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Show v 7 GET HENS READY FOR FALL me the aez can be it la well to put the pullets by themselves. They will grow faster and do better. In fact they should he fed differently from the cockerels, fa you will want to get them In shape for early egg production. Now, It is not well to force them prematurely Into egg production, but it is heat to get them In condition so that they will begin to lay during the fail. This Is the harvest time, for it Is then that you will get the highest prices paid for egga. If you hare a nice lot of pulleta that are laying during the fall and early winter yon will get splendid return from them. These pulleta, as soon aa separated, should be given a clean house and kept free from lice. If you find when making the division that some of them have lice, It should be well to powder them and put them all In a small house, where you can attend to them before putting them In their regular quarters. Feed plenty of bran and beef scraps, and keep oyster shells before them. They will come along nicely when away from the annoyance of the cockerels, and after (hey have become used to their new home and see one another they will grow like weeds, and soon look like mature birds. DEPARTMENT Possible In FalL Aa aoon aa WHITE WYANDOTTE IN FAVOR fowl Meets All Requirements of General Purpose Bird and Recog- nized as Money Maker. Mr. Elmer Glmlin, of Taylorvllle, HL, la a letter to The Farm Home, give tba following reasons for bis preference for the White Wyandotte variety of chickens. Vint Because the White Wyandotte meet all the requirements of a general purpose fowl. Their medium also, neat rose combs, blocky shape. BUILDING detee-mine- white color and early maturing qualities all unite to make a fowl that for practical and profitable purposes has not yet been excelled. Second. Because the White Wyandotte Is best suited to the carrying on of a large poultry business. They are recognized as the best money makers of the present time, with all haring experience. The public demands them, and it is advisable to breed what the y- 1 3 Name State Town year, $1.00; 2 Anywhere In the U. S. years, $1.50 157-- J HOUSEWIFE FREQUENTLY JUDO-EBY HER TABLE LINEN. Amount of Prldo In Its An- quirement and Maintsnancs Is Pralssworthy Precautions to Bo Taken In Laundry. Not every woman takes the same pride In her linen chest as did her slaters of the past. She gazed with rapturous pleusure upon the neatly and napkins and piled tablecloths dollies and centerpieces. Every housewife aimed to collect a goodly supply of table linen. Circumstances only governed her limitations. Where some women purchased twenty of one article, another would make a half dozen answer. While the woman of today doea not stock up linen for future generations, she should show taste and dlactimlnap tlon in the selection of her household linen. It is impossible to regulate the quantity of table linen needed in each household. Few can get along with less than half a dozen tablecloths, a dozen napkins, half a dozen luncheon clotha of varying degrees of elaborateness, tray cloths, doilies and centerpieces. Two grades of linen should be pro-- ' vided for everyday and beat wear. Each should be the best in Us class. Economy in linens does uot pay in the long run. Keep your supply over rather than below the limit It strains the pursestrings unnecessarily to replenish many artlciea at the same time. An excellent plan ia to lay aside a small sum each week or month for this purpose. Do not wait for a tablecloth to actually wear out before buying a new one. The wise woman will take advantage of the linen sales, when soiled linens of an excellent quality may be had far below the original price. This prevents undue financial pressure when new linen is required. Linens should be handled carefully. Never fold a tablecloth In the same manner twice in succession. This has a tendency to make, ha cloth wear holes in the creases. Crumbs should be removed with a crumb brush; a scraper tends to roughen the surface of damask linen. In case of stains upon a tablecloth, try the effect of putting a bowl under the stain and pouring boiling water through until the stain disappears. Cover a fruit stain first with salt. Butter is also excellent before washing in boiling water. Carefully darn all holes and thin places In linen before The portable chicken house la d signed for small flocks and will accommodate ten to a dozen chlckem. This ia 6 by 8 feet, boarded horizontally, differing from the Ocock house, which ia boarded up and down. The portable Floor Plan. house Is covered on the exterior with tar paper, vhlch la put on up and down, all Joints being cemented Over each Joint and also between, nail a j3 Inch atrip to prevent tha paper from working In the wind. The door has a screen wire covering tot day time and n hinged cloth screen to cover the wire screen at night. Thi roost Is movable and Is place 14 inches from the ceiling. Four skids SMITH DENTIST 116 So. State Street MURRAY, Utah We go to the Root of Eye Sight Trouble and we accomplish great good. The Root the first principle Is a careful examination and correct diagnosis by latest methods. We thoroughly understand eye requirements and prescribe glasses In accordance .o the - defects Satisfaction guaranteed. well-assorte- d FOR SMALL FLOCKS J. Dr. II. Cartain One of Cheapest and Eaeieat of All Domeatie Fowls to Raise Birds Fatten Quickly. ' cription to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE Phone FEEDING AND CARE OF GEESE Si for payment for (RENEWAL OR NEW) sub $ MARK OF REFINEMENl!rREAKEAST gown and cap ex-ee- ls PIGEONS REQUIRE MUCH CARE ENTERPRISE: COUNTY Enclosed find 1 public demands. Third. The White Wyandotte in egg laying qualities. 1 believe it la conceded that the White Wyandottes have taken more prizes in the egg laying contests than any other variety, and I am quite sure they will lay as many egga in a year In the climate of Illinois as any variety 1 have ever handled. Geese are one of the cheapest and easiest of all domeatie fowls to raise, says the Farm and Fireside. They require little shelter at any time, end if given plenty of pasture will gather the largest portion of their food from the fields. They are very easily and quickly fattened for market and bring very good prices. Geese for breeding purposes should be purchased in the falL Tble la the method for managing breeding and market geese: Never mate over two females to each gander. Never use females less than two or gandera over four years of age. They ere allowed to run in a pasture where they have plenty of graaa to eat and water to swim In. In winter end during the laying season feed them lightly the following ration: Bran, four parts; shorts, two parts; cornmeal, one part; and In winter cut clover, A steamed, four parts, la added. goose will lay 30 to 40 eggs in a season if they are allowed to alt. The egga require 30 days for incubation, and invariably hatch well. Gosllnga are removed from the Incubators aa Boon as dry, and placed in brooders where the heat for the first 24 hours is 90 degrees. After the first 24 hours the heat is reduced daily until the goslings are ten to fifteen days old. Beginning the third morning after hatching, the goslings are fed as follows, four times daily, by measure: Bran, one part; rolled oats, one part; cornmeal shorts, one part. This mixture is dampened with skim milk until it will crumble. Grass, grit and drinking water are always before them. Water is given in fountains, so they cannot get Into it They are fed as mentioned until they are eight weeks old, when those for market are closely confined to he fattened, and fed as follows, three times daily, all they will eat: Bran, two parts; shorts, one part; oil ineal and beef scraps, one part; cornmeal, one part, dampened until it will crumble. Whole corn is frequently given. Green food, grit and water are always before them. HOME & Portable House 8hown in the lllustr tions Will Accommodate Ten to Dozen Chickens. White Wyandotte. PUBLISHER Pullets Should Be Separated and Placed by Themselves as Soon Aa Bjorn Optical Company UTAH. FRATERNAL HALL, MURRAY, Wo will be at Sandy every Wednesday. Save as You Earn And you will alwaya have something to spend aa you go. Open a savings account with us where It will earn 4 per cent annually compounded in January and July, $1 will open an account SANDY CITY BANK W. W. WILSON, President HEBER A. SMITH, Vice-ProA. R. GARDNER, Cashier. a. Sandy City. by Underwood A Under wood. The seml-flttlndecorative gown has now taken the place of the old fashioned wrappers. Accompanying them are the little capa which coquet-tlahlconfine the loose ends of tha hair in the early day. The gown la of rrejw, as ia the cap. The kimono sleeve has been modified to suit the present style. PliotorrsDh . PHONE -- :- -- :- Utah. HENRY G. MARRIOTT 60. g BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKER 15 N. First West 8L near West Main Brown machinery. Equipped with Wagon Carriage and Rubber Tire rePlow Work, pairing, Horseshoeing, Pipe Threading, Sawing, Lumber or Lathe Work. Horses clipped. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. G. MARRIOTT, 15 N. First West St. Sandy, Utah. DENTIST - - Office, MAIN STREET, Over Moving Picture Show; MIDVALE, UTAH. featured, from the narrow, round Latct Methods of Painleso Centietry. tylea to deep pointed, rounded and square styles. Some of the newest CALL AND SEE ME numbers have two points in the back 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. Houro: Office However, conservative styles, modwill be The the leaders. erately deep, JOHN HAZELGKEN. Prop. Robespierre Influence la evident In 140 So. State 8L some of the now Plauen products now 3C- MURRAY. being received. In some Instances a high Robespierre IS noted, in conjuncI make that GOOD BREAD. High and Guaranteed Tailoring. tion with a round, flat collar that stops Cakes, Pies and Pastry. laundering. Ladies' Tailoring a Specialty. Have just over the point of the shoulders A line of Groceries, Candles, Cigars All table linen should be marked in front. Others have revers or tabs your npxt xu it made to order. with embroidered Initials. Tobacco. and which resemble somewhat the orlg Uloihcx cleaned, pressed and reThere are many forms in which Inal Robespierre. Wo servo Coffee and Cakes. paired. table linen may be monogrammed. PHONE S11-Main St. opposite Smelter St. The work is becoming an art. If Mallne Neck Scarfs. MIDVALE, Utah afpreferred, the monogram may be If you wish to he ultra-smarPERFECT placed In the corner; hut most persons fect the malices neck scarf, it must at present place it in the center. exactly match the shade of your frock; Never discard old linen. Worn be two yards long and the full width Samples tablecloths may he made into every- of the material. There is but one way RUBBER STEEL STAMPS. day serviettes or glass cloths, while to adjust it. Dividing the strip prethe oldest linen is invaluable in case cisely In half, bring It firmly about, the SEALS, STENCILS, ETC. of illness. throat from front to back, cross the Salt Lake City, Utah. ends and bring them forward. They 65 W. 3rd So. St. Phone AY as. 304 Collar Cuff and Sets. float down then the front of the may t Plauen coat and dress sets are to blouse to the girdle or one end may (AYe make Rubber Stamps.) score again this season, says the Dry be tossed carelessly over the left shoulGoods Economist. A variety of shapes der. Is Murray jakery ' 9iasnusset ; t, EAR Have Your I Front Elevation. Before Hie Fall of 4x6 Inch material running length BOOK REST FOR THE TABLE w ise of the building on which the floor rests, make a ready means to move the house from one place to an- Useful to Prop Up Newspaper and Make Ite Reading Somewhat More other. Comfortable. Watch the perches and nests for mites and lice. On every farm poultry should not only have a place, but a prominent place. The Indian Runner dock is not Inclined to fatten so readily as other varieties. If you overcrowd your chicks either by day or night, you are facing cer- tain trouble. See that all poultry have shade Enough Encouragement in Industry from the hot sun, and fresh, cool to Make It Profitable Beware of water to drink. False Boomers. Don't try to raise more chicks than you can take care of. It will lower Keep the glass in the windows clean the chances of success. so that the direct rays of the sun Sell the culls at once before the can get into the interior of the loft market drops any lower. It Is money There ia enough encouragement In In your pocket to do so. pigeon culture to make it a profitable Healthy, strong and vigorous breedBut beware of false ing stock is necessary for quick growoccupation. boomers who paint everything in the ing, profitable market birds. All of your preparations for winbrightest colors. If it Is desirable to Increase the ter should be completed by this time. number of breeders, keep the squabs If not. do so at once for the welfare that are hatched In August and Sep- of the hens. tember. They will breed next spring. Prevention means attention to all There Is no permanent cure for details; It means regularity; it means "going light comfort; It means system; In short, Tingling says that In n loft 14x9 it means foresight feet. 7 feet high, and n pen of good Disease is transmitted through the size, 35 pair will produce proportion- drinking water in a great many cases, 50 ately more squabs than pair hence it is Important that the chicks would In the same space. have plenty of pure water. C. H. BANKS be the measurement of the front piece of wood, and the side pieces must, of course, be cut to correspond. When the woodwork hae been constructed it is an easy matter to cover it with silk or cretonne or any remnant of material that may be handy, The propping np of a newspaper or which should be stretched evenly book at breakfast time, with the hot across Electric light ia appreciated and fastened on at the back water jug or some other article, is a with most tacks or some strong adduring the long dark eveTHE COUNTY UNDERTAKER. very common habit but a rather un- hesive.tiny of winter. It ia the most la nings aa a difficult it satisfactory one, LICENSED EMBALMER. matter to secure the book or paper In modern and most efficient illumi-nan- t. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Novel Trimming. 347. Phono 144 State Street, Many of the smartest hats have a MURRAY, UTAH. very tiny bunch of flowers placed in Become a user of electricity, the most careless manner anywhere on the brim, just at the edge. One and acquaint yourself with the made of delicate lavender mouasellne, many appliances that can be used with goffered frills covering the brim, from a BODELL & CARLSON, Props lighting sock:t. They are has a tiny pink rose rimmed with both convenient and ecnomical. on the extreme edie of I'll So. State St. the brim at the left side. MURRAY, Utah A wreath of oats, mingled with flat UTAH LI6HT & RAILWAY GO. Automobile , and of rosettes Motorcycle Repairing. very bright blue forget-me-notslooks charming on a hat of F. G. Oila and Gasoline. Diamond Tires. Local Agent, FISHER, the picture tyjie carried out in white Tire Vulcanizing. Pioneer Ave. chip. Royal blue velvet strings com Second Hand Automobiles Bought and poailoin, and often It alips down, or pie the decoration of the model. Sold. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SANDY, UTAH. possibly, the article which la acting am - Field flowers are greatly liked, but support may be required, and this they are of an immense size, which is means an interruption which Is not alvery noticeable on a blark Tagal ways agreeable, especially ao whr-of a round shape, trimmed straw the time for reading is perhaps veiy with, abat, loose bunch of "clocks," poplimited. and corn flowers rising to a great For making the simple table book-res- t pies at one side. IN A NATURAL POSE shown in the accompanying height JUST AS sketch, no knowledge of carpentry Is YOUR KNOW FRIENDS YOU. Travel Dress. necessary, as It merely consists of of nicest the dresses in which One three pieces of wood Joined togethTHAT'S THE ONLY KIND WE DO. er with nails' or screws and a loop of to travel is a simply made elastic fastened across the front un- dress of black satin. Several little der which the book or paper may lie separate yokes of net or lace, folded I Slipped and held in its place. About into the handbag Insure a fresh when necessary, and the 4 twelve Inches in length and nine nr STUDIO, 16 SOUTH STATE STREET ten Inches in height, is a good size in satin, if of good quality, will r.ot crush Phone, 379- which to carry it out, and this should much and will shed the dust. MURRAY, Utah. 4 Rush Begins Murray Garage forget-- me-nots : Pictures That one-piec- LOOK Like You : e Hwcr, Photographer, 444 44444444444444444444444 4 |