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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 2d Yiitin;:u i i m e o d psR-,- ami Mrs. McMills, K)y DoQelson's brother, J l'ph and Jacvib Beck. Santa Clam was dicsttd from head to iot in iur. II u thought it wrv warm here. He said ho must hurry-backoine where it was colder. John Claik was made happy by thV gilt ol a watch, a present fiom his father. You must take good care, of it it as Frank K)se Jjbnand tint did his. We are greatly indebted to Mr. F. C. (in gs, Supt. cf the Salt Lake Sunda) Uuiou, f r material assistance in making our Cbiistniis tree such a success Money for pnseuts was received lor It ibeit Hicks Joseph Cameron, Ada Davit-- , Kemp, Amy I). .tine, Elmo Mxnr V.iiiii, Li tj"u I)L')ng, Ezra .Sj-ioo- K)1j aud Kiia Jacobson. Mr. A. W. (V.arlsjn of the Z. C. M. I. sent us a pail of line candy for whic'j he has our thanks. Mr. Carbon was a former member of our Board and always takes great interest in the children. Tile gifts enjoyed l.y the children most of all were thosj from the folk at home. No ma ter what might bt the gift from rec-iv- . d fr m otbt-rhome be it ever so small is the most highly prized by the absent one We are indebted to the Z. C. M. 1 Clark, Eldridgj & Co., Spencer Clawson & Co., The Utah Bcok & Stationery Co , aud C. K. Savage for toys, candy and articles ofclothiug WILL MAKE THE DEAF HEAR. Stars and Stripes for the Schools. hyitkiiii: vrs with tin: riio m;kaiii i;io nrw jittes. The You. Hi's Companion ha holding negotiations with the Patriotic Order SorM of America in Sit Like City, and the result is that they havi sent twenty-liv- e Hags to be pr. si'nti d by the Ordir to the public schools of the city as a Christmas gif. These iligs have been accepted by the Board of Education of the city, and the Hags will be pnseuted at a meeting to beheld in tht1 largest hall which can e procured in the city, and all are invited. The ablest men of t h city will deliver sliort addresses to the children, the exercises in g neral will be impressive, and the event cue long to be remembered. Ex. hi-e- :0: Indianapolis, Dispatch San Dec. Ill Francisco Tribune (Chronicle Johnstn of the Deaf and Dumb Institute has been Seiie.. Sut-eriiitt-ndrn- t with the phonomakisig experimen-graph, ai;d belives tbat in connection with it he can teach a majority of the deaf mutes uuder his charge to talk. He rinds that the instrument concentrates sound at the drum of tht t ar iu such a way thai many pupils, otherwise deaf, are enabled to heai. He intends to cany his experiment? further, and thinks the phonograph of teaching the m iy become tb ust of h ir voices to from rauteswhoat inability to speak is due to the faci that they nave never hiard speecn, He tried ttie phonograph with twenty-sevt- n girls. 01 boys and twenty-nin- e these, only three girl.s were unable to hear anything. Tweu y boys and girls could hear instrumental music, while eleven boys aud lifteen girls could distinguish spoken words. Of llfty-sirm-an- I ! Articulation Jlatlc llusy. Adult Deaf Mutes taught to speak perfectly. The voice made low and tmoothe, by cultivation. A perfect articulation guaranteed. All defects in speeeh removed. Instruction given privately or in classes. Send fer circulars. Mrs. C. E. Lounbury, x, iil.'l whose beat ing was tested by placing the ph( nograph tubes in tht ir ears, twenty-eigh- t could hear best with the 5th Ave. N. Y. City. UK FISIvKNCKS. Ji ft ear and fourteen with the right, I consider Mrs. Lounsbuiy one of while eleven heard alike in ootii ears. the best teachers of Articulation, We hope that riupt, Johnson to be found in this country. will continue his experiments and Dr. I. Ij. Peet. Prin. N. Y. Inst. if the phonograph can be used to I take pleasure in recomending advantage in teaching the deaf that Mrs. Lounsburyj as an experienced for distribution. Without their gen- it will he demonstrated. and successful teacher of ArticulaFor our part, however we believe erosity the things on Saut i Claus sleds tion and would not have gone around. that identically the same experRev. Dr. Gallaudet. The following children received imental results can he seemed by No. 0 West ISth St. packages from home, fitter by mail or the use of Currier's tube as with X. Y. City. express or delivered in person. the phonograph. And we doubt John Clark, Liobie DeLong, Mamie very much if the phonograph could Young, Emma Lambert, Lyman Pro be put to practical use in the school I bert, Lena Frandsen. Joe Kteley, John s lip-readin- g. McMills, Koy Donelson, Aks-- Amund- room sen, Leo Hawkins, ():e Pettit, Pearl Ault, John Ileiuer, David Ileiuer and without great expense. The Desekkt E.ulk consists of Carl Kuudsen. four pages of cover aud four pages The day before Christnns the little of "Eagle." The Silent Hoosier. folks wroti letters to Santa Clau?. We print one of them just as written The new postal card will soon be Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. iU, 1801. ready for distribution, and the old I)ar Sauta Claus: I am well. I iove you. familiar card will soon be a thing of the I want you to come tonight. I want past. The new cards are to be in two to see your reindeers. I want nuts. sizes, one larger than the present card, I want a doll. I want candy. I want for business purposes, and the other orange. I want a sled. I want a smaller and liner in quality. The latter ribbon. I am eleven years old. I am will find favor with the ladies no doubt. a good girl. I like reindeers. I want The price of either will be the same. Mamie Young. Ex. to ride with yo a. mm 7 IS THE BEST. CHICAGO r. Louis BoSTOMMtt. ' FOR S A LE JOHN SFrNC'0 ftLUs-ft- i DA.YNES, SALT LAKE Oil ?. |