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Show kttkifi lilt Lake IKTIlflllE COUXTY W. 9. RANDT, . Ksrvlastea. - M - - ! - HIM. WANTS WILSON Electoral OfH: 1 OF THE PARTY LEADERS Wilson. Tuft. Popular Vote for President Repuhlii-nn- Will Feel Public Pulse As to Wisaom of Extra Session of Congress. MERCILE88 MASSACRE OF CHRIS TIAN8 BY SOLDIERS OF THE SULTAN. Beaten Army Pauaes Long Enough In Ita Flight to Destroy Villages, Slaughter Men and Carry off Defenseless Women. - u 7,80-- 60.UO0 27.000 263,5(4 22,020 884.384 16,442 2,100 Carolina . Dakota . ennessee . Irmi li . IS . .... .... . . . 60.000 22,000 12,000 22.112 18.670 128.265 80,000 80,000 8,000 SO i la ermont Vlrrinl.i . . . Washington XV. Virginia IS t IS Wisconsin . Wyoming . . s (!) Total IS so Its Hiism III I I 25 II 4 g la the Senate. 0 II8 Members of I'tah Leglelalei. The neat slate senate will consist of sixteen Republicans and two Democrats. the latter being holdovers. All the Republican candidiiles were elected. The personnel of the senate will be: First district W. 8. llunsen, tR). Second district James W. Funk, (D ho dover). Third district John W. Thornier (Kl. Fourth district William Craig (R); holdover). Georgs J. Kelly (R Fifth district L. B. Wright (R). X. Smith, t R glxiii district IR holdover) ; William N. WilliamsV. Mont holdover i ; It. II. Hideout K): Jr., (R). Ferry tR); Charles Cottrell, Seventh district Henry Gardner IR ho dover) ; A. La Booth tR holdover). J. It. Edgheill tKl. Cightii district La M. Olson Ninth district (L holdover). Tenth district Joseph Eckersley CR). Eleventh district Henry W. Lunt (R holdover). Twelfth district G. A. Iverson (R holdover). Twenty-liv- e Republicans and sixteen Democrats will constitute the house of representatives ss follows: Ilox Elder M. H. Welling (D). Tooele Alma Swenson tR). Cache H. 1. Oldham, B. Y. Benson, J. E. Curdon (D). N Rich J. F. Spencer R). Morgan U. L. Crouch R). Davis W. II. Marriott, J. D. Hooper, J. J. Barker, J. W. Wilcox (R) F. W. Marchaut (It). Summit Vi iisutcli XV. L. mi XViiguuer (R). Halt Lake Jane Skoltield, Anna H. Wells Annie Cunnon, Edyth E. King, Read. Clarence Bamberger, M. II. Krie-be- l, R. La Judd. Danb-McRae, U J. Cooke, C. T. Barnes- (R). dull M. XV. L. Openshaw, E. Routh- T. Reynold, J, A. Loveless wick, tL)l Juab George Jor.ee (R). Millard A. A. Kimball (D). Sanpete La It. Anderson (K); James Mnnson (R). Sevier II. C. Christensen (R). Wayne Ephraim Dastrup (K). Piute 8. La Page ID). Garlleld J. N. Henris (R). Beaver A. M. Durhum (D). Iron Wilford Day (R). Washington I). H. Morris (D). Kane C. J. Smith (R). Emery L. P. Oveson (D). Carbon L. N. Harmon (D). Grand K. 1L Hamniund (D). Uinta h Enos Bennion (R). San Juan G. A. Adams (D). -- 882,468 S. In r 127,506 22.546 74.001 6.112 17,110 138.588 fering disastrous ' X 4,058.480 1 - Ians, according to the bodies of the enemy and massacre the Inhabitants of the country. Prang the Island of Persia, In the Aegean, pow occupied by the Greeks, reports come that wild Moslem bands have been burning and pillaging, just as in 1824, during thp Greeks war for Ininhabitants numbering dependence, over 20,000 were massacred almost to a' man by the Turks. Members of Army Dying of Hunger and Fatigue. Paris. A staff correspondent of the Temps, Jean Rodes, who has reached Constantinople from the war zone, sends a vivid picture of the misery of the Turkish soldiers and the disorganization 61 the IfurUsfc grpy. He says: "We haYe wUiiCBtod the failure of the Turk as a soldier. We have seen bln dying of hunger, worn gut Jy fatigue, wrecked by suffering and running away after having abandoned hlr place In the combat I hav. never teens morepregnan dUtrM than ttat ,ctur presented by these unhappy men, thrown into one of. the most terrible wars yet in history, without food, without medical attention, almost without chiefs, almost without arms. And at Seidler I saw a soldier whose right hand had been severed hold out to us, begging for help, stump around which he had tied a piece of twine. Republicans Demur ruts 5.506 London. Nearly every dispatch aw riving in London from the scene of the Balkan war describes merciless mauacres of Christians, Including women end children, indicating that the Turks have not changed in this regard In the 500 years since they first became the terror of southea; ope. The beaten army in pauses lang enough In the victorious allies to pillage, slaughter men women. Even the rabble headlong to Coni s 1'T.UI LEG I S I.AT I' RE. Demucruls 20.000 11.755 2s!000 132,259 79.000 33.646 8.269 4.200 21.849 28.000 409.000 160.908 145,483 80,000 102,675 12.000 48.887 87,840 140,152 220.000 110,006 President-Elec- t or UAKE-l'- P Roosevelt ASSAIL WOMEN Farmers near Kephl are lnvestigat Jng the feasibility of bringing part WilPrinceton, N. J. President-elec- t of the waters of the Strawberry pro- son has his mind open on the question ject Into Juab county. of whether he shall call an extra sesWith the national election settled sion of congress to revise the tariff. the people of Ogden are centering corresHe asked the newspaper their thoughts on the school election pondents Monday night to obtain for which takes place December 6. him a list of the public men and busiUnable to get through the lines and ness men who had declared themselves reach the devastated Mormon colo- for or agalnit the extra session. Alnies In Mexico Apostle A. W. Ivins though the governor has tried to folof the Mormon church has returned to low closely in the newspapers the var Salt Lake. rlous expressions of opinion, he said Details of a plan to park and beau- he was afraid he might hare missed tify seven acres of Liberty park, Salt some of them in his reading and that Lake, now used as a ball ground and he was anxious to get all the opinions bay field, have been presented to the before him. city commission. It is known that Governor Wilson Frank Chase, who resisted an of- has a high regard for the opinion of ficer who attempted to arrest him Oscar Underwood, the majority leader election night at Ogden for throwing of the Democrats in the last session, talcum powder, was sentenced to fif- and that in making up his mind he teen days in the city jail. will give careful attention to Mr. UnAttempting to whirl a target pistol derwood's arguments. favorabout bis finger in a shooting gallery Mr. Underwood Is reported In Salt Lake, Edward Wilson, 27 years ing an extra session. old, a soldier, shot himself In the abMISERY OF TURKISH 80LDIER8: domen and his recovery Is doubtful. George Belmont, aged 40, captain of company of special deputy sheriffs, dropped dead from an overdose of cocaine In Bingham Thursday Hi home was in New York. I Arthur L, KogutZ, aged 27, a drug el'erk, has disappeared from Us home ly alt take, and it la feared be has jither set with foul play gr suicided while in A despondent frtifib of tnlnd. Hans J. Tirown, a resident of Mount Pleasant since 1862 and prominent citizen of that plaee, died on the 5th of paralysis. With his mother he eml-grated to Utah In 1862, creasing the ftains with an ox team. Attorney General A. R. Barnes will recommend, In his report to Governor Spry, that a new penal institution be established that will be a medium be- President few Prog. UTin. UTAH STATE NEWS Vote ELECTION of the Next House of Hake-U- p RESULT 1 Representatives State. Alabama Arixona . TOLD IN FIGURES Arkansas RECEIVES ILSON VELECTORAL VOTE OF PRESIDENTIAL Rep. Prog. . California . Colorado . . Connecticut Delaware GREATEST IN HISTORY . Florida ......... .............. .......... REVOLUTION SPREADING. 4 II Georgia I daho . . Illinois . CONTESTS. 1 10 . 1 4 e e v. 13 Indiana . 1 S Iowa Vot and !mhlned for Taft 4 2 .. Kansas Popular Provisas General Tevlno Suggested S 2 Kentucky a Million Over la CALIFORNIAS COUNT. . In New S ional President Loulsana Manjfesto. W Greater Than That Received by 1 . Maine a.,.,....,.,,. Tre-tIpMexico City-- General Geronlmo 9 Maryland Split in Electoral Delegation Would 80kessful Candidate. 7 e e Massachusetts who was recently retired from Establish No Precedent for the 2 2 Michigan 1 the army at hla own request, is sugMinnesota , Golden State. 8 Wilson and Marshall will have 429 Mississippi gested as provisional president of Mex14 Missouri , If the California Francisco. San 2 ico in a new revolutionary manlfes ectoral votes aa the result of the Montana . should be split this electoral 8 delegation Nebraska 5. the November on was which capital Just reached at the election 1 Nevada fourth time that would be the it year, The document Is signed by Gauden-cl- Pilonjl Roosevelt was second In the New Hampshire ...... 2 tween the state prison and the state In 1880 such an event haa happened. 11 New of colonel 90 De Jersey votes, will electoral La Llave, have regulars, race and Industrial schooL 1 . New Mexico see one and Democrats five Republican, who lately joined the Insurrection; while President Taft will be given the New York 21 12 Eric Erovltch. while working In a Henry Edgerton, were elected. In 1892 10 e e and F. R. Bar-dlllo-, vote of Utah, Idaho and Vermont, a North Carolina 1400-foo- t Rodrigues Benjamin of the level on the 1 North tope Dakota there were eight Democrats and one 12. the latter with Orozcos army total of 8 19 . Daly-Judg- e mine at Park City, was Demo- Ohio the show thst The 1 Republican, Thomaa H. Bard. In 1898 7 figures Oklahoma Orozcos displeasuntil he incurred truck on the head by a falling rock 8 .. the have cratic candidates greatest there were eight Republicans and one Oregon ure by taking Emilio Vasques Gomez electoral 21 18 BATTLE HAS JUST BEGUN. Pennsylvania ever given at and instantly killed. He was 30 years majority fusion candidate, J. W. Martin. 1 8 Ieland Rhode to Juarez. Antonio San from election. The returns South Carolina old and single. T presidential There have been some close results The manifesto la dated Puebla, the have been slow In coming In, but the South Dakota Declares That Pro1 As a result of the tag day inaugu- Colonel Roosevelt California in the past. In 1860 In 2 General Felix I Tennessee of correct day after the capture figures given are substantially gressive Party Has Como to Stay. rated by tke Salavatlon Army work18 . see Abraham Lincoln beat Stephen A. would appear Texae of Mexico City returns it The From latest Dias. newspapers 2 Utah Roosevelt New York. Theodora ers of Ogden on election day, more Douglas In California by only 711 2 .. refrained from mentioning the that the successful candidates did not Vermont . 1 than 50 was secured for the nation- made a formal statement Monday have votes. In 1868 U. S. Grant won out 9 . votes all the of a receive Virginia majority and It la not believed Gen2 al fund with which It la proposed to night bearing upon the election and manifesto, la interested. show that Wilson Washington over Seymour, the Democrat, by only The cast figures 4 2 West Virginia erect two colleges as memorials to the future of the Bull Moose party eral Trevino received 6,361,002, as against 3,595,806 Wisconsin 514 plurality. In 1880 came the tight-- . 6 5 1 In line with previous expressions ol Wyoming the late General Booth. est rub, when'W. S. Hancock, Demo; M'MANICAI. TELL. HI. .TORY. Suit- - hgt' been filed at Ogden by hla own and qf.hls coileagueaMh re126 16 crat, beat James A. Garfield by 94 .294 Total or a majority, over Wilson of votes. Even on this narrow margin. John Hughes against the Bamberger iterated that the Progressive party Sent , Souvenir Spoons to Wife From 854.236, 1,293,234. so far froi come to and has stay Governors Elected, Their Party however, there was only one Repub- road for 120,096 damages. This Scenes of His Many Crimea. amount la asked for the death of Mr. being over, the battle haa just beiican elector named by the splitting of Affiliations and Pluralities. Graphic stories of Popular Vote for President at Indianapolis. d the tickets. In 1892 Grover Cleveland son, Alma, gun. Hughes how he car Election of 1908. He regards the party's showing In how he caused explosions, beat Benjamin Harrison by 124 plurwho was killed by a Bamberger car on cases In passensuit ried dynamite Colorado Plurality, polling more than 4.000,000 votes In near the parents home on May 26. E. K. Ammons, Demorrat Chafln. Debt. 20,000 ality. This was another year when Taft Bryan. obstacles nat- ger trains and checked the explosive Dem. Pro. Hoc. Conn'cticut State. there was a split ticket A convention of United States dis- the face of numerous Rep. 74.371 without thinking stations, rallwAy at 1.347 Kim eon E. Baldwin, Democrat. 29.305 7,000 In the path of a new movement Alabama ... 5.750 waited he 1.151 how trict foresters was called to order In urally 67.791 85J84 Arkansu .. aa WILSON TO TAKE VACATION. unparalleled In the his of danger to others; 25.659 11.779 214.390 17,493 .. Charles R. Miller, Republican. 1,603 Bait Lake last Wednesday by Prof. tory literally to place bombs so night watchmen California 7.974 of free government 6.558 123,700 126,644 Colorado ... Florida 61 55 2.880 112.915 (.113 could not see him, and how from Connecticut Henry S. Graves, chief forester of Park Trammell, Democrat.... 80,000 Will Not Receive Politicians and Will 240 Idaho 677 22.072 35.007 Iielsware .. Wilson Will Travel Incog. the United States, who, unbeknown every city where he blew up a Job 1.856 9747 11.104 Refute to Talk Politics. .... 10,654 786 Florida Johc M. Haines, Republican.. I.- 059 684 Illinois 72.350 41.602 to the public, has been preparing his Princeton, N. J. President-elec- t he sent a souvenir upoon home to his Georgia .... 9.008 9405 36.106 N. J. Speaking of his 52.667 ...... Princeton, Idaho vacaEdward F. Dunne, Democrat. .110,654 annual report In Salt Lake since No- Wilson has announced that in his wife in Chicago were related by Ortle Illlnoie ..... 21.864 84,711 629.922 450.619 Indiana which he will embark vacation, upon II.-045 11476 in will 336.363 cal He 348.993 witness stand would .... he vember 1st on tion the Indiana E. McManigal go "incog. Samuel H. Ralston, Democrat. 97,000 the latter 9.287 8.637 of the week. Gov275.210 200,771 Iowa part e accused Iowa The Imperial Order of Muscovites, on the local officials and request that the trial of the forty-fiv12.420 5.038 197,215 161.209 Kansas .... . 1.000 ernor Wilson emphasized the fact that J. Clarke, Republican. George 4 244.092 on 225.711 5,887 not be his recogFriday. Kremlin Kazan, has been ordered on officially Kentucky dynamite plotters Identity Kansas 61.566 9,958 Louisiana .. 60S he will not receive politicians, he will George H. Hodges, Democrat. . T.487 bear hunt nized. the seventh annual 1.758 66.967 35,402 Maine be useless for anyone to undertake to Massachusetts RELEASED. BE WILL SNEAD 2.323 8 302 116.613 lli.906 .. am I will sure everybody which will be In the neighborhood of Maryland respect Eugene N. Foes, Democrat.... 48,650 persuade him to do so. 4.374 10,779 266,966 155.543 Massachusetts I am going to November Michigan 16, There that wlih, he said. 11.527 174.313 11.705 Tremonton, of Two of the Boyce Clan to Michigan .... 333.311 W. N. Ferris,' Demorrat My friends have agreed to leave 10,425 14. 195.535 109,461 10,114 Minnesota will be a parade In Tremonton and a remote place. There will be no Slayer Minnesota 1.048 Bond. 90.876 me 4 605 on alone daring that period, he said. ... Be at Mississippi Liberty A. O. Eberhart, Republican.... 10,000 15.399 4.212 a general good time by the members news from me. I am going to write 146.915 145.989 Missouri If anyone comes I shall not see him, Missouri oc6. 827 Instead of 32.238 29,828 Texas. Montana Fort Worth, New of the fraternity. my message to the Jersey legisEliot W. Major, Democrat 115,000 that's all. Even Mr. McCombs and 8.524 I,- 179 126.937 Ul.r Nebraska Montana 2.029 cupying an ordinary cell and enjoying Nevada . 10.214 An amendment to the state con- lature and rest. V. Kam 1.291 Stewart, Democrat.. 12.000 Mr. McAdoo understand this and they 53,144 Hamp.... He said his chief diversions would the rough fare of the Tarrant county New Nebraskn stitution making It compulsory to ob88.451 870.070 867.468 22.(67 will remain away. I shall not talk .... York New Amarich the J. H. Morehead, Democrat.... 15,000 10.249 4.930 266.298 182.521 jail, John Beal Snead, New serve patriotic exercises and salute be bicycling and horseback riding. politics under any circumstances, 837 New Hampshire 880 114.824 136.923 his second North Jersey... Carolina hanker here awaiting rillo 2.424 1.156 the American flag In the publio Worcester. Republican 82.935 57.741 Franklin either for publication or for private North Dak.... G. Diaz Escapes From Prison. A. of Captain trial for the killing 572.313 502.721 II,- 402 elects Ohio Legislature schools will be urged before the next consumption. New York Louisville,. Ky. General Felix Diaz, Boyce, may once again enjoy the mod- Oklahoma .... 110.558 122.408 7.839 38.049 82.530 William Rulser, Demorrat 2.62 150,000 legislature by Superintendent Chris- leader of the latest revolution in Mex- ern comforts and luxuriea bis money Oregon Thousand Houses Destroyed. North Carolina Pennsylvania.. 745.779 448,785 36.694 23.913 tensen of Salt Lake and other school ico, has 1.865 24.706 L016 Locke Craig, Democrat 50,000 can obtain. For the court of criminal Rhode Island. 43.943 escaped from prison, accordChina. Fire broke out here 101 3.9GS 62.288 Canton, officials of the state. Ho. North Dakota Carolina.. ing to a letter received here Monappeals, sitting in special session at La R. Hanna, Republican 2.(44 2.000 Sunday night and almost wiped out a Dakota.... 67.46 40.266 4.039 A resident of Layton is the owner day by R. G. Klrwan of this city from Austin on Friday, overruled the mo- Pn. 268 136.819 L883 phlo Tennessee .... 118.519 ee - SS.S'S 216.737 James M. Cox, Democrat 80,000 section of the city. A thousand houses of a rooster which has three legs. R. II. Dickerson of Oaxaca, Mexico, tion of the case for a rehearing in tb Texas 42.601 4,695 81,015 .......... ITtah e Rhode Island were burned, while the general on 799 released Snead 11.496 He says that he has refused an offer 89.553 bribcase and ordered writes that Diaz escaped by Vermont Theodore F. Greene. Democrat 2,000 even fire and station 1,111 the 82,946 52,573 ...... brigade South Carolina Virginia 20,000 bond. of $330 for the bird. He has not ing sentries and went by boat down 14.177 4.700 63.691 Cole L. Bleitse, Democrat Washington .. 106.063 111.418 50,000 in the dlstriot were destroyed. The 8.679 5.139 determined yet just what he will do the coast. West Virginia. I?. South Dakota 28.164 Unearthed. 247.747 166.683 11,564 flames spread along the wharves, causPlot Poison M. Wisconsin 2.000 Frank Byrne, Republican.. with it. It is remarkably healthy 68 L715 20.846 14,818 Tennessee Trap Sprung on Home Rulers. ing further damage and finally leaped Geneva. An alleged anarchist plot Wyoming and large for lta age, being only a Ben W. Hooper, Republican.. 5,000 the river Chu com8.405,182 250,481 412.336 7.677.021 of While house London. Kiang, setting fire to the Total in Milan in owners Texas to poison property cockerel, 4 months old. i. Oscar CL Colquitt, Democrat. .193,050 several buildings on tho Island of mons was debating the financial activities for revenge Utah State Engineer Caleb 8. Tanner has of the home rule bill in com- have been unearthed by the police of Electoral Vote for President at William Spry, Republican.... 7,394 returned from a tour of Kane, Piute, mittee Wlislilnglon Election of 1908. Monday afternoon, an unex- Milan aa the result of a number of American Vessel Sent to Turkey. Garfield and Wayne counties, where Ernest Lister. Demorrat 4,000 vote on an amendment offered mysterious deaths there. The victims West Virginia Moved to action by be has been examining road work. He pected Washington. Taft. IX Bryan. II. Hatfield, Republican.... 8,000 by Sir Frederick Banbury, a Unionist a powerful poison mate. 13. R. Wisconsin the Impending crisis in the Balkans, reporta that considerable road build- member, city of London, resulted in all auccumbed to 11 .... discovered, Alabama It was F. E. McGovern, Republican.. 5,000 the United States government on Sat8 ing is being done In all the localities an opposition victory by a majority which,contained subsequently .. in letterp sent by post Arkansas 10 waj i'allfurnts .. be visited. He says that most of it of twenty-two. urday Intercepted the American revBryan on the Job. from Switzerland, purporting to en- 'olurudo ... Is being done by citizen labor. enue cutter Unalga, at Port Said on .7 onnectlcut close a harmless specific for the cure Delaware ... . 8 Will Invite Wilson. Washington. William J. Bryan has her maiden voyage around the world, Addewall Wootton. one of the best common malady. a of Florida arrived in Washington and he will and ordered her to rush to the coast Salt Lake City. Preliminary arknown educators in the state, died at Georgia .... 8 ... spend all week conferring with politl-n- s of Asiatic Turkey to protect American ....... Idaho President-elec- t have n Woot-teto 1. Mr. November .Sorenson. Saved rangements Heber City, Good Reputation ... 27 Illinois leaden preparatory to the official life and property in the event of a National 15 ... was born in England and was 73 Woodrow Wilson attend the Indiana ... Salt Lake City. Alfred Sorensen, a Iowa 18 commencement of the coming Demo-sratl- c moslem uprising against foreigners. ... ee esaeiessaeeeeseeaweea in convention association Education He as old. acted county superyears jeweler, who shot and killed Thomas Kansas iXimmi a tseiitntii ... 10 administration Bryan will visit intendent of schools for twenty years. Salt Lake next July are being made H. MoGUlis in the former's jewelry Keniurky . Attempt to Wreck Train. . Woodrow Wilson brforo going to his Iniislana here. educators by prominent 0 Electric lights were turned on at store, was acquitted of murder on Sab Maine home In Florida. It Is preEly, Kev An unsuccessful attempt winter 2 Salem last week for the first time. unlay by a Jury, it having been proven Maryland IS Oratory School for Women. dicted here that while he may not was made to wreck a passenger train Massachusetts . 14 that McGlllls had threatened to "get Michigan Practically every house In town Is A of school for Chicago. oratory enter Wilson's rabinet his influence en route from Copper Flat to Ely Sun11 wired and the principal streets are women to meet the growing demand Sorensen. Some of the jurors said the Minnesota A steel rail had been will be considerable during the first day night. Mississippi lighted. Electricity is supplied over for speakers in suffrage campaigns It acquittal was largely due to the chan Missouri on the for Democratic track, but was discoadministration sixteen wedged S branch line of the Spanish Fork to be opened here under the direc- acter of witnesses who testified to the Montana vered In time to prevent a wreck. Nebraska years. defendant's good reputation. Nevada tion of Miss Edna Phelpa. plant. New Hampshire Clark Is Satisfied. Wants to Keep Party Going. November 1 was a banner day in 12 New Jersey Trainmen Want Wages. Higher Last of the Henrys. New York Ark. Speaker Champ Hot Cedar City. The first circus to visit Y. a In Springs, N. conference Oyster Bay, New York. A demand for increased North Carolina isseeseseeeeeesee Vs. Dr. Thomas S. Lynchburg, said Clark 4 that he would not the town since its settlement showed Sunday the with eeaoeoaeseseese Alexander Moore, Pittsburg North Dakota wages will be made by the trainmen UI1I0 23 of member President a be Wuson's there to bumper crowds. Every busi- Henry, raid to be the last surviving of Colonel Rorsevelt editor. Progressive railroads east of the Oklahoma ...... the fifty-tw"4 were a such cabinet Even ness house was closed while the cir- grandson of Patrick Henry, died early assurance on that the position gave Saturday Oregon differriver as soon as 84 Pennsylvania .. cus parade wound Its way through the Monday at Rockhill, the famous an- Mississippi be proposes to seep in touch with the offered me, 1 would prefer to remain a now .. with their Island ences Rhode engineers, being cestral home of the Henry family. He treets. where I am," he said Hnuth Carolina Progressive party's affairs. arbitrated, have been adjusted. was 83 years old. . Dakota South month of October the Births during Tennessee Outlook Mora Favorable. Denies Rumor. Turks Killing Christians. Texas ........... more than doubled the number of Brycs to Leave Clean Salts. .. ........... Ixindon. The Conitantlnopie Utah Madison, Wis. President Charles IL Paris. Serious disorders are report Vermont .. 4 deaths, according to the monthly resees s eetesae London. The British ambassador of the London papers genVan Hlse of the University of Wisconport Issued by the Salt Lake board of to the United States. James Bryce, ed to have broken out in Constanti- Virginia !! i .... const !er the outlook more favor was there on erally sin declared Saturday health. The total number of deaths will remain at Washington until nople where Kurd soldiers are killing Washington 7 .. XX'eet Virginia nothing In a report that he was to able. The dispatches are optimistic was 104, while the births numbered pending IttlllMMil .. 13 been Christians in the Oalata quarter, ac- Wisconsin have .. I negotiations Wyoming compared with their tone dorlng the to chosen a member of President 209. Of the births 104 were males and cleared a to from special dispatch up. These include, it is under- cording test week 361 . ....221 .......... cabinet. .... ...... llect Wilson's Total 105 females. Bucharest, Roumanla. stood, the Panama canal question. J ......... ........... ........... o jte thw-bleedi- ............ .............. ........... ........... "i three-year-ol- . "6 a post-offic- pro-rlslon- a antl-anarvhi- st o Ho-naj- |