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Show the same band, for they were Just as good as the genuine bills, with (he of the duplicate serial number and letter. The fact that the bogus money had appeared in dlffereut parts of the country at about the same time showed that there had been roucerted action iu getting rid of them in large hatches by the gang, but this alone did not give any clew to the operators or their headquarters. So far as ITAUAN BEES ARE THE BEST Evidence Abundant That Long- Do More Insects Work on Tongued Red Clover Than Others, There seems to be abundant evt dence that the Italian bees do work more upon red clover than the black bees, and therefore that they do havq longer tongues. The project of breed ing bees long-tongue- d that can reach PARALLEL STORIES tf FAMOUS CRIMES THE CRIMINAL Tells How He Planned the Deed and Sought to Cose Every Avenue of Knowledge Leading to His Guilt. The Detective Shows How Futile These Efforts Were and How the Old Adage, Murder Y ill Out, Always 1 lolds Good. WATER SUPPLY ON DRY FARM Plant for Averags Homs Need Not Ba Elaborats or Extenslvs to Be Convenient. (By tltOI-'- . t:. 8. KKKNK. rlnif. Nin th l'akutu rnll-H.-- I'ran of Rnei-ii- h Arn.-ullur- l .) uml well arranged water supply system contribute to the comfort and well being of (he family to a greater measure than any other form of lnUMhnld convenience. Such a system nut only lightens (be burden of household drudgery, but adds Immeasurably to Ihe contentment of thoee who enjoy its service. When there I added to the convenience of such a plant that of a system jt sewage disposal, the equipment of .he suburban or country reslderce heroines as complete st can be obtained a here city water supply and newer service is available. That plants of this kind are in general use Is a matter of common knowledge, and that they are successful in service la attested by the number of companies engaged in their manufacture. A water supply plant fur the average home need not he elaborate or expensive in order to be convenient. Thn water may be taken from any suitable source of supply, and the plant ntay be made to suit the available conditions, no matter what they f may be. The ay stem Is simple In construction, not at all difficult to operate, and contains all of the essentials necessary to the demands of the average Aii ail minute we knew they might have been located in any one of five large cities. Secret service operators were put to work in these cities with ihe Intention (Copjrriskbr I L. Nikon of working back from the time the HONEY BEE CARRIES POLLEN THE GREATEST GANG OF ,c6ufifcY&ters,whpwaa a photographer, and money was put out. Sam Stetson, a.' engraver, were kept In every city where the thieves did TERFEITER8. As Assurance of Crop Depends Upon busily at work getting out the plater. business they bought bonds and seInsects as Distributors, Apiaries They had some new trick that they curities which could be disposed of days Immediately Should Be in Orchards, the Civil war were were experimenting on for a long anywhere, from bankers and brokers halcyon days of the while, and, after a lot of failures, who were experts in detecting bogus Cy C. L LEWIS and G. CL VINCENT.) they found what they were after. money. In each city we got a good The minds It has been a question In the flooded Flates were made for the bills of a description of the man who bought was fairly of many experimenters for some time with bogus bank and dozen or more banks, and Forbes, the bonds, and It showed that it was just how much the wind aids In carryNo man, when he re- who was a good judge, said that they a different man in each place. The notes. treasury ing pollen from tree to tree. If the ceived could a tell when he pre- were the finest plates ever used to descriptions were good so far aa they bill, wind does aid In distributing pollen, bank It a sented at whether It would stamp bogus money. Peters was went. Naturally the government printIs It distributed In sufficient quantities be or not When the famous very reticent about the way the plates ing bureau came under suspicion beaccepted to Insure the fertilization of the FOrbea to gang began put their out- were made, and, as it was none of cause of the quality of the work, and orulesT on the market bank the teller him- our business, we didn't care. Taken at every man at work in that department put Since so many of our varieties of not could self tell he might the very worst, Peters was only a was examined with a searchlight whether and apples are known to be crook. He came of a Well, we wasted a lot of time proving In his drawer another of the not have must depend upon foreign pollen for the Innocence of government employes, In Georgia. very was same the good serial for family that number; fertilizing the ovules, this question Is but the work turned out to he of some coun'When done which meana were about a Forbes the only by plates I went with FOrbes and got three value, after all. terfeit could be detected. I was working In WashingIt le not likely that another gang presses, which he had sent to a va- tonWhile I came across Richard Osgood, POST MAKES A USFUL GATE limllar to the Forbes crowd ever will cant store In Harlem, and removed service operator, and he arise In the United States. The coun- them ouraelvea to the ranch In Flat-bus- h an Two Sections of Fence Can Be Bent terfeiters of today are no questions would be asked told me a yarn which came from his so photoengravers, who Apart at Top, Making Handy who bear the same relation to the The only delay we met with waa in mulatto servant girl. The girl, was home. of a a and bit flirt and Convenient Passage, good looking similar used to that by high-clas- s maker of steel plates that getting paper The source of supply is a rain water the government I tried to make con- had formed the acquaintance of a e to does the the coin.molder g man whom she knew white cistern sunk below the level of the Here Is a fence, horse-high- , by in nection cnly several firms with big crook who cut his own steel dies. The the name of Uttle Jack. lie had be- basement floor, the top of which exand without a silk and dead all were but Massachusetts, they secret the paper process threads, gate In sight. Yet the man who knows and the excellence and activity of the leary about going Into the scheme, al come confidential with her and had tends above the level of Ihe floor. The can pass through t easily. The secret United States secret service dropped a hint that he would soon water la pumped from the cistern by have also though we offered them big money. rests in a pair of twin posts. Two served 'to render the liner forms of Forbes and I finally took a trip to own part of the government printing a common tank pump and forced Into pieces of strong wood are shod with counterfeiting a lost art Therefore England and found a paper manu office. The girl the next day reported the pressure lank, where It furnishes , Apiaries should bo kept In orcha'-dsa supply of water as deidred. The tank to Osgood what she had heard. iron at the bottoms. These Iron feet it la Interesting to review the rise facturer who was willing to make the as the bee is the best agent for la an upright cylinder made perfectly not are hinged by being connected with a and fall very "Osgood, He knew friendly we being were what paper. after of the greatest of them all, acon with secret the Into service Is the iron driven that stake without people light and constructed to withstand the told and long charged a price being the Forbes gang. for his work that was highway rob- count of hla dismissal, thought over necessary pressure required to perof serious consequence. Is It the wind ground and forms the foundation. At I knew Ned Ormsby, one of the bery. But we had to get the goods the matter for a day before reporting form its service. It may be galvanized or our common honey bee that does the tops of the posts are a hook, and a of the gang, well; a quiet, at members norso to that the hook, engage loop any price and gladly paid him his the story. When the secret service as a precaution against rust, but this the work? little man, gray about the figures. We got the paper through operators went to look for Little Jack, 'a not absolutely necessary. From observations made the past mally the two posts are hooked to- dignified and when he told me the the custom house The pipe which conveys the water under a false In he hnd flown the coop. few years it is evident that bees play a gether and form one rigid upright that temples, of the fedthe "This Information might mean much from the puntp enters the tank near voice, with the aid of an inspector most Important part In the fertiliza- holds the wires as taut as they are on following story waspallor still upon him. who was not above eral penitentiary To arrive at the stationary posts that form the rest tion of the blossoms. taking money for or little. Investigation showed that the bottom, and as the water enters To of fence. the favors, and after keeping it in a stor- this fellow, under another name, hnd the contained air is compressed into pass through this some definite conclusions as to how NED ORMSBY8 YARN. age warehouse for several weeks we been In the company of some of the Ihe decreasing apace above its surmuch pollen Is transmitted through novel gate all that Is necessary Is to sent It to Flatbush. The paper was government engraven. While they face. The pressure developed by the the air by the wind, experiments have "The Forbes gang of counterfeit- as goed as the genuine paper, and It admitted this they said that they did compressed air furnishes the force by been carried on In several states to ers, said Ned Ormsby, "was without did not take ua long to start the not know him, and that he had made which the water ia driven out of the determine this question. These exdoubt the greatest gang In their spe- presses. Stetson waa a practical no dishonest proposals to them. But lank and through the distributing periments demonstrated beyond doubt cialty ever got together. The gang, printer, and fixed the colored Inks for who was Little Jack? This query pipes as the supply la demanded. If that plum pollen as well as pollen of as It was at first made up, consisted the different plates. Then we all took kept going through my mind day and ihe air of the tank when empty of waseveral species of apples experimented of Ed Forbes, Little Jack Vaughn, a tdrn at the presses, and a fellow night for several days, and then the ter la compressed until it occupies one-hal- f the not is transmitted through upon name of Little Jack Vaughn, the New of its original volume, then the Sam Stetson, Curley Peters and my- could not help having a thrill of air In sufficient quantities to Incard flashed Orleans my upon as were bills will be twice the original In of self. sharp, all same the We beautiful the pressure piles Georgia wind sure the Hence, memory, lie had been mixed up with pressure, which in this case will be cannot be relied upon as an agency to regiment, and enllstel in Atlanta, ex- were stacked up in the cellar. "We kept the presses moving until several swindles In the south, and I about 15 pounds to the square Inch. pecting to go through until the end transfer pollen from tree to tree of In waa which we had about 82,030, 000 la money. sent to the chief cf police in New Or- The higher the water rises in the considered the it war, throughout the orchard. the south would not be very far off. After all the bllla had been rejected leans to see If he could get me hla tank the greater will be the pressure Is not attracted That the honey-be- e to the blossom by the inflorescence "We kept banging away with guns that showed any defects, the good picture. It might be only a waste of developed. This may he as high as 125 has also been shown. It Is apparent for a couple cf years and got pretty ones were aged by a colored fluid. We time, I thought, but I could not telL pounds to the square Inch If occasion miss any chances In requires, but 40 pounds pressure is '.hat the snowy petals of the blossoms sick of It. The scraps we got Into were now ready for the real business It never does to In biislneu. about a week I got generally sufficient for all tbe requiremy A Imcareful of , the comparison were not such Jokes as we had tld materially In attracting the bees. Mfbegln. a picture from New Orleans of Uttle ments usually demanded In a bouse with counterfeits a magnifying be. The blossom Is well supplied with would The glass Yankees, agined they and the mulatto girl said it was plant. nectar, and the open character of the who, we had thought, would be soft did not show the slightest difference Jack, same fellow she had seen. the The plant la relatively Inexpensive, marks for tte southern gentlemen, from the genuine. So confident was sectary makes it accessible to almost was more important next The step we Forbes sent one to operate and givea the houae of the that Beall insects. money ilmple The bees, in trying to out to he dandy fighters. turned The description of the man who had i supply of water that furnishes every reach the nectar, brush against the sides, there was no money In war, as of the bills to a bank to have its gen the bogus money in Philadel- necessary convenience. Modifications anthers and carry away with them on it was being carried on. Forbes told ulneness tested. It came back all passedreferred to him as being under may be made to suit any condition or phia I their hairy legs and abdomen large us one day that he was going to quit right the average size. I took the picture ilze, location or source of water supof "Instead to the all we This ua hit and quantities of polled. The Insects In Just push queer quit trying right Handy Fence Gate. in small lots, as Is commonly done to (he broker who had seen him, and ply. with him. visiting other blossoms transfer some he said Uttle Jack waa the man, of the foreign pollen to these pistils. unhook the posts and bend them into "I did not know that Forbes had by shovers, we divided the money without doubt. Then we learned Into of five Since the wind aids so little In and members MANY BENEFITS FROM SHEEP a V, the hinges at the bottom permitthe parts, my purpose In giving up war as It 1s evident that the vari- ting this. After you step through, profession until we got well clear of the gang took equal share and went from the south the names of some of the gang that Uttle Jack trained ous insects, especially the bees, are book them up again. the lines. We were not deserters, be- respectively to New York, Boston, with, and that he had been In the No Kind of Live Stock That Can Bo carriers of pollen. cause we had all served for a longer Philadelphia, Chicago, and St Louis. Handled Mora Advantageoualy business during tha As the assurance of a crop depends With Dry Farming. time than our enlistment called for. Then we put out the money In govern- counterfeiting Moisture for Next Year. war. were Little Jack But where We went on the bum for a few weeks, ment and railroad bonds of the apon insects as distributors of the Now Is the time to think of conservand hla partners? A large reward sort, and got rid of all the was offered pollen. It Is necessary that apiaries be ing moisture for the crop next year. hnd then Forbes gave out the scheme STEVENS, Live Stock Comfor the capture of the (By W. F. missioner of Alberta.) established In the different fruit sec- If the stubMe fields are disked as that he had been studying over for a money. We made the biggest life on There la no kind of live atock that tions. With favorable climatic condi- soon as the grain is cut and capillarity long time. This was nothing less than record, and sold the bonds In London gaug, and a description of some of the bonds which had been bought was can be handled as advantageously in Inside tions and proper planting of varieties is broken. It will be much more diffa month. of counterflood with to the south bogus sent to all the financial centers of this connection with extensive grain grow the bees would Insure .pollination. He believed icult for the tons of water stored In the feit Confederate notes. country and Europe, witfi a descrip- Ing in a country aa can ground by summer rains to evaporate. that the south would be successful, DETECTIVE ARNOLD TELL8 IT. tion of Uttle Jack. We got word sheep. IMPLEMENT IS EASILY MADE It will also be found that plowing can hml that we would not have any diffrom Ijondon that a man answering This la due to one fundamental fact be done more easily, and at less ex- ficulty In rolling in millions of dollars. "It Is a very difficult thing," said his description had disposed of a lot the large number of weeds that we The game looked like a cinch, aod Arnold, formerly of the of bonds In that city, and we com- sheep will eat. Of the 300 grasses and Not a Difficult Matter to Construct pense to horse flesh. Operator lid get up a etock of bills represent- Unted States secret service, "to get municated with Scotland Yard. Practical and Cheap Hay Rack-Bol- ster weeds known in Canada, sheep will enough money to buy a small get rid of a large amount of countering "We worked steadily on the case eat 260. llorsea and cattle will eat on Frame. state, when the Confederates, won feit money In this country without de- here for weeks, and found out a lot that number. only about final battle, but the cinch turned their because of the safeguards of information about the gang. Ws W. J. serious problem confronttection, most GRIFFIN.) The (By out to be tainted with foolishness, and which are thrown around the A practical and cheap hay rack may genuine were reasonably certain that Ed ing the average grain farmer in Westwe were badly left In the end. notes. The plan of protecting money Ftorbes was at the bead of it, but did ern Canada today ia the weed prub be made very simply. "Our glorious scheme was k jocked has received the greatest attention not have the positive proof or the lem. While the weed problem can be Haling Is the proper treatment for The bed fqame is 15 feet long, the to smithereens when Lee surrendered. from the treasury officials, ar.d marks man. While racking our brains to handled by proper cultivation, this rear end Is 3 reet 6 Inches wide, and cowpea hay. The hoe Is the certain remedy for The whole gang went north with a and characters have been put upon clear up the business, a cablegram cultivation can be greatly facilitated the front 1 foot 8 Inches wide. Delng cocklebur pest. the pretty largosized stock of pioperty, the bills which it Is Intended shall was received from Scotland Yard to by keeping the right kind of animals narrow In front permits of the wagon should give some at- which we disposed of at good prices. farmer Every in smaller a escape the counterfeiters notice. It the effect that a man who answered on tho land, and in addition to solving place. being turned vetch. We came out pretty large winners, but would not be policy to tell what any the description of Little Jack bad the weed problem the productiveness There si a holster made on the tention to hairy It takes two years to thoroughly de- it made us sick when we thojght of of these marks are, but it will not be taken passage on the Cunurd steamer of the soil will also be maintained. frame. When the rack is to be used all the cockleburs in any field. what It might have been. troy on the wagon, remove the bolster from giving anything away to say that de Scotia, and was apparently alone. The Anything that will destroy weeds Is The ground for sweet clover seed "We reached New York in the fecta are put Into bills sometimes In Cunard pier was then In Jersey City, worthy of (lie farmer's attention; anythe wagon and let the one made on should be prepared the same as for course of our travels, and everything order to testify to their genuineness, and 1 was there when the steamer the frame take Its place. thing that will maintain the fertility or clover. alfalfa seemed to be booming. Everybody This Is done on the supposition that if arrived with several other operators. of the land demands his attention. The side rails are made of 2x6-inc- h The surest way of getting rid of had money to hum, and we Jumped a counterfeiter goes to work on a bill I recognized Utile Jack' in spite ot sheep will do both, and are therefore stuff. The cross-piece- s are 2x6 moles is to set one of the steel spring in to get some of It. Forbes put up and discovers what may seem to he a his full heard and English make-up- . I entitled to the attention of every inches and 6 feet 6 Inches long. The a job to get possession of several gov- slight defect he will correct It, and did not recognize any of the othor grain grower In a two hoards that form the bows that traps over their runs. country. Neither corn nor millets are espe- ernment printing plates. The Job by doing so will furnish evidence of passengers as crooks, but those who cially sensitive to acid. They will would have been successful 12 Little his crooked work. looked the least bit crooked were folOverhead Irrigation. often do well on soils which are sour. Jack Vaughn, who was as clever an "I was put to work upon a gang of lowed by an operator to their hotel, gardeners using cold framst Many Grasses, as a rule, require less lime artist In his line as ever broke store counterfeiters, however, which beat and left under surveillance until their for th torclnl5 of early summer erupt than clovers, but timothy will not do tor the state, hadn't got drunk in the government at Hz own game. The Identity was cleared up. have found the overhead system of lr well In soils markedly deficient In Washington and givea enough of the "I shadowed Little Jack. He had treasury repartment received notice rlgatlon very practical. Instead of lime. map away to throw us down. Forbes of a counterfeit from Boston of a 8100 charge of some barrels of wine con- placing the pipes several feet above Among plants requiring largo was the maddest man you ever saw hill on the First National bank of that signed to J. M. Kearns, Flatbush, Inexpensive Hay Rack. amounts of lime In the soil are al- when he heard of Vaughns fool trick, city. The bill la question aroused U I. The gauger, In examining tha the frames they are usually placed in some h protect the wheels are made of falfa. clovers, pease, beans and snd he hunted for Little Jack for a suspicion because the serial number wine, found that there was some for- very close to the frames and of on Inside tbe tbe side some Is wood that or Instances tough elm, vetches. month for the purpotso of killing him. waa duplicated. There was nothing eign body in one of the barrels, and boards. This method of irrigation and will not break In bending. are weeds that Many growers say out of tho way until else about the hill that would ezeito I had the barrel opened, with the conreduces the cost of watering The frame Is put together with as valuable as fertilizers as clover Vaughn kept FOrbes got cooled off, and then he suspicion. In the vignette of Lincoln sent of the collector. I found an greatly to anil secures more equal distribution ol suit bolts, assorted lengths and cowpeas if they are turned under Joined the rest of the gang. ui the bank note an intentional de- hermetically sealed box fastened to the water than usually ocrurs by hand the different thicknesses of material. every year. could not keep Fprbes fect hpd been made In one of the lines the bottom of the barrel. On opening "But you the front crab-grasknees that s The watering. When using this system II support Cowpeas that have a lot of rut',' forehead and It was reproduced It I discovered a dozen perfect coun- Is always better to water thoroughly Iowa with a few little cross-piec- e are 1 foot tail, without the and fox tail mixed with them It did not teke him long setbacks, to get on the in the counterfeit, and a warning terfeit plates of bank notes. The and then refrain from applying mors tenons; these are 6 inches on the make even better bale hay than tho move house He a hired la Flat-bus- waa tent out calling attention to iL plates were returned to the box and water until it la actually needed. again. 3 well lower end and on the upper. If straight vines. cl had we two weeks I. In the barrel was shipped to Flatbush. was "Within outskirts L. It the plenty Roll taken from a put together out of good materials, to of work on our hands, for the banks, I went with it, and found that Mr. went we there and all the village, care well and taken and painted, of, alfaira field and spread on land to bo Profit Lie In Seed Bed. live. There had to be some excuse In scrutinizing bills after receiving Kearns lived at the Eureka Club.' are few farms on which adthis frame will last for 20 years. There sown to alfalfa Is a very good way for a lot of men living In a house notice, discovered several other cotin. When I delivered the wine, I aaw 'Lib ditional labor expended in preparing to Inoculate It house In Forbes the of negro servants, so terfelts of different banks. Reports tie Jack and Ed wish a bed would not yield hand Value of Silos. If there la a telephone line In reach we had couple nd concluded that the gang bad re- the seed out came to Washington from New York, and a hung pointed sign some returns. It costs about 15 rent In The small silo is moro expensive In of you. have a phone put your ear the front gate, Inscribed. Eure- Chicago, Philadelphia, to opSt. this to turned country Boston, begin acre to harrow land and about 35 A silo house. If there Is none, get together proportion to Its capacity. ka Club.' In order to stop suspicion Louis and other places of the finding erations again with a new set of per dirents in and bulla per acre to disk land. For ont one. with your neighbors should be not less than ten feet It became very evl pistes. we Invited several of the Influential of counterfeits. land can be double disked and dollar Lime should not be applied Immeameter. The height should be at In I raided the place the evening citizens to dine with us, and we treat- dent that the country had been of as a dlametrr. the crop potatoes. ed them like lords. least twice as great diately preceding Ed They would flooded with the bogus money by a ,.d ' On the average farm two medlu.n They are more likely to be affected 8. and thin. very shrewd gang of counterfeiters. A Lmi. thick us by iwear through ,For sized silos are mu.v acsfactory than with scab should such application b indiMils all of the bogus comparison We time all were the perfect quietly made. one extremely large on tag our counterfeiting plant. Curley cated that they had all been made by any or all of the nectar cells In the red clover does not seem to us Imt possible when we see what has been accomplished In the line of .breeding our domestic animals; our horses for speed or draft, cows for milk, butter or beef, sheep for wool or mutton, and dogs for bunting or other purposes. It Is true that In these cases we can control the mating as we cannot that of the queen bee, but when we find colonies that approach the type we want, we can see that only those colonies are allowed to produce drones and queens, cutting out the drone cells from them, and If we allow them to send out a swarm, seeing they are provided with a new queen from the most desirable stock. It may be a work of years, and queens may be, as It Is said some have been, sold at 8100 to 200 each, but men who understand Just what they want and work for It usually succeed finally. self-steril- By HENRY C. TERRY - THE half-hearte- d old-tim- bull-stron- pig-tigh- t, cross-pollinatio- do-lig- ht cross-pollinatio- cross-pollinatio- gilt-edge- d g Dees and Farm Note's one-fourt- h g 1x8-Inc- i S .t...d Urr0" U taci... |