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Show I Southern Salt Lake VIRGINIA COUNTY ENTERPRISE FINALLY W. D. 8. lUrrlnifOin, Uanki'ing Editor I OUTLAW LEADER RUN TO EARTH UTAH. BANDY, e Sldna Allen and Hie Nephew, Weeley Edwarde Are Trailed to Their Hiding Place Through Woman. UTAH STATE NEWS ORGANIZER OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD ARRESTED AT BOSTON. A Salt Lake newspaper announces tkat the 8altalr read will probably be electrified next year. The Commercial club of Randolph has succeeded ia having work begun Charged With Conspiracy in Connecan opera home to cost $20, bud. tion with the Strike Last Winter rubA eigaret butt thrown into a of Textile Workers In Massachubish barrel caused a fire in the Lyceum setts, But is Released on Bail. amounttheatre at Ogdca. The damage ed to $3,eM. J. M. Carl sen of Ogden is to be Boston. William D. Haywood of the president of the Retail Merchants association for the coming year, and Deliver, general organizer of the IndusOgden will be the scene of the next trial Workers of the World, was arrested here Sunday on a capias warconvention. Charles Annis, a Bingham miner, rant issued as the result of the indicthad his two legs badly mangled while ment charging him with conspiracy trying to switch a car of ore. He was in connection with the strike of textile last winter. He operating a dinkey engine, which fell workers in Lawrence was released on $1,000 bond. over on him. The exact nature of the conspiracy Lourane L, Parke, formerly assistwith which Haywood is charged was ant city engineer of Salt Lake, drop- not mentioned In the indictment. ped dead from heart disease while on before his Just arrest Haywood, in n n trip of Inspection to mine in the mass meet lug of 1.1.000 s addressing mountains near Salt Lake. on Boston Common, had William O. Sheddlck, who fell off s persons sounded a call for a general strike of load of hay two weeks ago and broke New England workers to begin a Midvale. at bis back, died Wednesday n-wide movement as a protest He waa sixty-fiv- e years old and an old the arrest, imprisonment and against South Jordan. resident of trial of Etlor, Giovannlttl aud CaThe Spanish Fork high school, ruso. which is being erected at a cost ot These three industrial workers, who more than $30,000, is rapidly nearing were active during the Lawrence completion, and it is hoped will be strike are charged with complicity to ready for occupancy by September 30. murder in connection with the shootWithin n few weeks one of tbe most ing of a striker, Anna La Pizza, durelegant and expensive high school ing a riot in Lawrence last January. buildings la Uie state will be corgnlet The STORM CUTS ed at Prioe by Carbon county. TRAIL. . cost of the structure Is about Three Pereone Killed and Fifty InAfter an illness of many months jured by Tornado Which Strikes New York State. John Henry Back, 38 years old, veteran salesman ot the wholesale deSyracuse, N. Y. Three persons were partment of the Z. C. M. I., Salt Lake, killed and fifty Injured by a tornado died September 12, of cancer of the which marked a trail of debrain. struction across tbe northern part of Fred Dennett, commissioner of tbs Ononsdaga county late Sunday. The general land office at Washington, was property loss is estimated at $230,000. the guest of the Salt Lake Commercial Without any warning of Its apclub on Wednesday. He Is In Utah on proach, the cloud first a trip of inspection of the local land appeared near Long Branch, a pleasure offices. resort ten miles from here. About 400 The ninth annual convention of tbs persons were there and panic followed Utah Postmasters' association will ba when building after building toppled held at Logan September 20 and 21. over and two Interurban trolley care Theae meetings have been approved by were hurled into a ditch. A number of persona ran into the the department at Washington which will have representatives present dance hall for safety, but this buildThe residence belonging to Mm ing was directly in the path of tbe Beddy Egans at Colton, burned to th storm and was demolished, many perground Saturday night, and Henry Via sona being injured. . i , cent had a narrow escape. He was' REBELS TAKE EL TIGRE. until not was awakened and asleep the fire had made great headway. Salazar's Forces Capture Mining Camp A fire which broke out In a saloon In Sonora. on natio- i TEN-MIL- E $100,-000- i ten-mil- funnel-shape- building at Mercur, wblch endangered several thousand dollars worth of property was stopped before serious harm had been done, owing to Its early discovery by the night marshal, A simple scratch of the eyeball, received several weeks ago by Waltet Baker, 42 years old, while he was pressing his way through a thicket ot brush near bis home at Boulder, Gar field county, caused his death September 12. Iron county has Installed an unusual mineral exhibit at tbe Chamber oi Commerce in Salt Lake. The display Includes an excellent collection of an thradte coal samples. In refutation ol the general belief that there are no anthracite deposits in Utah. Every available band in Salt Lake will be in line for the parade and electrical pageant of the National Irrigation congress, and the official Irrigation Congress band will be on duty every day from Saturday, September 28, until Thursday, October 3. j j e d Douglas. Ariz. Inez Salazer and hts rebel band raptured El Tlgre, the American gold mining camp twice attacked by him, Saturday forenoon at 11 oclock. In the fighting before the rederal defenders of the camp were defeated seven federals were killed and a dozen wounded. Only one American was wounded. He was Gilbert McNeil, hut his wound is not serious, is a bullet went through his foot. Turks Murdering Christians. Athens It Is reported, that Turkish soldiers in the Alesslo and Kchu-tar- l g districts are murdering slid Christians. Tbe Albanians occupying the mountains on the Montenegrin frontier are preparing for a zenerai rising. tor-urin- ; j ROBERT Carl A. Beverleigh and Lavlne Arnst, undertakers assistants, are charged with grand larceny In complaints issued Thursday, in which It is alleged they robbed the bodies ol Bert Booth and Simeon C. Hazleton, killed in tke automobile nrcident near Murray. More than 130 cars will be in line for tbe state run from Salt Lake to Provo of the Utah Automobile club j September 21. A watermelon picnic track are and a race oa the half-milfeatures of the entertainment to he provided the motorists at the Provo fair grounds. ever The first, carload of peachshipped from this state across the Atlantic has k-f-t Ogden for Hamburg Germany. The shipment is now being prepared by a local fruit exchange and if the experiment proves satisfactory, other Utah peaches may find a market across thf water. James Marsh of Grnnisvilie appear now to be the ultimate winner of the first prize of $100 in the "swat the fly" contest, inasmuch ad last week lie turned into the office of Secretary T. II. Beatty of the state board of health thirty-fiv- e quarts of flies. In addition to a similar quantity heretofore sent 0. BAILEY j Hugh Sidney Cowans died at Tooele Tuesday from a hemorrhage of the brain. ITe was eighty years of ige and was born In Perthshire, Scotland. Mr. Gowana was stake presl-len- t of the L D. S. church at Tooele ior twenty-cinyears. A candidate for president of the United States mounted a soap box In Salt Lake, Saturday night, and harangued the crowd on the issues of ths He was Arthur Elmer campaign. Boimer, a Boston tailor, who is the nominee for president of the Socialist Lalwr party. e EL Navy Department Announces That ths Panama Canal Will bo Opened to Traffic Next Year. Washington. The Panama canal Is to be oitened to traffic in tbe fall of 1913. Tbls statement was made officially at the navy department Sat urJay with an announcement that the Atlantic fleet would be rendezvoused at Colon this winter before the water Is turned In. The navys estimate is based on the latest report from the army engineers. Secretary Meyer,, after consulting with the isthmian canal commission, discovered that construction work on the canal had progressed so far that unless action was taken Immediately there was n probability that the men of the fleet would have no opportunity to examine the connecting link between the two oceans before it was in operation. The visit of the fleet will Include railroad trips for the men throughout the canal zone. WOULD FORM NEW UNION. Diaz, Zelaya and Castro Planning liance In Latin America HostilJ to the United States. New York. A second warning was given Sunday by. Senor Herberto Barron. accredited to the United Statei by the government of Mexico, who asserts that recent events have proved the truth of his claim that Zelaya, of Nicaragua; Diaz, of Mexico, and Castro, of Venzuela, are plotting with European diplomats and agents in the countries from which they have been expelled to regain their lost dictatorships and establish a Latin American union hostile to the United States llarron declares that tbe "deposed despots are aided by a powerful political syndicate whose one idea Is hatred and hostility towards the United States. To Standardize Track. Denver Announcement has Just been made that at a recent meeting of the board of directors of the Denver & Rio Grande, it was decided to standard gauge the present narrow gauge line over Marshall Pass, between Salida and Montrose, Colo. This involves widening the gauge from three to four feet eight inches for a distance of 136 miles, at a cost of approximately $2,U00.000. Ducks Dying in Utah, Ogden, Utah. Some Idea of the number of ducks which have fallen victims of the epidemic now ravaging the waer fowl of the lake can lie gained from the statement of County Commissioner .MadwA, who declares that his force of men at work on the Wasatch Gun club's grounds destroyed 3,0io carcasses on Friday. - n COMPLETION Slays Man Who Stole Wife. Amarillo. Texas. A1 G. Boyce, Jr., wav shot and killed here Saturday afternoon by J. B. Sneed, with whose wire Boyce eloped to Canada last fall. Sneed Is shortly to stand trial lur tbe murder of Boyce's father, shot at Fort Worth January 13, as a result of tbe elopement of the son Sneed shot. j In. BIG CANAL NEAR mm rules WILL ENFORCE STRINGENT REGULATIONS ADOPTED AS RESULT OF THE TITANIC DISASER, BRADY SELLS TO KUHN. Refuses to Permit Steamers, Except In Southern Waters, to Travel After Power Paint at American Falla Sold for Two Million Dollars. September 15 Without Sufficient Lifeboats and Rafts. Boise, Idaho. It was announced here authoritatively that former Gov ernor James H. Brady has sold to Washington. Secretary Nagel of the Kuhn interests of Pittsburg hli tbe department of commerce and labor power plant at American Falls. The price is not made public, but it on Wednesday practically killed tbe plan to modify the stringent steamboat Is understood to be $2,000,000. This regulations adopted by the depart- deal gives the Kuhns practically all ment of commerce and labor shortly the power along the Snake river in He re- that section, as they after tbe Titanic disaster. fused to permit coastwise steamers acquired the power plants at Shoaud lake, bay, sound and river steam- shone Falls at Upper and Lower Salers, except In southern waters, to tra- mon Falls and at Twin Falls. They have agreed to carry out the vel after September 15 without lifeboats and rafts sufficient to protect Improvement contracts entered into by Mr. Brady, which increase the all passengers and crew. JRr. Nagel greeted .permission for American Falls plant to 20,000 horselake, bay, gulf and river steamers to power. ( ply In southern waters with lifeboats Killed Man Who Wronged Her. and rafts enough to accommodate at Colax, Wash. Wesley Brownell, one time 60 per cent of thi passengers wife, Winand crew. Tbe line at which this mod- aged 23, and his Cut De Sac, Idaho, of residents nie, ification will apply was fixed at the shot and killed A. Neeves, the stepthirty-thir- d degree of latitude, about father of Mra. Brownell, on Saturday. the location of Charleston, H. C. Both, the authorities say, made full Mr. below that latitude, Danger Neeves was charged by confessions. Nagel says. Is not so great as it would be farther north and he does not de- his stepdaughter with having malsire to work any great hardship upon treated her in Idaho and aiding others to do so. The shooting took place at ship owners where protection is sufthe Charles Long ranch near Colfax, ficient. where Neeves and his wife had come, PROGRESSIVES NAME TICKET. bringing with then the Brownell children. Salt Lake Man Placed at Head of Takes Credit for Irrigation. Third Party Ticket In Utah., Nev. Before a large crowd Reno, Ogden, Utah. At the Progressive in the park here Saturday Colcity party state convention held in this onel Roosevelt made bis appeal in Neticket on Friday, the following city vada for his parly. He said that the was placed in the field: new party stood for the extension of L. Sait Governor Nephi Morris, irrigation projects in which Nevada is Lake. Interested and asserted it especially Stephen H. Love, Salt was Congressmen his efforts that both the through Lake; Louis Larson, Sanpete. law and the pure food law irrigation Secretary of State F. J. Mender-shot- , were passed. Jr., Weber. Justice of Supreme Court Ogden RHINELANDER WALDO Hiles, Salt Lake. LawN. General George Attorney rence, Salt Lake. Treasurer O. W. Adams, Cache. Auditor Walter Adams, Utah. Electors Hugh Presidential Juab; Mra. W. II. DeWolfe, Beaver; Mra. C. E. Coulter. Weber ; G. J. Carpenter, Utah. Superintendent of Public Instruction A. C. Nelson, Sanpete. sly j Shoots Boys by Mistake. Helper. Mistaken for holdups, Brigham Taylor of Provo, aged 18 years, and Arnold Deardall of Sprlngville, aged 19 years, were shot down by former Deputy Sheriff K. B. Johnston a mile south of llcliier at 7 o'clock Friday night. Taylor was fatally wounded and died several hours later. Dear-dal- l is severely wounded und will recover. Johnston. is locked In the county jail at Price and will be charged with murder. Street Car Men Quit Work. Captives Executed. s Mexico. Twenty-twof Toluca, ZapaSuperior, Wis. Robert O. Bailey, assistant seer in a tistas battle with l Superlorrcet railway captured employees artary of the treasury, is making the Duluth union troops near San Mateo, sit'e of rangements for tho Installing of curwere executed Thursday un-- work Thursday. Mexico, Only a part of In machines rency washing Chicago, St. Loulo, Cincinnati and Nsw Or- der the terms of (he suspended const cars usually in service ran, manned by strlkebrcakeiV guarantees. leans. Two-third- Gored by a Bull. Los Angeles. Francisco Del Valle Frasquito, a bull fighter, was the first victim claimed by the celebration of Mexican Independence. Frasqulto was gored through by a bull which he attempted to throw by the horns. Married Women Attack Girl, Norwalk. O. A young girl of Clarks, field, O., wna the victim of eight married women, dressed as men, who- on Sunday night Induced the girl to take a walk and then tarred and feathered her and ordered her to leave town. - Paris. The terms of peace be tween Italy and Turkey have been practically arranged with the exception of a proposed loan to Turkey oi and 600 J) 00,000 between 500,000,00(1 franca, concerning which Italy la now communicating with French, English and Belgian financiers, according tc a telegram received Monday by the Paris editors at Geneva. Tbe terms of the proposed settlement, the dispatch says, Include the tacit acceptance by the porte that Italian occupation of Tripoli is an accomplished fact, Turkey being to retain a Mediterranean port at one of tbe extremities of Libya, with a strip of territory allowing comma nlcatlon with the Arabs In the interior. Provision also is inude for the recognition of the spiritual suzerainty ol j the sultan In Tripulitania; for Um Arab chiefs by Italy, which also wil! pay to Turkey annually a certain of the national debt, the pay j amount ment being guaranteed by revenues derived from Libya; and for the ces-sion to Turkey of some portion oi Italian territory in tbe Red Sea as compensation for the loss of Tripoli. d I MOB FIRES UPON SAILORS. Americans Seem to be Having a Lively Time In Nicaragua. American Illuefields, Nicaragua. Failors from the gunboat Tacoma were fired upon In the streets here Monday demonnight during an stration incident to tbe celebration of the anniversary of Central American independence. A mob of excited Nicaraguans was formed immediately and for a moment bloodshed was n threatened. Prompt action by Lieutenant Lowell, in command of the landing force preof sixty marines, undoubtedly vented more serious results, lie rushed tbe marines to the scene of the trouble and dispersed tbe mob. Brawl Costs Three Lives Phoenix Aria. Scott ' Price; a slander, was killed, Chief of Police R. William Moore and Policeman mortally wounded and Policeman J. Valenzuela was seriously wounded late Monday by Mexican rioters, who had engaged In a brawl at a celebration of Mexico's lndeiiendence day. Tbe ''murderers escaped, with posses of national guardsmen ami citizens in pursuit. Abandons Kidnapped Bride. Grand Junction, Colo. Mrs. T.aurs fjivassy, who waa kidnaped from her father's home by her husband of two days, who she bad married aa the result of an advertisement thrown on .he screen of a moving picture ehow, was found Monday morning lying in a lazed condition on the stepe of a sanitarium. She will recover. Posses ire searching for Levassy, who has disappeared. Madero Disputes American Claims Mexico City. But one reference to relations between the United States and Mexico was made by President Madero in his message to congress, and that was in connection with the Americans' claims or Indemnity growing out of the battle of Juarez in 1911. The reason for their remaining unsettled, he Informed congress, lay in tbe excessive demands. Did Not Betray Sweetheart. Roanoke, Va. Maud Iroler did not betray her sweetheart, Wesley Edwards, and Sldna Allen, the Hillsin ville gunmen arrested Saturday Des Moines, according to Detective Baldwin, who arrived here Monday with the prisoners. The girl had no knowledge that she was being shs dowed, aaya says Baldwin. John L. Would Enter Politics. Cambridge. John L. Sullivan, former world's champion heavy-weigprize fighter, has notified Matthew Male, leader of the Progressive movement in Massachusetts that he do- sires to stump the slate for the ticket. Premier Lu to Retire. Mr. Waldo le the police commlsslon-e- r of New York whose administration tbu la attacked In connection with the rehalf cent revelations of graft in the force. Mayer Gayner stands by Mr. Waldo. quit! Pekin !t ia announced that Ln premier aud minislet if foreign affairs, will retire from office on account of ill health. Chao Ping Chun will remain as acting premier. High Price for Cattle. Cheng-Hsiang- . Old Sold:er Injured. Threatened Roosevelt. South Neb. A Los Angeles, Cal. M. A. Kestler, Omaha, Horse Sacramento, Cal Carl Olson wss a delegates to the G. A. R. euainp-men- t arrested here after he had called at Creek, Wyo., cattleman sold here from Salt Lake, is In the Colum- the police station and demanded that Monday aixty-flv- e feeder cattle avbus hospital suffering from Injuries the desk sergennt Colonel eraging 1,140 ixiunds for $S.1.1 per notify received late Wednesday when he fell Roosevelt that if he came to California his life would pay the penalty. from a street car. Builders on Strike. Nurse Rewarded for Service. Russian Police Chief Slain. Federal Victory Costly. I. an of Out of L. estate Cincinnati On account of Mlneola, London. Colonel Lupakoff, head of internal Mexican federal Mexico City. troubles, the Building Trudee council $344,588.90 left by Walter E. Duryea, the Russian political police, was shot troops won a costly victory in the of Oaxaca when they succeeded on Friday declared a strike or Its mem- who lived several years with a broken down when waiting for a street ra in routing an attacking force of 4,000 bers in this city and railed out S.Oou neck, $155,983.90 goes to Miss Anna Sunday with his wife st Pyatigorsk. Indians led by Zapatistas, after three men employed on buildings now vo- Peregrine, hts nurse, according to the Caucasia, according to n I'spatca I from St. Petersburg. der construction. days rHt'nsr. tax annralser's renort 1 Proposed Settlement Would lie cluda the Tacit Acceptance by the Porte That Italian Occupation of Tripoli Is Accomplished Fact The the fed-eia- J Des Moines, Iowa. Sldna Allen, so called leader of the Allen clan which hot up tbe Carroll county court house at Hillsville, Va.. March 14, killing Judge Massle and others, ana bis nephew, Wesley Edwards were Both have captured here Saturday. announced their willingness to return to Virginia without requisition. Edwards, for the love of whom Miss Maude Iroler of Mount Airy, N. C-- , had innocently led detectives to Des Moines, was captured as he was returning to his boarding house, after having worked all day with a paving gang. Just as he boarded a street car, detectives and officers surrounded it Edwards wss trying to escape by crawling through the front end of tbe car when the officers caught him. The arrest of Sldna Allen waa effected earlier in the day. A viait by Edwards to Miss Iroler in her Virginia home about a month ago and the accidental loss of a let ter put the detectives on the trail The fugitives had been in Des Moines since April 28. Sldna Allen declined to say much concerning his movements Immediately after the court house tragedy. H and Edwards remained in the mono tain country of Virginia and North Carolina for about a month, and then got over into Kentucky, going to Louisville, where they spent several days Their next stop was in St. Louis Allen declared the court house tragedy was the fault of the officers, who, he said, began tbe shooting. TERMS HAVE BEEN PRACTICALLY AGREED WITH EXCEPTION OF LOAN TO TURKEY. hundred. The cattle were highrgrada Hereford s. Aviator Falla into Lake. Chicago. Aviator Albert J. Engle. l Iriving a Curtis hydroplane, inn feet into Michigan on.. Monday ind almost drowned before a motor mat teamed him from tbe tangle uf wire and canvas. ft-l- -- |