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Show in hla forehead. Then It waa plain that a robbery had been committed. X reached the store early In tha morning, shortly after tha arrival of tho heads of departments. I saw at a glance that it was a case of burglary, and by a gang of tha most expert and daring men In the business. While th clerke were figuring up to find how many thoueanda of dollars worth had been taken I made a tour of tha store to find out. If possible, how entrance had been gained. I went .first to tho cellnr end had not got very far until I saw something that gave ma a atari. Two feet were sticking out .born between some pecking boxes that stood directly on an opbn hatchway leading to th first floor. I pushed aside th boxes and found the body of a man lying In n pool of blood. 1 felt hie pulse. It was still beating very faintly, but I could see that he was In a critical condition. Hd was wearing a watchmans uniform. Tet w had found tbe watchman upstairs Z called some of tho clerks. With ons breath they declared It was the watchman. Then who was tha man wo had sent to th hospital with a broken head? W carried the man upstairs. Several more of the clerke took a look at him and were unanimous In dedsr lng that this certainly waa tha watchman. There was a letter In the pocket of hla blouse addressed to tba watchman at Hoboken. I did not know what to believe. One of the two men waa tha watchman, hut which I was unable to aay. Hla wife had been sent for and waa oa tha way. Shs would ba able to settle It beyond BY THE WORK G0VERNMEN1 a General Nature, Such as Uniform Extension of Accurate Geodetic Control Paints. PUBLISHER "Irrigation In Texas Implies more than tha watering of arid landa." said Governor Colquitt of that state, In an address before the National Irrigation congress, held at Salt Lake. "It Implies tha watering of wet lands," added the governor, and the subseWiUOutMAlway8 Holds Good." By HENRY C TERRY quent unwaterlng of both arid and wet lands by mesne of drainage. feature of Irrigation, This (CaorrisM hr V. L. K.lioa aald tha governor, was demonstrated In th practice of rice Irrigation In tha (TRANCE CASS or MISTAKEN With Sam standing there at my side I coastal prairies, where the average had to rub my eyes to believe that IDENTITY. rainfall ranges from SO to 46 Inches wasnt him on th other side of the HAVE often bom asked tt big plate glass. I kidded him along annually; and where, by means of of- by saying: Irrigation, tho state of Texas proproteooloBnl criminal of the rice duces more than There no watchman In there. fer from tha lashings of grown in the United Statesconscience. I bar no boob Bam. Thats Just your reflection In The legislature of Texas," said fatten In replying that many th glaea. the governor, Is having a survey of them, porbapa a major, if it wasn't for tha uni By made of all tho swamp and overflowed form hee got rd be wining to believe ity, d& At least, If It la not lands In the state, with the view of It la tba admission, after tb it myself, he said. reclaiming them by this elaborate sysWith that wa hikes right back to mporiorco of a lifetime of crime, tem of drainage. Ibat crane la futile, that It bringa no Billy tbe Bites and frames up tbe Job. Undoubtedly the burden of doing mental aatlafactlon to tba criminal This la tb way It worked out the detailed and special part of tha and that the way of boneaty are to First w pulled In Ed Kelly, Pet surveying will always fall upon tha be preferred. It la, perhaps, that form Hall and Billy Myer, all men w could states," remarked the governor, hut f regret over a mlaapent life that la trust W put a plant onto th store much of a general nature at least akin to remorse. and got every movement down eo fin should he dona by the federal govI bare met with. on glaring excep- that If tha proprietors had been willernment, such. In part, for example, tion to tbi rule; on thief irbo bold- ing to step out and turn It over to ne as the uniform extension of aocurate Bom of defended bla thieverywo could hav run It without a hitch. ly geodetic control points, and precise bla argument a will be recognised as We found that a very heavy trucking level benchmark!, over areas where tb well worn platltudee of tb Marx-la- n business left tb store In tha early no basis measurements now exist, and of them are hours of th morning In order to get aodallat Bom where the regular preliminary topounique. I giro them for what they shipments out of the way before the graphic mapping by the federal no value are worth, not much for any streets wers blocked wltb traffic. bureaus may he definitely postponed; that I may think they poeeeie, aa beevFete Han, who stood In with of the the measuring In second-fee- t came the etory of Tom Lynch in- ery fence In town, then got about a doubt flood volumes In streams and rivers, volves tb telling of tb etory of on do sen trucks eh When at arrived store the shs so that they together of the most pnszllng cases of mista- could ba used at any time on calL My gave one look at the body of the man 1 aa well as the mlnmum flow, with more extensive and uniform record of met over ken, or rather, dual Identity part of tb early work waa to go over had found in the cellar, shrieked, the climate features governing them; the Metropolitan police. on threw herself by the body and fainted to th east aids and hlra a bouse on Ton often hear tha bramldlo remark Madlaon street that could bo used for dead away. That settled It This was and the more yetematlc collection of e 'that It la strange among all the per- storage purposes. We then started the watchman himself. To make 11 data, and continuous hearing of of the underground water supply sons that nature over has fashioned th trucks to running back and forth doubly sure, ee soon as she had reahe never makee two who are exactly In tha neighborhood of th Madlaon covered sufficiently to talk, I asked in areas where such Information la alike. Well In the BertlUon Bureau street place. Each truck curled a her If there were any marks upon tbs vitaL An interesting report of conditions of th city of New Tork today hang, load of packing eases which were body of her husband by which hi In the state of Washington waa made two photographs. Th casual observer dummies. My partners did th truck- could he positively Identified. She EL Hay. would say that both the facet were ing and handled the canes. It soon be- piled that her husband, who had been to the congress by Gov M. area In He the stated that Irrigated made from the same photographic came thoroughly established In the In the navy, had the picture of a full hie state embraced 400,000 acres but of about man a thirty neighborhood that we were doing a young plate, ship tattooed on his chest that as soon as projects now under years. They are photographs of two legitimate trucking and storage busiT quickly stripped off th man's construction are completed the irricriminals. different Stranger entirely ness. shirt No ship was them, Tha gated area will ha 800,000 scree adtill their BertlUon measurements, While this was going on I laid all bulance was at hand and, taking ' ditional regarded aa Infallible In identification, the plana for cracking the store. I wife, I went with it to the hospl; He estimated that the possible Irrigare exactly tha name. But Capt Fan-ro- fixed upon Monday morning as at that where the first man had been taken. able area In the state was over 8,000,-00the finger-prin- t expert, can dis- time In tb week they carried an unHe had tha ship In tha right place scree. This dose not Include the In their difference the fingertinguish heavy stock of shipments I was glad of It and the wife was western portion of the elate where usually lesat prints at a glance. That la at ready to go out. overjoyed, for the doctors said th heavy rainfalls obviate the necessity one case of dual Identity. Everything being In readiness, X real watchman was but slightly hurt of artificial Irrigation. Tom Lynchs story records another. the gang the tip to report at the while tha fellow I had found was Although lumber has been generally It goes bach before th days of finger- gave store with the teams at a quarter of certain to die. regarded aa the main source of the print Identification, which would have four on Monday morning. Wo had five waa then clear to me that the wealth of Washington, the governor It solved Instantly a mystery that pos- trucks ready but only one drove up man In tha cellar waa one of tbs made the astonishing statement that ited the police for days to the shipping door first I had learn- thieves who had fallen through ths It would not he long before the proed that tha truckmen were In th open hatchway. The plot waa then ducts of the Irrigated farms of the TOM LYNCHS STORY. habit of signalling tbe watchman by apparent Acting upon tho moat re state would rival In wealth the comtapping on thia door with an Iron bate markable resemblance between tbs bined returns of cereal fSrme and tha said Tom, book. I gave him th signal and the two men, the thieves had waylaid tba lumber Industry. Thieves, X suppose an aorta of notions aa to why minute he opened th door Sam Snyder real watchman, knocked him out and .nave The governor stated that the pub-li' substituted their own comrade In his service commission In his state they ateaL Few of them, perhaps, laid him out with another hook. wUl agree with me. I believe that a Ho lost no time in stripping the place, Even th policeman on the was keeping an eagle eye out for all man baa the right to tak unto him- watchman of hla uniform and getting beat who knew the watchman well fraudulent Irrigation projects and land self any property that may ba In the Into It himself. To get rid of 8am's had talked with hla prototype without grabbing schemes In the determinapossession of another, but which la clothes we slipped them onto tho un- scenting tbe deception. No blame was tion of preserving of tha lands for not being need by the owner at the conscious watchman. The whole gang attached to him when even the mans the home builders. time of the theft This draws the line gave a atari to see what looked like own wife was deceived. at picking a pocket I would not steal Sam himself, lying there stiJL My thread to ths solution of ths DEPTH FOR' IRRIGATION DITCH anything from anothers pocket But, We worked aa flat aa possible and mystery was now tb bogus watchIf I entered a man's house and there I doubt If five trucka ever were loaded man. I kept doao watch on him la Te Maks Soli Retain Moisture It Must found In a drawer a $100 which be so quickly. When we hud as much aa the hospitaL In a few days ho died. Be Kept Well Mulched Deep had taken from hla pocket I would not wa dared carry w drove off. Aa we I had It publicly announced In all tha Plowing Necessary. to on the theory that had at least an hour beforo ateal It hesitate that he would ba hurled In tha I had It waa property out of ua at tha Sam Snyder stay at tha store,ua,intend- papefe potter's field. But tha next day an unIf the soil la dry and hard and the time. ing to make a return trip with one dertaker appeared with a permit to water will not go Into it, the Irrigation If an the property In the world truck for soma velvets that I had my take th body. I let him have it, ditches must be made below the hard were equally divided and each person ay on. Wa dumped the stuff Into our but also got a strong pull on him and layer of soil It le necessary In many had hia share I would not be a thief. storage house and hustled back on had lnyielf appointed hla assistant of the orchards to make the ditches bo would bellev I do not there any one truck at lightning speed. Now I was In a position to team with a plow. Make them deep with thieves. . I went to the door and gave the who waa Interested In the body. It wide bottoms where the soli Is heavy Ton win understand me now when signal to Sam Snyder with the halo waa a woman. I put shadows on hei or made up of fine particles. In light X apeak of being proud of a certain book. I waited a long while and ha and soon found out that she was a aandy soil it Is not necessary to make piece of work In my line. Well of aU did not reply. I finally came to the Mias Snyder, who had a brother Sam the ditches so deep, the ordinary shal-Iqth tricks I have pulled off X am proud- conclusion that ba had seen some- who was something of a crook. Thai ditches are er of th robbery of a certain great thing auspicious and had mads off. waa enough for me. I soon had tha under such conditions, writes R.good E. New Tork wholesale house than any So we returned to our body fully Identified aa that of Sam Tremble of Wenatchee, Wash., in the reluctantly other, even If It did land ma for a Western Fanner. storage bouse, compelled to be satisen-year stretch. I am proud of it aa fied with the five loads. We put up Snyder. To make the soil retain moisture It Still was a I from llw the way long a work of art It waa aU of that and tha horsea and awaited the days debe kept well mulched, a dust must members of But the with ing plot would hav been a masterpiece but for velopments. I was greatly troubled mulch Is very good, but It must be Sam I was dead convinced Snyder that In the cogs that a In mind when, at the close of the Qie one little Blip tho thieves would do something for kept well worked and the mulch thief sever counts on, yet so often en- Sam Snyder had not put In hla day, ap- hla slater and only living relative. 1 should be three or four Inches deep. counters. pearance at tha warehouse Another great help In making the a close shadow on her. Soon I kept The Idea cam to me one day waa rewarded by finding that she was soil hold moisture Is to keep a good when I waa passing the wholesale in receipt of money from some source quantity of humus In the soil This A Co, on Church DETECTIVE CARPENTERS STORY. house of The amounts came on tbe flrit of ev- can be done by plowing under cover street The night watchman waa just ery month from different places Then crop or by applying manure, or both. the tblef le natural the "Although going on duty. I looked at him In The best method for our conditions, the of payments stopped. a mankind, enemy Job occasionally astonishment It was none other than 'As a last resort I went directly to since there will be always a shortage Sam Snyder, on of th smoothest of thievery Is done that cannot help Is to grow a cover crop and srouae but a certain of admirawoman. I told her that I waa a of manure, the degree bank burglars who ever held a candle. small add a quantity of manure to the tion for either Its Ingenuity or its crook and an old friend of Sam'a who cover How Sam ever succeeded In getting crop and plow both under toSuch esse was a tba had worked dering. with him. I frequently robbery a Job ae a night watchman waa a mys- of We must provide for the conthe big wholesale house of A told her so many things about Sam gether. tery to me. Talk about setting a thief Co. tinuous additions humus to the soil that I had learned that ahe was con- for In this districtofthe to catch a thief. humus Is very X first received the commisWhen vlnced. She to talk freely and toon consumed out of the began Well I walked on to Billy the Bite's soil. sion to look up the burglary It seemed gave me a lot of Information about Fbr a soil to properly receive the place on Thompson street to have a like a affiliation Sam'a with Tom task. thieves Tha easy very Lynchs moisture from an Irrigation, It must drink and think It over. Who should had left behind them a moat X eee King. be In good physical condition. It la sitting there at a table but Sam clue, no more nor lees than unusual out of It did not tako ms long to find out Impossible to properly irrigate a soli Snyder blmeelf. their number. But before I got that aha had a grievance against Tom which la In a You beat It ever bare from your poor physical condition. Lynch. She aald that Tom Lynch had Many orchard soils are In a poor physChurch street Job In a burry 1 said to through my head was In a whlrL J Whan the clerk whose duty It was agreed to take care of her after Sam ical condition him. purely because they Hla only answer was to look at m to open tha store In tho morning ar- was hurt In the Church street rob have not been properly plowed, or, at rived th was place he In blank surprise. Then I told him surprised bery, but had failed to keep hia prom-las- , what L; worse, have not been plowed and aha waa then In desperate at alL With orchards properly plowed how I bad Just seen him In a watch- to find both doors to tbe shipping mans uniform over at tha big whole- room standing wide open. All th straits. Upon my promise to ee Tom at the right time. Irrigation Is much goods which had been boxed Satur- and urge him to help her she gave more efficient, and It la easier done. sale house. Billy,' bo called to Billy tbe Bite; day for shipment on Monday morn- me tbe full details of the plot. She named as tha members of tbe gang who waa behind the bar, How long ing war gone. Care of Garden. He could not understand this, but fed Kelly, Pete Hall and Bill Myer, havo I bean aittln In this here chair? The garden la the piece Billy looks at tha clock and aaya: ha presumed that all waa regular and besides Tom lynch. She gave me of ground on the farm, if properly some wber oa a that th stolen which an of were has he arrangement tip had fotve Tie hours, goods youa cared for, and the labor required te Irinka. Der never wee no profit In had not been Informed had been made Stored. care for it Is not so If It Is laid for an earlier shipment than usual I turned my attention to the place out with the designgreat temperance blokes. of the getting He name celled the of the watchman, hnd finally spotted Pate Hall, who had most possible for the amount Billy might hav lied but at that of laboT Even this tome to tha place to attend to the Sam couldnt havo got out of his but received no reply. expended. It should be so uniform end beat me across town. failed to arouse hla suspicions, aa oa shipment of some of the goods. By that a large share of the workarranged can bs If It wasnt Sam It ?ae a dead, living several occasions th watchman had Shadowing him I finally nailed the done with the horse. store a left the him. little In a Like before whole while cam for flasn gang it Philadelphia, They bad ringer the arrival of tbe first clerk. been disposing of tha goods In small to ma. Rye Straw. But when the shipping clerk ar- lota In various cities. "Sam, I said, thla here has been straw is to be strictly kepi Rya ne bended to Much of th loot was recovered In by Providence. If you rived he also waa Ignorant of aay from sheep, especially ewes; ths havent got that Job as a night watch- plan for an early shipment, Tha two th storage house. All of the gang away of ergot in the straw la to be man youve got to grab It men celled a policeman and together were Identified by the policeman who risk avoided on account of the danger of With that I took him over to the they searched th storei They found bad talked with the watchman and abortion by Us serious effects in this place and we hung around until we tbe watchman lying on th floor un- they were sent away for 15 yaara way pould get a pipe at tha watchman. conscious and bleeding from a cut bach." cription to THE CRIMINAL PARALLEL Tells How He Planned the Deed and Sought to Close Every Avenue of Knowledge Leading to His Guilt The Detective Shows Hour Futile These Efforts Were and How the Old Adage, Murder STORIES sf FAMOUS CRIMES eon-seteno-e, Much of two-fol- COUNTY ENTERPRISE: Enclosed find for payment for (RENEWAL OR NEW) sub 8 the COUNTY ENTERPRISE, Name Town State 1 year, (L00; a Anywhere la the U. L50 2 years, d Phone one-thir- d J. Dr. H. - 157-J- 1 SMITH DENTIST 116 So. State Street Utah MURRAY. We go to the Root ef Eye Sight-Troubl- e end we accomplish great good The Root the first principle le careful examination and correct diagnosis by latest methods W thoroughly understand eye requirement and prescribe glasses In accordance .a the defects Satisfaction guaranteed. Biorn Optical Company UTAH. MURRAY, W will bo at Sandy every Wednesday. reo-ord- Save as Yon Earn And you will alwaya hav something to. spend ae you ga Open a tarings account with u where It will earn 4 per cent annually compounded In January and July, 1 will open an account ed SANDY CITY BANK W. W. WILSON, President HEBER' A. SMITH, Vlce-Pree-. A. R. GARDNER, Caahler. Utah Sandy City, t, 0 PHONE Dr- - D. H. DENTIST HENRY 60. Brown 51 Office, MAIN STREET, Over Moving Picture Shoe MIDVALE, UTAH. e asnus sen your next shit made to order. Clothee cleaned) pressed and re- paired. St opposite Smelter St MIDVALE, Utah H. MARRIOTT, IS N. First West 8L Sandy, Utah. -- Murray Bakery HAZELOKEN, 140 8. State Prop St MURRAY. I make that GOOD BREAD. Cakes, Pise and Pastry. A line of Groceries, Candles, Cigar and Tobacoa Wa serve Coffee end Cakes. PHONE 311-- EAR RUBBER STEEL STAMPS. SEALS, STENCILS, ETC. narrow-bottome- d Salt Lake City, Utah. 65 W. 3rd So. St Phone Waa. 304 (We make Rubber Stamp.) fifte- Beta Rush The Fall C. H. BANKS Beps Electric light moat during the nings of winter. modern and most is appreciated long dark eveIt is the most efficient illumi-na- THE COUNTY UNDERTAKER. LICENSED EMBALMER. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. nt -' best-payin- te JOHN High sad Guaranteed Tailoring. Ladles Tailoring a Specialty. Have Main MARRIOTT BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKEK 15 N. First West 8t near West Main- Equipped with machinery. WagonM Carriage and Rubber Tire repairing, Horseshoeing, Plow Work. Pipe Threading, Sawing, Lumber or Lathe Work. Horsea clipped. Glv. me a call Satisfaction guaranteed. a -- Latot Methods ef Painless Dentistry, CALL AND SEE MSI Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. X G- - Phone Become 347. 144 and acquaint yourself with the many appliances that can be used from a lighting socket. They are both convenient and ecnomicaL UTAH LIGHT & RAILWAY CO. T. G. FISHER, Local Agent; Pioneer Ave. BANDY, UTAH. State Street, MURRAY, UTAH. a tuer of electricity, Murray Garage BODELL A CARLSON, Props. 131 So. State St MURRAY, Utah Automobile and Motorcycle Repairing. Oils and Gasoline.. Diamond Tlrea. Tiro Vulcanizing. Second Hand Automobiles Bought amt 8old. Satisfaction Guaranteed. g s$4$s$44ss$ 4 LOOK Pictures That IN A NATURAL ! : V YOUR FRIENDS POSE $$$$$ Like You JUST AS KNOW YOU. THATS THE ONLY KIND WE DO. Howcr3 Photographer, 8TUDI0, Phone, 16 379- - t 80UTH 8TATE STREET MURRAY, Utah. :: |