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Show 4 J INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS. Fair and Just to All. No partiality ahown to any poraoit or locality In A BUSINESS INVES MENT. Advertise In the County Enterprise and reach the leading people In every part of Southern Salt Lake County. Southern Saif Lake ! Southern Salt Lake County. mr VOL. I. NO. 23. SANDY, point toward realignment of party and the reorganization of the gicat political divisions. The age, as some one has written, is not half as rever. Published every Wednesday by UTAH STATES PUBLICITY CO., time ent at it Is practical; and at-W. D. 8. Harrington, Manager. when1 the people know', so clearly 99 East Main St. what they want and seem to find a P. O. Box 177 SANDY, UTAH way to reach It, they are not itkeiy Salt Lake Office, 17 Elagle Block. to lash themselves hopelessly to any flouting mast or spars which happen Subscription Ratos: to be labeled with the name of one One year In advance $1.09 party or another. Exchange. G mouths CO o S months 40 AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS 1 month 15 AVOIDABLE Single copies, 5 cents. Southern Salt Lake COUNTY ENTERPRISE. a While the various reports of the Entered as second class mall mat- distressingly fatal automobile accident ter, April 17, 1912, at the post office on the Murray road seem to agree at Sandy. Utah, under the Act of that the misadventure was avoidable March 3, 1879. from the moment that the street car and the machine came within view of each other, it should not he allowed WILL OF PEOPLE SUPREME to pass without the utterance of a word of warning. Auto mishaps are The Progress Company appear to in Salt think their will not that of the people, becoming increasingly frequent is supreme. The bond proposition was votid on and carried by a large ma. jorlty of the votes of the people, and if the proposition was again put before them the majority would be over, whelmingly larger, yet this greedy corporation not wanting to relinquish the big fat plum they have been chew, ing, go out and by chicanery and doubtful methods secure signatures to a petition to upset the will of the pey)ie. Not content with these methods they have their paid em. mi sarrles writing threatening letters and instituting boycotting measures against all who thwart them In their desires, 'fitllnky Joe and the sneaky feltonlan faker are not the only hirelings that are working In their interests to place obstacles in the way of the Commissioners who are carry, lug out the will of the people. Let their efforts prove a boomerang. If they advise or try to coerce you to boycott a storekeeper or Individual turn the talk on them by giving them turn the tables on them by giving them a dose of tbelr own physic. COMPLETE PLAN8 FOR OPENING STATE FAIR Lake, city and county. The newspa. pers daily chronicle casualties of the sort, usually with the expression of opinion, either on the part of them, selves or the participants, that the affair was unavoidable and that con. sequently no one was at fault. Qne la warranted in assuming that the period is not far remote when the autolst who returns from a trip without Injuring himself or a pedeBtrain will receive the congratulations of his friends and a tearful reception by his family, while the pedestrain who em. erges unscratched from a Journey across a busy street will heave sigh of gratitude to the Providence that held him In the hollow of Its hand. As a matter of fact, few automobile accidents are unavoidable. Mishaps usually come from careless driving or excessive speed, the collapse of some part of the machine which might have been fended off If carefully Inspected before use, or some other cause equally, as unnecessary. The driver who is careful and cautloua at all Uuiu, who keeps nit machine well in hand who is vigorously and keenly alert, suffers no misfortunes and does not menace others. Unless better supervision is main, tained over the automobile tarlfflc on South Temple street, the calamity which will befall there will shock the entire state. The possession of funds with which to buy an expensive car does not necessalrly guarantee the in. telligeuce to manage It with due re. gard to the safety of the driver and of the public. There must be protective influences constantly at work. Herald Republican. o ILLINOIS HAS LAND CREDIT BANK .. Plans were completed for getting grounds and buildings In shape for the Utah State fair and arrangements made for baving the exhibits In place for the opening of the fair September 3(1, at a meeting of officers and dlrec. tors of the association at Its head quarters, 45 West South Temple St. From all Indications the fair this year will be better ahd contain more expensive and larger exhibits than heretofore. The Irrigation congress display will enhance Its value and give It new Interest for both Utahns and Joliet, 111., recently organized the people coming from a distance. financial Institution Intended to first o meet the generally recognized fact Partisanship dying out that the American farmer pays a rate of interest for his working higher Party lines nowadays are lying security considered, than al. capital, lightly everywhere. Neither the Dem. most other borrower In the world. any ocratlc nor the Republican parties are Abroard in inoSt agricultural communmuch afflicted with struggle, which ities there are strong and long organ, are also years of partisanship In these lzed credit associations which lend the years of grace. Party ties ars not farmers money at much lower rates hanging oppressively upon any Intelll. than the American farmers pay. gent party or Individual shoulders The associations Issue mortgage In this country. Men are looking bonds against the mortgages and Be. marvelously as though they intended cure capital for the business by sellto vote as they pleased, and are not bonds to Investors. These as. the ing to he Intimidated by party names or sociations originated in the days when fetich of faction or by any shlhbo. assistance for the farmer arganlzed leths that have grown meaningless needing money was almost unknown. from frequent repetition. Never in our history have people They have grown up in great numbers and are very popular both with the been as Intelligent and wideawake as farmers who are able to get needed they are today. What they want Is at a low rate and with the in. results and not names. They are money vestors who are able to get a fair much concerned over the establish, return on their money and good se. ment of certain reforms in our eco. for the capital invested. The nomlc system and In the honest ad- entity the foreign hag priviagriculturalist ministration of government that they hlB loan In small are in names and traditions and or. lege of repaying lower mounts, gets ratejs, and Is ganlxatlon of either side. They have saved renewal commissions, etc. The borne meaningless platforms in their Credit Fonder de France Is the larg. hearts for a score of years. Institution of the sort. It may be a strong thing to say, hut est first American organization of The Is It all too much the fact that for the kind was Incorporated In Joliet In ' thousands of years people in the The sew company has a capital North and In the South have, through July. or 3250,000. a mere slavish fear of disaligning o themselves with their factions, kept THE POLITICAL MIXUP up a political affiliation which did not express either their consciences or convictions. They have been true to Never since the days just prior to their pnrty some of them because of the election of 1800 does the political hereditary affection, ninny of them he. situation in this country seem to have cause of the timidity and fear of been so mixed up ns at the present breaking their alignment, and perhaps line. even more of them over the apprehen. Most of the newspapers have printed sion that some day they might need an( editorially commented upon the office and It would not do to get out urticie of Col. George Harvey In the of plumb. North American Review, showing that The whole trend of the age seems to Vice President Sherman, Mr. Taft's -- UTAH, SEPTEMBER 18, 1912. $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Mr. aud Mrs. "Weber Alett made a running mate, may become the presi. One of the happiest citizens of the i here Friday and Saturday of this dent instead of either Mr. Taft, flying visit to Idaho last week. county is ('apt. O. A. Liljbla(, who week, or Mr. Roosevelt. has a pretty place on the State road It is interesting to follow Mr. liar. The officers of the Young Ladies south of Uivendahis, where ho grows' Clyde Swenson was visiting vey s analysis of the possible or prob-- Mutual Improvement Association will fruitfor the market, hay and garden friends in liiughuin last week. able outcome of the present presi. 'gjv. a party for the Juniors truck enough for own consumption touighi. demial contest. We have previously! and some to sell, and has enough to do Newell Kuhre and a playmate were given the outlook as seen by ti great The M , AtUeir 8ettSon to keep his miud occupied all the time. wrestling and in the scuffle little new. Editor, but refer to it again as an' ork on The place Is well kept up and Just the ell had his arm broken. He in Slinday n, doing Instructive study in the machinery on Meal property for a retired ren nicely. our government. CoL Harvey deals? The new rooms of the Commercial captain. with the situation that would arise' -- oArchie Sicwurl is in Wlnnepeg. wU1 occupy a 8pac 65 by 65 teet ifCongrosTbecame the arbiter Canada attending the Sovereign Grand th MURRAY. building. The Pace presidential election. He holds thatr" be of (hid Fellows. Me will be an roomInt0 d,v,ded ft1'1 assemby in case Wilsou should not obtain a brary and a readln rooul' bl,llard The upjieal of Carl Morck against gone three weeks. majority over both Taft and Roosevelt,',1 cnd card room. Ladles reception room the decision of the Supreme Court the House of Representatives would CniM H Sons Co. have some more end a buffet where soft drinks will be in the matter of the appointment of be called upon to elect a president on for you ibis week. Don't bargains There will C. vispensed. be lavatories H. White as Justice of the peace the second Wednesday of February. fur ladles and gentlemen. 3 1,000 will was decided and Mr. Morck has turned tail to sec them. Each state would have one vote, and the result would be: For Wilson 22; he expended on furniture and fixtures over the office to Mr. White. And a first class club room will be The Ninth Annual Convention of opposition, 22; divided, 4 Maine, Ne. Maintained. An in the will I'tah Postmasters' Association be attendant services Funeral (1. William for braska. New Mexico and Rhode Is. and evening. The secre- Sheppick of Midvale were held Sunday will lie held at Logan, Utah, Septemland. Necessary to choice, 25. Only Charge day taries office will be In a corner of the afternoon in the South Jordan ward ber 2(ith und 21st, 1912. Taft, Roseovelt, and Wilson could be These uiiuual meetings have been meeting house. Bishop Samuel E. voted for. Obviously neither Taft nor library. V Holt officiated one and of delivered officially approved by the Department Roosevelt would have a chance, Wit Mrs. William Waters entertained the eulogies. Other speakers were at Washington, who will send a repre. son would have to win over three I non.Democrat!c states a virtual im." frlday night for Miss Isa Hunter, of William M. llolt, Augustus Johnson, sentative to meet with them. fjalt Lake, who will become a bride John W. Wheaton, Attorney P. C. Letters have been received from the possibility. The House of Represena. ext nupithl Eighteen ladies from Evans, Joseph M. Holt and B. H. Beck, General Passenger Agents of the Ore. tlves, therefore, would be unable to elect a president The editor continues Sait Lake were present. The decora, stead. Interment was made In South gon Short Line, the Denver and Rio tlons were In yellow and white, a very Jordan cemetery. Grande and the San Pedro, Los Anthat the senate, acting under the Ice cream geles A Suit Lake Railroad Companies same provision of the Constitution, pretty sunflower effect. was made up to represent sunflowers. in which they say that a one and was "Dinner Club" The entertained would be engaged in choosing a The on a D. fare rate will he given to all Post, Mrs. elegant afternoon very parlors presented Wednesday by since Marshall necessarily and their companions, at. A. McMillan. appearance masters, ;"pTetty would have failed to obtain a majority lending the Convention. All purchas. In the electorlal college, in common Mrs. Miller Is the guest of her Ing tickets must take a receipt from There are now 25 active members in with Wilson, Choice would he restrict, the Agent for the fare they pay to the Commercial Club And 35 who will daughter Mrs. C. E. Caufln. ed to the two persons who had re. rench The ticket agent at soon on more take activity. The mem. celvej the largest number of electoral a return ticket for sell will Dinner The was Club entertained are out to hers 200 mem. enroll more votes Marshall and Sherman prob. of Miller. H. E. on return the Mrs. bersl fare, provided, by Red The and Blue Thursday are army ably and the senators would vote in atten. there are fifty Postmnstqrg The Reds are ahead actively. Instead of as Individually forking by states, More number dance. than this club was entertained The always sewing In the house of representatives. la the contest and Captain Wm. WalForty-ninvotes would he required ters sayg they will keep there but D. by Mrs. John Turner at her home last attend. Hotel Rates Eagle Hotel (Euro, to elect The senate Is now classified JOhn Bloem, Captain of the Blues, Thursday.. pean plan) 31- per day. side Is their Reds a the says aa giving follows: practically Republican, 60; Lincoln a womans club donated The have Hole) (American plan) 32. Democratic, 44; vacancies, & The little courage to do something the new to buoka of number the day. per public vacancies will be filled presumably by contest is getlng warm. Fred Graham Train Schedule Arrive at togan, O. the legislatures of Colorado and assistant secretary of the Utah De. library. S. Mrs. winter J. the L., 8 a. m., 12:20 p. m. and7:43 ig Tripp spending that Illinois In January. Apparently, there, velopment League, promised . m. Ilcht-i1.08 In hr.9 sou , Ajggelei: is decided he ylll go . would i nav4 ft fore, the . Republicans Depart 8 a. m. and 4:08 p. m. surely one possibly three more hn out and secure 30 additional members. The Department has granted, by A new Methodist church building forty.nlne required for the election will be and Is for onler, a leave ot absence for general planned Murray of Vice President, who would become Mr. Rosse has sold the Palace Cafe, to enable Postmasters to at. five on new built on Seventeenth their lot days on President the 4th of March. This on Main street, and has taken the old S. Convention. D. tend Is street. the the Ilurlburt seems to mean that. In the event of McGinnis House on First Avenue and South new pator. Following is the program: Wilson failing to obtain 2G6 electoral will conduct a rooming house. September 20, 1912, at 1:30 p. m. votes, Sherman would succeed Taft. Rev. Paul Jones a Block of Lake Invocation Nate Salt gftve Deseret News. There will be a few candidates for splendid luncheon Saturday evening 2 Address of Welcome.. H. E. Hatch, the postmastershlp of Midvale next in honor of Misg Rae Reinshriher ami Pres. Coin'I Boosters Club. March. The office Is an Important Harry Davis who will he married MIDVALE. Kesisinsn on behalf of Postmasters mie and should be In charge of a good Sunday October 6. The decorations IL B. Quay were in pink and white hearts and 4 Music S. S. Reynolds, manager of the man. Gov. Wm. Spry cupids with a low mound of sweet 5 Address Knight Consolidated Power Company, 0 Music Superintendent Orson Ryan of the peas tn the centor of the table. EighIs a busy man these days. The company has Just finished installing the Jordan district baa been busy visiting teen were present to enjoy the Bffnir. 7 The growth of the Civil Service in the schools in the valley and finds the the P. O. Dept.. .Arthur I.. Thomas street lights on Allen street. outlook very promising for a good Discussion led by.... Jag. Clove Jessie Maxfleld entertained Monday school schools will visit He the 8 year, Music At the Commercial Club meeting Seiil. 9 at n watermelon party. 0 Addres on Friday night it was decided to have at Bingham, Lark and Herriman this week. Nellie A. Ballard Miss Mrs. and on 23. ...Representative Joseph Howell big doings Monday night, Sept. Tho streets will present the appear, Walters returned Saturday from a 10 Comic Recitation ..John A. Brown Another high school teacher has months vacation. DISMISSAL ance of the Great White Way,, and a been appointed to take classes ift Evening, September 20, at 8 p. m. parade will the feature of the eve. This makes a total of four Miss lone Atwood is visiting in Entertainment at Commercial Club nlng. After the parade Fred Graham Bingham. Rooms by the Commercial Boosand other members of the Utah high school teachers in the district. Ogden for several weeks. Club of Logan, Utah. ters' In. deliver will Development League returnof All 21, at 9:30 a. m. and who school heat. Miss E. the September building Snyder recently addresses fine a and very terestlng SESSION ASSEMBLY GENERAL but Is ed from Seattle musical program will be given at Ing plants are not yet completed residing with her 1 Music In will weeks. be Cedarstrom. few Mrs. a mother the Elysum Theatre after which a 2 Address Extra teachers were appointed at Grand Dance will be enjoyed. Riverton and South Jordan on account Earl Harkness while climbing on a Representative of the Dept. Bishop Wright has been on the sick of the large enrollment of scholars In wood shed fell and sprained his arm. 3 Music GROUP WORK list for some weeks. He got up to those places. 1. In charge of L. W. SECTION were G. Williams Mr. Mrs. John and attend the funeral of R. L. Booth and nt friends last SHURTL1FF, Ogden. Utah, and ho is Opliir, the effort caused a relapse The fact of no money being found visiting Second Class Mail Matter now confined to his home again. on the persons of R. L. Booth and week. e James Clove Simon Hazleton when searched caused Discission led by L S. Harrington J. A. Ilulteen, ;8 years of age, died I). John Bloom is a candidate for S. Mi Taylor and M. M. Taylor, of the representative to the legislature, sub. undertaking establishment, to be Bus. of runcer of the stomach last week. 2 The Postal Savings System N. (. Puulson ject to decision of (he republican con- piclous and call Marshal R. W. Stokes The funeral services were conducted Discussion led by.. Dennis Wood vention. into consultation, which resulted In at hlH home in the Swedish language SECTION 2. In ebjirge of C. I.. the arrest of Carl A. Beverleigh und by Otto Rydnian. C. H. Banks under, of the Funk, Richmond. The Midvale Commercial Club meet Lnvlne Arnst two employes. Alter a taking Company had charge 1 Mow to Increase the Receipts of n burial. very Friday night. diligent examination by Marshal a Office James Don Post Stokes Arnst confessed. led DDrusvinii Eatchel his William brother by and Hazlebodies and Booth of After the John Dunn will be a candidate for Mrs. Mary Griffiths to the Jordan district ton were removed to the Taylor mor. Frank ahd family will leave for Port n 2 Fuurlh Class Office of The Needs school board and it goes without say. tuary at Midvale, they were placed In land, Oregon this week. H. Campbell William the care of Beverleigh and Arnst. The iiig he will be elected. Discussion led Miss Clara services by for Funeral complaints allege that Beverleigh John A. jsraelson sister of Mrs. Arthur Basse Wm. Waters the clothier aniVber. stole 35 from the pockets of Hazleton Knoekle, REASSEMBLE at 11:30 a. m. who died St Murray Friday, were held from the and AthSt took 33 that pock. dasher is having his store rvfltt An additional 380 Is at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon at the 2 Brief Summary of Discussions had eth of DoOth. elegant fix lures In walnut and will in Sections 1 and 2. of Mill Creek ward. have hi1 new flfUOO stock of clothing said to have been taken from the per. chapel 21, at 1 : 30 p. m. September oaccident sou of Hooth but, in the fatal and furnishings on exhibition next Music SANDY. week. Watch for his announcement the pocket that held the money was 2 Address. U. S. Senator Reed Smoot torn in manner the taking that such a of the opening. Jeremiah Stokes (lied at his home 3 New Post Office Regulations of the money could not be brought in In Joseph Odell Sandy Wednesday evening after a within the scope of grand larceny The editor was a mascot Tor Wm. 4 Post Office Helps and Devices..,. eon. The was funeral illness. long the 0eplalnt. Waters store on Main street last Mm. Luella A. Thorne ducted at Draper by Bishop Kuhre of 5 Saturday. There wat a steady buying All Postmasters sub. Box. ceme in Burial A1 flftek named Nick Chrlstopoulos, Query Draper Sandy ward. custom for two hours. one query. mil M. & at least In S. of was on Taylor charge tery wad hehl up and rubbed of ll.Rfl (1 Music Co. undertakers. Jfaln street Sunday night. Christ, 7 Selection of Place for the next An. The Feltonlan Faker ha broken opo'ulos describes his assailant ns a nual Meeting. loose again. "Fools rush in where tall Postmaster, W. W. Wilson will leave Iran, well dressed, with a black 8 Election of Officers. to fear the attend to for on tread. angels I.ognn Thursday hat. Vthlse collar, and Overcoat. He 9 held be to convention Adjournment. Postmasters wniv ne Mr-t- . I ! lil-- - - 1 one-fift- h t, j one-fift- h e - . . . 1 1 . 1 |