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Show CLOVER MIXTURE FOR SWINE Dra. ROBERTSON & Combination of Alalke With Either Common Red or Mammoth Gives Goed Results. PETERSON a Physicians and Surgeons 302 East Main Hours, 9 to 10 a. m., 7 to 8 p. m. St, 8 ANDY, Utah 12:30 to 2:30 and Phone 5-- DR. K. M. CHRISTENSEN DENTIST e 722 none, Wasatch A HOG Kearna Building, 474. gait Lake Ctgi HOUSE IS INEXPENSIVE Plan Given for Building That May Be Made Any Blxe Desired Foundation of Concrete. PERFECT BATHROOM A convenient hog house that la not la essential In every home where run to build Is shown by the expensive nlng water la obtainable. Obtain out two plane. It le 16x20 feet in else, estimate cm but can be made either larger or PLUMBING WORK You will And It surprisingly low when quality of work and materlali used are considered. No Job Is tos Small or too big for us. FRED ALEXANDER, Sandy R. D. No. 1, Box 15. Bast Bide State Road, 4th Houm South of O. S. L. Crossing. Phone, 126 . III jyiiLLieY 142 So. State Street, 0ngoKffi WILBUR P..NESP1T AS II IS IOM FRILLS good-size- had a little lamb: Perhaps every farmer has occasion Mary Its fleece was aa mow to load some animal Into a wagon and The drcumatanceawhite were not quite this them by for were FOR RELIABLE AND CHEAP of What many prepare long ago. they building a stock chute. Frequently Then was a poor young maid Mary these chutes are built aa a permanent lambs were very cheap feed the with In connection fixture (Since then you know how meat haa til lots, but they are often made so that By speedy bound and leap). SEE they can he transported from one The olden went to school JENNINGS INSURANCE CO. part of the farm to another. When a And took Mary the lamb State Agents, Tribune Building, chute of thla kind la built heavy and For lambs those daysalong. were only Salt Lake Ctly bought them for a song. strong enough to support the weight WM. AYLETT, Resident Agent, of a mature bog or a large calf It modern Mary viewed her lamb becomes a clumsy thing to move. Mr. T4y Phone 216-MIDVALE, Uta Vueh as a bank account; R. J. Llnscott; owner of the Rosalphs y'te knew It would be valued 'at Floor Plan of Hog House. Jerseys at Holton, Kail, baa solved A very large amount. PHONES 5235 RES. HY. 973-this problem of Inconvenience In a she had tha little lamb placed two lnchea of concrete. The very easy way. The wheels and axle Because WASATCH 3835 Elia waa a famous girl; trough' la built of cement and la used In making his stock chute are The other ladles followed her twelve lnchea wide by six lnchea In hat and dress and curL high. The partitions are four feet The papers pictured her each day CLEANING AND DYEING high. The houae la ten feet high at And rather wildly miensed FRENCH DRY CLEANING the ridge, eight feet' in front end six At what might ha the total worth Of tha lamb aha possessed. feet four Inches at the rear. If made 851 SOUTH STATE ST. SALT LAKE CTIY twenty feet wide, it would be five feet She sold the lamb as chops and aueh. high at the rear. Then bought a railroad line, With 'insurance M pete-Th- ey W. G Waldorf LAKE CLEANING and DYEING CO. Will call every Wednesday. A country place, a city house, And Jewels fair and fine. Phone 37 P. O. Box 336 KEEPING EWES FLEECE DRY Protection pf Breeding Animal From 8now le Important Should Bo All kinds Given Exercise. Potted Plants (By PROF. THOMAS SHAW.) The protection of breeding ewee from falling snow la Important, esla It Important when It falls pecially FLORIST In the form of rain. Winter rains and CUT FLOWERS AND FUNERAL also sleet are always cold. If sheep DESIGNS. of the open wooled breed are long In connection with exposed to these, they may do them Greenhouses d breeds, great harm. The I tore. harmed much a will he the Merinoa, 214 East 2nd South SL as the water cannot readily enSALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. leas, wool which they carry. The ter the Leave orders with S. M. Taylor A shelter provided up to the lambing Co, MIDVALE. season may be- - of the simplest 'kind, nrovidlng it will protect from storm nd wind. COME TO MY FOUNTAIN The aim should be to give breeding owes large liberty In the winter; if For la bare, or even partially, be ground ALL SOFT DRINKS t will do them good to give them I have a large reception parlot arge liberty. They will make excurswhere you can enjoy a lunch of Coffee ions Into the fields In search of Chocolate and all hot beverages rasa, and the exercise will do them Sandwiches and Lunch, Candles and nnch good. They eliould be allowed d o lie in a yard at night, Fruit. or house rr In shed the adjoining, as I sell bread, cakes, crackers anc .hey prefer. canned goods. Give me a call. The other necessary attentions inRooms by the day, week or montt dude Tegular feeding, supply of salt at the Marriott House. at all times accessible, an ample supL. L. RADDON, Proprietor ply of pure water and yards apart 101 West Main 8L Sandy, Utah Zrom those of hones and cattle. Walter W. P$ii)g close-woole- well-bedde- Results of Vaccination. The experiment station has of vacCO. received reports of the result cholera, Bl. TAYLOR cinating 224)00 hogs against .n herds Infected before vaccination 70 per cent of the hogs survived. In DIRECTORS. FUNERAL herds not infected before vaccination 99 per cent survived. This shows very LICENSED EMBALM ER3. clearly that the time to uae the cholMAIN ST. MIDVALE, UTAH era serum la before the disease bite the herd. The losses from swine disM. U. TATLOR, Manager. ease thin year promise to be much less Office phone 6. Rea. phone 259-- J than that, hnt there la a good deal of It scattered over the corn belt and Open Day and NlghL ill precautions should he taken. Serum la available now In nearly all states, and Important NYAL FAMILY REMEDIES. those who own hogs should take advantage of It For many years have malntainer a high standard of quality, which hai Longest-LiveHorace, admitted them to the confidence o An authority on horses says that the American people. the gray will live the longest and that The enviable position which the roans come next in order. Blacks, hold has been gained through meri' he asserts, seldom live to be over 20 10 or 15. No exaggerated, mislead In; and creams rarely exceed alone. le a matter of common observation It advertising has ever been counten. that grays and sorrels often live to a anced by the New York A Leadot useful old age. Aa to the alleged short terms of the other colon, there Drug On. Their wide use la the outcome e la room for discussion. good words. Inspired by the beneflcla results which they have produced. The Haltsrwlsa Colt The yourg horse should be halter-wlsThe formulaa of each are yours fm at one year old. Several weeks the asking. You may know exactl. before hitching or driving let him what is being taken or given to you In the stall with an old harness stand children. on. Let him know the harmlessnesa of every Jingling buckle or chafing of CAPITOL PHARMACY, flapping strap. Give him a bit, too, to play with and discover that It has Sandy, Utah. All trains and cars atop at the dooi come to stay. S. g awlne-producln- d e Apt: Stock Chute on Wheels. parte of old machinery found on ths farm, the wheels being taken from an old mower. The upper end of the chute la provided with two atroni iron hooka, which are sharpened so aa to engage the bottom of the wagon bed and prevent slipping 'after the animal starts upward. With such an arrangement there le no difficulty In building a chute of ample strength because the question of weight has relatively little Importance. The chute can he hooked on behind the wagon nnd hauled to any part of the farm. She went abroad and met a duke A duchess now la aha And Is restoring castles old, Aa happy as can ha. I No Time to 8hatter Dreams. Do you," asks the minister, prom lse to take this woman for your wife, to love, honor and obey her, and Arent you making a mistake, slrf I thought that falters the groom. part of the ceremony applied to the bride." "Just as you like, minister. However, agree to do what you anyway." But I do not think answered the It is better to will have to do it la custo VOh. Reverend Splicem," Interrupt! the bride, use the usual form. Thi Is too romantic an occasion for the It le a mistake to deprive a horse dispelling of fond Uluelone. of salt Large lumps of rock sail should always be kept In a box In a 8orrows of the Reformer. corner of the manger, where ths I reckon," mused Mr. Meddcrgrass horse can help himself. that about the most energetic reformer we ever had here waa old Bill Lice on Horaee. Duddlea. I remember oncet when he For lice on horses use a good tried to cure HI Milligan of smokin bj louse powder generously wherever him a Job drivln a lice appear, and blanket closely for glvln 12 to 15 hours. This kills most oi Did It cure him? asked Mr. Fa them. Repeat if necessary. doogua. "Blamed If I know. He stopped smokin right short, though. Y see I they never found nothin after th ex plosion but one wagon tire an a plect o Hi's vest Blinds on the nervous horse ere as Bummer Brags. fuel added to fire. "When women come home from the Have the ewes in good flesh con summer resorts, said the Observant dltlon at mating time. Oats should be made a part of ths Person, "they are always telling about how many wealthy men they rejected ration of the growing colt. Shoats are certainly an attractive I suppose It la on the same principle aa the men, who are continually proposition at public sales. Stick to the golden hoof and boasting about how many big fish got away from them. turn farm wastes into mutton. Perhaps, commented the Individ chill detrito la rain and Exposure ual with the Ingrown grouch, but mental to any ailing dumb animal. At this time of year conalderabla the men do not always fish for suckattention ahould be given to tha ers." mares. A windmill Is a necessity on every Literary Waitress. "Will yon have a cereal for your stock farm where there la not fresh breakfast T asks the waitress. running water. A serial? No, thank you," replies Good horaee and mutes were never higher In American history than they the witty guest 1 should prefer some short stories. are at the present time. The stables, which will soon he Whereupon she brought him some by the live stock, should bs lambs tails. made comfortable for them. The man who gets the coat of pro Understood. duction down to the minimum la ths I, sir," says the man with the unman who makes the money. interested face, came from an old A blanket of fat on a horse, like family. Its traditions and lta " charity, la a mantle that often serves Shake, old chap!" Interrupts the to cover a multitude of defects. other. I married Into one." Experienced usually shepherds make a practice of flushing out the ewee just before breeding time. A coat of whitewash on the Inside An Inexpensive Tribute. of the barn and other outbuildings We ought to do something for the will make them lighter and cleaner. How to feed and finish hoga for baseball team, began the citizen who market la a science, a knowledge of Is always taking up collections. Tha penurious citizen was quick to which la of great vaiue to hog raisers. respond. or disease Hog cholera, resembling I recommend that we assemble at It very closely, la reported breaking out In many different parts of tha the depot and give 'em three cheers, aa hie suggestion. country. Giving ths Horae 8aft. gasoline-wagon.- UVe STQCKj RULE PRETTY DANCING GOWN. With the coming of the cold weather and the advent of the velvets, furs, etc., there will be an Increase in the Importance of heavy lace, but for evening and house wear the fine laces d AALT TO Individual Ideas Likely to Govern Fashions to a Greater Degree Than for Many Seasons Lace end Chiffon. MURRAY, UTAH, Fire ARE SLIGHT DEPARTURE FROM THE PREVAILING STRAIGHT LINES., 6lde View of Hog Houae mailer, writes Bert Schaffer of in the Farm and Home. Michigan I t corn crib on one There la a side, then a three-foo- t feeding alley,, and three pens. It should STOCK CHUTE QUITE USEFUL be built on a concrete wall with the Ills placed six lnchea above the sur- Convenient Farm Implement Easily rounding surface, then fill in four Moved by Addition of Two DisInches with gravel, over which Is carded Mower Wheels. four-foo- FALL AND WINTER WEATHERS TO NEL) (By R. A mixture of slslke with either the common red or the mammoth clover will give more and better pasture than any one of them. The value of the pasture depends on the number of leaves rather than on the atoms. The per cent of the leaves le greater In alslke than In the medium and tha medium has a larger per cent of leaves than has the mammoth, when compared with the atom. This alalke is finer In stem, too, and renews leafy growth after eaten down better than do tha ranker elovera. It pays to sow about ten pounds of medium and five pounds of alalke to each acre. I have noticed that ahoata prefer alfalfa to any of these clovers. This suggest! that they would enjoy a mixture of clover including alfalfa. As it la leu hardy at the start It might ha well to defer sowing the alfalfa until the season of savers frost has passed. Once established, alfalfa will endure as much hardship as any of the clovers named, yet none of them will endure grazing when frozen or even when covered with frost A little care to keep frost off until the .frost has disappeared will prolong the usefulness of the clover pasture. Delay In turning on In the spring until May will be profitable. " will be In demand, and everything aeema to point to a season of frills and flufflnesa, though women are not likely to get as far away from the straight lines as some of the forecasters would have people believe The eighteenth century modes are gaining ground, but there Is no hard and fast rule about periods nowadays and women can wear pretty much what Is most becoming and pleases them most if they are able to find the answers to those two problems. If frills and flounces are becoming and suit a woman's style, then the fine laces are the thing, and even where one doea not go In for that aort of thing the fine laces are available for the most clinging of draperies and the most simple and severe of lines, says a New York Bun writer. Chantilly, both black anda white; Alencon, Mechlin, point de'Angleterre all the filmy laces that are grouped under the head of French laces or "fancies are used In a multitude of waya. Sometimes a wide panel of lace, plain or draped, starts between the shoulder blades and la allowed to fall free over the skirt or la draped to the skirt The lace may atari higher, at the shoulder seams, or It may begin on the front of the bodice, be drawn over the shoulders and down in a V to the waist line in the back and then form a drapery or scarf ends over the hack of the skirt. There are many effective coat tall arrangements of lace In thla last class, the lace perhaps forming a flcliu d) apery on the front of the bodies or merely making a wide collar over the shoulders and then descending to form the little coat tails In the back. Wing sleeves of fine lace have been revived and are seen not only on robes dlnterleure, but on dinner and evening gowns. Many of the smartest dinner and formal evening frocks have their bodices entirely of fine lace and tulle or chiffon, while the draped skirts are of satin or other heavier material. Peplum details are often introduced with a bodice or blouse of lace and panels or tunic draperies of lace continuing the lace trimmings of a bodice are handled In every conceivable way. Ouivrlzht, ky Uadfrwood a UadaiwMd; N. 1. Of pink Charmeuse with a tunic of pink tulle to match. The high cut on the shoulder and low front Is this seasons attractive style for low neck. quislte shades In which they are tot be had. There Is scarcely one of the subtle new shades fashionable thla season which may not be matched in these purses. They come In Manhattan red, mauve, deep violet, crushed strawberry, Hudson green, Blerlot blue and a boat of other lovely shades. The purse Is fastened with an ornament In enamel to match the color of the leather. Shine on Black Cloth. There are several methods used for removing shine on black ninth, but the best one Is to tike a piece of new black crinoline and wet It, then' lay over the shiny spot This should be covered with a dry cloth and then pressed with a very hot iron. If tha iron is hot enough It will make adhere to the aerge. You must pull the former away quickly as you would a plaster, and this will raise the nap of the serge so that' It looks dull again. The shine is created by the nap being pressed down serflat;. so it will be seen the usual plan of rubbing with a liquid Is only a temporary remedy. It removes the glosn. but the nap Is still Battened. For silks and other smooth fabric cold tea Is good for shiny patches., and some people sponge with deep blue water, using the ordinary blu e I Reindeer Purses. Made of reindeer skin are many of the new purses shown In one of the leather goods shops. The purees have the hand strap and are lined with moire. Inside there Is a tiny change purse, a powder case and a handkerchief pocket The particularly attractive feature of these purses, says the New York JHerald, la the variety of ex- - bag. GIRL threaded beading edged with lace frills finishes the sleeves. Materials required: 4ft yards 4t Garments May Be Made at Home Inches wide, 1ft yard heading, 2 Much Cheaper Than They Can about 2 yards Insertion, ft, Be Purchased. yard narrow lace, 1 yard wide lace. The Camisole and Combinations These patterns may be made up In are very simple as to trimming, threw cambric, or fine longcloth. The nightdress has an Empire tucks are made each aide front. Inbodice composed of tucked material sertion and lace edging both neck and Insertion front and hack, the full and armholes. The legs of the Combinations Into beading, to which are attached deep frills that are edged" with lace and two tucka above thm UNDERLINEN FOR YOUNG yards-ribbon- , lace. Materials required for the eamW sole: ft yard 40 Inches wide, 2Tfc yards Insertion, 2ft yards lace. For the combinations: 2ft yards 40 lnchea wide, S yards Insertion, 5 yards laces. Luxurlous Coat Collar. Decidedly elaborate and novel, la a coat collar consisting of a wide rear portion of Irish point, point da Yenfca or an ecclesiastical lace cut to form a deep center V end two side points which later fall from the tops of half way down to the elbows. These points show only from The front of the nnlqua the back. cost collar la a plastron of finest linen edged with a plaited vide frill of linen, lace bordered. Anjr home needle-womacan make one of these coat collars and shell find It m convenience when It la necessary add a few dressy touches to tha tailor-mad-e crash or thin serge of somber hue. s n ta Imitation fun are taking the plaea fiwer part being Joined on by a wide beading, through which ribbon la of the expensive peltry. These fui threaded; the neck la outlined with cloths form little veeto, euffs and cok tosertlon edged with lace. Ribbon lara on Jackets. |