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Show I Professional Cards Ou.cn Dra. ROBERTSON & PETERSON Physicians and Surgeons 302 WILDUR D.NESP1T SANDY, Utah- - Hours, "to .DressSiiit East Main St., 9 wr to 10 a. m.. 32: 'to to 2:''.f Phone 0 W p. tiL DR. K. M. CHRISTENSEN DENTIST "22 your memory. GOOD Sir Henry Sidney. Kearns Phone, Wusutcli 471, THINGS FOR THE CELLAR. A To Prepare Grape Jelly Pick over 'the grapes, wash aud remove the atema. Put In a preserving kettle, heat gradually to the boiling point, mash thoroughly and let cool thirty mlnutea. Strain through a coarae strainer, then through a Jelly bag. Measure the Juice, bring to the boiling point and boil flve mlnutea. Add an equal measure of sugar. Roll flve inln utea, skim, pour Into glasses and place In a sunny window to stand for a day. Gams Jelly-Th- ls is a most delicious Jelly to serve with venison or game of any kind. Prepare a peck of wild grapes. Put into the kettle with a quart of vinegar (If not too acid), a fourth of a cup of whole cloves and the same of stick cinnamon, firing to the boiling point and cook until the grapes are soft Strain through a Jelly bag, and add six pounds of heated sugar, then boll seven minutes. Pear Chips. Wipe eight pounds of pears, remove the stems, quarter and core, then cut In small pieces, ('over and let stand over night with four pounds of granulated sugar and a fourth of a pound of Canton ginger cut in bits. In tbe morning simmer three hours. Put into a stone Jar. Damson Preserves. Wipe damson plums with a piece of damp cloth and prick each fruit five times with a silver fork. Make a sirup of three-fourth-s their weight in sugar, allowing a cup of water to each pound of sugar. As soon as the sirup is boiling. skim and add the plums, a few at a time. Cook nntll soft. Place in stone Jars. Quince Jelly Wipe quinces, remove stem and blossom and cut In quarters and remove the seeds. Put tbe quinces In a kettle, add cold water to come nearly to the top of the fruit, Maah and and simmer until soft strain through a sieve, then through a Jelly bag. Boll twenty minutes and add an equal quantity of sugar. Boil even minutes and pour into glasses. Water melon pickles are prepared by soaking In salt water over night then boll in a little water with a pinch of alum to toughen them, and then plump in ice water and spice with vinegar, brown sugar and spices as for peaches. PERFECT Building. Salt Lake City- - BATHROOM is essential In every home where rtut Obtain nit ning water is obtainable. estimate on ILl' M BING WORK Yon will find it surprisingly quality of work iitnl na'.vriui? used are considered. No job is small or too big for iik. FRED ALEXANDER, Sandy R. D. No. 1, Box IS. East Side Statu lload. 4tb Mouse South of O. S. I. Crossing- llmnc. 21',. When boiling cauliflower, place it in the boiling water, head down; it will coma out much whiter than if exposed to the air. In giving an alcohol bath tc a patient. an old toilet water bottle Is useful to hold the alcohol, as the shaker cork allows only a few drops to fall at a time, and the other band is free 1 - FALL AND WINTER to massage. A nice salad dreasiug and one easy to prepare is this: Mix a tablespoon ful of sugar with two of milk or cream; add two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. a pinch of salt aud pepper. A little cplery salt Is an addition when used with cabbage. The care of pillow cases, towels, napkins and sheets. When putting ones, put away the freshly-ironethem at the bottom of ilia pile, and in this way, as they are used from the top, they will get equal wear. When washing unbleached muslin, do not rinse In bluing water, as it will make it dark. Cook prunes, peaches, apricots aud all dried fruits in a bean pot with sugar and water while baking. The long, slow cooking develops flavor. The skins of dried jieuches are easily removed after they are soft. Sandwich bread is ro much nicer if JVULLISF?Y 142 So. Twas tills evening while aweary attic room so Such s rouiii Is culled nil In my acrlc-dunii- iug clot lies I'd worn of yore, Cntne a sudden sound of ripping and a of sritiictliliig slipping 1 d While down was dipping, and a billion struck the floor And I knew 'twits from the dress suit I bad purchased ycurs Said the dress suit: State Street, MURRAY, UTAH. dn-ur- rOR RELIABLE AND CHEAT" It would seem at first glance tu have been church piece, hut It is only a man I of tbe religious feeling of tha SEE first proprietor, who placed on the iron grating a holy Infant with shepCO. JENNINGS INSURANCE distinctly I n iiiciiiImt. 'Iwms ten herd's crook and a sheep or two dully Ah, years since last A gen Is, Tribune Building. Stale Or perchance ! was that I gilded to this day. Sail Lake t'tiy. slmlled Into (lie store, U is tbe barbers who use the golden AY YM. Besiileut was And de for LETT, suit then the the Agent. rlgiictir balls as a sign here, golden balls with outlines of my figure Phone 2K5-MIDVALE, Uta' a magnificent switch of horsehair t iltuir French words hs de rigger." gentle render, 1 liiiplnn-'- i banging down below and swinging to the breeze. Tbe reason And I've gradually grown bigger, sent the PHONES :2;S.ri merrily RES. HY. 973-' scales up more and more for tbe horsehair Is obvious, but you I shall lie thin nevermore. 3835 WASATCH will likely puzzle long over the gulden bail until you notice that some bar- Year on yrar that suit haa served me. When the gay walls music swelled There is no crust and they need nr their own. for the cafe on the Place bers do not use tbe ball but instead a me, shaping. CLEANING AND DYEING de la Baslile known as The Cannon queerly shaped, almost flat pleee of Or the dinner crowds unnerved me when Nicely browned rolls hollowed out of the Basille" has historic associafor speeches they would roar: brass, wblt-- in time you decide must DRY CLEANING FRENCH make good receptacles to hold any Even the great tin can- be the barber's bowl. The ball was Though the emit haa gained a luster It 351 SOUTH STATE ST. upper-muttan been cream chicken, oysters or vegetables. tions surely. ing non which surmounts Its glass covered more decorative than the bowl. 1 have worn And a SALT LAKE CTIV The jeweler-- of Paris hang out It o'er and o'er. red terrace is the replica of one used Willi Bits-tilclocks, a in America, but not one in Up to date It baa iwhM muster when I by the populace In storming the a ALT LAKE CLEANING fared the entrance dour. and the waiter will assure yon a hundred of them runs. In Purls, too, do mu nevermore. But 'twill tbe and DYEING CO. jeweler's little brother, the opthe original stood on thla very spot. - another tician. hangs out a pair of spec Lacies isWill call every Wednesday. it afnee and have dgais-ltbroad Across the square Puup Ibe day the porter fetched It. him!' s wel! with a soldier trumpeter at pa- as In America,, But here thla sign Is WELL Rut It seems that I Imvc strelrlieil It served meal implies, on lb rade painted life slxe on a sheet of quite conventionalized, the rim of Ibe the more. till it could not xt nf reepee and all the glasses, part of the entertainer, s sensecomfort in Itridgepieee being Ami llm wairtteoat tries tu apllt me while Phone 37 All kinds connection, ant tin. It is less romantic tie owes to Ids guests, whose sn made inch of brass tubing I lie i roiiKcra thick and tightly lit me P. O. Box 33C Potted Ilante-while thy are un- but the cafe beneath It is dingy and happiness he now lilt me And hack breadths the coal's tire red two are of and blue least eyepieces of at with suggestions der his roof. replete where my waist line was of yore. glass. revolutions. O, no longer i n I sit me down In eom-fo- rt In tbe good old days thoughtful FOR A COMPANY LUNCHEON And speaking of revolutions, what as Nevermore! For the suit says: tell a more romantic history than American tobacconists used tu proFLORIST Tbe following recipes may be fol- the washerwoman's signs of Paris? vide wooden Indians fur small boys to nor not the for I'm suit repining, CUT FLOWERS AND FUNERAL modified to suit the taste of Painted on tin and crudely finished, wheel away on Hallowe'en night, but ripping sennis nnd lining: DIFFICULTY Is never an lowed or 1 DESIGNS. 'Til not olden-da- y tu be sure, still they are nothing leu the tobacco trust eliminated that charnbetacle unless you make it the hostess: designing of tlm cut that T deplore, with in connection so. Ail difficulties are soluble in Greenhouses Pimiento Bisque. Cook s half cup j tian the tricolor of PYance. the staud- - ity. How the dissolution of that orthe fart that T am showing how More. Count as and or rice In three parts of chicken stock. ard of the republic. What a story It ganization lias effected the wooden In- TIs iniieli heavier I'm growing Rub through a sieve and add the pulp is that the national ensign, as jealous- dian business none of the American And llils Ive not 214 East 2nd South St knowing ns I COMPANY DISHES. which reach taka Paris has rubbed nut before. widened periodicals through and of six red peppers stripes, ly guarded as the stars SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. will should serve aa a trade sign for the en tbe trouble to say. Here tbe sign Double chins time Is bestowing -- Would sieve. The peppers. If fresh, I reaton-with S. M. Taylor A. erdere Leave mv Sweetbread Salad- - Mix equal parts need to lie rooked before using; the laundries! might youth But remember the story of the tobacco stores is a conventionNevermore!" guys the dress uit: MIDVALE. of parboiled sweetbreads cut In half-Ipc- canned Co., alized red without of the result cigar, placing of the revolution and the meetings In variety can be used finely cut. pieces with celery ot laundry shops at night and remember two equal cones of tin base lo base. I shall hike thin suit and sell il Ah. Hint Add two teaspoonful cooking. end Moisten with Delmonico dressing I should hove to tell It! salt, a half teaspoon of tabasco sauce, Mine. Saus Rene, the washerwoman This sign is at once the trade sign of Whv. tlie (nipping tail tons yell H as they COME TO MY FOUNTAIN arrange on lettuce leaves. half of tobacco the add sale and Paris, for, was a it being to not? the ho point become boiling prineess clutter to the floor. Mix a half ta- nrlng of Delmonico Dressing a tobacco cream stores Just government monopoly, as before, under when can never I mid one slender lit Paris a nip I'm tin longer lithe whipped pass For of wore one suspender blespoon of mustard, three-fourth- s that stiff tin draped flag, usually sadly nre few and far between anil, as one, serving. Serve with croutons. ALL SOFT DRINKS - add H'"1 an ,,lM then0,1 K" " of a tablespoon sugar, American here remarked. 'The sight '"d h Spanish Chops. Rash six thick faded, and glance at the toiling never known to snore. 1 a a have largo recepiion ini!f one those of tin of egg well beaten, two and a half is as red and eD inside the windows without remem-stuf- f cigars cho nearly to the bone Ah, Ihnee memories ho tender: t ii n I of melted where you can enjoy a lunch or t'ofi'oc. butter, three-fourth-s now stoop to the flour? To six la- (wring the pranks of the royal laun- - Inspiring ss a swinging lutticed door the with following: of a cup of cream and a Nevermore!" in the waste of a high license town on Chocolate ami all lint hevcragt Hays Hie dress suit: of bread crumbs add ires and understanding the flag. fourth of a cup of vinegar. Cook over blespoonfuls ndwl-he' bf and Lunch. Candies in a summer afternoon. chopped signs three Tl(e rasbion of hanging tablespoonfuls And the .liras suit, no n.r .lining, still la hot water, stirring constantly. Strain cooked ham. two tables poonruls each Paris In Front of the Hat Store. Kniii. depends largely on the quarter splllllng. still is splitting. and cool. An-The old fashioned hatters of Paris Its ripping Is not qul't'ng a- I fling I of chopped mushrooms and melted if the city, and In some proud sections sell bread, cake., crnckcr am l! lo nd floor; a lu to sidewalk cling faithfully and launCelery With Roquefort. Cut salt over sign the wilh no cayenne. season . there are tin flags butter, in eniiiied Rive me a call. all Into Is seetlons. of It touring f!ng trim short, crisp stalks of celery. Dip the chops in crumbs, egg and dries and no strips of red cloth swung the form of the glowing curves of the directions, I he Ilooins iimeil by day, week fu Is of two Cream Roque- crumbs, and fry in deep fat. i to tablespoon the breeze at each end .of the dye high hat of a century ago. This ar Mukln-- r Ihn-- nr four idlertloiis of Hu- - Marriiiil House. at I sore of and fort wfth two of cream cheese, seasmall-sizetide grow furnishings, j gent's no of section painted Salad. Peel single Tomato shops. But in L. L. RADDON, son with pepper and All the hollows of tomatoes and cut In eights without the capital is missing tbe r'gn nf tbe bright red, with a yellow band and a Ae I must upon the Irimiiess and the Proprietor-10slimness Hint It Is re, the celery stalks with the cheese. severing the sections, open out like barticrs. yellow cockade, is to be found everyMain St West Which shall 1r nine Sandy, Utah Serve surrounded with chopped Ice. Parisian Idea of mercantile adver-te- r where In Paris, the only variation be the petals of a flower, and in the cen-- ! the red palmer's hat of the clergy Fairmont Sandwiches. Cut sandChanged the Lines. place a teaspoonful or pearl ottlona Using go back to the middle ages, ing slices, with a touch of riced wich bread into "I-aegg j when there were no show windows supply- houses and at tempts of modoff. Macduff!" shouted the butter sparingly on both sides and put yolk. Serve on lettuce with French and no reading public aud ibe height ern establishments to replace it with strange person who interrupted the between slices some finely cut red dressing, to which is added finely-- , of progresslvetiess was expressed in models of ugly up to dale derbies of performance. and green peppers. Remove the mois- chopped a golden symbol of the tradesmen colossal size. "1 don't see where you cut in." objrsley and rreen pepper. Another modernization is seen now served the ture by wringing the peppers In a outside the house wherein he or a dish hung a FOr frozen rusie stage manager, nnd. anyparfait FUNERAL DIRECTORS. and then In tbe way of bootmakers cheese cloth, moisten with mayonnaise-dressing- . traded. lived and are Lay on, Macduff!' lines be will the cream Ice way. appropriate. berry The conventional old style There should be two layers The signs. In Paris Busy Center, LICENSED EMBALM EllS. Well," said the stranger. "It is 'lay raspberries, either fresh or prela a carved and gilded wooden of green and one of red or, if presign a noncold has You some The the have tlilB in time. shop a sign hanging off for used are garnish, Fold la served, classic lines. The modern truv union MIDVALE. UTAH. ferred, Just the reverse. cream the fruit Juice is added to the efficiency about It arter at; It tells hoot of suiters here tonight, and 1 sm MAIN ST. an is minute to the American up cheese cloth and presa under a weight. cream before freezing. esty serves known. to be It callI all that needs the walking delegate, and am M. M. TAYLOR. Manager shoe of the hrogan type, also of Cut in thin allcee for serving. ing that actor down Just at present Small Cakes- .- Make a cup cake, or another purpose also the preserva-spong- carved wood or niacbe Roast Duck With Peanut Stuffing pepier of tbe Hon perhaps, of the atmosphere pictur until you adjust matters." if preferred, baked in small Ofj.re plioili- - li. lies, pliill.-i- ' 'J.'V J Wild ducks should be cooked about gilded till it shines again. hole in the top when Clique. a Cut pans. half aa long as the tame variety. cold and fill with sweetened whipped Glove stores and haberdashers and Open Day and Night. In the old street yon can find many A Comparison. Place thin slices of salt pork over the cream. But back the small lid and nf the ancient signs yet and some modshops generally announce their Woman. growled lli pessimistic breast to haste aud hake a half hour, cover the rake with frosting or choco- ern example besides. The really old by means of giant gloves person, "is not to bo relied upon. She with fst flve minutes over every their doors. These signs, is far and few " are NYAL FAMILY REMEDIES. but basting between, whole of the top of signs If the as fickle as late Icing. from the pan. For stuffing, add a hair the cake Is off It is not so easy to walks in the historic quarters bring like ail the rest, are either attached n some for Here he ruminated Fur liiiili.v years have uiaiii'uinei' cup of chopped peanuts to three- handle, aa it Is apt to be lifted off. you to them and warm your heart with in the signs directly over the doors or lu eearrh nf a lilting siniii iron exa from are fourths of a cup of crumbs, one-hahigh Mamlanl of quality, v.h'i u- ba-:- t suspended supports ' ;ts a ballplayer." he finished, Rolls may be baked lu shallow cup Iheir sight. from tbe second wall il You sure to tending to the confide .re n. cup of heavy cream and two hunt first an for story ill it t i'il I i the in a pan, and when with a smile of conscious success. of melted butter: season cake pans, three out tin umbici old tavern signs, which you hope to Umbrella stores--banDumade look well penpie. and If small with salt, pepper, cayenne and a few served, find still swinging over dingy cafes,-an- bis. usuqUy opened and painted red A Supreme Achievement.. ihe clovers. The enviable iioeiHou wl.ii-like three-loa- f if yon are lucky you will find half lrimiei.se gold scissors announce cut drops nf onion Juice. He Is rn nrchitoct of wondrous bold lias iieen gained ihri.iig.i irerti' A snd delicious preserve over Conserve giant pincers, a dozen In all Paris. Over in the Ma- )ry stores, talent. they say. indicating a gentle- uhiuc. No exaggerated, iuii.leadli;. similar to marmalade la prepared In rais, the aristocratic quarter of two grown planes and the druggists' mor- man with deepsot eyes and spreading has heel) colltl'elf. centuries sen, you will find most of tar and pestle advertise their obvious brow. . New York K Hiiced Ihe by At one little corner, for Inleft. those "Indeed? I murmur, politely. amusement, has read of his own out Frederic Mistrals Health. stores wilh of luint is hang Co. palettes the "The Armed sign "Indeed, yes. Ho lias designed a Drag in the papers. He says that stance, Man" crudely executed In cast iron, brushes stuck through tbe thumb bole cozy cozy corner." Fortunately the alarming rumors death, lde use is I In ou'.ciiiiie ol Their announcements are such premature of man In full armor sitting astride or merely squares of t licet Iron paintthe currant concerning tbe health words, Yesgood inspired by ibe I enetii-iof so many certificates longevity. a cannon of historic tyre. Abcyit him ed dlagonnlly with bars of hrilllanl Frederic Mistral prove to have been Foozle. a w hich I hey have produced. Mayhap re.eiiis terday an Italian Journal published a out a dilapidatwere married on the links. exaggerated. If not unfounded. The long and eulogistic obituary, which twist Iron vines and leaves, giving colors. Florists bang They Tinfoe' formulas of each are llm true Artistic company In his un- ed gilded wreath and the thousands of said Grayce. Veteran poet had been suffering from the hudoubtless will with read k: You mv poet a the king. to known are may by Immense Invitation to you to come and locksmiths a alight Indisposition, doubtless due How romantic," cooed Muybelle. morous relish. Paris correspondence tiring wIihi is lieing taken nr Kii'n drink the excellent wine within golden keys. Usually (he keys are ol But wasn't that a hazard?" uui the heat A visitor found him In the London Telegraph. French sort, which feel and the his of when and typical age heart Nearer children. the bethings swept "I afternoon, no. "Oh. tittered Grayce. early by the currents of the busiest center quite as bulky as the signs look to bo. lieve It waa only a new atyle of knot the hour might well have counseled a ' Fashion Note. found touch is GAFITOL PHARMACY, modern the but ot here, 111 deek correcting Paris, the Ilalles, or public markets, in the golf tie." leita, seated at The faahiona have gone under seas. out some of at th for la And hang keys ran volume, too, latest another hla of you easily, sign man summer one asserts. the proofs Or so Sindy, Utah. Ollvades." He eeye the mermaids. If you please though It, too. Is flat against the trau- - flat present In the press, "! e tloov iraiiis All and ci.rs bubble hla attired la sklrte. to all Are slop al Already the poet, greatly UT far away la the famous restaurant of the Smoking Dog, whose dingy portrait is easily overlooked in Its decadence. In this section, too, if you search long and faithfully or are lucky at the start, you will find another f t,le hanging signs 0Tr , ' glided It and worn sway, suspended over the sidewalk on an ornamental Iron bracket. These are survivals from a time long forgotten, but modern Paris has delightful parallels. Nor are they en- d . i- sotn space above tbe door. shoe-war- fee-latio- 3irc (insurance 1 tist-iids-- . k - W. G WfilcJorf er e, r . h Wglter W. Hir)g OS Is-e- tli.-i- l h ,M1-1"r- , table-poonful- worn-Frenc- I - J s 111- it ; hard-cooke- d y . ; i ; e, ! - lf table-spoonfu- lii-n- - Hdlt-ni-ill- Lm-iloi- tr-de- - yu-.ii- s oxi-a-il- ipft 1 r i |