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Show V f FOREIGN BELIEFS ARE QUEER METHOD OF USING WINDMILLS' TEXT TAKEN Spanish Wadding la Ruined if On Paraon Appeara Entirely in Black Soma Other Signs. In Spain the wedding la apoiled If one of the gueata appeara entirely la black,' or if the bride looka Into a mirror after orange bloaaoma and veil are faat in her headdrpaa. When a peraona hair enda apllt, it'a taken by the auperatlUoua for a alga BOOSTER TRIPS WORTH WHILE that ahe la either a witch or haa beea bewitched. Aa blond hair splits more If Actual Financial Benefit Cannot readily than dark hair, all wltchea, Be 8hown, They Still Have a aplrlta and aorcereaaea have blond or Distinct Value. red hair, according to popular belief. Likewise, according to the atandard of There Is a difference of opinion art among Burlington business men as to On the marriage eve there 1 often the value of booster trips. much rivalry between Close figuring has convinced a numthe groom and the bride in the Slav ber that these trips do not pay. That eountrlea aa to who shall blow out Is, that there Is not sufficient new the candle, for the person who does business developed to make up for the will be lint to die." It la impossible time and money expended. to trace the origin of this superstition, And perhaps that may be true. But yet it prevails in aristocratic society there are always things which your aa well aa in the peasant's hut even mathematlcsl man Is apt to overlook. as like this, that to insure the life He Is of the kind who counts the day and health of the children the worn wasted that Is spent at the fishing an must occupy the right aide of the club or on the golf grounds. The bed. In addition, ah must not smoke booster trip haa a value, and a much before her forty-fiftyear. greater one than Is generally appreThere is a superstition in thla coun- ciated. It enables the members of the try and many others against burning booster party to get acquainted with a broom. The bud of birch broom la some of the actual or prospective cusused in Southern Germany aa a pre- tomers. It may open the way for ventive against erysipelas. Theao future business. But what Is much buds, a pieoe of yellow wax and some more valuable and Important. It makes other articles are enclosed in a pink the members of these parties better allk bag; secured with red silk and acquainted with each other. And, worn pa the back of the neck. The then. It Is a day, or a week, ostensibly person must change his shirt every devoted to business, hut partly devoted to pleasure. It Is a change from Friday. the eternal routine, and few of your good-nature- d h NOW IT SEEMED TO HIM. mathematical men realize how important, how necessary, an occasional change of this kind la, and how heavy Is the cost that those are called upon to pay who never indulge themselves with such a change of program. Even where there are no direct demonstrable benefits, the booster trip is of great value, of real benefit, to all who take part therein. Burlington Hawkeye. UPLIFT IN LOVE OF NATURE Cultivation of Ornamental Trees and Plants Marks. Always a People of Refinement. It Is Bn unquestioned fact, certified by all observant travelers of broad experience, that the cultivation of ornamental trees and plants has an upliftCity, Cousin The hotel yon wero stopping at, was it on the American or European plant Country Cousin Waal, I don't Jest exactly know, but I think it must her bln on th plan. English Honors Coat Money. The letter patent granted for the dignity of a baron cost 150, and for that of a baronet 100, payable to the board of Inland revenue. Other exd penses to be Incurred by the Include crests or new while some wish to hare their "genealogical trees properly made, out Consequently the Heralds' college la busy after the laaue of a list of honors, end the total expenses of a baron arc not far short of 400, and those of a baronet exceed 200. newly-honorecoats-of-arm- a, Explained. "He knows all tha beat people In town." "Why doesnt he associate with them, then? "They know him. d YOUNG WIFE . ing and ennobling Influence on all mankind. No matter in what quarter of the earth you are traveling, you will invariably meet with the best reception at that domicile where the greatest love of nature is manifest, through the cultivation or presence of plants and flowers. Aside from the orchard sections, it la a rare occurrence, In any state, to note In rural districts a farmyard where any Intelligent or orderly attempt haa been made to beautify the grounds, and In small towns decorated, tidy premises are equally rare. Door-yard- s In the outskirts of cities are often just as unkempt. In places of lawns, flowers, trees and shrubs we find broken-dow- n wagons, farm Implements and machinery about an house scarcely tit for a stable, and not infrequently stock runs loose about the house. This disagreeable phase of life la pictured merely to ask If good, cheerful, Intelligent citizens of high standard may be reared amid such surroundings. Can you expect culture and refinement In young men and women coming from Ruch homes? And the pathos of It all is that they are not to be held accountable for their uncouthnese, for, given a fair chance, most of them would develop into men and women of many and accoqiplIshmentB. Exgraces change. SAVED FROM HOSPITAL Tells How Sick She Was And What Saved Her From An Operation. Upper Sandosky.Ohio. "Three yean ago I waa married and went to housekeeping. I was not feeling wall and Street Paving. Macadam roads, long the standard for highways, pairing construction have had their day; the automobile lias made it necessary to adapt pave-men- u to a new traffic, lrof. Arthur H. Blanchard of Columbia notes In Engineering News that the yardage of new bituminous pavements, constructed by penetration" methods. Increased in eight states from 25.200 In 1308 to 8,880.900 In of 1911, and, bituminous concrete pavements, from 4.400 yards in 1908 to 508.100 In 1911. Of the surfaces for macadRni pavements already laid. Professor Blanchard says: That more permanent forms of construction are favored by our state commission Is clearly sbown by the marked decrease in use of light oils fur surface treatment of roads, and the derided Increase in the surface treatment of roads with heavy asphalt- could hardly drag myself along. I had such tired feelings, back ached, my bs ached, I had bladder trouble aw--, folly bad, and I could not eator sleep, lhad headaches, too, and became slmoet a nervous wreck. My doc- ed cenieniR. tor told me to go to a hospital. I did not like that idee very well, so, when I Move for Civic Beauty la Old. aw your advertisement in e paper, I modern Mass.. At Stockhrldge. wrote to you for advice, and have dona aa neighborhood improvements were beyou told me. I have taken Lydia E. gun through the effort a of Mrs. Mary Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and (1. Hopkins In 1852; she started the Liver Pills, and now I have my health. Hill Village Improvement asif skk and citing women would only sociation and rescued the neglected know enough to take your medicine, they cemetery and church green from a would get relief."Mrs.BENJ.H. Stans-- condition reflecting on the refinement Route 6, Box 18, Upper Sandaaky, of the buy, village which associates the Ohia names of Jonathan Edwards, NathanIf you have mysterious pains, irregu- iel Hawthorne, Jamee Russell aud othlarity, backache, extreme nervousness, ers equally aa distinguished. inflammation, ulceration or displacement, dont wait too long, but try Lydia Remarkable! E. Pinkhama Vegetable Compound now. who waa addressA local preacher For thirty yean Lydia E. Pinkhama the public meeting of a Sunday ing roots from made Vegetable Compound, an eloquent and herbs, haa been the standard remedy school anniversary mads for female ilia, and such unquestionable appeal to the risible facilities of his audlenrs by declaring: I'm glad to testimony aa tha abova proves the value be here, becauae this meeting has to of this famous remedy and should give do with boys and girls. I do not forconfidence. one every get I was a boy and girl myself once!" 1, W. N. U, Salt Laks City, No. 38-19- TOO LITERALLY Especially Adapted foe Pumping Irrigation Water for Garden and Supply. Julia Gets Into Bad Graces of Mother by Giving Tramp a (By O. E. P. SMITH, Arizona Experiment sittin. The records of winy movement show "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." The foregoing quotation is from rhapter xlll, verse 2, Book of Hebrews, snd it Is Introduced solely because It constitutes a vital part of this story. Julia la ten years old and she goes to Sunday school. Ii appears that on a rC,?fte occasion the Sunday school teacher had considerable to say about this matter of "entertaining angels unawares." Anyway, It made a deep Impression with Julia. A few data after the lesson Julia's mother IefC her lu charge of the house for a few hours. When the mother returned she went to a particular cup In the cupboard to extract therefrom dollar. In this cup Is kept the family pin money, and Julia's mother knew that she had put 60 cents there before she had gone out. But the half dollar was gone. There considerable difference In the amount 9f wind In different months, but the wind for any mouth U approximately the same on succeeding years. In any locality, therefore, the experience of one or two years will enable an observant rancher to know in advance how much ground It la safe to plant. Wherever windmills are much used, reservoirs It is customary to build close by. For house service and cattle watering they serve as storage to provide for eriod of calm weather. For Irrigation uses they are too small to be of Importance as storage, but they serve aa accumulators of water, perhaps for several days, and when they are filled the water can be drawn out and applied to the fields in a few hours. Thus they save the Irrigators time and they secure an Irrigating "head" which can be gotten over the (round as desired. It Is not desirable to build large reservoirs, as the loss by evaporation and seepage is then of greater moment than the gain In other llrectlons. Fortunately the months of greatest wind movement are the spring and early Bummer months, which Include the best growing senson. In order to take advantage of the high winds of early spring, the garden irrigator should borrow from the dry farmer the method of water storage In the soil. During the season before seed Is planted, heavy Irrigations can be given, preferably In deep furrows, and after each division of the garden la thus treated, the furrows should be covered by cultivation to prevent the If the soli escape of the moisture. Is loamy and deep and retentive, fifteen to twenty Inches depth of water can be advantageously stored Inthls way. If the soil is shallow and underlain by porous gravels, such Irrigations are a waste of time and water. There are two conditions In which windmills are especially adapted for Irrigation pumping. First, for the houre and garden lot, where no other pumping plant Is available and there the depth to groundwater Is not excessive. Very often the windmill Is required for house service, and since that service does not work the mill to more than a fraction of Its capacity, it can be utilised the rest of the time watering a garden or an alfalfa patch for poultry with no additional Investment. In one Instance on record a windmill lifting water ninety feet furnished the water supply for a house oreighty-seve- n and for irrigating chard trees and thirty-tw- o other miscellaneous plants. The second condition in which the windmill is adapted for Irrigation service Is to provid'd a supplementary water supply to help d out rrops. There are lkrge areas In Arizona where dry farming upaided Is almost, though not quite, stccessful, provided judicious selection of crops Is made. The expert-ment- s of this station have shown that In such cases a small amount of supplementary Irrigation increases the yield out of proportion to the smull amount of water applied, even so small an amount as three or four Inches depth making the difference between crop failure and profit. Over a considerable area which promises to be utilized In this manner the valley fill Is of such a character that It Is Impossible to develop a well at one place which yields sufficient water for s rentrlfugal pump, yet the slow constant draught of a windmill pump can he supplied. Both conditions presuppose that Ihe prevailing winds ara strong. If the windmill Is used to irrigate garden crops such aa tomatoes, which need Irrigation every few days. It Is desirable to purchase a small gasoline engine of one or two horsepower and connect It to the pump rods by belt or gearing. It la then available for use when the wind does not blow. Half-Dolla- r. This is My Choice of Dukes Mixture Presents Among the many valuable presents now given away with Liggett .'ymDukciMtxtiirethcrcissomrthlngto suit every taste ami in this satisfaction the presents are exactly like the toluuvo itself. For all classes of men like the selected Virginia and North Carolina bright one-hal- f was an expression of anxiety Julla'a face and mother scented on mis- chief. "Did yoj take that money?" asked the mother, somewhat severely. Julia broke Into tears. I gave it to s man that came to the back door, Bobbed tbe little glrL "Clave It to a man!" exclaimed tbe mother. "What for?" "I thought he might be God," tear fully replied Julia. Kansas City Star. Now this famous old tohseco will be more popular for it is now a Liggett & Myers leader, and is equal in quality to any granulated tobacco you can buy. you havent smoked Duke's Mixture with the Liggett & Myers name on the ling try It now. You will like it, for there is no better value anywhere. bur Ac you get ona and a half mimvi of chnlco granulated tobacco, uusuqiaskcd by any in quality, aud with each sack you get a book of cigarette papers l'KKK. than ever HOW TO TREAT PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS if For pimples and lowing Is a most nomical treatment: Gently smear tha affected parte with Ctrtlcura Ointment on the end of the finger, but do not rub. Wash off the Cutlcura Ointment In five minutes with Cuti-cur- a Soap and hot water and continue bathing for some minutes. This treat ment la best on rising and retiring. At other times use Cutlcura Soap freely for tbe toilet and bath, to assist In preventing Inflammation, Irritation and clogging of the pores, the common rause of pimplea, blackheads, redness and roughness, fellow, oily, motby and other unwholesome conditions of the akin. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout32--the world. Sample of each Skin Book. Add. postfree, with card "Cutlcura, Dept I, Boston." Adv. blackheads the foleffective and eco- A Now About the Free Presents g The coupons now packed with Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture are good for all sorts of valuable presents. These presents coat you not one penny. The list includes not only smokers' articles but many desirable presents tor women and children fine fountain pens, umbrellas, cameras, toilet articles, tenuis racquets, catcher's gloves aud masks, etc. As a special offer daring Saptambar and Oetobmr only, me miff Band yoa oar nem Hhutrated catalogaa of praaanta FREE, Just . send name and address on a postal. Compmi ham Putt's Afixture mar bt aiwilrt witt tart ham HORSE SHOE.J.T, TINSLEYS NATURAL LEAF. GRANGER ' QUITE A DIF hum FOUR ROSES StUdkM. 'ymrjwndvan W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES 5.00 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 AND FOR MEN AND WOMEN W. La Douglaa Boya all wear W. L. Douglas makes and sella more $3.00, $3.50 and $4410 ahoea than any ether manufacturer in tha world, bacauae they look better, fit better, and wear longer than any ether make for the price. CAUTION. To protect you against inferior shoes, W. L. I. . Douglaa stamps hia name on tha bottom. Look for the stamp. Beware ol substitutes. W. L. Douglaa ahoea are sold in 78 own stores and shoe dealers everywhere. No matter where you live, they are within your reach. If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct to factory for catalog allowing how to order by mail. Shoes sent everywhere, delivery charges prepaid. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maas. fast Cotor tsoiott. ... First Comedian What is the differ cnce between a beautiful girl and a codfish? Second Comedian Give it up. First Comedian One has a chance to become a fall bride and the other to become a ball fried. Old Roman Wall Unearthed. part of the wall which oih-- enclosed obi St. Iaul's, Ixindon, has lein In excavations at the cordlco r Bow and St. Haul's ner of alley ju Ixuidon. The wall, which Is aboi;l lb) feet long, is lllllde Of cliulk and rulilde, and was built ill (he twelfth century. On the same site pieces of a Homan amphora. Koitmit slid some Samian ware have vs.i-also been found. Other ''Amin" include a ciimel's skull unearthed in High i iiml a large quant iiy ol pipe of the eighteenth century. I'nder some old Malden in Bartholomew Close one of Ihe oldest parts of London-threNorman sri-hehare been found to one another, mid They are are believed lo hate formed part of the cloisters of the prioiy which once slots! on this site. Obliging. A young man who had never testified before waa called before the court aa a witness In a certain case, lie was somewhat flustered over the attention that waa being paid him, and mumbled hia words ao that the young woman stenographer could not hear them distinctly. He was told to Bieak plainly and to turn toward The sreiiog-vaphe- A Iuti-riioste- llol-bon- well-fleshe- great. System In Feeding. Fowls should have empty Hoi'S In the morning, anil the crop should never be quite full until It Is time to go to roost. For the first feed grain scattered in the litter in the morning Is preferred, the sooner the better. This induces them to exereixe. In the middle of the day a warm, moistened mash should be given, about what And at night before they will eat. they go to roost a liberal feed of grain should be scaitered In the litter. Fowls should be kept busy. Sunflowers In the Run. A patch of sunflowers will not only furnish the flock of hens refreshing (hade during the hot summer days, but the eeed from the ripe heads will turnlah a most welcome change during the moulting season. If a liberal amount of earth Is tak Mi up with the roots the plants may reeet In the henyard after they lave reached a height of from II to bo M Inches S2m50 $2JM, and $3mOO School Shoeaa Beat In the world It Pays to Fatten Poultry. There is ordinarily from three to Speak to the stenographer." said seven rents per pound difference in the prosecutor. or fatthe price paid for At that the young man arose and tened birds, to that paid for birds just with a deep bow to the lady said, off the range or fields. This means a How do you do?" Satire. flve-pnun- d Ambit Dept. r. difference of from 15 to 35 cents on chicken, depending upon Ihe quality. Not only dues the feeder make upon the gain made while the chicken la but the original being fattened, weight is Increased In value by the There Is alImprovement in quality. ways a market for good or prime quality, and the poor quality goes at begging prices, when the supply Is (ilr-f- n CIGARETTES. CUX CIGARETTES, and attur tax i or mmj lined bi ta. dry-farme- the TWIST, amfimt nrnfam . PICK PLUG CUT. PIEDMONT s Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOIUA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it i Bears the Signature of In Ueo For Over 30 Years. Children Ctj for Fletchers Custom A Pen and Ink Shakespeare. Woodrow Wilaon. mi a recent visit to Atlantic t'ily. referred good humor-cdlto his rather Illegible handwritServing Humanity, ing. Few callings are more highly csiccni- - j "Milt he said, my hand is ed than that of the trained nurse, "lo that of Horace nothing." Grech-i- . Miss Ellen Emerson, the granddaugh"Poor Greeley nncu qtion d from ter of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Is a In a article. 'Tin Shakcxpeare purse In the Massachusetts general true. 'Ms pity, aud leading 'tlx. tie true.' pity hospital at Boston. "This appeared the next day: ' 'Tin two, 'tia fifty, 'tla fifty, 'tin Kid Stuff. " Mother VVlllie, wash your apd neck as well as your Improved Vacuum Cleaner. bands and face. A new vacuum cleaner, dceigricil tu Whos t' cornin' dinner? Willie' be operated by water power In a sink nr bathtub, consists of twu sucKm. Winslow's loothlnr 8rnp tar ('hililrrr, tion pumps driven by a water wheel, tMtblDS, auruini the fiimi, rrim-n- i Intlinai-lion.slUrpwlu, cwtva wind colic, SSv a buttle. and a chamber lu which the dust Is Adv. collected, to be washed away by the waste water. man himself fools a with the Many belief that hie wisdom Is superior to that of the late Mr. Solomon. t'nlcss you hare met the mother just after her first baby has cut its It la usclesa to take a vacation If tooth you have no Iden of real you are weary from overrest. A WONDERFUL In INI be of ImportBnt-dtMHirFri- fifty-two- i wrfi .' nun M i I ' j LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj, SALK ,AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY y j DISCOVERY. rnwreb and MpNiwiiitil lirttikti'hMl bllMii'iFntlRt'ftiribFMHBhiluifl tap HriFim biifl Indtard MBilwglani lUidN RlBMiuf Baa. rnntory. and a motif Mm lr aimiii la nidldM U tbaluf Itiui llHFuiun, which ban bent awd RiibiMknunmli and Hut! fi la worthy tbw bUmuub Fwli IhapluN of tbowi who auffftr fmn kidnf. binddor. nrrauua dlamara.elininlc aViwMa.alrarMkaisoniialoiie. pUm. if., ihrrr I, iiMt,iihl. la f.ellMW.f Idnrt tbn nig mir rrwatPd ammt(4i anmallaia. tbit fnm H THERAPiON dfitiiM to nd InuiobllvWiBBlI fboMi 'iHFMHHiahl nmedia Ibai mem formerly ihw o)i nllbni nf mediral iwn. It 1r of eotm Iww- Ui ll hUffiTrrs all WRihotJld Ifkw le. Ir.l tlwni In thin ihnrl iriirlf. but ihuv who would lik to know more ihnul this routed y that hu eifiHlnt m Blount ftuy, mlrsi1iun etirrs ninny- - mm tuiirh Phuuld tend wnrHopn for KKNC hoA lo lir. Id'Otp Mil. ('ll.. Hnvrrfttork Kod. IriiTIflo Km, inti tin'liip ifnr ihnWif h whffitufrtlui hem k rwirb Ko'omnIj THtft ARION No. I. No. I or No. f W whutihy inquire tnd hBvwbMR Belkin lb vain dnrtntf a llfr of mlnrrr, antTfrlmr, ill Iwa'fb i and linhappmoMi. Thrairion nanid y dmaalMo or hmm Turk. hm!I NiiUi(ni i u.. tf) Heckman wentax NEWSPAPER IN ION W Adam St. Chilian TAKE Tuffs rills The flrut doM often tofllthca Ult Invalid, giving eiaatlcH v ol mind, buoyancy of body, GOOD DIGES1I0N, U da- regular bowcla snd aafld flcah. Prico, a Richest FOR In Healing Qualltie BACKACHE. RHEUMATISM, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER FOLEY KIDNEY PIUS Quickly nllsvMffi wimswA irrUitikts (Iw, SUM or IOU.V L. l lll)MPMJ.X MOs'iUX. VroyVN.vT p PUTNAM FADELESS DYES "V ioda brighter and faatcr colon than any other dye. One 1 0c package color aH fiber Therdyt In cold water better than anyotfierdy dynany garment without nppms apart. Wnt for fmn booklet Row to Dyg, Bleach and Mix Colocv MONROt DRUG COMPANY, Q, Color You ran-ulac- Ilk. |