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Show IN SOUTiltKN SALT LAKE COUNTY ENTERPRISE ns 80ME ; a ridiculously low price. Our "Winter Dry Goods, Woolens, You by purchasing from our full line of will save money DRY GOODS, etc., have arrived. NOTIONS, RIBBONS, GENTS' OVERALLS, FURNISHINGS. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. Fresh and Cured Meats. All grades of Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Onions, Etc., Etc., for pickling. Full line of Vinegar. Full line of Pickles. n- We guarantee everything we sell to any one dissatisfied. and will Refund Money Goods delivered to any part of the county free of extra charge. Our prices are right. See our announemeut each week. Oldham, Powell & (g., 106 LOCK to 112 EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. AND GENERAL REPAIRING a specialty of general repairing, expert aaw filing, gun and revolver repairing. Bring in your broken article! to be repaired. I keep In ttock second hand sewing machines in good condition from $2.50 upwards. Nfew and second hand firearms tor sale or trade. Ammunition, Hardware, Pipe and Pipe fitting,, Stoves and Ranges, Gasoline and Oil cans, Gasoline and Oila of all kinds. I make E.' L. 23 North HORR State 8t., Murray. RIVERTON Mrs. A. T. Faerber, wife of the Editor of the Salt Lake Valley Ex. aminer, and her sister Mrs. liagshaw, nf Scofield, Utah, have fallen heirs to $12,500 each. Their father a hotel keeper in Bristol, England died and left a valuable estate. He left a wife and two other children In England, aubstantlal property interests in his will. Mr. Bagshaw haa gone to Bristol to take charge of the property and will be gone several months. SUPERIOR DENTISTRY does not mean high priced work any more than it does the cheap inferior catch penny kind, hut it does mean skillful, careful treatment of impaired teeth and knowledge and experience In restoring teeth that are gone beyond treatment, and it is work of this superior order that all patients of I)r. Gotham require. Good, careful, intelligent dentistry at moderate prices. 8 p. m. That we appreciate the fact that our humble efforts are appreciated by our readers and we shall endeavor to make the best 'achievements of last week, the starting point for. the following one. California The Ideal BETWEEN SALT LAKE AND UTAH For Your'Vacatiop COUNTY POINTS. SUNDAY EXCURSION RATES FROM SALT LAKE. 2 DAILY TRAINS BETWEEN 8ALT LAKE AND BINGHAM, THE WORLD'8 GREATEST MINING CAMP. For Tickets, Information and Litterature see any Sait Lake Route Agent T. H. MANDERFIELD, or address A. G. P. A., Salt Laka City. T. C. PECK, G. P. A. 47 So. State St., YOU SHOULD USE WSTINGHOUSE NEW TYPE JI Jt The New Strong Tungsten Lamp. o ji js GIVES YOlf THE IT SAVES YOUR EYES EASIEST ARTIFICAL LIGHT TO WORK BY AND BEAD BY EVER DISCOVERED. Other improvements on the electric lamp are not to be compared with the WESTIXGIIOU8K WIRE TYPE. THE WIRE TYPE is strong. Its life is twice as long as the life of the lamp. It gives three times the light for each unit of electricity consumed. For a quarter of a eent an hour of the best artiyou can get twenty candle-powe- r old-fashion- ficial light. Inexpensive compared with ordinary isnt it 9 light, .Just watch your meter burning the then try a Tungsten and note the difference. We have them in all sizes, from 1.1 Watt to 100 Watt. Prices reduced to fifty cents. old-styl- e, JENSEN &KUHRE Phone Midvale 148. St., Sandy, Utah. Use THE STORE THAT SATISFIES SPECIAL - DRAPER Notice Ir. K. M. Christensen will lie in his Draper office on Saturday, COLD WEATHER WILL BE HERE RIGHT AWAY NOW AND YOU WILL NEED SOME 21. COMFORTABLE 0 TRAINS Reapong CRAPOS That all of the above Is common horse sense. September 2 DAILY k KIBE Emporium Grocery Co. That the people will find him at some of Ills dirty tricks and drop Reliability Is Our Success. on him without notice. Offers the Following Inducements That such people as he is are the 100 lbs. Sugar $5.00 kind of men the bleated corporations $1.C5 Flour St. Or., per sack employ to do their dirty work. $1.10 Flour, If. P., per sack Juc wlient, per bushel That we will ever be with the people Soap on every proposition for the public 25c Crystal White, G for .'. good and shall fearlessly oppose the Pearl 25e White, G tor bloated monopolists who have had G liars for 25c Swifts White, their hands on the peoples throatB 7 .... 25c for Borax Naptha. (White for so many years in Murray. 25c Diamond C, 7 for That if Hboycottlng honest people N. B. G for 25c Naptha, is the plan of the peoples enemies, the 25c Wood Chuck, 9 for people themselves can take a hand in G for 25c Fairy, the game. 25c Borax Castile, 6 for 3 Cans Corn 25c That no one takes the Progress 3 25c Cans Milk, large It Is a Joke and the G Rag seriously. 25c Cans Milk, small people who have been hoodwinked 3 Cans Mustard Sardines 25c into subscribing for It rarely If ever G 25c Cans Oil Sardines read it. 25c 3 Pkgs. Corn Starch 10c One 15c Bottle Ammonia That Chief Con. Gallegher is after 1 10c 15o Bottle Vinegar that fire wagon" and we hope he 3 lbs. Grade Coffee $1X0 High will get 1L 60c One Bushel Potatoes That the Murray Fire Department 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea, loose 25c should have an automobile fire appaFlour, 500 pound lots, per 100.. $2.00 ratus. It would be more economical 1 package Imported Tea, natural than an engine drawn by horses, and 22!2c Japan 45c That one good big fire some dark 3 lbs. lard 5 lbs. lard 75c will of above. the the truth prove night i 10 lbs. lard $1.40 That the Progress company la re. $1.60 Oats, per hundred sorting to all sorts of dirty tricks to We also have a well assorted stock hamper the commissioners in their of Fancy Dishes, Crockery, Granite-war- e work. and Tinware, Cured Meats and That the Commissioners are a aw. Lard. These prices are subject to lng wood" and the god work goes on change without notice. FOR CASH despite the enemies of the people. ONLY. Goods delivered to any part of MurThat the Construction work on the ray without extra charge. municipal power plant will begin with. EMPORIUM GROCERY CO. In the next ten days. 126 South State St. Murray - - Utah That the bonds will be easily sold and the work will go ahead speedily. That Fake newspapermen should be discountenanced merchants as by well as the people at large. Seventeenth So. ft State Sts., MURRAY, Utah. Hours 8 a. m. to BICYCLES FOR SALE New iiml i croud band bycyclts for sale. High grades of bicycle tires for $5.00 lor tlie next ten days only. Bring me your old bicycle and let me make It nearly aa good as new, or let me trade you a new one for it. I sell a full Hue of bicycle supplies. Re-p- a IT IS RUMORED: iri.-done well and at reasonable Thut remorse alone does not pay the mires. Hicjrles rented by the day or ransom. hi nr. That the cowardly cur who did V. S. HOUR. newspaper faking in Duvlsjppunty haa 91 K. Center St., next door to Odd not sense enough to keep quiet and Fellows Hall, Sundy, Utah. behave himself when his game is ex. posed. . Heinzs Pickles. -- Appointments for sittings at Mowers photo studio at Murray may be made ut the ENTERPRISE office. A g Now is the time to get the pieces you need at WEEK ONLY. AND "A little nonsense, now and then. Is relished by the wisest men. Under Ibis heading we shall print pithy little paragraphs which are meant to amuse, and while the hits may strike home to dozens of people, they are not meant fur any particular party. Cianileware, Ciockeiy anil Glassware. To reduce our large stock of (iraniteware, Crorkery and (llassware we will make sacrificial prices ou this line for THIS 8EN8E COMMON LITTLE NONSENSE. Why be humbugged by an inferior picture show when you can take a ride and see better pictures and enjoy a real Happy Hour in Salt Lake for 5 cents, and the very Best on Earth" for 10 cents. Dont be humbugged into paying 10 cents for an "Unhappy hour show. UNDERWEAR. WE HAVE PREPARED A PLEASANT SURPRISE FOB YOU. SIMETHING YOU WILL APPRECIATE. WE KNOW IT IS UNUSUAL SUCH BARGAINS ON THE MARKET SO EARLY DOES THE UNUSUAL THING, TO PLACE IN THE SEASON; BUT, THEN, CRAPO THATS WHY CRAPOS IS GENERALLY CONSIDERED THE PLACE TO SHOP ADVANTAGEOUSLY. o Strictly fresh laid eggs at the Emporium grocery store for 30 cents a dozen. We have Salt Lake customers who save it) cents a dozen by pur chasing of us. o ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Notice of assessment, Alta Oxford Mining Co. Principal place of business, Salt Luke City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Alta Oxford Mining Company, held on Wednesday, July 31, 1912, an assessment of one mill per share was levied uKn the capital stock of the corporation, issued and outstanding, due and payable immediately to W. IX Kulire, Secretary and Treasurer, Sandy City, Utah, Any stock upon which said assessment muy remain unpaid on the 27th day of September, 1912, will be delinquent auk. will be advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment be made on or before Monday, November 25, 1912, at 11 oclock a. m. of said day, will bo sold at public auction at the office or the Secretary to pay the anld clclln-- ; fluent assessment thereon, together with the cost of advertising and ex-- 1 pense of Rale. EXPERIENCE IS EXPENSIVE when you ride a wheel that needs repairing. Life and limb may be endangered, and when by a little foresight and small cost your wheel can be made as good as new if you bring it to Carlson's. We will keep your wbee in good condition at a small outlay. If you have one that needs repairs bring it to us. We also handle Automobiles and do general repairing. We have new and W. D. KlIinE, second band Automobiles from $750.00 Secretary and Treasurer Alta Oxup. ford Mining Company, Sandy City, EMIL CARLSON, Utah. First publication, August 28, 1912. UTAH. MURRAY, Lot 1 vests and pants natimil wool 29c and fide. values, per garment 's and Ladies Koc. (mo. Lot 2 vests and pants natural wool 5Ur. values. Don't mjss this splendid op25c portunity, your choice Missiw Lot 3 Childrens I'nioii, cotton fleeced, tuck stich, neck and front crochet trimmed, drop seat, regular 4.V. values, they are going fast 29c. at Boys Suils Fall and winter suits for men and boys have arrived and are ready for your inspection. The close lifting neck, the mannish effect, the color and put eras, so much in demand this year, have been carefully looked after by Mr. Christensen who is manager of that department. .Dont forget lie prices range down-war1 d. Mens Suits 2.0() to Hoys Suits W.oO to is $9.90 1.75 Cloves dust unpacked a shipment of Conklins famous gloves a complete run of sizes in gauntlet and wrist makes. ! , - Lot 4 Mens wrist gloves, all leather and up to Childrens black cotton pants, regular 25c. :t()c. values, you eun buy now al, each Canntlet gloves and up to $ .25 1.50 98 1.50 C. C. CRAPO & SONS OO. 2, EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. |