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Show (4 B 4v - During Uic School Tear. of the Utah ehool for the. paaf. Interests io the pcvokd Published Semi-Monthl- y THE TERRITORIAL UINIV ERS AD"rPARTMFNf6F 'theTONIVERSITY ITY OF UTAH OF DESERET. Raffia I I AS 11 D Miilipiiifc Qcnrses in Liberal Kris, eneral geienee, Letters. C0UR)Ui pifSING Jl and pnViLURGY. of inz ka? of UU. I J Inelades ghe hoarse of gtady ail the Common Branehes. AND .Jl PREPARATORY C'JlKSt. L'P REAniN CLASPS INDUSTRIAL Tor l'urtliwr IN For Partii'iilais, Fr'nk ADD" EES DRAWING. prc::ocnt. m .an V. field i;0EM.KING, ftWING, Architecture, Infonnation, APPLY TO 1 MEE1I;NICAL Sou: "special classes is .articulation BUSINESS Yocal Muic, Dravin6 Pai tjlli h'.v I 0 RML COURSE FOR , i - A AND i;ci:sr.v'oi,K. PRINCIPAL. |