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Show .' .H T A T KIT 13 STOKY - )N the year , I 1 NUMBER 7 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, JANUARY 1, 1892. VOLUME III 1871 the steamship "Swallow" left the Cape of Good Hope bound for England. Among the passengers was a child of two years, and a rurse. The lady had also brought with her a huge, handsome Newfoundland dog. The voyp had lasted abou' fix days. No land was vi ible, and the is'and of St Helen w uld be the nearest point. Tue day was i beautiful one, with a soft breeze blowing, and the sun shining down brigi tly on the sparkling waters. A laigr and gay company of the p; ssei gers we.c ast rubied on ihe dick; imriy groups ot y ling men and g ils had cl uten d tog tcer; now and t:;er) a laugi raogout or some one bang a gay little snatch song, whes suddenly the mirth of all was silenced by the loud and piercing sen am of a wcraan. A nurse who hud been holding a child in her arms at the bide of the vessel dad lest her bold of the leaping, rest less little one, and it had fallen overboard into ti.e sea into thegrea, w ide Atlantic Ocean. The poor worn in, in her despair, would have Hung herst If after her charge had not strong arms held her back. But sooner than it can be written down, something rubied quickly past hei ; there was a leap ever the verstl's side, a splah imo the waters, aud then Nero's black head appeared above the waves, holding the child in his mouth. The. engines were slopped as soon as possible, but by that time the dog was far behind in the wake of the vessel. A boat was quickly lowered, and he ship's surgeon, taking his place in it, oroered the sailors to pull for their live . One could just make out on the leaping, dancing waves the dog's black head, holding something scarlet in his mouth. The cald had on a little r-- l jacket of scarlet cloth, and it gleamed arms she was, bis eyes watching every dke a epark ot tire on the dark blue movement she made. Sometimes she wcu'd be laid on the deck, with only waves. The mother of the child stood on the Nfo to watch her, and if inclined to deck, her eyes straining anxiously after creep out of bounds, Nero's teeth, the boat, and the black pot upen the fastened firmly in the skirt of her frock, waves still holding tirmly to the liny promptly drew her back. It was as scarlet point. The boat seemed fairly though he said, "I have been lucky to creep, though it sped over the waves enough, Miss Baby, to save you once, but as I may not be so lucky again, I as it never r v. beon . Sometimes a billow higher than shall take care you don't run any such others hid for a ni mi nt dog and child. rinks in the fulure." When the steamer reached her 15 u' the Ur.nt o hth nearer and nearer, near euoigh at last to allow t he surgeon destination, Nero received a regular to reach ver and lift the child out of nation as he was leaving the vessel. the dog's lix wh, ihen a sailor's sU ut Some one critd, "Three cheers for arms pulled Nero into V. e brat, and Nero!" and thev were- given with a w"d'. Nero," "Good-hy- , the men rowid swif ly hack to the And "Good-by- , Good day," resounded on every sde. ship. "AIiv V" sbouttd every lip, as the Every one crowded around to uivu Mm boat came i hin hail of the steamer; a pat on thi head as he trotted d jwn To all thi se demon' !d, a the urvT came back, "Alive. " the gang-plana "Trunk Goo!" came from every strations he could, of course, only heart. reply with a wag of his tail and a Then ttie boat cams to the ship's twinkle of his faithful brown eyes. He. plde. A hundred hands were stretched kept close to the nurse's side, and out to help tli" brave dog on board, watched anxiously his little charge's "Good Nero," "Brave dog," arrival on dry Und. He was taken to the home of his little "Good fellow," resounded ou every side, liut Nero ignortd the praise mistress, where he lived, loved and showered so profusely on him. Il honored, until ho died of old age, with Hotted heria'.eiy up to the child's his shai'gy gray head resting on the mother, and with a wag of his drip- knee of the child (now a woman) that in an Erglish ping tail looki d uj inU bei face with he bad saved. His grave is his big, faithful, brown eyes, as if he churchyard, in the burial plot of the and is ?aid, "It is ail right; I have brought family to which he belonged, marked by a fair white stone on which her baik safe. Toe mother dropped on her knees on is engraved, "Sacred to the memory of the dick, and, takhsg his shaggy head Nero." His portrait han s over the chimney, in both hand-- , kised his wet face drawing-room- , again nud again, the tears pouriDf: piece of an England down her face in streams. Indeed, oeneath which sits, in a low there was not a dry eye on board. a fair haired girl who often looks up he One old tailor stood near with the at Nero's portrait a she tells how tears- - rui ning down his weather-beate- n sprang into the Atlantic Ocean after brown face, unconscious that he was her, aud held her until help came. Harper's Young lM)ple. weeping. Well, Nero was for the ret of the voyage the pet and hero ot the ship, and persots Z. (M.I unploys fifty-fivhe bore his honors with quiet dteuitj. and underwear and It wafc curious, however, to see. how making overalls in wags per month. from that time on he made himself tin pays out In tl e tar nri aid shoe factory Kit) sentinel aud body guard of the child the pay roil being He alwavs placed himself at the side hands are employed, month for w:igi s. Ex. f the chair of any person in whose about $.1,000 per - k. a'-.- d arm-chai- r, e W |