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Show c"c"aTFZ" S. R. MARKS & CO. In tin; leading JL of this Territory for all kinds of AL MERCHAND SE. GEN CM Institution Ut"l It carries the Finest Selection Doth Wholesale and Retail. of-- GENERAL FURNISHINGS. GENTS' CLOTHING AND It eaters to the Ladies in Dress Goods, Garments, Ilibbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Jewelry, Watches and a Thousand Notions, It aims to please all its customers, and it invites the patronage of every buyer CD T. G. WEBBER Supt. THE SIIKLLEY a KURCKHARTT DEALERS IN LACE HOUSE Fine Mineral H . Co-o- ft. I1w Dealers fc Dry Goods. mwh t.mn.m I7W Uth Cracker 3 2 CI 7.? fid. TT Hi C2MPANT- - Jw ,S7vr. ETG. ; Hi in Barratt .. Bros. Main street. For Furniture. - 1 x l Young Bros. Co : Domestic Sewiny Machines -- " 35 JWW" ;TQYS, ETC., cm 5- ill RAM Factory '' STATIONERY Himltntre, and Metals. Stores Tinware, Etc. itfN o Main Street. ;) Furniture, Carped, Curhiii;?, I WI I Company. i (iXCdIM'OK.VTKI)) Iti CO I 11-1- i Specimens. Manufacturers of the Celebrated Rinky Mountain Diamond Jewelry. 221 Main Street. Furniture p. FINE joiiOAXs, riAXos and MUSICAL IXSTliUMEXTS. ! Manufacturers e..7 & CO Cfyna, 51 Qlassare, Silverware, LAMPS, ETC. .'tf W. w First South St. : CEACKEBS. Utah. ' ' like in .1. Qmi-rl.- Oifli . ..I. ueaiers. - 11 ... illustrated catalogues free. TVDTWfDITPn HEADQUARTERS T3 5 i j riucow.. GREENW. 24 v , nniniinirs, Hosiery, Fancy Hoods. 11. ll Main street. UARDWARE LAKE H Of) . i i l" v- - Fine Dry Goods ! world. Unprejudiced ad vice ffiven on all makes. Machines sold on monthly pay- ments Any iiistnmient nianiifactnred shuiprd. privilege to examine. KXCHAXO- - . t j; " TYPEWRITERS. establishment Largest the newiM-u-es- Wholesale, ami IMail Dealers in - .,. 7" 88 Main Street, CALLAWAY. IIOOCK of ' ; i (sale and Ketail lfn ,.,,..,, r? o T, lUDtflCS. riiores, Sport In, Good f: 7oh.sv;. J' S.;n p . -w (rx. 42 .., , ... GROCER. FIRST SOUTH. .'. t m . 3 rrr - a. H ! S -- s ZZ " ?b si" fi " 1 12 P K' J B ? |