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Show Professional TOOELE WANT ADDS BFOR LEASE OK SALE Hatel. Two Hadnoo bicycles for aW vary chtop at Art NeiMO. Jkdv For Cakimining, Fapar bang leg 4 Flustering. T. Le Breton L3 N. KUiaStaiteL-A- df. FOR SALE Beat Ford Bug body in town $60, or put on Chassis for $65 Inquire of M. S. Lea. FOK RENT Building formerly occupied' by the Tooele Drug Co. Entrancea from Fain and treete. Eeetbuaineea location in Tooele eity, will be vacant June lat Inquire at Tooele County State Bunk. RENT-- Si FOR i room houie phone 46.; FOR SALE-A- uto Inquire of Art hop. FOR SALE Five room modern houae on Glenwood Ave. la fur quire of John C. Brvaa terma. FOR RENT Furniahed room 115-- J. LOST Cowhide Leather Grip a Finder pleaae hout 18 inchaa long. renotify Coanty Clerk and receive ward. NOTICE TO HUNTERS No hunU tng allowed on the Orma Ranch at Erda. By order of the owner. FOR RENT Three 428 North Main. room houae, FALL AND WINTER Suite, Coats, and Drawee, made to measure and Ready to Wear from Virtor Ladies Tailoring Co. Mrs. E. J. linker. Agent for Tooele County. Rhone 37-J. Furnished rooma FOR RLNT-T'or light hoaaekeepmg at Colonial dotal. Inquire at the hotel. wo FOUND Improved metalie tape naaeure in winding hot Inquire it thie office and pay for add. FOR RENT apartment, Three furniahed room rhona Teoale Ceuaiy. Business Cards. la the mailer of the application of OLAF KNUDSON to change hie name to OSCAR KUNDSON AM'LRSON. NOTICE JOHN B. GORDON The petitiua of Oiaf K mid too, pray-m- g fur aa order uf the Court grant-iii- g him leave to take the name of ATTORNEY AT LAW 0car kuudnoa Andureun ia placa uf the name uf lliaf Loudoun, has been aet for hearing for Tuwalay, the 13th Notary Public day uf February, A. 1). 123, at tan o'clock A. X, at the Couaty Court . Utah. House, hi the Court room of Hid Court Tooele, ut Tooele City, Tooele County, Utah. WITNESS the Clerk of Hid Court, with the seal thereof affiaed, thia 27th day of December, A. D. 1822. FRED BRYAN, HOME OF COMMERCIAL MEN (Seal). Clerk. (Date drat publicatiun Jan. 6, 1823.) - Headquarters for Smelter (Date filial publication, let. 2, 1823 ) . 0QU1RRH HOTEL and Mining Men. Hot Water Batha. Dinning Room in Connection. Garage ui Rear. - - . Utah. Tooele, NOTICE FDR PI BL1CATIU.Y Dc par Uncut of the later war, U. A Land Office at Salt Lake City, December 2, 1822. Utah. Notice ie here gives that Sever iu Cranato, of Baccua, Utah, who on September 28, 117 made original CUtiG, Pna. W IKAUS, bomeatead entry, aerial No. 021716 EDVIN II OME, and on July B, 1''21, made additional A entry, eerial No. 021716, for Ul 6, Lola 2, S, Section 18; 4, Eto EW'la, 7, Section 18; Township I South, COUNTY Range 1 West, SEW, Section 13; KEln, Section 24, Tuwnahip I South, BANK Range B West, Salt Laka Haruluo, bee filed notice of intention to make throe-yeProof, to eatabiwh claim to the land above deeaenbed, before Hie Register A Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, at Salt Laka City, Utah, oa the 10th day of February, 1823, Tooele, Utah. Phone 25 Claimant names as witnesses: Utah, Louis F rattle, ef Utah, Bactue, of Niceletie, Luigi Charles Grameri, of Salt Laka, Utah, DE J. A PHIPPS, DE HOW AID PECK. Wm. 1L Kershaw, of Salt Lake, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. Due. 8, 1822.) publication, lit 10 9 to a. m. (Data ( Office Houra : 2 to p. tn. I 7 to 8 p. m. NOTICE TO WrAILR ISLKS. Office on North Main Street Stae Engineer's Office, Utah. Tooele, Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 4, 1828. Notice to hereby given that Joe. E. and Florence C. Johnson whose poet, to Vernon, Utah, have DAVIS office address with application in accordance the requirements of the Compiled . Laws of Utah, 1817, as emended by the Session Lews of Utah, 1918, to Special attention given to of water appropriate Four (4) See. Ft. Gold Crown liridge work from Oak Brush Creek in Tooeto Cowill be diunty, Utah. Said water verted at a point N. 27 deg. 81 min. E. 2366.1 ft. from the Southwest Wisest Tkinf to do corner ef Section 8, Township 10 South, Range I West, Salt Luke Base BUY INSURANCE and Meridian, and conveyed by means of n canal n distance of three miles and there used from Apr. 1 to Nov. SI, inclusive, ef each year to irrigate Insurance Attorney. 820 acres of land embraced in the See. 23, and NWfc 8c. 26, 8W14 Office J. & HICKMAN, Township 10 South, Range 7 Weet, Utah Tooele, 8. L. Mer. Aa much of Hid water as may be neeesury will be used the entire year for domestic purposes. Thie application to designated in the Electric KTU Nelson. Market price paid for hidee, M. pelta, wool, fure, etc. W. Second North 257 lfortenaen, Weet street, Tooele. Utah. Ihotie and Cd-ni-ai Art Nelson. Apply, la The Thud Judicial llwc-ic-t Court of the Slate uf Utah, ia aadfur 37-- J. TOOELE STATE Capital and Surplus ar $75,000.00 Hoc-cu- PHIPPS & PECK, I DR. GEO. R. Tie C BRYAN, See JOHN WM. S. MARKS State Engineers office as No. 81 38. All protest against the granting of Hid application, stating the reenone therefor, must be made by affidavit SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. .1 . Funeral Director Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer Utah, FHWE 42 PHONE gee roe but tee'ilt Cempwsl Twenty thousand men would be required to prialare one panel ef dnmalia. the aerrlngent prin-lp- le which the dmtlst now oftes nsro to aonmHet the blond eesaeie and Be work to MoediaM fi:& - Tooele, 0J J. LE ROY LEE deceased. Creditors will present rlaiir.s with vouchers to the undersigned nt Stock-ton- , Utah or at the office of John B. Gordon, Tooele, Utah, on or before the 20th day of Marrh A. D. 1928. Robert M. Shields, Executor of the wiil of John C. Shields, deceased. (Date of first publication Jan. 12th D. 1828). Estate of John J . MORONI ENGLAND Habit of Catfish, gome 8'wtb Ameriran catfieh have remarkable wey of yetting eperroam. RMng core ted in n si IS aroior, they to they ten not Jump. (save the wafer, nelng thHr aide fine which have aharp spinas, like feel ; eed mewl around the falls, entering (be water ee the ether aide. C. Shield RUGS AND RANGES baUted toandur ut TATE-HICK- f glaaai The ex plana t.Jn was that whan the glen fumed t)e Baberdeahar'e win- dow It had beroa then words la white enameled letters, and the letters had protected the aaderlylng glaaa from the raya of the sun. rooeequaatly It bad not Aided M the net ef the glaae had dona. .Eatate of Robert Thomas Brown, Deceased. Creditors will present claims wh vouchers to the undersigned at Cl 1 Deseret Bank Building, on or before the 2Sth, day of Kay, A. D. 1923. Rosin D. Bwwo, wlminis-ratri- s of evta-- e of Robert Thomas Brown (Date firet publication Jsn. 19, 1323) and fill Linds cf Repair Work Window flats replaced. ADWESfc-JIS.l'T- PHONE NO. 11 AH AVENUE Goad Health. If yon would er joy good heaih, keep your bowels regular. No one can reasonably hope to feel well, when constipated. When needed, take Chamberlain's Tablets. They are mild er.d Adv gentle. Kurd llattwrim, $17.50 to $22.00 Catarrh Cannot B Cored LOCAL ACCLIi ATIONS. aa ther VdMl Ntdll th Itoli Uf Ulf dlMi Imc! dtn tM, sretuy Cwnrrl it to LP tHMB4UU(kNUtl kfUlJilllMII, u4 WM t curt n me la laaaa SWad . 4 it nbM Uhl Medi ai.a mta 4Mi hill i Rihrrk iatorualiv aa ta aa.-uof II Mwln-inmat aranai badeaasCalarrk tost te to Ito phvaiciau rwnOad water far ya.a It a rum- ' af emus te iha tow tanx known, conihwad vnk eu te Iha toal tonte Oaritoia The aw fart euaikbuilfem ( a the Inaroriwnta h HaM a atarra la Whai pwteaiaa au-nnWriiil r uta la caiammi aaaihimne aad far froe. lamnaiei J I'HHiFT COm Prase.. Tai.Sn, SH TVvriwl. Ike y amiir true 1st toe All i r 4 i A(ir) i i- - 4 4 it Glasses in Time, Save Sight. 1 Neglect to luive them projH'rly cx nnii id may cuune a l.fe-iii- i' j of sor-u- Tooele Motor Co. I Tooele, and regret. Small disorder grow more serious et ery day. There ia eatigfaition in knowing for xure that your ejes are all right. WE CAN TELL YOU. I c jic ! : Now is the time to make repairs and improvements inside the home. Line that unfinished room w ith wall . J I Genuine Horae Hide Glove, 1.00 Gauntlet Gloves, leather, 1.00 Skiony Wool Socks, S pair for BnB Band Wool Socks, 3 pair for 1.00 10 00 I'Slher IV.-y- s Sleeve Vest, Chamos Winter Unions a.m. 12:00 m. 8:(M)a. m. ! : X 10:00a.m. 9:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ME GUARANTEE SLKNKE. Stage will receive passengers at Lils'rty Cafe in Newtown and (bjuirrh Hotel as indicated on The Time Table. Phones: Oquirrh Hotel 34; Liberty Cafe Lofi For Information regarding Deliverj' of Light Express Parcels Call Oquirrh Hotel. 7:30 p.m. 1.00 The 1.00 Toocle-Sa- .75 1.29 4 4 4 1.50 Lake Stages are heated for the comfort of their patrons. Com-ortab- lt 58444444444444444444444444444444 le t :4 t4 2.93 3.95 3.50 .95 Order Now : The outlook is not favorable for coal this winter. Stock up for that zero .Weather. 4 4 We arc still receiving regular t4 .ned,,...7.50 X 4 4 4 4 fTooele Trading Co :: 4 4 shipments of that good old LIBERTY COAL Atkin Bros, Coal Phone ' 14&-- J, CO, Tooele, Utah I 4 One Equals T wo! One'pair of shoes properly taken care of by our Repair Shop will equal two pair of new shoes which are allowed to go unrepaired. T00EE CITY MILLING CO. ifr ' if if irr it Englands Repair Shop. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444444 44 4444 3.95 5.95 Edmunds Farm Fitter Shoes 3.00 and up Fukard Shoes Army Style Shoes, B'ts Engl.sh last welt Shoes, Baji Band, 4 Bkle. Overshoes - Lake Stage Line Tocale lbpot: Salt Lake Depot: Oquirrh Hotel Fecry Hotel, 3rd S W. Temple TIME TABLE: (Eilfertiie Deremher 1st. 1922.) Lv. Tooele Ar. Salt Lake Lv. Salt Lake Ar Tooele .80 -- 19 Lehl Army Shoes, ! 1ASSLNGERS ANI) LXIBLSS. Canvas Gloves, Heavy Ribbed Unions, Turt Wool Union, Co.j 69. 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444- .2.95 for FIIONE .... X .79 Shirt, LUMBER R Tooele-S- alt $ Blue, Grey, Kuki, i board or have a cabinet built in the kitchen. A new floor of maple ran be laid rifcht over the old floor and will last for a lifetime. It is just as cheap as good linoleum. Tell us the size of your rooms and we will give you a figure on the cost. 2444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444t Highest Quality Guaranteed. DrrM Shirts, with collar, I DO IT NOW IPARKER-WARNE- Fine Dress Socks, 6 pair Fine Silk Socks, Utah. 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444t DR. A. G. COWANS, FjetdL'ht Specialist. UTAH TOOELE, V can e!8 do your job work quickly end satisfactorily Men - - I ?( w in Loos tiny your Iowa edvnrties ia Rliia paper Army Wool for Millard Railery a tUe brlrre in home ia a home newspaper Shirt, Itatlrr) work Guaranteed i Mnli-Mn- Ut Your Order HOW Work V i-- efteAod If So, Send or Phont you c Itollerim fur all rar, $22.00 lo $.15.00 Phone S3. T0B PRINTING Todot If S lagmtuXIxIk.,. Tuurle, Utah. Do You Need An trade h TOOELE FURNITURE CO. A the fc to espoeune to sunlight originally to eiighUj groan apd after auiue years of as bacuuaa puro while. The iud-drto brt By as fuUowe: In making bins chaugas to the front ef a fiabardautorn Store a tiefuvt wee removed and piece ef plate taken away by tee plaster, la coarse of time this abate wm Installed to the front window of new residence. The fhmliy hag ecnroaly moved to whan they began to receive tatapbuM awaaagee suggesting that the neighborhood wee aaewely appropriate for a alitit (artery They were mystified an ill they ducovaiwd that whew the Mnllght at ru. A their window at certain angle ire word "John Dow Bairte Made to J'rdur," shone oat up-e- gian a EmiThw the Scientific ahtelcsa to prove that plate DOES FOUR CAR NEED A NEW BATTERY? see Builder ef Heuae Nad Amueing Petal ef Fast Mattel to Net toa. eroily Kmvnl An nmnaing. tocldeot . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PLUMBING HOKE Fl'RMTl'RE GLASS For Men: n To inanre a healthy action of the howela and correct disorder of the liver, take two of Chambertein'i Tableto immediately after anpper. They wffl not only eauee a rentle movement of the bowel, without unpleasant effect!, but baniah that dull feeling, that dull, utupid feeling, that often accompanies constipation, Adv. FADED see 4 CLIO C. TANNER When Tea Are Canatipeted. LETTERS The Battery Question F1CT1' RE FRAMING Some, Special Prices w cbm gold watch, with leather fob. Reward offered. Mcrvin Shield a. Phone 86 J. Scrap Book DENTIST FOR SALE 7 or I tone of hay in Attorney A Couneelnr-at-Latack. rloee in. Inquire nt Trnneciipt office. Offvie Tooel County 8tate Bank Bldg in duplicate, accompanied with n fee of 81.00, and filed in this office within thirty (30) day after the completion FOR SALE Firet crop hay end of the publication of this notice. M. R. droeaed. alive nil or niiea, pire R. E. CALDWELL, Shields, Bauer. State Engineer. Date of firet publication Jan. 12, 1923. Date of completion of publiFOR SALE Autto Tripple knitcation Feb. 9, 1923. Attorney A Counselor .at Lew ting machine, new. Aleo eome yarn. Inquire of Ruaeell Ilarnaon, Lake Torma if deeired. Point. Suite 414 Judge Bldg. NOTICE TO CREDITORS LOST-Ope- ARTISTIC Desires to state that they intend giving the retailers the benefit of the wholesale trade, and doing retail business only at the mill. Patronize HOME INDUSTRIES an 1 keep YOUR money at koine |