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Show HUN THE GRANTS VIU-- E OBSERVER. GRANTSVILLE, IT AH. M1CKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL ST. JOHN MENTIONS. Hn, ('hruue Kuuihl) was Ltki vixiUir laul vwk end. V mAh. MuSs flAVa H'"t if Yt Ain't GittBf Itf Sait Mra. Gladys Billiaau is visaing Iwr panu.l Mr. null Nit J. T. Kuweit. nib The Krlwf Society held their sun-lu- il meeting kt Mm. Msry Newmans B'ediirsusy. iulut Thf M iwm Blanch mud Sager eiUvrUniod the echini teacher Mrs. Kouu.ly, Mias Cole, and Ray Fhersun, at iheir bum Wednesday evening. David Charles, Thari Sagure and Glen RumwII entertained the following at a sleigh riding parly Monday evening: Faith and Leah Newman, Milly Staples. Viuiet Sagers, and Floyd Bryan. TOOELE LOCAL ITEMS The St Juhn M. I. A. will put on the one art cnnu-ilentailed The Lesler Lingen fetter of Mai'ksy, Ids. Spinsters Convention." in ilie St. John fnrmoly of our city, is reported critic, Jl Meeting house February l&lh. di at the Holy Cross Hospital at will be followed by a dance in the slly halt lake City. Amusement Hall, Everybody invited. All young men of the North Bard Mrs. R. B. S.iyura entertained the M" Men who am iniervsleJ in the Relmf Suriety at a seeing u.e Mutual are rvque-U- -d to Tuesday. After the meeting refresh- ,lu.lld .sullduy cwnmff in mwUllg ments were served to tiie following. Wlird t hur,h. Mrs. J. G. Ahiatrom, Mrs. Myra Char- tl( Mism Gillierla Gillespie will address les, Mm. H C. KuHsell, Mra. Chaa. Newman,, Mrs. Guo rye Caldwell, Mrs. tlie South Ward teacher training Jesse Bratton, Mrs. J. T. Kuuull, Mrs Clans, from notes taken at leatlership Myrtle Alilsimm. Mrs. laurs Culd well, Mrs. E. B. Arthur, and Mrs. Emily Russell. i mm-lin- The M. I A, debated the question "Resolved, that Life in the Country is mure henefu-ia- l to Human development than life in the City. Each aide brought out such equal points that tlw judges were unidde to deride the winning side. The affirmative was defended Ly Vaughn Arthur and Milton and Violet Sagers, and the Negative by Vera Bracken, Elvin Russell, and Faith Newman. . the ualy femiaiae rola For twenty ailautae following The Men From Knmoue." Mtaa Ltuo-rbend Mt. Smith presold the mush-eMr part of their entertainment Smith hea a rich baritone voice which combined with hie personality end dramatic Ulenl la as id to make him Miee end ideal Igceum performer Limerick Binge ballade and telle e'or-lefrom the lend of the ehamroeh She la Irteh fa appearance and manner She It a graduate of the North wee era Calyersity Conservatory of Music and a postgraduate of the Arte Consarvatory, la addition to being a vocal soloist and aa actress of talent aha le a pianist and a reader. Is recomThe Little Players mended la the people of thti community because, although It Is u com puny of only two members It pretest more diversity of talent than many larger concert or dramatic troupes Its program, although varied, ia of l JHIS CASE TW LITTLE PUYCRS ARE AN ENTIRE DRAMATIC TROUPE IN TWO PEOPLE Vnlqae emong nrr acta oe the will be wsiio etage this The Uttle Flayera, s company at Iwe dramatic artists who ara billod fur tha lectara eouree here thta winter, according to ennimnoe monte by the local committee. The Little Flayare la com poo ad of Mr. Wilber Smith mod Mlae Holes id merit k. two talented young people who appear la playe, impereoa atlons and eosge. After ramful study of tbs Lyreem is visiting Tbomus Ciarey is a Salt Lake via. itur this week. James Quinn was in Tooele on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. P C. Carman of Eureka are visiting with relatives. of the Stockton Stan-dui- d Mr. was a Salt Lake visitor last week Frh-kso- A. B. Mv Leod manager of the Queen tended to the puhlir and all Members of the Hills" of Gishoni was a Stock-toere requested to attend. visitor. Feb-21s- IN Miss Ruby Kiminglun in Eureka. week. , e IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRI CT COURT OF THE STATE OF TOOELE UTAH, IN AND COUNTY, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHEAL DURKIN, Jk Incompetent Person. NOTICE The petition of T. FAXhirkm, praying for the appointment of himself aa guardian of the aetata of M wheal Durkin, aa incompetent person, has been set for hearing for Tuesday, tha 13th day of February, A. D. 1321, at tea a'siock A. M, at theVJaunty Court House, ia the court room of said Court house, in Tooele City, Tooele County, Utah. V IT.sESS: the Clerf of said Court, with the Seal thereof affixed, this 10 th day of January, A. D. 1023. Fred Brjraa Clerk. (Seel) It Mra. JiMteph Hughes is a Stockton visitor. W. C. Alexander of Salt lake was in Stockton on mining business thin FOR KENT The Huntington brick biniglow on South Main Street, one block from Vino Street. Furnished t. or unfifmiishetL Vacant whout . BARG AN Furniture of four roome Completely Modem hot air elect what yoa wank J. A. Ltuhardt furnace end ileepmg porch. Inquire of R. J. Hunington. 6th, Ave. New Town. TWO IS COMPANY STOCKTON NEWS ' In the Third Judicial District Court and For Mm. Jack Carrington of Eureka ia of Tha Stats of UUh, la Tooele County. visiting with her Mother Mra. Gee. TOOELE COUNTY STATE BANK, Kimiiigton, a Corporation, Plaintiff. Mra. Frank Morris has returned home after spending the past week JOHN 8. PECK and LOTTIE TECK in Salt Lake. Defendants. Mr. Leonard Reynuldi of Magna NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S BALK. waa visiting here with hie friend, To be sold at Sheriffs Sal on the Mise Charlotte Maze. 2nd day of March, A. D. 1023 at the Mrs. Neil Brown spent tha week hour of 12 oclock, noon, at the Weet t door of the County Chart House end visiting in Salt Lake with her huulmnd who is in the L. D. 8. Hos- in Tooele City, Tooele County, Utah, ell the right title, claim and interest ef pital. ef in and to above named defendj foal estate. Joe Meli, A. II. Newman, LrRoy the following deastui Commencing at a point 4 Fainter, Thomas Clary, and Claude Wilson etUiited the basket ball gam Best of the Southeast corner ef th Northwest quarter ef tha Southeast in Tooele last Friday evening. quarter of Section 31, Township I Arnold Johnson who has been in South, Range I West, Salt lake MerSalt Lake the past few weeks has idian, and eitendmg t banes North 10 returned home, his Bmther Edwin chains, thence B'cat 4 chains, thanr Johnson of Mt. Pleasant South 10 chains, thanr East 4 chains him. to place of beginning, containing 4 acre Mr. and Mra James Johnson nnd Purchase price payable in Lawful daughter Emms, and Sun Earnest, Money of tha United State. and Mrs. Iiavid Thomas and 1 ester Dated at Tooele, UUh tha 8th day Bmwn enjoyed a bob aleigh ride to of February, A. D. 1323. Tooele I amt Saturday. A. 0. EVANS Sheriff of Tooele County. The Stake Board office ri of Mutuals gave an excellent program at (Date let publication Feb. 3th, 1023 ) Stork ion I sat Sunday evening, which was appreciated very much by the TWO HEATERS For ante at 8.00 Stockton M. I. A. Officers, nnd the each. Inquire at Tuoela Auto Electric v. H Dress Shirt Sale With Prices at 98c to $4 Here's your chance to replenish your Shirt Stock fn-n- WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE LINE OP SNAPPY DRESS MIIKTS, DIRECT FROM THE ARROW SIfIKT FACTORY, ON SALE FOR ONE WEEK, FLU. 3rd TO 10th. This b Not Juat Taper Talk But A Real Demonatratloa of llow W'e Arc Capable of Serving You. NEW COLORS IN SOFT, STIFF COLLARS. SEMI-SOF- Our buxinenn ban grown by belling Jlnneet Pen hanto dle. small order or large we give equal aMAneion full we quote represents Customer. price Eevrry wry value. f 25 Ijtrgp pkg National Oats -- 27 Oats arge pkg Sunripe .& 2 small pkgn. Oats tor .O 9 pound Hag Boiled Oats 44 1 imund can M. J. B. Coffee 150 S pound t an M. J. B. Coffee .210 5 pound ran M. J. B. Coffee -- . THK UTTLE PLATERS Said the local lecture course commit- lbs hiuhesptyp In every fee pert. The tee La selected the two playe are Utile masterpieces r Deo Be one of th L 'ghost rise dr artistic acting The songs quirlng mark- - acts obta'nable. Mr. Smith are musical gems. aed X:e Limerick appear In two The program concludes with an Ms playe and a group of vocal eoloe aad e'her ose-ec- t play "'Op O Thumb" and post lude of more songs duet. nd Impersonations The program of Th Little T layers The duo carries with It suitable a It has beee presented during eostume for earb of Its perform the lour thlu winter, rpeni with a on nres, costumes ranging all the way set play "The Man From Komono" la which Mr. Smith tike two part. from rolonlsl to rubs. 'ir The Uttle Players conic from first the villain of th Midland Lyceum Fti'eau cirpiay, ee English artist, end liter as t? the homo cuit us one of the Icsrrurtive end entirety different pen laeyer from Indiana Mr Smith entertaining series In this years Is equit y good at comic character eourse. The entr course It by the committee ee the parts and heavy dramatic roles. A tbs villa e and the rube In "The Man lecture end concert eerie ever hs-- d Tb Uttle From Komono" be bn aa opportun- In this community. ity In display the versatility fnr which Players is one of the most Inter fea'urea of the eourse Klee IJmrrlrh plays le la famous 8a.tb-Llnirlt.- Impe-sniis- che-est- b'r .25 35 for 2 pounds LirnA 2 pound Seedloss liaising in bulk fur 1 pound Setl Cut Coffee in bulk 3 pound Blue Koe Hire for Qiint Nest Eggs 3 fur Ax Handles eath I'erru'ator Tops each 31 155 10 ..29 05 1.C9 Lunch Kits with Varum Bottle 36 inch l.ihht Percale l Quality per yd .19 36 inc h Dark IVrcale A- Quality per yd ..20 A-- -l flour Seives each 19-t5- 5 Double Me-Hair Nets Each Crepe Lingerie All Colored yd Childrens Hoe suf'prters B;atk or White pair Cut Glaas Tumblers per set of 6 Ccdonial Seibert D hes set of Colonial Water Set Each Lat nnd Bent I.rrenm Number AIM) PARAMOUNT STEHAL THE SPANISH JADE." nd ADMISSION PRIC E Z PTRAND THEATRE. NO RESERVE SEATS. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15th. 5c la the Third Judical Court ad The Mute ef Utah, le Aed Far Teeeie Ceuety. Ia Tb Matter Of The Fatal Of David Rarkweli, Deceased. NOTICF- - j Th petition ef Elisabeth Cnok Rockwell, preymg for the appointment ef herself as administratrix ef the estate of David Rockwell, deceased, has been set for bearing fur Tuesday th 13th day of rebrnary, A. D. 1923, at ten eciock A. M., at the County Court House, in tha Court-rooof said Court in Tooele Ciy, Tooele Utah. B JTN the Perk of said Court with the seal thereof affixed, this 80tb day ef January, A. D. 1923, FRED BRYAN. Clerk. (Steal) - j , j Utah - BUY A FORD And spend the Rest. ; Co-onl- y, 5386.64 ' and tlhrter 1485.40 SrITNABOUT 356.45 Ih'm-Jiiand 455.25j J Aa unfurnished 3 rith bath large tot and fruit trees. Alee four room boo so and mail lot. Inquire of Fa. C. legreea 14 So. Maia 8L Phone 314. Dnm-Ki- m 1 Sti-rte- r 1627.90 (complete) CD5 .50 edan ( complete) j Tru k 465.45 (complete) Tractor... 470.00 (F.O.B. Tooele? 5 Coupe ! For Real 1 08 55 6 10 1.00 .1.15 1.00 g The ALSO JUSTIN. TOOELE MERC CO. Tooele, Reason For Steady Growth AND LIGHT WEIGHT T The Ajax Variety Store J NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Azile L. England Sealed bide will be rereived by the Commisetowers Bbard ef C ounty Tooele County on or before noon, -T--TTf T Monday March 6th, 1928, for the eree-- n of machine shed and garage ea the Cbunty Court house lot. HONEY FLT.E EXTRACTED For plant and specification conFewson at Grants-sult Peter Clegg, Chairman Board of For Sale by A. ville. 1 gallon can 11.26, i gallon can County Commission cm, or Fred Bry. 16.00. an. County Clerk. Utah. Tooclcy " "n.isn ru Bronx Male FOR RALE Pure-breTurkey. Raised from Imported stock, inquire J. J. GilletL at Tooele Motor d Co. |