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Show 'Vs 80UTIIERN SALT LAKE COUNTY ENTERPRISE MURRAY. flow ! IS THE TT1VIE CUT RATE METHODS. The Ladles Aid Society of the M. Speaking of cut rate methods, (h.:rch gave a social on Friday prominent business man of the counAll is evering November 8th. A splendid ty made the remark that time was enjoyed by those who at graft in thU age trom the highest to the lowest." Vie are inclined to tended. think he spoke the words of wisdom The volunteer fire department gave especially In regard to the cut rate a banquet and ball in Eagles hall methods adopted by some stores. on Thursday night and a social You go into some clothing establishments and you will find suits marked time was enjoyed. down from $20 to $13.98 without any Ward conference was held in the reason for the reduction of $6.02. Murray First Ward chapel on Sun- The goods are newly laid in stock and high priced even at the cut rate. day. November 10th. Some druggists trill offer you a bar of toilet soap for The children of Mr. and Mrs. John Erekson and Mr. and Mrs. that cost ?.hem 19 cents without the costs George Lyons are sick with the freight and other overhead to infer the that added, leading you mump?. rest of their goods are sold at Murray went Republican by a vote equal reduction In price, which Is not of 279. The Socialists were a close the esse, for you will find that you are paying sometimes double price second by a vote of 265. on an article, which helps to pay the Miss Ray Atwood, bookkeeper for rent and make up the loss on the J. Bourgard at Bingham, spent Sun- cut rate article besides giving a day at home returning to Bingham good profit. Cut rate stands for graft, on Monday. you pay the low price for an article you are familiar with, and a high The Progress company have their price for the one you are not posted lickspittles working over time to on. You certainly could not exthrow every possible odium on the pect that the storekeeper, pays high and rents, clerk hire, and all overhead Murray (Sty Commissioners other officials, but it Is to laugh" expenses on his profit of one cent at their futile abortive ttempts. Which Is better, cm a bar of aoap. 4 a fair price on every article you buy, MURRAY BOND ISSUE ILLEGAL. or a short price for one and a long SAYS DAVIS. price for another? Be not deluded by the bait of cut rate prices, but Murray, Nov. 8. The filing of a patronize the atores where square ult- In the- district , court at Salt dealing Is the rule, not the excptlon Lake today by A F. Davis to have and no cut rate Is offered except in the municipal electric plant bond the case of bankrupt stock, shelf Issue declared null and void has re- worn gwds and goods that a merMs opened a squabble that was con- chant desires to clear from sidered settled beyond dispute. Davis stock even at less than the coat clearcharges that the commissioners in Some houses have ordering the election published a ance sales to get rid of auch goods resolution In the form of a pamph- and the odds and ends that aclet in which false statements were cumulate during the season. Some made. On the other hand J. W. Mc- Salt Lake druggists make the ext Henry, president of the Commercial (use for rate cutting that tourists club, declares the election legal and fim the east look for it, as they are the suit a scheme to prevent the used to low prices at home." They city from selling its bonds. get the low rate all right and pay The fact that Davis Is connected high for some Juek, marked down by marriage with a member of the at half price of dependable goods firm of Miller, Cahoon A Co., who Purchase your wares at dependable are Interested In the Progress com- stores, such as advertise In the now supplying COUNTY pany, the concern ENTERPRISE, and you will to residents, not go amiss. Wise readers of our and Murray power light adds interest to the situation. paper read the advertisements care Davis 4n his suit says the com- fully and are posted on prices and missioners claimed to have a power quality before they reach the store site, rights of way for pole lines, to make their purchases. pipe lines and water rights in Little o These stateCottonwood canyon. REMOVAL OF OFFICE. ments Davis declares as untrue. Had It not been for such representations, We have for seven years maintained according to Davis, the bond Issue one office In Salt Lake, but since the would never have been authorized. people of Southern Salt Lake county As another cause for action, Davis have given us the proper encouragealleges that at the time the com- ment to labor In this field, we demission form of government was put cided to locate our residence in the Into effect and the mayor and com- central town of the Sounthern end of missioners elected, the city was not the county. Our editorial rooms and a city of the second class, because residence Is In Midvale and our busiIt did not have the 5000 population ness office for the County Enterprise required by law. lienee. It is charg- will remain in Sandy. We shall be ed, that the mayor and commissionall parts of the county more fre- ers were illegally elected and their f than heretofore, and will be quently act In calling the bond election was- ever on the boost for you and yohr 13. To Lay In Winter Supplies Oldham, Powell & (jo, THE STORE SANITARY. IF YOU WANT REAL BARGAINS ON DRY GOODS, GOOD GROCERIES, MEATS, ETC., FROM A FIRST CLASS STORE, DONT FAIL TO STUDY THIS LIST, AS EVERY ARTICLE IS PRICED ' AT A SAVING TO YOU. 25-ce- 200 pef cept s, DRY GOODS GROCERIES 25c Maple Corn Flakes, 3 pks Ground Wheat gives full strength, best food for hogs, per 100 . . $1.60 Before buying your winter sup- A fine lhie of Ladies, Mens, Misses and Hoys Sweater Coats now in stock. plies get our prioes. We carry Spiced Flsb and line of Swedish Goods. Before purchasing; your Cotton Wool Blankets i ee our large Stock. a full FRESH MEATS Mens, Boys, Ladles dren'a Underwear. and Pork Tenderloin Shoulder Steak Chll- - 18c 15c 15c Beef Pot Roast Rib Bolling Beef New consignment of all kinds of Ribhonu. ; ; 12e Pumuo has not only all the cleansing qualities of the best toilet soaps, but removes grease, paint, oil, and other stains In a way which soap alone will not do. Price, 5c a cake. 15c Make our store your while In town. We guarantee everything we sell and will Refund Money to any one dissatisfied. Goods delivered to any part of the county free of extra charge. Our prices are right. See our announement each week. . ! ; ; ; Oldham, Powell & (q., to Phone Wasatch, 61- - The Royal Laundry EXPERT LAUNDERERS TIIE ONLY LAUNDRY IN UTAH USING SOFT STERELIZED, TRIPLE FILTERED WATER. We call and deliver. Why not have the best. EXPERIENCE 18 EXPENSIVE when you ride a wheel that needs repairing. Life and limb may be endangered, and when by a little foresight and small cost your wheel can be made as good as new if you bring It to Carlsons.' We will keep your wheel In good condition at a small outlay. If you have one that needs repairs bring It to uo. We also handle Automobiles and do general repairing. We have new and second hand Automobiles from $250.00 up. EMIL CARLSON, COWlWKl 47 So. State St., - MURRAY, - UTAH. invalid. locatity. President McHenry says the bond s Issue was authorized by We do all kinds of good printing has the that city of the citizens, and can place thereon the union label. water rights, and rights of way o are certain In some places though Home Patronize Industry. may be condemnation proceedings secure to others. Acroding necessary to Mr. McHenry the Progress comEmporium Grocery Co. pany has fought the bond issue from two-third- California The Ideal 8PLENDID TRAIN 8ERVICE ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED SLEEPERS PLAN YOUR WINTER OUTING NOW FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR8 CAR SERVICE EXCELLENT Tickets $4000 TO L08. ANGELE8 OUR 8ELUNQ NOV. DINING TRIP ROUND $40.00 DATES DEC. 21ST AND 23RD. 23RD AND 25TH. STOP OVERS LONG MAKE YOUR RESERVATION EARLY. ond Reservations, 169 SO. MAIN ST., Salt Lake City. T. H. MANDERFIELD, A. G. P. A T. C. PECK. G. P. A. Did you jVleet a ffiepd ON YOUR VACATION? x- - THEY WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU. WE HAVE ity Pbarroaoy REGISTERED DRUGGISTS. The New Strong Tungsten Lamp, The wire Tpye is strong. Its life is twice the number of hours of the life of the the start. (Herald-Republican- .) Liars and thieves, character and villains of the deepest dye will meet their Waterloo some day. The Progress company have every one of their employees, their Aunts, Cousins and every one connected by marriage or otherwise, pressed into service In their attempt to besmirch the honest intelligent officials of Murray and to create public sentiment against them In the matter of the bond question. There is a Reliability Is Our Success. Business Increased twenty per cent THERE 18 A during last month. REASON. 100 lbs. Sugar lamp. . It gives ed three times the light for each unit of electricity consumed. For a quarter of a cent' an hour you can get twenty r of the Get a few Wire Typo Tungstens today and try them. They sell now at forty cents. WINTER IS COMING, WATCH THAT COAL BIN. JENSEN KUHRE & Main St., Sandy, Utah. Phone Midvale 148. Bargains in Dress Shirts WE HAVE HAD RELAUNDERED ALL OF THE 8HIRTS SOILED IN OUR LATE FIRE AND THEY ARE AS GOOD AS NEW. DRESS 8HIRT8 FORMERLY 80LD FOR 75c, $1.25 AND $1.50 NOW SELLING FOR 25c, 50c AND 75c. ALL CANNED GOODS THAT WERE SOILED BY SMOKE, AT ONE THIRD REDUCTION. ALSO BY SMOKE a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, DRY GOODS and FRESH AND CURED MEAT;. Billy llaguley will have charge of the Meat Department and cordially invites his friends to call on him. Sapdy Copipiercial Co. J. P. JENSEN, JR., Manager. MAIN STREET, NEAR STATE, mimiiHH ' SANDY, UTAH. 1 1 1 1 1 In answering advertisements please COUNTY ENTERPRISE $1.00 a In saw COUNTY "I EN the it say: year. MIDVALE ADVANCE $1.00 a Flour St. Gr per sack TERPRJSE , H. sack year, both papers to any address for P., per Flour, St 00 $1.50 a year. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Wheat, per bushel 0 Brsn We recognize and work for organShorts ized labor. This paper carries the In loose Teas and Coffees we carry Union Label. only the very best. 3 lbs. high grade Coffee $1.00 50 1 lb. Sumatra Coffee 1 lb very best Arabian Coffee.. .60 $5.00 $1.10 $1.15 $1-4- $1-5- English Breakfast Tea lb. Mayflower Green Tea lb. Panfired Japan Tea lb. Ebgllsh Black Tea lb. Gunpowder Tea lb. Spider Leg Tea 1 lb. reason. 1 minky Joe and Faker Felt are having a hard time of It these days to hold down their Jobs It must he awful to be a lickspittle. 1 1 1 1 0 WNI. POW 60 The Old Reliable 60 .50 571 South Main Street, 25 60 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 60 Hats of all kinds cleaned, trimmed and blocked. SPECIAL TEA AND COFFEE PREMIUMS A 25 cent Coupon given with each The Emporium price list in another should be read carefully by $1.00 purchase' and a 10 cent Coueconomic buyer. pon given with each 50 cent purevery chase Coupons good for choice of any ACME BOOT AND SHOEMAKER Hare your picture taken In that article In our Crockery Department. 116 So. State SL, Murray. $ .25 new suit of clothes Mrs Julia Ilower 8 boxes Matches Repairing neatly done. Cripple Work .10 Is the artistic photographer of the - 6 cent Sacks of Salt a specialty. 3b county and will be pleased to see you 1 lb. Luneta Coffee Cheapest Shop in Murray. 30 at her studio 16 So. State StreeL 1 lb. One Crown Coffee SIGN OF THE RED BOOT 9lepfi 3TlcfecTj column Murray, Utah. candle-powe- best artificial light discovered. 8- WRITING PAPER, PENS, INK AND POST CARDS. Tarray Weptinghouee Wife Type - semi-annu- al 112 EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. 106 For the same lighting bill better light, too. . PUMMO SOAP A full line of Obtton Bata and up. More Light (ADV.) 3 2 Calls Corn Cans Jam .23 .25 These prices are subject to The CL IL Banka Undertaking Com. pany will pay cash car fare to and change without notice. FOR CASH from their show rooms to those ONLY. Goods delivered to any part of Mur(ADV.) selecting caskets ray without extra charge. EMPORIUM GROCERY CO. In answering advertisements please 1 saw It In the COUNTY 126 8outh Stat" BL say: Utah Murray mtlst 17th So. & State Sts. (Over McMillans) MURRAY, UTAH Office Hours, 1 1. m. to I p. m. Phone, Murray 359-M- . The Smartest Women in Town patronize our store for all their little toilet niceties, stationery, etc. And among other thing they find here are those wonderful, economical producers of new life and coloring to ell fabrics, vizi Diamond Dyes tmfwIiVSiirtaa Ttacraaifark Capitol Pharmacy |