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Show THE 9ESERETTAGLE; 2 many children and so he drew in thr e the and been graduates past long THE DESERET EAGLE sleds loaded down with all sort of of the today have an things.. There were dolls for the little hand UTAH. and mind of LAKIM1TV, both SAIr education girls, picture books and tos for the J AX T A 15 V I. IS1K. to achieve them enables which little boys, autograph albums, ?kates, of avenues various in success ', the DUKINU I'lTUMMIIKI) sluls, pocket l ooks, neckties, hnd many other things. life. HK SCHOOL YE Al! Old Santa distributed the things as For ncIiooI year In udnnee H 50 It is an old saying that one must fast as he could for he had many other Advertising1 rales inuIe known on tvisit and his reindeers were go away from home to ham the children applicationK-hools- HKMl-MONTII- hand-kerchiefs- LY 1 - - impatient to be off Before leaving he Tht? object of this paper is to teach The Kansas - tar of Dec. 10th, said if we were all good children le would come again next v.jar. the art of printing to the pupils has the following The candy, pop com bulls, nuts and in tlut Utah Kcho d for the Deaf. lied MiOW fell in Silt Lake City oranuts from the tree were distribuAtirt.'ss all communications and iiceutly. ted, anil tliii) the chairs were arranged seen this we have snow to All the subscriptions and a social lime enjoyed by all. the of been THK DKSKUr KACSIjK, has legubtion year NOTKS. Lake Utah. SAlt i'itw c.dor. new. lliitfrctl :i ilu: post olliin; iu Salt Lake city as Hfooml class matter. A Mi W. I-'- .11 1 14 A M QRBMTMAM, IJMTOit. HOW I before our i Who received the mo.--t presents? Hoy received a pair of ruhtjr boots. Santa Clans gaw Julia Collett a nice ext issue .oes to WE CELEBRATED I! pses the Tentorial legislature will IT. shawl. II II The candy in the stockings w is from Christinas comes but once year, cheer. It it when it cornea it bri- t's he in session. This Legislature will have to puss upon several questions of great importance to (he future welftue of i his school. For that reason we would like every legislator to oeeome peison-ull- y familiar with our work. Schools for the Deaf are among Keeie)s - Christmas Eve, when the chi'dren nuiched iuto our biiliiantly lighted chapbl and saw the beautiful iree prepared for them their happy faces spoke more ekqufntly than words could have done, the joy of their hearts. A stun literary pr gramme had burn the most important of state char-- i prepared b? cur teachers and was able Institutions. The number carried out as follows A Christinas Song of deaf increases steadily with the Here We Coin.With Living Hearts, i 1 Mamie Young was picas d with her doll's dress'. Santa Claus' pockets were lull of g od things. Mamie Young got a sled as did also Albert Flake. S- veral of the pupils received autograph albums. Every one said our trie was very beautifully trimmed. Leo Hawkins and Aksel Amundsen - Census Bulletin Mamie Young, Kuth Carter, Ada each rectived a by pair of skates. issued the gives number, of I). vis, Pearl Ault, Elgin Jacobson, Joe just deaf in the public schools of the Keel-y- , John McMills, John Clark, 0!e Libbie DeLong made some bau'iful paper lloweis lor Mrs. Metcalf. United States by decadis begin- Petti t and Elmo Knip, under the Four of the giils and Miss S 111 r of Miss Zorbaugh. ning with 1810 as follows: were dressed all alike in wlil'c. 2 S rg. 501. 1840 to i819 Julii Collett, Amelia Comer, John and David Heiuer received by sua. 1850 to 1859 Lihhie i) Long, Amy Devine and Miss nice warm over-shirand mittens. I8(i) to 1800 1,5W. population. A M ts 1870 to 1870 , 159. 1880 to 1880 5,910. In 1889 there were according to this Bulletin 0,590 pupils in 4,'i public schools for the deaf, besides Stillier. 3 Recitation. Christinas is coming. Elmo Kemp. by 4. Song lizzie Wood, Amelia Comer, i.y Libhie D 'Iodit, Amy Devine, Andrew Madsen, Joseph Olorensbaw, Earl Moore and Aksel Amundsen Jul by Miss Zoroaugh. pupils in 11 private school. In 1S90, according to the American Annals there were 0! publicschools for the deaf iiicludiug the National 5. Kecitatbn College, with an enrollment of Two Little Boys and Two Little Sleds Libbie DeLorg. 8,57- -, and 14 denominational and by private schools had an enrollment The candles on the Christmas tree of 329 making the tatol number in were now lighted as it was ex:i70 school S,901. years ago when the first school for the deaf was established the instruction given was largely experimental but that stage has 75 pected old Santa Claus would arrive at any moment. Just as the last candle was lighted there was a great noise at the door and in came the old fellow with his arms full of tfolls. But, that was not enough for so Santa Claus said he would come again next year if the bos and girls were good. The boys showed great ingenuity in making tos f.r the girls. They created much fun. nest Lena Frandsen reveived the present. A line piush coat trimmed with fur. A gift from her father. The visitors enjoyed the songs and recitations so much that several of tht in were repeated at their request. Wonder if the girls forgot that Christmas was coming aud that was the reason the boys weie not riinun bered by them. Among our visitors were Mr. Gn Mr. Hawkins and his daughters, Mr. 11 gi IContiniud on fourth page. |