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Show WALKER BROS. : : FYLER CO & The Largest and the Leading- it ZD - Dry Goods House in the West. fro! HJaS See their new building. ' Tis the best lighted and most magnificently fitted building in the Territory of Utah. Go to them for Carpets, Clothing, Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes and Notions. F. AUERBACH & BB,0. THE RI0; Grande: Standard Gauge Western, w -- RAILWAY! ..THROUGH THE. LEAD IN-- Dfr GOODS AflD WER. DIES' L tits vl ' 2- ROCKY MOUNTAINS! Men's Furnishing Goods. Choice of Three Distinct Routes, AND MOST MAGNIFICENT INLriST VM-- I THE RAILROAD SCENERY I IN THE WORLD. ItUAlAilMJUJ Xrf?t!j.rrrr c iilHSlKi MM ' if Hi ?S0S.- - i a "Sai oji:j cot-'- -- Two Fast Express Trains Daily 5 hTVTrTiTVYTV ViU I EACH WAY BETWEEN OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. fI LI 1 I wvvajt.iai-i-HI L PWWW. grI L 1 Si lit II II ri ill ! i rl IWI m m ae oi: e . m BH"" ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR CARS! e of Charge. ai Iat ftl i ft s W-- 7- iniauiurt i'j tii w I ft 1 f a -- s1 1 a Direct Connections made in Union Depots. TEE MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RAILWAY IN THE WEST. D. 0. DODGE, A.E.WELBY, OtmU Mgr. ttsa J. H. BENNETT, ti. F. k F. A. Snpt. AND ALL Snug little fortune! have been made 1 work fur us, by Anna Page, Austin, lexas, and J no. lionn, loieao, unio. See cut. Others are doing as well. vny iot you? Some firn over 500.00 a FEZZBm moiitli. You cm do the work and live at home, wherever you are. Even be ginner are easily earning; from fa to 10 day. All agrea. We show you bow and start you. Can work In spare time or all the time. Wg money for workers. Failure unknown anions; them. NKW and wonderful. Particulars free. Fine Fancy SJiTISf ACTIO1 GUARANTEED. 1 IN MIND i )Jlibglerj & $on5 J .Vr'".' PRICES FjEASOBLE JHD teuchnny fairly iutellis;ent personand win sex, who can read and write, after Instruction, will work industriously U fiIIUVv ... T m. TliiiHia.ll llMllkni ft ftw ' W . I will . ... . w fnrnilh fuat. ii iiiirii nw ii iifi n lilies ...i. .....a.:..... I.VJ lie. amount. earn ran that which or the situation employ mcnt,at you No money for me unless successful as above. Easily and quickly learned. I desire but one worker f rom each district or county. I nave aireaay tauiriic ana proviaea wun empioyiiirnii number, who are niakins; over $3000 a year each. It's Jfc 1.1V and NO I.I II. Full particulars FIC 12 H. Address at once, 1 1 tKk and Jifjittiiuj a Sfh'riuHjj. . I n Fur Cleanhifu Ui'itiritnj 1 1 J""J 04 AND MADE TO ORDER H.JIulIetUts ?o.vliox 801rtlanlfUalue a VFAK! undertake toofnriri. eiiln mm KINDS OF tt Exclusive Practical M-SHS- me 7. THE Fmmn ' UTA.fi, 220 Main Gas and Steam YXw 135 E. Second South Street. SANITARY PLUMBING. C-Teiepiu- BY t. E 1 1 1 |