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Show TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., August 18, 1967 ( (aaoa wass mm ggssM 3X on (1000 Rockhounds Beware ' The advent of warm weather has brought forth thousand! of rockhounds to the deserts and mountains of Utah. The State of has become a mecca for the rockhound because of its rich mineral resources and historic background. WE WOULD LIKE to point out some of the hazards and dangers involved in rock and souvenier hunting. Although the desert and mountains seem to be asleep and completely safe to the inexperienced eye, they are alive and just ; waiting for the unwary to make a mistake. The first rule to remember is to never go alone and to have someone notified of an expected time of return and the general -area you expect to hunt in. This is extremely important as a . minor injury. can prove to be ratal If you do not have help in ; a short time. Many cases are on record where death has resulted because the injured person did not have help and due to an injury sould not reach assistance. So always operate on the buddy system and stay in the general area that you originally planned so that I you can be found should an emergency arise. Whenever possible go in a group that has at least two vehicles at their disposal. BE SURE THAT you have proper equipment on hand when . you are on an outing. A good reserve of drinking water is essential . in case an emergency arises. Water is most important as it may be necessary to clean woulds and the body can function longer without ' food than it can liquid. ' Other items you should have along are extra gasoline, spare tires, fan belt, and tools and parts enough to make emergency re-- " pairs on your transportation. A first aid kit with a snake bite kit ; enclosed is also a must item. The rattlesnake, scorpion, tick and black widow spider are some of natures dangers that must be guarded against when on a field trip. A well equipped, first aid kit and the t knowledge to use it can save lives. When you start to do the actual digging for geodes and artifacts work in pairs. Do not undercut where there is the danger-- of a cave-i-n. Never tunnel without proper shoring and experienced C personnel to assist you. Do not enter old mine shafts" or caves where the shoring has rotted and any vibrat: n may start a cave-in- . ;' ONE ITEM that is often overlooked is the personal factor. A man that works 40 yours a week at a desk in an air conditioned office cannot wield a pick and shovel in 120 degree temperatures for more than a few minutes at a time. Painful blisters, strained rnus-cland even heart attacks and death are the results.- Know your limits and stay within them. We would all like to see you around on the next scheduled work day. Cood luck, have fun and be careful G0S13 G0G5 , FtJUCLIT-r- BONE IN Carnation Brand Chunk Style Northern White or AssKd Colon .'. . ; -- fapV IfccMr dQUO wfy :!Ubb- y- 12 Ounce Can JUiii.. For Only fja (MHO? 3GMUPB J JtlQJLV z es - Welch's 20 Oz. Jar 1 AMC Awarded To McDonald -- Libtty Crushed, Chunks, Tidbits, No. 211 Cans 13 jjGio jJEilJbyv Libby-46- 0z.a sXsDlT MM JP 1 laiwM A Pfc Iwwmif - 2 br 09 29' BEGC2 ks?.; ASSam. 46 Oz. Pineapple-Grapefru- it .39 0. Can BDEA FC2GEK3C3 Gtynrim BAKED FRESH IMOOROWM Rag. $1.50 27 .0 BAKBRV IN-6T0- BE 3 A dalitious variety ... LaRhoda, Nubriana, Santa Rosa, or Qephant Hearts 7 Mix or Match. -- o Captain Walter J. McDonald of. the CBR Weapons Orientation Course was presented with the Army Commendation Medal in ceremonies in the office of Colonel Wah C. Chin, CBR Mm Commandant. Captain McDonald was assigned to Dugway in November of 1965 andjugbeen serving in the position ofan instructor. A medical' officer who has served in Vietnam, Captain McDonald was cited for his outstanding professional competence, innovations and creative thinking which dramatically enhanced the briefings he presented on all phases of the medical aspects of CBR operations, defense and research development. Captain McDonald was also ' commended for his additional duties as post flight surgeon. The citation r e a dfcn- - - pswU Through his persistent efforts and foresight, he established standing operating procedures which ensure prompt and efficient reaction to air crash and rescue procedures.' RITZ H - Windshield Cracked? wruninii "Motnt wwr COMHfffi STOCK INSTALLED Af Your CoimwiitMi BRADSHAIV AUTO PAIRS (90 lfs Moefif Tooflto Ends Tuesday JOHMlZHlKlM ZffAG,QD?l AxNE Sweet & juicy d centers make iJLIOUG salmon-colore- ass these an ideal dessert or salad treat - Wednesday. WINNER OF l ) jp-Z--y 31 MTZ TkXHMICOUIII" fi AM MIUMflMON BMH Seats $1.50 ACADEMY AWARDS! 1 nmnmGDE lilNI C SMALL. MEDIUM I MOTOR VU - Thursday and Friday .ssssssrw LARGE. aw 19 i KOTOS VU - Sdlriy u ik Fumag mi unarm sws st ssencu Hl-IA- MP fioicq ttlflul HaWMasrWJClOl sGOUKKlUBIEIisK I InillaWlal GRANLEY COMPANY SAlWITHAEQCUOlf 0 JIUHUTTOW SOLCSIEGELi - Monday and Taeiday IJway out... its v--- MOTOR VU fr MP BUIMS f 'COOKIES ' KWATHM DM.T mmm- - Julie 1 451 lurftnt rl$ime ktr ittftmtAwri MOTOR VU umiu "akmluit Christie 1 C TECHNICOLOR - On Scrtea Ut JL BssOsrVsaBssnsT nciuM JBBafjassifSfssfjm Oskar Werner KMsrM VtmYtrkCritkt B$tJUUrAmrt ahoat 9 pjn. |