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Show iWMMMij BACKACHE AND ACHING JOINTS Together Tell cf Bed Kidneys -Much pain that pirfw, . masks as rheu- matlsm la due to weak kidneys to their failure to drive off urio acid thoroughly. When you suffer achy, bad Joints, backache, too: with As some disorders, kidney get Doans Kidney which Pills, have cured thousands. AN OKUUTQXA CASK. John T. Junra. lit a Pit St., Panto eon lined to 'I Volley, Okie., nayi: bed (or days with kidney trouble end erlatlo rheumatlatit. I wee week and debilitated end tormented nlmoat to death. Not Improving under the doctoi'e treatment. I beean ualna Doaa'a Kidney Pllla and waa entirely cured. I have had no trouble alnoa." Get Dose's at any Drag Store, 50c. Bos lu A negro?" demanded O'Rourke, faveil. She seemed to promise uncomd mon beauty of the English type, cing about What do ye mean? Did and of classic mold. . . . he come aboard?" SYNOPSIS. The itory opens st Uonts Carlo with Col. Terence ORourke. a military (res lanes and something of a gambler. In hla hotel. Leaning on the balcony ha sees a beautiful girl who suddenly enters the elevator and passes from sight. At tha gaming table O'Rourke notices two men Bertie wnlching him. One Is tha Hon.Viscount Glynn. while his companion is a duelist. The viscount tells Cel him the French government has directed him to O'Rourke as a man who would undertake a secret mission. At his apartment, O'Rourke, who had agreed to undertake the mission, finds a mysterious The Irishman was much too far away to be certain, but he fancied that her gaze wandered toward him and but this, of course, was only Imagination that she started slightly. At all events, she was quick to drop the veil and turn away. Her maid Joining her, both vanished beneath the canvas awnings. The boat that had brought her sheered off, and O'Rourke was permitted to board the Panjnab. It wae a glad day, the O'Rourke told himself, as he troij those decks; it saw him definitely started on hie way to the East. ORourke roused upon hla elbow and peered out of the port of hla stateroom. The steamer was plowing through the Bitter Lakes. He saw a string of buoys, a width of water like a Jade, a vista of sand, flat, gray, desert shrub, r&tched with gray-greebounded only by the horizon. . . said he listlessly. Damn . . He slipped down again upon his back, panted, and wiped his brow. Danny, recognizing that he was not expected to respond, and being n e young man remarkably acute to hla master's moods, prudently retrained from comment. He sat hunch- ed up on a cabin stool, hla Intensely head bent low over red, bullet-shape- d a bit of chamois akin, which he was sewing into a rough, sturdy bag. As the sun dipped benesth the rim of the horizon, a pleasant shadow invaded the stateroom, until that moment blood-rewith its level rays. And Danny straightened up, dropping thimble and thread, announcing the completion of his needlework by a brief, contented: There! ORourke glanced at the article dangling from hla valets fingers, jknd Jammed the hook against the bulkhead at the foot of his berth. "Finished, Is it? be exclaimed. Faith, 'tli about time, ye lazy Tri-be- letter. The viscount arrives, hands a scaled package to ORourke, who Is not to open It until on the ocean. A pair of dainty slippers are seen protruding from under a doorway curtain. The Irishman finds the owner of the mysterious feet to be his wife, Beatrix, from whom ha had run sway a year previous. They are reconciled, ana opanlng the letter ha finds that a Rangoon law firm offers him ton.n00 pounds for a Jewel known as the Pool of Flame and left to him by a dying friend, but now hi keeping of one named Cbamhret In. Algeria.' O'Rourke worsts the nobleman in A duel. Tha wife 'bids O'Rourke farewell and he promises to soon return with tha reward. Ha discovers both Glynn and the viscount on board the ship. As ha finds Chambret there la an attack by bandits and hla triend dies telling O'Rourke that he has left the Pool of Flame with the governor general, who at sight of a signet ring Iven the colonel will deliver over the . Arriving at Algeria the Irishman nds the governor general away. Des Trebea tnaken a mysterioue appointment, and tells O'Rourke that he has gained 70s session of the Jewel by stealing It. In 1 duel O'Rourka masters tha viscount, secures possession of tha Pool of Flams end starts by ship for Rangoon. He finds the captain to be a smuggler who tries to steal the Jewel. It Is finally secured by !he captain and O'Rourke escapes to n lea-el- CHAPTER XVI.. dlag-kJns- c I At midnight the mueztifi in 1 neighminaret turned hla face to the windswept sky and aummoned the !althful to prayer and meditation. ORourke pulled thoughtfully at hla pipe until the mualcal, melancholy wall had been whipped away by the breath of the khamsin, and there was silence save for the dull, heavy roarThen he resumed the ing overhead. mnversatlon where It had been interrupted. And ye aay ye love the young w omul, Danny? I do that, yer honor. And ye would marry her? "Wld yer honors conslnt Im ready, lor." Te may have I hloaa the banns. ber on one condition. d boring Sure and he did that yer honor, and caught us be no moo re thin the skin av his tathe and ORourke bent over the man and seizing him by the shouldera swung him around so that their eyee met. "What the dlvvle! demanded the adventurer, "did ye mean by telling me nobody boarded us, then? What Sure.Ver honor. . . . Aw, yer honor! . . . Tls mesllf meant no harrm at all, at all! protested Danny, Didn't I aay thot dlvvle a sowl came aboord? Sure, thin, Is a naygur a human? an exasperated gesture With O'Rourke released the boy. Tis too much for me ye are, he said helplessly. Now and again I believe ye have the makings of a man In ye, and then ye go off and play the fool! If I didn't believe ye a pure simpleton with not an ounce of mischief In your body, I'd take that out of your worthies! hide. Get on with ye! Tell me about this naygur. What sort of a -black man la be? sor, whimpered Danny, 'tia Sure, meallf that wu'd die rather thin have ye talk to me thot way, yer honor. Upon tne sowl, 1 nlvef thought It'd worry about a poor dlvvle av a naygur, come aboard wld nothin but a and the clothes he walks In, beggln1 for a chanst to worrk his passage to Bombay, sor. "Did they let him sign on, then?" Inquired O'Rourke. Dlvvle a bit, raysplcts to ye. More cheerfully Danny struggled with the The purstuds In O'Rourkes shirt ser wae all for kicking him back Into his boat, sor, whin he offered to pay passage In the steerage. Bo they let him stay, sor. "Seemed to have money--ehAw, no, yer honor. Twas barely able he was to scrape ut all together. say-chl- Doan's FOSTER-MILBUR- PREVENTION better than cure. Tutta PIMe If takee In time are aat auly a remedy far, bat wHi prevent SICK HEADACHE, Mnoaaaaaa, constipation and kindred dlacaaca. Tuff's Pills OTHERS KNOW US TOO WELL Easy to Deceive Ouraelvee, but the Rest of the World la Generally Too Wise. Senator Pomerene has a . happy knack of driving home a statement with an epigram. At a luncheon Senator Pomerene described aa a would-blitterateur. Thanks to whisky and strong cigars, he said, the poor fellow has failed to make good. He earne a precarious living by newspaper work, but, though he Is 50 now, none of the wondrous novels and thrilling stories that he used to prate about have ape peared. And yet. In hla shabby apartment, over a bottle of cheap liquor and a box of cheap cigars, he will boast by Jbe hour poor, gray, wrinkled duffer of bis unfinished MSS. Oh, they will appear yet! Yes, he will yet Illumine the world with the light of hls genius:' Senator Pomerene sighed and concluded: Ah, If we could deceive others aa easily aa we deceive ourselves, what reputation! wed all have, to he'Tire! ? Lascar? JgST CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. N ' A "Scotch Query. consequential gentleman from the south, with more beef on hls bones thin brain in hls head, riding along the Hamilton road, near to Elan tyre, asked a herdboy on the roadside. In a tone and manner evidently meant to quiz. If he were half"Man, replied the way to Hamilton bey, I wad need to ken whar ye hae come frae, afore I could answer your question." Exchange. bluff, I belave so, yer honor. Tie harrd for me to say. Wan av thlm naygur's as much like another aa two pajrs, sor; 'tls all tarred wld the same brush they be. 'Ah well, he resumed more pacifically, "belike hes what he eeems, Danny, and has no concern with ns at alL Whether or no, care killed the cat . " Dye mind, Danny, he swung House Plana Important. Ive need of ye, aa Ive pointed off on one of bis characteristically .The care In the home and all other hut " acute tangents, "the little woman with household work are greatly Sure, yer honor knows ye can count the red hair? Though tls meaelf forma of facilitated an me to the last breath in me, aor. by right planning and the should beg the ladys pardon for men? use ef suitable material for the Then yell come with me to In of color her hair the the tioning of the same room with that outrageous head- construction and furnishing home. An adequate and convenient Do you think, aor, I could slape of . . . of Danny. yours, Dye water light eapply and other conveniences nights, after bearin from your own mind her, I mean? not only for comfort are essential, Upa what yeve been through and susThe wan ye observed at Poort for labor, but also from and saving pectin' what more ye must go through wan me to Said, sor? The ye told home hygiene. of the with before yeve won? Will I be standpoint discover the name av? cornin, la ut? Faith, 111 go whether a brave detective ye would Tls Its Kind. ye want me or not. make, Danny. Ye have me meaning voice from tbe tombs What la And afterwards ye can come back entirely! like? to Miss Psyche here, or whatever her Aw, ylas. Danny's lips tightened It must be a skeletons articula- name may be. as he laced ORourkes patent-leathe- r kindtlon. thank and Ylcs. yer honor, ye shoes. He cast up at his masters . Abruptly Danny started . . ly. face an oblique glance of disapproval. Paradoxical Promise. up. They'll be cornin now, aor,- he I mind the wan ye mane, ke adn want you to pay down. I said In an excited whisper. I'm thlnk-jmitted. A11 I hear thlm blundherlng down the right III settle np. He rose, and as he did so, O'Rourke alley." around him gently but firmly twisted He turned toward the rear of the by the ear and as deliberately and follow to rose O'Rourke aa houce. and thoughtfully kicked him. him, the signal sounded on the metal What the dlvvle Is the matter with door. Danny quickened hla atepa, and ye, Danny? he Inquired in pained reas he disappeared his master slipped monstrance. "It is mad ye are, or quietly into the shadoVs beneath the have ye no Judgment at all, ye scut, From this point overhanging gallery. that ye speak to me In that tone? of seclusion he could hear distinctly Danny rubbed the Solicitously the Jar of the bolts aa Danny opened of his person, grumchastened portion the Iron door, followed by hla hoarse but unrepentant bling Whist! la ut yersllves, whisper: O'Rourke grinned tolerantly, retainThen them, Danny. bor. object. now? O'Rourke put down hla hla hold upon the servitor's ear. himself For ing Flame of And the Pool lay glitterHole's voice answered him huskily: and calmly stripped off his Her name?" ' XVIII. CHAPTER pistols sfaafU with his and eyes be? would subbing ing It Let Who the bell else . . . "Ow, honor, leggo! coat, rolling up hla sleeves. yer blood-reof light. aor! pi in, you damn harp. dont Mlasua Hole. be said, tersely, was a Prynne. of It Into Its depths of pellucid fire suliry day. Tue oor creaked upon Its hinges; move. ,lt ye do, Danny will puncture No air stirred. The Panjnab was coal- O'Rourke gazed long and earnestly. In The wanderer gave the ear another and was cautiously closed. The bolts ye. Tour turn cornea last Dennitweak, by way of enforcing ue ing at Port Said. the most profound niedlUtlon. shuffled Footsteps rattled again. son. ye may step out. disvessel with "Prynne. Is It? And how did ORourke the Into eyed the But at ruby slipping length, slowly, ss of men heavily burdened, for? demanded the Scot ad- favor from the shore; then dropped the new learn What you that Danny?" and the drawing receptacle oveP the floor of earth. Then, while Twas her maid told me, aor. Leg-go- , vancing. Into a harbor dinghy, ensconced him- lanyard about lu puckered tight himself together, O'Rourke gathered To receive payment with interest, self at the tlller-ropeyer honor, plaze and caused throat, he stood up and threw the loop exultation In hla heart, and the fore- for that blow ye gave me this evenAnd how did her maid coma to with hla luggage and hla over his head, permitting the bag with hlmaelf, hie in sweet mouth, taste of revenge t, to be conveyed alongside its precious contents to fall bepeath tell ye, ye great ugly, ing, me man. Put up your hands. two cloaked figures scuffled Into the I'm going. In your own words, Mr. Densteamer. the the folds of his Jacket: and. shaking cmadhaun? courtyard, breathing hard beneath nison. to hammer the fear of Ood Sure ow! twas only a bit av a held Near was the he off the sober mood Inspired In him by gangway their burdens of smuggled drug. I was by way av glvln her, kiss Into aa cowardly and despicable a pair back; another brat had forestalled the a for of the stone, rang study Hole promptly dumped hla share of of scoundrels as I've ever encounsor ' when he was another to him, whom, responded, passenger steward, shipping and bench the the load down upon Thatll do, Danny, O'Rourke chuo-kled- . tered. And," reflectively, 'Tve met for the East. O'Rourke was Interested he entrusted a summons for D:mny Where's swung upon Danny. But most of the others a many. good If so be It were clear of Suez. Idly. To be eaten with cream he demanded, evidently In aa were Men. The peal of the trumpet announcing saw a woman, a alight, trim figIn the course of five minutes or so lie could mutter. he as mood a y ug and sugar, or served with ure becomingly attired In white, with Danny himself tapped on the door and dinner interrupted hla contemplated CHAPTER XVII. Whore Is 'e? Stop standln there lecture on the ethics of Investigation a master to his veil her a about beaming leave boat the head, presented and starin with yer balmy trap open, and the perils of flirtation aa between canned fruit poured over Two tattered and sore saitnrmen and mount the gangway atepa with a face. maid and man servant yrr " tria announced he laBbed sowl!" cheerful and arms a to Dlvvle their back back, youthful step, sugspringy, sat about enough, Thnt will be either way insures a most (TO PE CONTINUED.) conSure, tis ourselves have to one another and to the central up- positive air, a certain but Indefinable umphantly. gested O'Rourke pleasantly. In a At the top given thiin the slip entirely! delicious dish. Same Thing. versational tone, stepping from bis right ao that neither could move, both calm of e from In tho fountain of she paused, turned, looked down, He fished a brand new call "Dont And wae said he he to concealment dl of willing place watching the transfer of her luggage beneath the berth and, opening It. the Greek. tor me? names, Hole yere too ner your God and her meld. . . . From sundry to lay out O'Rourkes clothing. Ye'll find the bath quite refreshThe Memory Lingers "Not exactly In those words, bul If ye havn one. which 1 misdoubt'' O'Rourke asIlls master .Indulged In a sigh of re- that waa tho Impression he was ovt In the clear, bright atarlight the pis- ing." O'Rourke told them, preparing to Intangible Indications tols In Ills hands were plainly evident: depart, "aa well as a novel experi- sumed the second woman's figure to lief. Then no boat put off to us at dcntly trying to convey. What did he say? and one stared the captain In the eye; ence. 'Twill do ye a world of good. be the lady'a maid. And ao did Danny. all? he questioned Indifferently. Poem Cowl Cs, LkL will tell ye The one eyed the mistress, the other He said he was ready to eat yout Only wan, replied the servant, one covered the head of the Pelican a Captain Hole, as anyone Bants Got, Midu . a no wan in . ut misfortune . to wid and with word." Interest. but both had the ber ever thot servant, who has cooking any time you said tbe . first officer. I Your on of woman deck The hack threw leeward Houston ber Poet. money to stand ye. said ORourke, move! Ye will not Aw-w?- Bur-mah- the Scot, Advancing. Danny smiled serenely. "And a good sharply, save and except to put your and other belongings yell find on the Job, too, aor, said he proudly. hands above your heads. So don't bench here. If ever ye are loosed, "21anln no onreapect to yer honor, delay, Mr. Dennison; Ive never known which I doubt. I call your attention Ee added hastily. to the fact that I take nothing but me temper to be shorter. ORourke took the subject of discusHole began to splutter excitedly. me property, of which ye aought to sion in hla fingers and examined It rob me. On the other hand, because Save your breath, ye whelp! searchlngly. Ve'U of that attempted robbery, I hereby reO'Rourke counseled him curtly. Twill 'Twill do, he announced. to have need of It before I'm done with fuse pay my bill for passage from serve Its If no more. Lay purpose. He added: "Search and dis Athena to Alexandria. If ye care to out me evening clothes now. ye. He me will In solicitors Dublin arm them, Danny. dispute it, to stare through stood up, stopping The servant set about hla task with be pleased to enter Into litigation with the Good enough, he comport. alacrity; It la sofa to aay that he left ye. Gentlemen! he bowed Ironically, mented on what he discovered withI bid ye good night. not so much as a match In the pocket "'tis passing Sues we are this He was still chuckling over the out- out; of either. While he wae abont It, Praises blessed minute. be, we lote, with his eyes steadily fixed upon come when, twenty minutes later, he caught a brat that doesnt atop here. the unwavering muzzles of O'Rourke's and Danny were trudging through the Danny scratched an ankle thoughtrevolvers, managed to master hie emo- silent streets of Alexandria, a full mile "Ylss, yer honor, he assented, fully. tion enough to ask coherently: away from Danny's lodgings. dubious. "But, for all that, phwat'a with to do with to hinder What are you going Danny, O'Rourke pursued, annywan from boordln' us nsr Just a hint or anxiety in his tone, be boat. If they ah'u'd want to? Yell see In good time, returned would ye nappen to be having a bit ORourke turned and eyed the man Have ye round It, of lining in your pocket, now be acciO'Rourke grimly. Tia a great head ye have keenly. dent, aa they say?" Danny? on your shoulders, Danny, he said. Danny hacked away from Hole, Danny drew hlmaelf up proudly. Sometimes ye betray almost canine whom he had searched after DenniIve eight hoondred and fifty pounds, intllllgence. I'm be way of having son. av holies of ye. Now get ye on deck and At Ylsa. sor, he returned. aor, and that la yours be rights, bein what watch to see who does come aboard. least I think so. Is this ut? I can't look st this moment Danny. ye lent me, yer honor, while all the If anyone, and report to me. Is It n leather bag with something rlst Is yours for the taking." Ylsa, yer honor. hard Inside, the size of a hen's egg. or That's fine, Danny, fine! sighed O'Rourke bolted the door after Dana hit larger?" O'Rourke. Tls yourself will never re- ny and assured himself that the keyThe very same, yer honor." gret Investing It in Pool of Flame, Un- hole wae properly wadded, that no Very well, O'Rourke suppressed limited. Ill personally guarantee the crack existed through which his movethe tremble of relief in his voice. Income from it, Danny. ments might be observed from the Put It in your pocket Danny tne Shure, aor, dont I know? gangway. Shrugging hla broad shoulAnd In the morning, early, Danny, ders he returned to the seat vacated very bottom of your pocket Did ye find a gun on either of them? ye and I will take boat and go out to by his valet and thrust a band beOne on each, sor. the Pelican for me neath the coat of his pajamas, with"Loaded?" But In tho morning, as It happened, drawing It a moment later, fingers Ylas. sor." the Pelican bad discreetly left the har- tightly wrapped about a rather bulky cover What For? Demanded f two-hundre- d n. Thin Bits of Com klt-box- Toasted to A delicate d n lea-so- a, long-legge- raan-aervan- Nlc-covle- a Nic-covl- kit-bo- x be-bn- n d Light Brown Post Toasties |