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Show PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY it to youraclf to support tho paper that supports you. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE Is that paper. You owe Southern Saif Lake KPR COUN NO. 31. VOL. I. . 'COUNTY ENTERPRISE. Published every Wednesday by UTAH STATE PUBLICITY CO.; , W. IX S. Harrington, Manager. 99 East Main Ut P. O. Box 177 SANDY, UTAH Midvale Office, Meik Building. Subscription Rates: One year in advance ; months 4 months 1 ......... .(1.00 60 ........... .......... ,60 month Single ooples, .16 6 cents. Entered as second class mail mat (ter, April 17, 1912, at the post office tat Sandy, Utah, under' the Act of ' March 3, 1879. THE EAGLE BIRD BLUFF. The "Murray Eagle, Midvale Time' with about' SO lines of Midvale news and very sparse news of Mur- ray and vicinity is making a terrible bluff just now in order to down the COUNTY ENTERPRISE - A recent edlton was gotten out with four pagee of silly comic matter, four psgee n of and political which they Inserted In advertising , Herald-Republica- their vile sheet contrary to Postal regulations, which requires that all Inserts or. supplements shall he so labeled. Six pages of .ready .print matter which is the best part of the paper and two pages gotten up In the Scab office of the Eagle where one man and five kids help to turn out the editions of the Eagle The pay roll of the Eagle far exceeds the Income, hut the Angel of the Eagle Publishing company can Hand for it for be has axes to grind yet and a few more thousand dollars added to the $10,000 deficit is a gamble with him to save his neck financially on the power proposition. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE has no" sack financial hacking but we are in the field never to retire and are turning out a paper that Is a credit to the County. Eight pages of excellent reading matter which la delighting our readers, and our subscription list la increasing by leaps and hounds. Many who have been fooled into paying their subscription for three months In advance will come over and be ENTERPRISE readers as soon as their subscription to the Progress Company sheet has d L expired. o SANDY, UTAH, NOVEMBER 13.1912 SCHOOL JOURNAL, yur Ml OVALE. ess - ii again proved vale boys superior in Basket Ball. The 'score wasc20 to 18 In favor of ' Midvale boys. " . OTHER GAMES,. A new volley ball hie been bought by the school and many hoys and girls enjoy the game. Indoor base FIVE - . balls and ' bats are used In batting flies, instead of playing the regulation game. s s' , Found what? "Eureka! Why Wiley Lodge No. 39, I. O. O. F. exemplified degree work on three tbp . beat buttermilk on earth, from candidates Hi their meeting Tues- tLp dairy of Mrs. Good ridge and wa Immediately contracted for four gat day night Iona of it weekly. $ Wa invite all lodges and societies was Progressive The Midvale vote of their of Midvale to send ua news Socialist 92. Democratic V!7, will 109, week. We gladly meetings each withand without money publish it' ; Thanksgiving out price. day la near at hand and Democrats, Republicans, ProgresWe invite all church societies to sive! and Socialists will have to Jie no matter snwL.ub news .for publication. Y'. tvvkful for prosperity i. now theelectionwentwant to' help all denominations. . One of our schoolmates, Dewey Canning la taken down with smallpox, Marshal Stokes reports everything Two freight cars loaded with gravel though we are looking for a speedy aa was a recovery Dewey healthy quiet in the criminal line. No ar refusing to answer to their breaks at tore AH la quiet Sandy on Saturday afternoon boy, and we believe he can cope rests,. no drunkenness. down the their track into Midvale, on the Jordan. with any deaease germa. flight being checked by a box-ca- r after the latter waa completely Our typo made an error in names We received a visit from Supt. demolished. Ryan Thursday, he gave ua an in- last week reporting Mrs. Thomas teresting account of a rat in India, Phillips sick with Lagrippe .etc. Tt The M. 1. A. Conjoint waa held In have read Mrs. Thomas who had very much, bull dog grit, should the East Jordan War House on Sunhe also read us an interesting poem Smith. Orson Ryan delivered day evening. called, It's only how did you die? a lecture on, Schools and School e Mrs. Thomas Smith la recovering and a fine musical proEducation, a. Monday the 11th, a meeting will from an attack of waa rendered. gram be called to choose colors for our Captain Thomas Smith says he will Center street has cement sideclass, name and flower also shall be chosen. Among the colors talked live another four years and vote for walks on both sides of the street of are, purple and orange, purple and a republican president, if his should from lloldcn afreet at the smelter white, orange and black, and red be the only vote cast. grounds out to the San Pedro railand blue. road tracks a distance of over a s Mr. Bullard principal of Granite mile. Main street. Alien and several Parents of children attending the school waa visiting the schools of other Btreets are also similarly Imare Sandy and Midvale on Friday. school, and other citizens, proved and Midvale is advancing cordially invited to attend the school. rapidly. Superintendent Orson Ryan, with The pupils of the eighth and aeventh State Superintendent Netaon attended The scholars of Midvale srhool grades are going to Join In a single the funeral of George A. Wooton have started a journal which will he class, and have a Thanksgiving trustee of the Heber City school. In the ENTERPRISE until published party. Candy, nuts, fruits, cakes, Midvale Advance is published, the on are the cookies and Bandwichea Dewey Canning is down with small then will be a feature of that it pox. program. The journal will he edited paper. Mrs. Pyle of Bingham high school and managed by the class union. We The students of the school receive was a visitor to the Jordan High hope the parents will give the boys a weeks vacation for Thanksgiving in this school and paid the Jordan District and girls encouragement and they seem delighted at this good educational movement. Jacoboffice a on George visit Friday. pleasant news. sen is the class editor and Miss Orson Ryan made a flying trip to Gladys Cooper his assistant. Every GENTLE TABS. Provo last week on educational mat- scholar will be given a chance to end in news and essays hut all comHarold is going to sue the smeller ters. munications must be sent to the for company damages. Why? What did they do to him? They blew the class who alone have the editors whistle when be was carrying a heavy The Jordan high school team play- right to accept o r reject any article piece of iron and he dropped It on ed a game of foot bait with the j submitted. his toe. school on team their Ogden high grounds at Sandy last Saturday. See Wm. Aylett for reliable and Mr. Cropper Charlie what Is a MidSkeleton? insurance. Phone 216-Last wek was pay day for the cheap Charlie Please sir, Its a man with vale. Jordan teachers. Over $9,000.00 was his insides rut and his outrides off. (Advertisement.) distributed among them which acLast Saturday Arthur decided to go counted for their wearing a very For Class A clothes see Wm. fishing, taking his lunch with him. smile, pleasant When he reached the creek he found Waters. A fine store and the best he had lost his lunch, when hastening FOUR back to find it he met Olaf, calmly Tom Davis of the Brighton Cottage picking his teeth. Did you find a paid a visit to his sister Mrs. S. S. class of goods obtainable at reasonable prices. bundle on the road, said Arthur. No, No, said Olaf, perhaps a dog found Reynolds last week. (Advertisement.) it and ate It. pleuro-pnenmoni- CANNING FACTORY FOR SANDY. Law of Salt Lake .Tlty la In Sandy and vicinity promoting a company to build and operate a canning factory and la meeting with good success ag over half of tlie amount required has been subscribed. Every farmer and fruit grower in the vicinity of Sandy should take a rhare. Mr. Law is acting as agent for the company that furnishes he ma chlnery and la paid by them for his work in organising the canning factory here. The 70 or 80 farmers and business men who will subscribe for one share each will comprise the company and have full control of the factory through the officers and manager whom they elect. The stock will pay a good dividend when the factory la in operation besides the farmers and orchardlat will have , a ready market for their product right at their very door. Employment will be given to families during the packing season and all the money required to operate the factory will he circulated right in Sandy and The payment for the one vicinity. share of stock will he taken in three payments so that every farmer can see hlg way to take a share and pay for it without any financial Mr. $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. own town. Look at the adverNOTICE. tisement in the COUNTY ENTEROu account of Increased business The eighth grade class desire a Democrats are Jubilant .over the PRISE for the stores that you can at my home office I have closed my part of - the Midvale Advance to success of the election rely on for a square deal. branch office at Garfield and have report the doings of the class an I am my office hour. lengthened school and we have granted them All are invited to send or bring new at my office .from 9 a. m. to 5 No lest than seven candidates are apace for that purpose. This departin the field for the office of Post- news items for the County Enter- p. m. and from 6 to 8 p. m. daily, ment will he a regular feature of master of Midvale. The present in- prise fe the office Rooms 3 and 4 giving my work here my entire time the paper, under the editorship of cumbents term will expire in June Mk building next door to Elysium and guaranteeing reasonable prices. George Jacobsen and . Misa Gladys DR. J. IL BROWN. and many feel called but only one TheMre.. . . s Cooper, assistant. Ear the present will chosen. K he Midvale. uion e. the department will be a feature of floF the bF Prtnt,K 60. Phone . colored a the ENTERPRISE until the Midvale We can place Those prominently mentioned for K The Irlshmm Advance Is fairly launched .on the Hm Enterprise office and editorial office of postmaster ' are Nels tVo .b certainl on your work. the sea of Journalism. wanderei room has been moved from Salt Lake Lind, E A. Bateman, A. H. Rock Dont of course, a printing office to Midvale, Rooms 3 and 4 Meik and S. 8. Reynolds. The public ORGANIZATION OF CLASS. started r Building, next door to the Elysium The eighth grade Claes. Union was sentiment is that Nels Und will be employ! ill events, aha W Theatre. of the the choice regardless people ell and turn a organised on the 37th day of SepTh MIdvale eg h- -r Wh -- in the tember with Mabel . Nelson aa presi- of politics. Pastor J. 8. Huriburt of the Meth-ls- t Advance warn gotten out as a prosdent and Leonora Lind vice presichurch announces discontinuance Dont forget the Grand Ball of the pectus for canvassing purposes. We dent." of morning service. Sunday Sunday are getting subscription! and business Midvale Volunteer Fire Department, School will ho held at 10 A, M., and out will tv and tho paper bring Thursday, November 14th. Give the BA8KET BALL GAMES second number next month and evening services 7:80 P. ML Everybody The lineup of the Midvale Basket boys a grand attendance so that they jtlnue to publish it weekly from oordlally Invited to atend tho Sunday Ball Team is Arthur Dunncenter; may add to their treasury. They School and evening services, and fire it time on. , Earl are your friends in case of a Substitute: Roy Steadman, You financial support. . Smiekle, left end; Lee Anderson, left deserve your LOST We have established ,a school will enjoy a rare social time. ' LadreauDrown, right end; guard; A ladies small gold watch chain, s s which win ho a regular ' d'partnlent George Bird, right guard. The Midvale Fire department held feature of, the "Midvale Advance. set with a pearl Finder will ha re-e ' and made 4, communications for that depart-rjnt- - warded by calling at the Midvale of-A fast game was played at West a meeting Thursday night for their final should ha mailed or given to flee of the COUNTY ENTERPRISE grand arrangements Jordan between the team of. that , town and the Midvale team. Otar ball on the 14th. After the meeting, Virgo Jacobsen, editor, or Gladye (Adv.) was it Aoper, assistant 'editor. Box 343, drinks lunch and temperance never lost their boys temper, hut Now that wo are here, let ua Midvale, Utah. lost the game. The score was 9 to (served and a social time enjoyed, e e to boost for a grander, greater e help ; 7 la favor of Midvale. f The boys and girls of Midvale are Midvale , Printers lak is at your Miea Louise Sharp, a clerk at the The last game hteween West Jor- Golden Rule store is down with TVrienda and so are their parents, command;', help ua tbr help you. have no enemies in Midvale. 0 Mid- smallpox. dan ami Midvale MIDVALE Southern Salt Lake The COUNTY ENTERPRISE has the largest circulation and Is tho most popular paper In tho county. Advertisers get results. Mr. Law will call upon you and fully explain the plan and you will stand in your dwn light if you do not subscribe for a share, thereby helping yourself and the community. Help the good cause along. Only one share will be sold to any Individual, as it la intended o to make the factory the property of FRATERNAL NOTICES the people. Sandy Is making this effort to start a much needed InAcclca Lodge No. 60, Ancient and dustry and it Is your duty as citizens Symbolic order of Masons Accepted wheel to shoulder the to put your and help it along. You will help meets In L O. O. F. Hall 1st and 3d Sundays of each month at 4 p. m. yourself by o doing. Levi O. Olesen. R. W. M. o A. Gildner, Secy. E, Conductors, Ra1Iro"d men, and o to the subscribe W are glad to print legitimate news COUNTY ENTERPRISE a union paper. Do not patronise a scab paper. items from every part of the county. me-shoul- . . The Commercial club changed the nights of jesting from Friday to Monday night Thanksgiving day proclamation hes been issued by president Taft, setting the day, Thursday November 28. Governor Spry will no doubi issue a proclamation making the same date. Patronize the dependable stores In SANDY. Sandy will take rapid strides ahead when the canning factory is running full blast next spring. Get your house Insured In a good company. Wm. Ay let t of Midvale will fix you out. (Advertisement.) 8e Oldham, Powell ft Company for dependable goods in dry goods and groceries. The Sandy post office was burglar- lzed on Friday night between the hours or 8:30 m. and 6 a. m. Nothing waa mined, not even a postal card, drawers were opened and searched, evidently for money, blit a'l money. Important documents, post- ag stamps, etc, are put away In tha eafe of the Sandy twnv . The burglars gained entrance through the side door and ware secure from Intrusion, the lock' being forced open. Tha work waa evidently done by amateurs la tha business. Tb Firemen are now In their new rooms on Center Street under the K. of P. Hall. . Mrs. J. R. Lana entertained in honor of her nelce Mias Edith Walker, of Salt Lake City, who la leaving with her mother for Los Angeles. Many friends were present, and a Repleasant time waa enjoyed. freshments were served. Mrs. W.' H. Walker and her daughter Edith, Spent the weeks end with her brother, Mr. James Lane, prior for California. tK..thUr,.',,,,srure ..... m . - '4, - . . t j , Many candidates are mentioned for the poatmasterahip of Sandy, prominent among them are A. Robert Larson, James Jensen, H. M. Haya, H. M. Pearson and Reg. White. The term of the present incumbent ex- pires June V' (Advertisement) ; The , Pharmacy have a choice selection of articles suitable for Chris mas presents and you would do well to look them over before tha rush two months hence. Advertisement. Capitol Subscribers to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE can help us increase interest in this paper if they will write us tha happenings in their, . vklntty. .. 1 f i t. , ; REMEMBER that If mention of any particular locality la made, from time to time. It gives that locality advertising which it cannot obtain in any other way. Help ua to help your locality. -- 1, 1915. Select your grocer aa carefully as Mr. Conrey stopping with Hyrum you would your doctor, and your docSmith, of Pioneer Ave., la down with tor will not have so much to do at small pox. your house. Oliver Kester la down with small- If the article you want to buy is advertised today you should not make I your purchase until you have read It pays to spend time in window that ad. dressing and is a valuable assistant to your ENTERPRISE advertisement. It pays to read ENTERPRISE pox. ADS. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE has opened an office in the, Meik block The prudent gift buyer Is watchon Main street. ing the Ads nowadays and making some Christmas purchases betimes. Insist on having the Union label on all of your printed matter. Dont The COUNTY ENTERPRISE has patronize a scab printer or a scab moved its Salt Lake office to Meik paper. Building, Midvale, so that both offices will be in the Southern end of Postmaster Wilson took the office tihe County. The editorial rooms will when it was more a labor of love be In Midvale. and the honor of the thing than remunerative. He worked It up to Correspondents are requested to a 3d. class office and Is now serv- send In Items on Saturday of each ing his second term since it became week to Insure Insertion in the current a 3d class office. The office la a issue of the COUNTY ENTERPRISE distributing point for 5 rural routes Dr. A. Biorn of 72 Sa State Street, and is a busy place every morning from 7 to 10 o'clock. The salary ia Murray, is in Sandy every Wednesday $1,300 a year out of which $120 a to look after your eyes. (Adv.) year la paid to an assistant which leaves the postmaster $65 a month. Oldham. Powell ft Co. The Store The office fixtures are paid for out Sanitary, invite all visitors to Sandy of this princely Not a to come In and make themselves at salary. home. Make the store your headbonanza In this office surely. quarters while in town. Your parJohn A. Larson from Taber, Can- cels will be cared for. No obligation ada has decided to remain in Sandy to purchase anything. Just come in and feel at homa (Adv.) and will build a home here. o Postmater Wilson Is also a bank president and a notary public. The ENTERPRISE reporter In an Interview recently discovered that he makes the maagnlflcent sum of $1.00 a week sometimes and never more than $5.00 a week in rush times so We would be pleased to have our the etory that he Is getting wealthy readers, and the public generally, in office is far fetched. end in such items of news as may come under their observation, auch The canning factory Is almost an as births, deaths, marriages, goings assured auocess, over of the and comings, etc. Many things tran- required amount of stock has been hence taken up, one share to each subspire that we may we ask you to assist us in this scriber. The shares are $100.00 each, matter that we may be able to payable $15.00 when the work on the publish ALL the news. factory begins, $35.00 when the mao chinery is installed and $50.00 when BEND US THE NEWS. the factory complete and In run- one-ha- over-loo- nlng order. Only one share will be sold to any one individual, so that the factory will be run by the people who will elect their officers and manager. Now is the time for every one who grows fruit of any kind to establish aa market for their product right at home. lf CRESCENT. A meeting will be held In Crescent to take action regarding the installation of electric lights. J. P, Jensen, Jr., will attend the electric light meeting In the Interests of his brick company. Bishop J. P. Jensen, wife and baby leave for California this week. James Kemp and son Harvey will go to California for the benefit of the health of Harvey Kemp. Send us news of your district for publication. ..e o |