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Show m SHE OF METHODISM E Hall in London Central Five Million Cosl Dollars. Location of Beautiful Bulldinga Connected With Stirring Eventa of Engliah History Funda Raised by Contribution. Midvale i i - - -- London. It la characteristic of the plrit of John Wesley, who made hie ringing message not to a parish, but to a world, that In these days his folthe people called Methods lowers should have chosen a site alike lata so historical and so commanding aa that on which the new Central hall and Connexlonal bulldinga have been reared at Westminster. Here It was that Edward V. waa born In sorrow and baptised like a poor man's child," In 1470, and from here, too, 13 years later, his mother. Queen Elisabeth Woodville, sitting alone belowe on the rushes all deso-la- t eand dlsmayde," saw him go out with his brother to the Tower to that pathetic of deaths by murder. Within a stones throw Is St Stephen's hall, through which the Norman knights of Rufus tramped, and where King Charles I. stood on his trial before those who knew not what true freedom meant Above all, the building stands under the very shadow of the noble abbey, the nation's Mother Utah The Cloth- - All smokers should know Duke's Mixture made by at Durham, N. C. Pay what you will, yon cannot yet better granulated tobacco for 5c than the big ounce and a half sack of Duke's Mixture. ' And with each of these biff sacks yoq yet a book of cigarette papers FREE. Liggett 4 Mycre holidays were cheerfully foregone, up. Out of the million guineas somemillion pounds thing like was used for the purchase of the site. Upon this have riaen two blocks. In the eastern one, called the Central Building, provision has been made for the departmental officers of allied organizations of the Wesleyan church the Home Mission fund, the committee specifically charged with Wesleyan Interests of the navy and army, the temperance committee, the central finance department, the London one-fourt- If your merchant has received the proper instructions he buys only the best Merchandise made fer any price either high, medium or low. If he has received junk shop training, he buys junk, as his taste runs to junk, and he thinks junk leeks and wears better than first class Merchandise. h After you get the alleged shave and hair cut by the apprentice employed ihere, did you recognize the object staring back at you from the mirror. Your hair resembles a flight of stairs, and your face is cut up so much your friends think you have passed through a railroad or an autombile wreck. You obtain the same result when you go into one of the cheap clothing stores, buy an alleged suit from them, wear it down the street and receive the condolences of your friends. Premium Dept. fit Louis. Ho. RINGWORM From your appearance they think you have fallen into some canal, and than ran through a threshing machine, Your nine thirty eight suit certainly makes you look like thirtyeight cents. Wesleyan Central Hall. We take pride in our business, and when you buy a suit of committee and the Methodist brotherhood. There are also offices for public bodies, and among the organizations already here is the peace committee. This block covers of the area of the 0 site, the total of which la about square feet. The main or western block Is known aa the Central hall, In which Is a beautifully proportioned hall for meeting! or concerts. It possesses the third largest dome In London, 90 feet In diameter and 220 feet in height to the lantern, and la surpassed In slue only by those of 8L Paul's and the British museum reading room. There will be seating for 2,500, or more, and room la provided for an orchestra of fully "Class A Clothes Anglo-America- n one-thir- d 30,-00- You receive that quirt air of refinement and good breeding obtained only by comet dressing. We guarantee our Clothing, Furnishing, Shoes. Hats, etc. to be the very finest obtain able at any price, and our prices are within reach of the most modest Classy." purse. Call and inspect our line and we know you will surely become. 100. ustomer n Inoluded In this block is n fine lb brsry to contain modern standard books of theology, science, biography, travel, history and economics, and to be furnished as a reading room, with facilities also for obtaining tea and coffee. Adjoining this is a small hall. In which public reception! and luncheons can be held, and there la a handsomely appointed conference room, fitted on the lines of a council chamber. to seat 250. An enormous basement will be available for the use of Methodist boys' brigade, or for popular meetings, at which 1,500 wiil bo able to sit down. In England there are still the three groups of the Wesleyan Methodists. the Primitive Methodists and In America the Free Methodists. and the colonies these have reunited, and today It is estimated that they form the largest English speaking Protestant body In the world, exceeding In number the Church of England Itself. S fi LEAF, GRANGER TWIST, content from POUR ROSES? Wc-tt- n double T Congo,. PICK PLUG CUT, MED-MONCIGARETTES. CUX CL GARETTES, end otter tege or eeutemt tuned ty ut. Built Her Own Homs, Miss Frances Lyon of Westwood has the distinction of being the only woman In New England who lives in i house literally built with her own hands. Miss Lyons belongs to a club e whose members are practicing the of going back to the farm. The sluh Is limited to 40 members and awns property to the amount of 1,000 and about 70 acres of farming land not tar from Westwood. Each member holds a deed to one acre and the balance of the land la held In common to be rented to any member who wishes to try farming on a larger seals. Did you ever go into one of the cheap Barber shops in the large cities where you get the alleged shave and hair cut for a quarter! I Get a Good Flshiny Red Free liven Duke's. by saving the Coupons now packed in Liggett Mixture. Or, if you don't wants reel get sny one of the hundreds of other articles. In the list yon will find something for every member of the fcmllVj Pipes, cigarette cases, catcher's gloves, . earners, wfitcbqsj toilet articles, etc. pfMenls cost yon v These handsome nothing not one cent. They simply express bur appreciation of yonv -- et patronage. Remember yon still get the same big one aad a half ounce sack fordo enough to roll many cigarettes. ' During November and Docom- -. iur only, woo w iB tend our mow iUaxtrated catalogue of presents FRA Simply send us your ' name and addrtii. Content from DuiSt Mixture i ettarttd with tag! from H SHOE. J.T TINSLEYS NATURAL clothes were patched and mended, walking waa substituted for omnibus or car rides, and little luxuries of tobacco, sugar and butter were given ing Merchant must serve his apprenticeship under competent teachers, in the first class stores, before he is able to pick out the articles of dress suitable to his many different custcmers. The result of this training is shewn in the appearance of the custcmers of the different stores. your appearance is hare them both. ask. The period for giving extended originally from January 1, 1899, to January 1, 1901, but it was found necessary to prolong It, and It waa not until 1904 was well advanced that the last gift was received. In that time art of dessiog correctly is only acquired after long study and ii Good tobacco and a food reel! That's surely n lucky combination for the anglei and here's the way yon can church. Wesleyans the world over are proud of the vast pile and the position It Ita Inception goes back occupies. to the conference of 1898, when It waa decided to endeavor tp raise a twentieth century fund o a million guineas. When it is stated that the total membership of the church In this country was considered less than a million. Including children. It will be realized that It waa a great deal to Do You Dress Correctly THE natural taste developed by years of experience. Real Fishermans Luck for Dukes Mixture Smokers ON SHOULDER Box 183, Downey, Cal. My little boy of eight years had what they called ringworm on his shoulder and the back of hla neck. It started In n small pimple like a blister and kept getting larger till it waa the size of n dollar. One place was as large as three sliver dollars. They were round and a mass of watery blisters Wherever the prater would touch It would cause another blister, commencing sore and so on. It waa very red and angry and would Itch and burn so badly that ha could not sleep or. In fact, sit still at times He would cry when I would touch It. When he would rub or scratch It It would look like chopped meat FIs clothing Irritated It I tried many remedies, but it kept spreading and itching. This waa all before I used Cutlcura Soap and Ointment on It After the first treatment with Cutlcura Soap and Ointment he was much relieved, and they cured him In ons month. My Luaband is a plumber and his hands get scratched and cut, which means sores if not treated, so he washes with Cutlcura Soap and puts Cutlcura Ointment on hla hands every night, and that keeps them fine." (Signed) Mrs Harry West, Apr. 5, '12. Cutlcura Soap aud Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each . free, with Skin Book. Address post-carCutlcura, Dept L, Boston." Adv. . Probably Prize Grouch. A grouchy butcher, who had watch, ed the price of porterhouse steak climb the ladder of fame, waa deep In the throes of an unusually bad grouch when n would-b- e customer, I years old, approached him and handed him a penny. 1 Please, mister, I want a cent's worth of sausage." Turning on the youngster with s growl, he let forth this burst of good salesmanship: Go smell o' the hook." New Or leans Dally States. Hard to See Under Water. Thera la no scientific Instrument of the scope" character which enables ons to sea down to 50 or 60 feet under water. When the sun shines vertically over water, a box or bucket with n glass bottom Is often used to look Into the water. A cloth covering to exclude light from the box or bucket la som 'rimes employed. But without electric or some other light In the water these devices are not very satis. .. .'1 factory. . ... ah-oth- er 32-p- Examine carefully every bottle a safe and sure remedy f Infanta and children, and see that Bears the CASTORIA, xv In Use For Over 30 Years Children Cry for Fletchers Castoi Another Investigation. Daughter, I heard suspicious sounds on the veranda last evening." Yes mother." Waa that young man kissing you or swatting mosquitoes?" Changed Ita Species Wasn't the forbidden fruit an pier ap Yes, but at the time Eve handed It to Adam, it was n lemon. Cnnrtlpstlon causes and apirrsvatea many wrlous disnaaea. It la thoroughly cured by i'leaaant Pellet. The favorite Ir. Ailv. laxative. family Ik-rco'-s d Some folks calculate to get on in the world upon the shoulders of other people. Christian Herald. If a newly wedded man has no secrets from his wire It rather hard on the other women h& might have Only a lawyer or a detective can married, but didn't mind hla own business when he pries Into other people's. A woman is always trying to Impress upon her husband tliat she Isn't Don't brag about yourself; jolly feeling as well as she ought to. others into doing It for you. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Rheumatism, and Bladder For Backache, VMCV ARC Rill. Kidneys CSV IN CURATIVC QUALITIES BECAUSE CONTAIN NO HABIT FORMIN'! DRUOS Ana SAFI, BURS, AND SAVC YOU MONCY HXMUD It scEis BtMCmk Syria Taalaa Oaoi Im Id tow. Md tp ProtffHte. !HESE0H!H22g3 DEFItZGE Cell WaitrSlareh Id ox. i k. IU BiakM Ixuadrj work m jHcxwuro. ive FOR EYV ACHES l |