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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 11 t! I! 18 9 2 IIA1TV NEW I! i HSfint yeak: Grove. Christmat, Oh, im how thoroughly has gone. joyed, Mr. Drives says that this is his tirst Christinas abroad. Th.3 thermometer said "Kim" Cl;iisima raornirg. Julia CoIIett went home with Amelia Comer to enjoy vacation week. One pupil got 1 per cent in he examination of Sunday School work. Fine sleijhing now. Consequently i very sleigh in town is in constant use. Mr R jvno!ds went home on the even ing of the 2411. He missed our Santa Chi us. Mr. Drinirs and Mr. Reynolds attend- ed the burial services of Gen. Connor t Fort Douglass on the 20tb. To hear Miss Zorbaugh and Mr. Driggs talk one waulri infer that they did have a line time skating the other eve. We receivi d a pleasant call the. other d;iy from Andrew 0"s n, a former i il. He is v.orkirg at harness making now and came to the city to buy leather. His wife (also a fDTiner pupil) and baby are well On the evening ot Dec. lXtb, Mr. D'iggtooka spin l orae to attend a wedding reception of two of his old scboo'mates He had a sleigbride, a genuine supper, a jolly good fine, and u-p- r turned Saturday morning. The University (Cadets intended to turn out to Gt n. Connor's funeral, but owing to the stormy weather did not go. They preferred being called baby soldiers" to spoiling their new uui-foim- s. Since the bad weather set in tbeUni-versit- y Cadets have drilled but twice a and these dril s have taken place in the halls. They are taking up the manual of arms in the new tactics and by next Spring will be ready for a show off. Joseph and Jacob Beck, former pupils of this school, i.ut now of the California Institution are spendii g their Christmas vacation here with their parents and friends. Jacob called and had quite a chat with Ma old classmates on Dec. 21st. w-e- k, Earl Hcore ) Editors. the Kagle out on time. Joseph Libbie DcLcng ()lorenhaw especially as he came down from home to give hia Jacob Reck came to visit Institution. assistance. 1 GOOD BYE Mil. Karl Moon- - spends his vacation in 1' Pii p i Is Co TiUHJl The printing force deserve a vote of thanks for taking a day out of their vacation to get thi isssue of LOCAL GOSSIP. I! 27 has been a number of years since we have had as much snow at Christmas time as we have now. Last year we had no snow to speak of until the middle of January. The sleighing is excellent aid is being enjoyed by all foitunate enough to own, or be able to g'jt a sleigh. One of our girls, Kmma Lambert had the misforture to be born with six Trie extra lingers on each hand. lingers were not well formed and did not add to the apperarce of her hands they also greatly interfered with I tr school work, being in t! c way both in spelling and writing. After consultation with our physician, and the mo' hers concent having been obtained, it was decided to remore them, The operation was performed en the Kith. Dr. 'Wilcox being asaitt' d by Drs. R chards and Cantwell. Her ears were also malformed and wore operated on at the same time. From her hands and ears live peic.( s were removt d. The operatic lasttd ubout an hour and a quarter. Tne Doctors were assisted Zorbaugh and Ue Principal The bandages were removed on the 21st. One I aid was found perfectly healul andlheoshtr marly so. The siitches were removed and the bandages r placed In a dy or two the doc tor will ttm ve the baudsges entirely and she will lave the fiee use of her hands again. The doctor exptcts to remoro the stitchts liom her ears today when the result of that operation cau be ascertained. Kmma is very happy over her improved appearand . She. was more anxious than any one to have the operation performed, and showed no sign of fear when she went to the hospital and saw the doctors and the table covered with instruments. It. s by-Mis- The industrial bu Idirg.on the Insti tution grounds in this city is almost completed. It is Due story biirti with a basement and is about l.M1 feet Jong and .V) feet wide, built adjoining the engine house on ihe west. In it will he located the printing ollice, shoe shop. Olathe shop, and cabinet Herald. the John lleintr has a new suit and he is proud of it. Miss Zorbaugh's cousin a lady came to visit our school. Andrew Olsen came to visit our school the other day. Ezra Rollo and his mother went to Provo and stayed there for a few days. Some of the boys are making a la' ge sled. They like to slide in the winter. Robert Hicks the latest pupil is now inproving in the articulation depart- ment. Ruth Carter wanted to know how many times we must sleep before Xmas. Roy Donelsor seemed to enjoy staying in Miss Zorbaugh's school during his sickness. Ltman Probert returned from home where he was conllned on account ul sickness. Kmma Lambert bad her lingers cut a week ago Sunday and is now rapidly rt covering. Joseph Olorensbaw's brother came and told him that their mother wanted him to come home. Wednesday Mr. Reynolds visited the articulation department and Miss Zorbaugh read the examinations to him. The ground is covered with snow and merry sleighbells are ringing here It always there and .'very where. makes the heart glad to hear thtm. Many of the pupils have been sick lately and one of them went home. Several others staid out of school for a day or two while others were confined to ht d. Tuesday evening Pearl Ault had visitors. It was her mother and sister. She was tickled to see them and went and asked Mamie Young to dance with her. At the cute wight the folks laughed aloud. Libbie Tut s lay morning when DeLong was coming down stairs she though she heard some one singing, she stopped to lis'en. It truely was seme one singing he though and waited till it stopped and then went in the play room wondering who could be the owner of the voice and told her co in pan ions w h o k t e ni d w i t h s u r p r U t . 1 |