the remaining five classes from the electives offered the 10th grade with the following ad- ditions: physics, trigonometry, geometry (programmed learning) and chemistry. Senior students are required to take English and American problems or psychology. Jnurna- - Registration students, grades LiL rAVL n. nh, commanding nwa sunurixn, from Post Commander Colonel James school as soon as possible. REGISTRATION for high school pupils will begin at 10 a.m. on the 23rd of August, beginning with the 12th grade only. At 11 a.m., the 11th grade students will report for registration. At 1:30 p.m., the 10th grade students will report. At 2:30 p.m. un -T" after H. Watts, completing a receives a diploma course giving him a Masters Degree in hospital administration. the ninth grade students will report, while the seventh and eighth grades are scheduled to report to the high school at For Fiscal Year 1967 Are Given Safety-Awar- ds . Colonel James H. Watts, post commander, has recently announced the safety awards for fiscal year 1967. He stated that the awards signify highly commendable achievements in the field of accident prevention at Dugway Proving Ground, and he congratulated members of the organizations receiving these awards. ' Test Divirion received the , U. S. Naval Unit. operation of military vehicles. Award of Honor in recognition Si Dugway personnel were The winners were Warren J. Ahl-f318,361 disabling injury free recipients of the National Safety strom, 12 years; W. Glen Ashley, Ronald T. Woffinden, Council Safe Driver Award. This 10 yean; Ralph Haws, 13 yean; Test Operations Chief, received a award was established in recog- - James Logsdon, 15 yean; Ted C. desk plaque for outstanding sa- -. nition of professional driven for Nielsen, 12 yean; and Vance P. fety - supervision. Test Division outstanding performance in the Sagers, 13 yean, also received the Safe Driving -Award for 896,000 vehicle accident free miles. CONSOLIDATED Equipment Division received the Award of Merit for 253361 disabling H. R. Whitajury free ker, chief of die division, received Mr. Rudolph E. HegdahJ, deputy director of personnel and the individual award of merit administration, has announced that construction of enlarged fain the form of a desk plaque. cilities to the post service station has begun. Sinclair Oil Company, who Sevjpl units received the It is hoped that the new for Agent Safety bought the contract for $50,000, will increase business award for die prevention erf ac- - are taking care of all die instal- - and help to provide better in the handling of toxic lation which is expected to be vice fo all Dugway personnel. completed within 90 days. THE NEW facilities will include a coin operated car wash area and renovation of current ClOSC facilities to enlarge the retail sales area and provide stock space. ICHIDCI A I Also included will be entirely new double gas pumps. Mr. Hegddil stated that the First lieutenant Maurice C. Awards: Commercial Traffic Di- - plans for the new service station Wilkinson, chief of Welfare and virion. Communications Division, facilities have been in the plan- - Morale Division, has announced Consolidated Equipment Divi- - ning stage for the last four years, that the post swimming pool ' THE REASON that it has will close on Sunday, September sion. Detachment 19, 6th Weath- er Wing, Security Division, Supply taken so long to .get under way 17th. Division, and the U. S. Naval Unit, is that the original bid for the Beginning Tuesday, Septem-THFOLLOWING organi- - renovation was only $30,000 and her 5th, there will be new pool zationx received a certificate of final plans on the project took a hours which will terminate with merit for a disabling injury free long time to be approved, the closing date. record: Civilian Personnel DiviMonday through Friday the ' sion, Commercial Traffic Divi- pool will be open from 3:30 0 sion. Comptroller and Programs -Dp.m. until 6:30 p.m. IVFClS Saturday, the hours will be irectorate, Detachment 19, 10:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. 6th Weather Wing, Meteorologi- On Sunday, the hours will be cal Division, Supply Division, from 1:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. U. S. Army Hospital, U.S. Army Meteorological Team and the Colonel William W. Stone, Jr., former commanding officer of Dugway Proving Ground, has viflptfllll ICSKC been selected for promotion to 4 rank of brigadier ASSlgnCCl the one-stgeneral. Colonel Stone is the , General J. K. Woolnough who present commanding officer of Captain Theodore K. Teske, a took over command of the Con- - gdgewood Arsenal, Maryland. newcomer to Dugway, has been President Johnson has approv- - assigned to the CBR Weapons ed Colonel Stone's selection and Orientation Course as Medical has sent his nomination to the Corps representative. Senate for confirmation. Captain Teske is a native of Idaho and he holds a general-derig- Wallace, The , Colonel Vatts and his staff on M(e a veteran of more than Bachelor of Science degree from the 24th. .The next day General 26 years of active military ser- - the University of Notre Dame He has commanded Edge- - nd an MD from the University Woolnough will visit certain areas in Ditto Technical Center wood Arsenal since November of Washington. ' His last duty assignment be 1966. , He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. fore coming to Dugway was at William W. Stone of Pacific the Officers Baric course at the Medical Field Service School at Palisades, California. Colonel Stone was the com- - Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Captain Teske and his wife manding officer of Dugway Prov- will reside at 513A Peak SGM F. J. Bennett, CONARC ing Ground from August 1964 un- Diane Avenue, 1965. til Dugway. Major. Sergeant September or man-hour- s. man-hour- s. ser-cide- Pool To Santpinlipr 17 E . StflTIP p Gen. Woolnough To Visit Here ar ' ..mi Here 2, 3:30 p.m. '' High school students report- for asked to are ing registration go to the school office first and pay their foes and pick up their lism or a foreign language may be substituted for the English requirement, Band is also offered as an elective for credit toward gradu- ation for students in grades At the writing of this article, no definite schedule had been worked out yet as to length and number of class periods each day. However, it was thought that the high school schedule would be split between periods which would meet every other day and periods which would meet daily, 2. Tooele County School Districl School Calendar 1967-196- 8 WORKMEN ARE SHOWN above using a huge crane in helping them to give the flag pole in front of Headquarters Building a new paint Job. With the use of the crane, the workmen turned a difficult job into a rather easy one. registration card. The students will then go to the library, where the 13 DHS teachers will assist them in choosing their schedule for the coming year. The high school expects to 0 register approximately students, while about 480 pupils are expected at the elementary Dugway Blood Drive Slated For August 31 175-18- The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at Dugway Proving Ground for the collection of whole blood on Thursday, August 31. The blood drawing will be held between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Officers Open Mess, Building 5230. Directorate, division and office coordinators have been apm. T?1 pointed to contact and supply times for all Dugway personnel who desire to donate. In the event that you wish to donate and are not contacted, you may go to the OOM anytime during Members of Dugways the scheduled hours. Officers' Open In accordance with DPG Mess met on Wednesday morn690-1- , all civilian emPamphlet ing, August 9, and elected a new ployees are authorized two hours board of governors. of administrative leave to donate In a very close election. Masblood. Additionally, because DPG ter Sergeant Harry R. Purves of is a group participant in the was Company Red Cross Blood Program, all Headquarters elected as the new president of persons assigned and employed the NCOOM Board of Governors. at Dugway are eligible to receive Others chosen to the board inall the blood they require anyclude SFC William C. ' Roy, where in the Continental United Company; SFC Headquarters States, provided the hospital A. Ford, CBR; SFC ClarJames accepts Red Cross Blood (90 per ence M. La Roque, Sigmet; SGT cent of U. S. Hospitals do). Morris Worsham, 65th M. P. Under the above group Platoon; A01 Alfred E. Spangler, participant" program the families Air Force and Navy Units; and of Dugway personnel may also SSG Norman C. Hodkinson, Hosreceive blood. The family inDetachment. cludes the husband and wife, pital The new Board of Governors their children, and their parents will take office in the near fuand grandparents. ture. LTC Richard Gordon is Dugways last Red Cross the NCOOM advisor. Blood Drive was on June 5. The Red Cross requires an eight week waiting period between donations. They also allow no fLagOOIl Dsiy more than five donations per year. First Lieutenant Cary R. Murphy ToUIOITOW the Blood Drive Chairman, has emphasized that donations will First Lieutenant Maurice C. be greatly appreciated. He urges Wilkinson, chief of Welfare and all Dugway personnel to pitch in Morale, wishes to remind all to help Dugway reach its goal. Dugway personnel about the annual Dugway Lagoon Day to- school. TO BE GRADUATED from the Tooele County High School system, a student must meet the following requirements: he must have completed four units of units English, two and one-haof social studies, two units of science, one unit of mathematics beyond the ninth grade, one and one-ha- lf units of physical educaf tion and unit of health. , Students are required to attend high school for eight semesters. A full semester will be counted only when a student registers for six periods and earns credit in at least five subjects. Each student shall, hve earned three units of credit each year in the academic areas of English language, mathematics, social studies and science. To receive a diploma, each student must eam a minimum of 20 units of credit in grades nine, 10, 11 and 12. Credit taken from the Seminary in New and Old Testament will be counted toward graduation requirements. Seventh grade students are required to take English, Utah history, arithmetic, science, phy- -. sical education and health, art, home economics for the girls, and shop for the boys. EIGHTH CRADE students are required to take English, U. S. history arithmetic, science, physical education and health, one-hayear each of shop and general music for the boys and f year of home economics and music for the girls. All ninth grade students are required to take English, civics, a semester of world geography, physical education and science. They may also choose four from the following: general math, Algebra I (programmed learning), band, industrial arts, beginning typing, art, German, Spanish, chorus, or seminary. Ninth grade students are advised to take either a math or algebra coqrse in preparation for die required mathematics course, in Senior ilVtv . lf 1auat ilCW RfUirn UUttlU one-hal- . ' lf one-hal- Colonel Porter Is New TAD CO A new commanding officer for Utah's Tooele Army Depot was announced last week by Senator Wallace F. Bennett He is Colonel William A. Porter, Quartermaster Corps, who will replace Colonel E. J. Richards, Jr., who is being transferred to the nations capital for . Higji. Tenth grade students are required to take English, world history and biology. They may select the remaining classes from the following: algebra 1 or 2 (programmed learning), indus IjIgCI MAJOR ORVILLE C. LOCKE, right, receives congratulations from CBR Commander Colonel Wah G. Chin after he was presented with the Bronze Star for service in Vietnam. Major Locke of the United States Marines is assigned to the CBR division at Dugway. duty at the Pentagon. Colonel Porter now commands Anniston Army Depot, Alabama. He has been on continuous active duty with the Army since 1941. morrow. There will be rides, games, food, prizes and a genuine good time for everyone who participates in the festivities. Transportation will be provided for enlisted men via the service club bus, which will leave at 9 a.m. tomorrow. For all other personnel, there will be a bus leaving from the sales store at the commissary same time. , Single enlisted men may still get tickets from the Sandy Acres Service Club. But theyd better hurry because this year promises to be the biggest Dugway Lagoon Day yet. , |