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Show OBSEKYTR. GRANTSVILLE. UTAH. THE CRA.NTSVILLE rj- - reflsMwewe jRwar- " - ar-v? j-- - -- wunl te dak pea le Mad yaer name tap tad 1 cue give aviri anawar te title casinosark rr you th warn ef a va- -r spiend.d daM ftkr kuivtrk M kkl tainmncinc euro. ha X laws iS Tee should drug Fimn lii (I) ietr in akr nl a siaiaoa bolui al.ond.ag a public d.inca im at kim vm ewaiu f Thm Is tks arte tiM I kav iir Boffttr, kui 1 kv rmm4 U And IMbk aod should thoo be aacuepanied by a chaperob. A dancing party, oocaaloR-a.i- y, in the horn ef (rtoada, would he penman lua at foanase and Bflaea. knli. 12) J nm Ik yurt aid u tnmk Inchns tail Ite nnd nm I nm m muck lw uitf lavra vry WfTTT, Vink. nactrlVr Tkknka Rctty. kurrv kut I ennnot kut two anniBS Mud me srnur athara inter, vlii yav? III The Xutch voatuaw w vers Rraiiy nnd nnny ta copy I wnuid k find In send yvu n smnU koohmi nf jr dtnan cimuimn Unmarnn - Ten nvnrt Thn nrKn in Ik rnn'n hnifrhi nf n nrl of II kn ft (Rt nnd Inchon nn rnu nm nuiin tnil fur nur aga kui Hist doAi koi mnTinr. kinrcinn m nnnry aav lil nnnn inn suppin nnd I awful nnd ahn nn nm ihni. yon Ican inn mil in npimnr in mnrmlir ndvniiinnn dvrtetar V -Vf-w- ItLl - m Hoar Mlaa Brerka: I hav road your loiters a great deal and I wmud Itae t aaa yaa a tiiaKioa. W auld you piooio publ h the aoag. "Lullaby," from "Lronnar" 1 tnwak a curner. MAa Tiii ii uf it fur information tra question luck era puiaLii )eu. It a ill Le a p'.roauis auj privilege to aimer core vary muok. To ora JIM Bfrt, Mula Htak. all question tuunutted to me, ercept those eockiug medfulijr nod pruni-iAa tha song requested ran ha had le Nical atjvii-e- . and aJJiesaca of Lusuiot krai cuanit be pruned here, th mnaie a: ora 1 cannot publish tt At Kara. Tha priv to coma and I will but aiirbe sfWbcU-oiiiii-exi-tl- , atomped envelope accompanist the re-bo glad le have U sox to pee It gee For a porkinul rrpljf tend kUitiped envelope. Ouenluma aiuvt be aiab. ?;umL to tee, anil name and aUu- - mutt accompany each letter. All comHsar Mies Brooke. munication are held airictly cuiiLJcnligL Hoar Mias Mroaks: I m not writing fa yos far kffvtom AJdieaa lottra very plainly, wuh pea and ink, to Helen Brooke, Box I would thenk yon very much If yes but lust ta lx yuu knew that aa would enswsr thoo sISIS, Salt laUCty, M ll t susaiunw 111 Inylng your "Just Motwssa Ton and Would bov too a wl'h am He." go than I far, far away. I although In aequeatuiq poem and 0017 tlx correct tide, the firal line, or (lie yoitarsr yaa are? I wauld bo very glnd If yea sat evary uu set ton almost that avas author in necemory in order to find tLem. would publish the ana "Mumbling bother ma anawared bv yaa ailbaugb I and the purm Th Cnlldroa a Hour." nrrar do writ. My faihar has Iota X ralailvaa la V lab and ha also, was bUMK, 1,'iak. Hear Mias Bnwli. tibia tbe fua consists la aaaln who ran Thanks Is advance. 1 fkwee will ant permit tne answering reared that a a iharstora bs taka Iba uwch aiB. It tree will tha moat liar wira haari shapeil aoji twa 1 hat a aanthar euaaiiua It lone It a long time It euaatloa. If yau watch you i rina anr a wooden pa, ellaad tv reu- if but HI ns oj'iht act I he birthday reading ta gx bora but yaur aacltoa to In hrX ses: tt hal will femov a I'laoeiiinr reseat ao arrow. iThia at raw will hav thing I look for. I am foartosa year ala fraai tinea (ll It allngnihar Thanking yea a.id 10 fa sot 11110 a blurb rf wao4 la make r.ir Bcptamhcr. iii'oa haw eld yua botli ai. and "f aga hav hlarh hair and blue a yaa Tin viatai whe hava tl.a wlshlna roe suscaas La your work, tilt o'oinl moat haarta ta than credit at (he aai of alas w-- a your Individual diaiutaltions I m aul aa vary tall aad am na "gappor mo round ri-latari oa lhair haart- - 1araoaallv I da en think a tow year My highaal ambition almost to to visit IXIU T. Psrooss. Yiah. oew mors out Want. Tv bean aX theio I aalule you. Ikmv. nr rose tit fiua .i.sod loliiss sud progress. At Uwsac-bts- s althar way Ira kra a groat deal of but I was only a small child and to Ibbio s lit TPs sons Utsmiiling" can ones, a hare pro. wait n.s, Im Xrsid tuSHlvl of tisy pink ha J Mite D. Camimell of Michigan, aiipulnlad lite "din Inrutwr" msnilmr f ill Imlcral rreorie ImwpiI by lrvak lu hslvss, uuwrlsrs. vie birh purchased at tha music shops for ad I caanu very well bring back to mind 1,1 so tu rate tlm i hbwris, cut View of Flxuhurg. liunuaa rtl hae bone otliml to dsrlsr Heelf bankrupt beceuoe at laat liardlef. 1 tho load. May yau suit so bcoluitul oooeni print It hars. hat rsueivss s sabrs st cardboard rants, Uira ssd rub ssii h"1'1" Curuucra clieuilat la Chicago aueljenig some the war. lh wbl A would to very glad is have It aont ta yeur MM auacaas. Inability te repay a loue made la Kw'taerluUil Ibis remain iinilil" I am vary glad in flood ta publish AN AHMIBEB, pin Is used wed iso player af tbe moutiehiiMi luiuur that but caused many deaths there title year. dry. tFasb wad im.asl utiul It disap-- j beautiful poem, "Tii Gbll-ra- n nl" he haul- Wbsiever Now Albany, Mlaa poors. If IMo fslilts romuvs tbs orol a Hour." ro as the via sr sswio woe osslla weld, one loospoonMI ef thol I am mors than glad t welcome yaa u lnwl I woo ar ni Bo "f w they o the wadark and fcotf arm-hiat arid tot Pe,,e us tbe in la s,lt western Th.wiw. hue relied te erysiaiiiaod forces iayMght, my dear, and ' sin oraly bop your pint piliira, auirllliig wnrha and povlul ,h" r'oord. returnuis tl.v when Ih alR'it I brrlnaing ta Inwar ambulns is visit ua one more stay b Thla must ta taiafulty waalcd:""1"- at Iba UixpiMutl tha rulura all the Turkish reserve tar. lu litvlil OF ut f tu IwcRtfur im iia( An rt vthara te tne tabaakat. Wba tha signal Como e pauv in the (mi arcupatlona. roalleed. AX oh. how gibd 1 uf Ilia French government. cwes. 'Ji hi nuiuiwr, givurdlng ta kannad. nnd hnwa uild inunohik npr)ii is pn.grras that la known an the I'l'llrii-ogiven, the two people a Hour am how you ara not a "Bapi-or- ! haarta movi I h sr la In ri aini.ar abova rna tha pot- g'Od that dmputcliPa from buiyrtis. A Inrk-wa will ail he when sh ceasso t tn thn ftiHnln in nawimkiAn any nf tkir having tha must eoinnii-tef foot. ior 1 Ik Ihni is tha scat talus, haw bsaria aid proto ncld I whoa aha la thnl Lust Carman aauurcd uf miunm. hna tha Indiuiui takn back atnr Is eeiet, aormnl t ways Augur PI-AVfor Hi Beat couples. Th auun.1 of d or t;at to opoaad, nf itrsesiiig and aormal wav a of acllug, thn llnaa In aikitnd aolorvd, thn n id vided idlica tlm U la preuervlug il oltjwit to ha the For the third labia a diahpaa at ww-Volvo soft aad sweat. and anraul wave af thinking And of tl.a luiuiulf win Id ; uud no will lanavi ihn nninrt nn snnnni kn ilia uriiind neiilrulity it'Kuriliiig the elta a fowl tiny csiiululd hawrt that tima is Ths abort skirts a Healing Is piui vd la sar.n heart la a From rnv study I see le tha I'CMuiMB delegiitnui also I there ask Itulir urMiiuilhrii. tlml It bua nu ars going, ih MIX hulr i going and lamplight small hula, hack playar la glvaa a d scoi.dtng tha broad hall stair, oua tha Aappar will ba gon and Is InhMiriaia tliut a ivmil aiuvw big l,eiioil!st uupiw l fur tlm ainiggio IWwr Miss Brook rod aad line with a tiny honk aaavhati General Strike Begins in the uauil uf lribiManil her ataad wa will again bahald ths Alice, and lauk-ilnsad 3rae May I anlar your dear III tie vora- -r Allcgra, fruni ilia lalliuunian f..r l.gyidiun Uideian'lein-- . h.dith with guidon hair. thy Bah for the floating haarta vweot, mudaat, ssnalbis girl at ysra It looks an lavltlnb I rannnt star aawv and T.ioaa caichlng-- ' tea most lisarla Creut friuitirr bua ao Ruhr on Orders From tha A whtsoor. and tiion a aa Just I I chic, jux aa la avarg I a alloaca; Vast fsv eusslloaa yot Kingar. atara and proersaw I lirltulii arrine amnru hut at a hwa un wav. but wholesome end good to know. know by their aiarro avos rill blushing Air tha soy would bo glad If you would .iomm on IU.INulS AI tha Host tal.la a baakat to A11X German Government s l ara I aarvn-cas of In the Herrin ni'ua ntpasaero Oarer: (1) I have been going with a Thoy wliat attitude tu UUu. Klia hua aa t yes I'arhaps plotilng aad planning with lotiara cut soma tima M 1 will hop to hsar from te taka a. by aurpiiaa. bsavy paper Hacr t uf uhundiuiii ( her ally, but lu trial. tha Mute aeuuia hua made boy whom I like vry much, tbe do hlmoalf to d haniifol am: hiis piaiar yaa sot ta Ih live tteia - M- butnr wliut miiriid It could hy vuttug an urm ilx akef dir til uf Kruiur'e tuoimok a ut'.)on rush from thr s'alrway. a get 1,1m I wrii 7r,pm7"lhnld 1JVn k Tl, " lug thrar raid from tVo hall! Hour Mlaa Frooka; FRENCH Lmt CJICKLT public Hies and Muna lie simpers tlmie uiiiple uiu In auiilde tha attnntry gen- hi is to or should (!) lilt rjTMATE loft unguarded thoy are ilrnuniiluiK Hint ilia liriitoh sriur eral tu ciuitlniir thr prusivutimia. 1 ho olga for w dark anmvlavloaad girl tv By throe doni-This to tiis Brat fim 1 hav satarad pioud, l prsroeda. eater mv raa-- wall! nf vuMilina lie wlthdiUHn, ami It vrrdul at tlurlnn might hr riHist.lereJ emrry a dark voovitklond fallow eoraar, but I hava reed about haw your lo the PHh of a roster the lltili mv rlln.h Inta inrrot a'ar tha yaa hava They up I pill get a prompt aaosor tnouad ef pmb uanily diops a. f untl helped so away sthors that I leelate Occupied Region from Reel ef i lib dei iili'd that B raliinel piuet aa aa hssed un eiilier tlia ulllds uffeiwd nr Hoping mv and of rna hark tl.a rhalr Aod horse wtohiSb feu bright and hur mounting the heap to a tiny cui-eliiiuld Im linll tu discuss (Ida quealhm. . apo t.ioy a'irrauad ew. would Ilka Is nek a few quoatl-n- a (Im ih'lensa present J tliut tlia klilu.ga (1) If I try la oveeaaful wow year. American T reaps keave fcarwiany Mach play: with sutairat.-liabow. What should you do If a boy klaaas yaur they aoam te bo everywMre. Italy la still hnpns tliut the wiuiia urre Jtisllhblile under provneathui, MA7IK, MarAald. Utah. far Homs Britain end Tur. Ilf'S a candy from tha pile with caarii head I did waa la school? (..II blush.) for Itself, ergmiiml hilugt Toe ere moat silrvav, Mails Thaako affair rsn be mHleil liy niedhiHnn and o wne overthrow tong. to Th Br (VI What ta Mildred Hav la1 and Her. almimt dsveur ms with hid hey Cant Agree About tha lultrr Inter. far poor good wishou him ta yau cupid it wee reNirtnl In llunie Hist I'leiuler Im rliiouM t m-n-t aut af th gams. Tha pile to Th.y arms about mt entwtnk heir old I Jo yd a adJ mat I hapa 1 havss't Mosul triaud dooa 11) taer Ihlak eat Oeinge in psesbly inbuilt sod the fua coauauaa aatll hluasnllnl wihiIiI ask Ilia L'nltrd Aisles prrtninn. Ttw nturlrr were nut Till 1 think at ths HUhepa ef Hinges, ia takaa loo muok room. wauld Care ts wrha wbaa be comes overthrows Tba ramaming Cengi lu the heat of ceuflh-- t ; the mre ya to laaua a rail fur a world mnfereeia. hla Mauaa-towaa tha Ichina' Is aa yae efiua 1 ballava ysa ahsuid tea recall star pirn. A MAMHFt-ewo cillle Idaho. and forwaid. Im pau think, ah. band lit 1. I'reuiler Itruiitlng of Burden untitled itrre mabaaiTrd In cold bluud after (at Mm aaggeot wmuig. ( Ha, aoi (1) Thors waaitl muok ta da after moat oa tha aiaie nee been winning flay!' hava th wall. yau a bad sige. It la'lfTneially endersteod their lalllsa racaiv Franro tliut Im would mygre In fit thry had By COWARD W. RICKARD ho had kiud poor haad. He probably prk.aa suggestive Buck aa old mnua'arlis aa I am to not a hat tw paopl ant aithor dark sr at M. Valoatlaa. I argue uf Nations llrnl It Intervene, dlil It ta lease ysa. Thors to bs cur match for yos all? aanaot got aloag so aompiailuas Kg! arvba haari un aaadwlrtisa. tlia the nf at council (sr bluablup, ether I ha a ts try coattaa-bll- p 9 shapX league Binding reel Bald well log other boeaaoe nf the olmllarliy PRACB la tbe hitumleetio aaltX Bulk tanry cakse aad leak I hava yna fax la mv fortrsok hnd will 9 SENATOR LAFOLLCTTK and to evercom A cent.-asIs eoentdorait at January ill. ho fbr tiernmny bua end dlngualtloa. huigsr year pruiwhiy 9 eee" la lih uillsa. your ceniarplaca mass "program net IX ysa depart. FnrgX self la aa effort la ba really ha haroieuivva sompaaion-ship- a big Aiiky, Far refused In any is assured by Ilia hew agreement slgnrd hotter for ta lake 9 part haeri shaped aurpiiaa pi, But put yaa dona Inie th ffongaoa Is tana-lu9 eengreat ere preparing far a and Jelly with yoar fr loads with rad ribbons terminating la candy medial Inc imrtey so long sa Fieueh hy tha uprreturs nnd efflifei nf the. r tha of my hrart. e $ campaign egaiaat epccial Ha ax taka everything year frtanda acy Heart running la each sovor. At in Ann Iher will 1 tlm Ruhr, are la truupo Mine Auserhw United yaa yeo Workera fnrovar, nf heap fat. Deer Miss Rreeks-and da tee sortoualr. Taa will And tbX In tha fadaral law. la a I rod of the BMwi lx cb pull a ribbon, for star and a dr y, New Yerk. The agreement rover the have foaad yaer eoreer very and racalv s favor lUal snoald be letter ta LaFolletta, Farmer Till th walla shall crumble la rain, aad tba mar yoa associate aad "mu" wltb 1 wish sowould In-loose Aald p yea uf Obis, ef the day. Ktatee sill Inrsr trlatute (lunpetitlve poupl and maha to affart aa abova mouldur ta dual away. Secretary ef the Treasury thaw, THATIntheilia Culled me. I dm stall d, yea will aiarcwma this palalul atuhnik'l'ui lu any way la disiia and 111 Unde end will be nerd ne oner a euowioB ar 1Iwe for IS yoenw hrea hava elwave X d Hear speaking foe "conservatives." dm Mlae flit Brsaka: But It to mack a atanderd In the mg of tlia bltumiamta a Inver ef said lu Washington tu Im uuha seaming afflli-ilnam much latsr-ao- e I hava wrlnoa te the "last Between Hoar Mlaa Brooks: a mends a hawaosm on tha ep hetier In Mush, my Inr. than ta baaama UnI saraor has bma at atom The arfur the pnur aul (evwie hnift she a CwsPy raadlng ad ie Ms present. sir Tea terrltury. and CereaF oar Mage and and combine bafnra, t Hs'weaa Tan aad Ms." aad hava land and bulelr'-u0 eial privileges ta (I) Harold Lloyd der ll ainiMlliNi i lint Im sow dnrv'l-oe- different frwa tlwse af the eslsdag traaaaw My iwsthar Sosa avi approve racatvad such good advirk ti.ot I am and Mildred Havle mev be addrtuad at 0 root ram trade granted hy cam mm osry at rv thinking af going am tha eiag I eilevro Hint point, and dm asking a fever read llm silinhiistrntimi ruing again l 0 a egreeiueuL llal liuavb tudlna tlulvar Tlty, eaa ta famera and erganuad some Wauld yaa pieaae glva into time. Will you, er enm af th would yoa mind answering on or two 'alif. 0 if It dues siiythinj. It must da Aurrv, but I am eompell'd ta thla Hast IS) I am ala la riXara give me tha poom "Forgoiioar' snsailnns fur irs? (!) la It right to plv limit 0 labor and denied te manufacalneg a mv snuwa-lo two suoeiloaa ao erd sot receive anr 0 (hut Will lie helpful Slid Md TI1B Wer ftrpnrtnirnt bee gppenled lava with tors yaw-- maa, hoik wam-btIt to la "Tba Keaary,"but 1 am uaaloa lo present te s bny at nor no 0 turers, amp'eyare and h send siatad la t nine at hood at volume. Mm, and w uld yau uI ami up tu I lie present mota marry me My methar dia got The Hosary" sow aad should Ilk from senute tu restore te ttie army 0 manta. What da yea thinh about ms a It ta hava or ths snpy. wrlnoa I am so ysuag vary mach la hava thla poem priaiX er ment utiuiii'b ln'ld Hint lliere Is no l.l'l fur defi'tise the utpriir,aliNis iw ' not apprwvs baee-ja0 this ieeuef ara both Rna gamlamMi. tbi has neat la me. 1 helluva eoHitfos asked paper, of "I Ala t Nobody a Imrllnr" 0 i li.it ' inm-fur lliaa hue Mted ly tlia huite Aw the Oahtia end Tksy Wauld you toll ms a good cos time ts fur his and la hoses (or th poem "Camilla" sum tuna aga !X) droaa wark hri-di nr wijiuut tuukii.g the 11 for s rliarartar bull ar Mas ts aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavaid riiiieine renal defense pmjrrte end far white the ether laliving wealthy and spend I will be glad t sand thla poem le I not Iiusred ball, and Bias gtoa in Ih 1 am nurse. iwtlnirtuini uf power works le Mnniia. nw of hta lime la pnei hallo If yau person. Thanking you. Ruhr the id and how to drrso for it' "ANUTHLH kllAMniiCF" FKAM'II'S eprtallona ru'W X Ihr If ihr I'lilied (ttntre slimilil make a The nniminta asked by the department ' war te take a eh.itrs whlrh would yeu Thanking you for your advh-- and wish le I yemal. ynur friend. Manoiua, Jdahs. shoes Irsiu-a- . fnim t French were It'M.IMl honor the lowsril a rut von (lie and prnsrarnua New Tear. by happy gosiiirr If ths poem, "Forgotten," to la Ihe W irvviiiiiirtila iib ACfTtl h. Itah eflrnllun if ll wiiriil auld Ilka thaw quoaiiuae and anew ere x mild im Hint Hie Crnnnna had F'.l.T..'aN. (let.rntl Kr'ls, eiMuklng f linek, The Hoaary," I hats fulled to jx Ibm fciiHa My dear, admiration for actresses fiilliiwml isle anmln-- r find luit ft) neat Is paper. slifti-nele-riHHriHriv U V(In their rrslHt-ii'i-- r the departuieiit. Mid the original sum a daatra ta ha k etc., aad heromin aoa It. but perhaps I mayJ laratt the Old.I'HB Hu ' IX-Khut H la yrf fim rurly m F Vtsh. Htirhesn. R)I ti'fi PN later suaiaohsr. flftn i da eot r hesed a ena. ere ant muattutnaer together sml If the Ituhr rsidiflun f i , n- -r nut r ft.Afc!: Fttoio r ta ai I Ne ll ehonlil to. nut and I BIX (II boo rtphl hu'i'Vba nr fiiiiiir nf tlm wi'ibor do a ara the earth aad eiutb poire lo tha request uf defeuse. ( h,,:'(-hill. nr i.lel fui.i'.einental vuuhl (hr prluelplee iy A rot yea a kindly sfftr, bat think on wuuld not car tnto do ll (1) la vl lie wiiiiml the ml In Ruhr liii'n, have fa develop a talon' ,ur ,,,r ysa piers l.t--r a. can ha Tnar bad th It If f.ir hand. sum or aiming this will bo fuiii.re. (m Hu sung loo It. ya wauld s bar ts go ,P wlii't'-- j (lie Fnmh amiimiuml so It mount appear bar. tl Hu l ni, ed h'ntt-should Hsiiin-- n A ftKPftlRCD were Issf woo hy mom whs knew, te And aul whaiiuu glad la hav It. aa I will M. Ml rants wihiIiI go uu ftirilu-- r m ifn Will be pinvmii-n- l HFAFIM1R (a bar It seat aa. it . sand will tt yoa Tuauka niltivrt-toavary war worm ar h midd interthat latent enl hhli Frriu r thr Itiim na inn's rummlHee ts you If you wish g'd (K) I tan also send mutit. hi end turnoff tlmlr stieiiion te the Up unitoUrnla tmntt-h ORfeirM yra-bo then would tbsra bsd pret us ne eererel prop mod pienuumk mudr hefora you roiild yau s smell booklet as hiHStueiadsI I LraJ jt ui'-- t, thr ferilng nf nr H Mtr I u R bfiy ftvnnl UA ffiRirnfl task uf hop to "onaiii ' net u mas fur IS reni but aps-will Nor MVfHA in leiHiiun (Mft hr euuld Mlfl KeeT ftUwy ennsvh of BnNki J)Nr tiitnulured ieruniry One, hy and many tlmoa, even when lalenml (lie llpriniine lu mull nm Hi" ft! INN V IN til nit permit X a deiailsd frarriprlon ef Uroofcl CNR yH wun'd tun la, Intvwoses tlia of I ba lir.i; iii'ii, s. I'n Iir rv m reach da thou stardom, i!lmr urns (il mnl nf ll anil how pnrin:il Had rust and ntaka is CAPrTKRIA or ftniiM' Ttur mining inls ( thil tong-lie Hum- ld Hit Ini'i d S'filil ru'llit with yns. Tea are nut In luia a kre ft fitwthi ! I per ailintosllile fnmt rarloaod yoar bams 1 then lines I It tuft can i hi And (lie out msKnaien Mild Iw lmainciuiUiU fur he pfiibiesa Ih the rent. Insle iff nf using Hie nunilier of all, daar oh lid. Hew osnld yea ha wph ber the mi. Aa I re a to'.TIE L1KYUN CAItTLWA iat been able la dn aa If mil Ihr would pnid prwluxr wa! Tm sal aimak an lightly cf levs they 1 answer but iwn you nv roaV hop wV It It Chriima Its qumtioue arnIa allifi of the d.'ffeTpnf natlimnlltie Can yaa Imagine living with a t nr It hy thr Fmnii, hut llir'r iw future, will submit yeur other qiws'inn tolar fM Fro. fcAAAl ftMra Iftouu. ftftaia am) tm sud naia iloiit In tills nnintry nniler tle nrneiie man who apont moat af bin line In the I if tn thrin nnlir wonritr. rrly, NiiRrft ton ftn tnnirbt. Always anrluss yeur asms, daar. gmrrnniMit with simpla, A WmvrffD.-.T- , nf 11110, ae le Hie rase In tlis present pan! balls? 1 'so your own a rod 1 A DINinn NIKI nil this nnlrr tlirr a' aii'T ntinipil. Mn yuur hftpijr thtfib IftAt jrtft sons and pa so attention thol' irovtilon I lie Anierhsn Aug hill thnt reusng the iiltleil , law the r a rmrA, Tlivn-prnftt.Fi erreiiiunv, Damp ftCiA Brokia nf tlmni. pumlu-a Ir' iw know doubtless talk. si Thoy hei-But tome ftAy niur bNUty i gon jnu 1 Iiavp ftooA rRMInf you aapaiip for slitill he Hi hnsik Th nfforf lev a A; lug ntn Jilirenlirrlt-sieu- i X turn nf the arnriii rirlni.t limn In whieh vni do, an mars to as need Drill cpasa In rum Aom tlira and I think you a pa wnnrinr IimwihI S nf the irunnnl is t cmosi l,ir four jrsr a bs'wcon them Just yeu firmiRiiv, were arrraTrd nnd trinl by If you ahONlft aul a frlcni in'il ful ThA And wtnh you All frlnrin of lark Ai Imnl plsyrd fur nnTliern Knnipran rutintriee end te and Fivn-Aflft Thr Iirnrh iiim-iiin- r lift for Alt Wttll yu i1aho inAvor a ft nucntlonc nirt Franks-ThlTwsr Mlaa Boutk-nWHiie ef the those from III Ia vailiRff kAra 1a VAleom yai for iNf lift fthat pan ynu do tA 'Ihr Pinr Kimnylrd flaiinrr"; klsjur ailu'li'ril thnrr nrrr to tha brat time I hare written KAt ll bAAIA rers a el Alien lurnisl dm eld fort j thin? (?) tohAt pa you map to mRf jlaky(lMPkh'm mod NAy line ftftwf llurojwuB bstluna. In flint thr Iirlwmrri hnd s ysa and hops I win hove fcrpd I TiiAnkint you w rj firr t ponIn ava mt rnmln Inf ilnp-- aiarkm A tn tu ihr I rro' li, end Hie nme Amrr-h-HWhs' My snoot Inns ars ee follow fit turfr I pn rrnmrMt rnd TlUJu'EL Ppana ovrr. 1 ft von ( IaNavi a anduh ng tn a Fold a death' u.II ent-rl e''iuy nf wennv um. wph Inure DKJJITTC gretniiHi eriins!tnn. fhg wee Ih ranes of VHnd-lrThnnki WT th ni.lv thil fhi hr Ihird, All fop am aa uh tonff, Rl.IT. f.TKft ftraiT? pai.(iia h It ryrv. tneh ir,.ii fur Ant in rp alepn Is TpIria Mow ntr It Ia Ia b9p anoii rtiAii(A Kin ivr, la fVI la II Iran hy b rote uf f'rn-Kidlly anil Anna tuiallnc alunil in Kap Ml Pint And If aa, whel roused I' ( .1 Wi DpaaRp Fat'a1 'Miir U hA Mwwlb and I err il ess rm, ha'l e wiletunr an 1hl. 101 lc niAtsr.ii arcua Vfi revidutii mwif wnn ri'i'H Ureen iki the l MH linHUmd. war pnviaing 'irifHiAI W H MMlxr gilA:ilP4 H'I( liftAlk.ild.uf you pleas a'v wa tl.a edd'ewiea nf rd And i aupa "Vlma Ina onjoyod f(tr r(ij jrHig urd ,aaHnUActiry run m nft'itin AA board liie Aui Ulr I ffy, Aft, buy the tn In l.elglui.a. amMiilinvil hy tl, Rodutr-tlir '!mit,tiiiin fal-In a M,.1irt I remti four! the full" me I kta will ft At forrunAiA A f yfl B a p ptriitrn! end athfRiilr ii mild pruMMt further bunianr nf In:-- Jo hie 'll.'rn rd tl.a trsnsnii:at St. Nf .Ii l and Bfili! ftft 1 ftcuA Awt, In klilnrlaiid. aphpIiA yArA for ? an your aforti (HI J (Mr )Ar j r W lehlHg . you bf AA AbJA IA ftld It, ',tlnn,l : t ihe toonrltice. ft huff tle aptirmat brWi, Itsho Peo-1- . Fhih will A) aa tndr ipnid Thr linmrdia'r r"r-- t nf tide pm. fur Inhum- - nIn the dAr, aeowne af aurcavs. I asi Irolv, p- l. detai null at f AnrirAlv. It la pttcit lty in taCftCI I .fmlffM1 "I 'RRP ((RAW end oaiy Irrsiilrnt llnXlp; a"d Hvrv7 Ilrg, emliire wan a yonrrai etrllir nf all f let, so - dels A VMWmitiiAnir I, Nlft (hr f wa IbeildKiCA ft n r Mr yrb . Hhrrr ftjg 4a onio wst whii-l- i l,. MV i::e Tritiviirj Uellim, hbt f M M 1PA Ul hma Se. (' I'Ula ths a vrkrre In llir Ituhr. IIWA I 9IAV8 Wn?Atl gpqgp-tfnm Arrovdlpg Is roiwns f )A(f ARiAft tf'ft ttlA Aiwtrir erte.-ri . re t f ,!JT I'nr Hid I knpl I AM Amt AA mmvhmm4ma 1 ll.ii iartltin. Twenty fnnr IS;uh-- l aewermper bain a Pstd s death- was )fte fir m I hr l rriTttrau os used fin hi oSso's lo sven-oini Ihe bmtiMT to you Will you Tirana amnwap Kiipowd It unit --i fvmiprsi villi nrilrra Fur lluil It "V Ilia I In onmnli mt mmi riuRUlnniT 11 lc I prnnrp Ia u Inr. vs toted for tt. The resolittlor'a ft Ada drug hsbit. whlrh ftaaftpawd IwTira riT rers i'll ilia rrn.'li nr Maa irnla'l'm of I'm II r Vmki: Ad hr hr if bid WRMbAopf 'Am' pour inArhAr at Any Afit aaa (2) li'AV Rlr, Mil lx ft MftWAf A, Ai ftpl bdrf a. ! un ns r fol- for adorihm hy Hm 11 y11 fri-iduring Hill pondlon he waa unchlc Iw cR'Af ulli Maw Aid ntiould y anawap thA I nw nf y. Ii thue wili i.f 's'eupi kt Mara you tA WffMA wmslim are dvuhlftfl r pOfliftMlf fhAWI. IhA dft'A j lowing OHRAlirOA lift ft lug Wlfb d'llD YoifA tRlllA, a InfTrr emit ri nmii lrtiily PT RA AAi niVT c I (5?) WM'-H M. Irt AwilRr And UI5A firKR-bAhlt WWAA tWA y Arc CCA dur-rThr DISlATnif A from i'lO Near l.af l in I r.ni-and jr uni. mhm d)n tog, (?ir ih yr rr Tou aA moot nalmma Mice I bwc bo d wr?4pc RRt AWdlRt pRbA llnoAA i?) Otrh)H itm sn t sent bAMPA r tTAnruMi re md the ijH'l"H1"e bARkwArdn, l it mnt- - 1 W And I Ioea Ia akawap yeur aura1 tv Jolt'll amiid hsvr l In a fJAMfv Anrn c bM f. end blgRP W"ft bR a f"NA ll AT flliir (A trin!. It the I)fvrnnvT nomlnsilnn at I'fitevni b Ip I Ihpa I g l ist pm 5 am nut ain't Aft ft ppa p Ak ph fnmt for nrd bdrft Iat bm 1 aw. enfrpAliRd tA limit p?p tAf a t'rr l:iiliiv'iind In this IniTrr rtntr. (Aft ft VciRhtinr) ir .ii?) s(y!ib o Jnd-J.-- l Kilo srd T, Ntinfnrff at Fn-eftA AddmwiRd ct T113 W' Vlvwol RRcftp Atiar acama ftrriui tm F rd :apwr'A (a wa oimhitIopa, aa I will.1 AAklng (hPR quRRior,R I ! ) nod p4 ?hn! vnulil IJ'iell IB iis in vliiel (i'll mfraiia-Advlro. I wbib yn muPb Rft Akg k 'mw of I a arprUr, jprpfR rminn rv nfcnnwAP iwn of rcuf auapmaaa And to Ii psH-fn't rn-i-i vilie. Trr-n.rini null eu,' PA I F Ct. Farin I Tumi Ihr elliiatum. tn r.i':ui it n. nf the Ia yur W'rrk. kliM V'rIj-- At fh I'nffRd Fuln Mau you t Aubralt tbA PRmummc four Af coitraa -- in. f e '.s !. ie !" I W:.J- nf "to Supreme rni'T tn li'l ths !r In in IVT. lfn.A lUbHflMttlaara aatha f"f urn rfmA fl) It lc bavap prop thry fofc f aray f i Aa MHXsCiy rpMf Ivword, 111 X ronvi'd hr fhe r ii :: ti"ut ir i.n U'.. h'll i.ln hf pv OTIf ARramI fb'iNir'M. i: ARrRf I ? dAR W PAllp lA AR auiir Ihr Ia! f fM bR AAUry op iirpnd'nt TO eon iu I na-'- ! I Mnor, ? !. p'itr nuivt Iw ar tills m J a fim your rmpphTn Mot Mr And ihst aMra And; fnfiRA fTprinr ft'Ml'U If pa young ihrmni.r the cat giri. rnlutinaie. ti and thr ppr It lc A .PMt WI:Pb If AURA furglRd fC t Rt Pfl NPPt A MdR TPtjf r and ftUftlRr R.rWr f Kenlui klnn hn wrirten st-- ler-- , Rnllywood. f Allf of Vr ions, end 4)wr fj- Aft ferftwr g tu thr ri Du md vrilni. nm only l'i- nri'-r114 lARt 4lARt. JPI lj)IIR;sr an I prtvA fhA rc'ura1. ' l"i . - t Rry bHrd ta by c t un T.I-- ; end n!her toi'i'-ho,!t-nmat'll tureff lor1 bcfy tint Hi r.r '" nf mi . In aim Knlir lnl thr AAiPARif "CrRf-'duties tn thi fwr tlRra in n. cebp!1 w!eh pa" fft'Orb" w.i Mln ta.) Prir I ri ULTTOd PRAPRtf. Wir-will lirve In hr hr r y r, inn"r Ir (2) 1lPP Wlm AO c UV AN r"JPIiAR W I b tS" f- R.. g: R!) up'll (V ftVIM Vnu t s ilrdwitr. be RR It TOUT hr the V'n!l,t "on poi rr (I'A nvRr rt ARfT n IT" P'.'l T R HJRPi-r : r if1'1 a good ?0 WlM'"f lopg AC yAl RA V tt riAAP p fRp Fovudi. T1 ry o err plnunlny In Inm il 1.,, I ft'dg. va go ftnchw.rd Ia thr bt to, od tA piftv wirb d Is r ft th I'riL- srw romt'lR'R Ho t h ras f.f a foodw ' !'! in pavap fure'gn I. j tfb4p 4 ftftwft i nut. 9 a large nmnlirr nf I'id.ah miir"b fnr I;, i i) I - sirFArtaw v ofRP f1'''? a! m Ir gar you dnrA. I llpi r? " r I 4A ft knacft Aa t IftW CFy. I ill Imrniinl'o tn aiitmiv A pRnivr Val-:!:e:r ii "1 ;i: - nf i!b il a' It alnnr all Frwnra ninai bn a Mail w:'i And. bR dR c. r"'v in yu mr) A fh 1" i. i n ti'niiwd to r. i a.; in in. d ffvr-pi"ir;s-pff'i i.yprPc fimeral In gdpr.RA. And apiurwin am1 Riwf'-r RA p Mlft ft "o ')V ft TbcnHnr fhr mllwe r f ' s nf : , 'i ii iiie'-- firul ll' iwm nrd i, n b'nnN t fbom yec coon. ( rr-- f RRP Wp!"RA di! n- g: I : 9t i. f. . )r.r t vm mnda Frrmdi l.lyh onnin - m.- v ' i r : . ' nnka F: hm-ho-r'n-al In. irap ; in i.' it'rii-Va bRA un ti hre 1. I have fcrr 'A"r Tnr I'ul.t i i r .1 ).nf pltii AI AAMFRkit bfASgq. In lha veflnn and mia'i:i-,- d hmef j ItfW'jrRerrnRp I M MarroI T?r pand'ng yonr eorpor, I bop y.i u gg latplAC hi f'lii.sn tocii-lohut h M. lUN ftt dad Lab Ov. .i ii" i' . r, i, T r. ril hy Vm Tu'"l-itIn Iron. Indue arrimip-Taa And Rt " And find tadyAnr (". Am ao'jra (a af wnnp Bp'prra . .. A tn a f waiaaida liVft pro'irr'c would fnjJwnt -r jr rr-tin- r! npKO d sffalreq,j I r '! ? u ,s ii .ie I sWill n gm tMfr I a VlAn IDR oi TrnMjuri . ilia Krmiih mlninrrr 10 i ahawioh a m tent n tfo Sf'r end In RArv Rnnny fvR aI tn nn i f r -- e. !t Is s,,' i. j (' foMowlhg . i tl.nl 4, .. and erperja T0 muel. Hotge- -. n puhtfn fMlMlPb T COPf " :r er re s -- e I r? RAOmf W!rh 1:0 i ldift"topit fn I gouB r nuAR. ilit! .ioaU'-.t-- ' V.1.! l1 the uf j rhat the in oavtUog tf "J sanl him joiv ft In v I Ie a I use. Utol nd Two Oryhcn c,L,,?.'- -r gom a. lb UIAR llrjieninrol rlin liar riAA IjA pr4 op ynic hRA TA pnf Hew ri aiiouig a g rl ba ',, pWtrl - o' n iv eh. rug el og of llq'iijr" at Aftlo itiw 'i dn In Cm Iaa bn aaaa nn wrota rd cfiarv nf thr erplii':il r nf 'hr nnrrv. fftd p tht CA msa.i tmnnm gmBrm atri; ring tr.M bsprr -. I ii r ; e mo 'll e n r! Haavab? ThAAlur.ft yAn APfbrRMd ThR )A!"taFAy b a1 A1JTRP it Ml, g!PA h Kih' All fJann'ir r: I aw a '1 le erew av.il.; for yeur blade, e t. i i r X: le theoe : 1 ' T IVrlu. l hr t Tea are very weloome (i,V quit on erd. t PpOWJI KTE wrra ararr A f)RtogqfsflAe: tRR Fs'pwa tnla fr.m f, .'di'.-irj mVf.,; ' tie i" refu rm ni nr t rrnnihdr !r pp rat hftfn in r:aWn Fpara will Pl Mrinlt rAt vnur aonri and inRin fApRp At I i'! nt I r, "f r, IVi'-fltt r ;i he Ii t In thic Ira jr. and pcbAAt yAu' lAAmp a mrr iorv AR',ng fp tl a br.'hg. However, eevrrrl rliniimnd railf ) n u.r--r fbn .n. !. .Ad Krw ARftd wa ynnr AAftic, aa whR bRi I j .'fif i'll': ft r CmP Prices ltlA g'pd nf lnvp f?n SdR bRrrhRd Caaraaleed Jmt WXgM (Jwlcfc Prltmi way Bio wrra wnl fnnr Frnme I " I pPpr-trfind A And tbRPA tbAffi I RCA And (hr PR) Add tA tba TMA T! Fr-idftrAcn, AA truly v '! ..id t the errnpiH reidim A f cl! a JEc aa cnrr In ramM . hr . the will and rrR'g'RRR-yn f gRt W. SUMMERHAY3 f ! t t.0 f" SONS CO. f'efhi fe'.i.. ft!-yao? r is?e ri-'yi'a-aa- v arid tl at i fm di i min-;ORA A ArA hard AA"h A PA VAT flaw? of Hr'Ia .a papa 2) Tn RAf r r y i ,,i ! r A? I e-y jr! 'r r ALT LAKE CTT, LTAM -mra nf thr fnrali X- - et of aarH bind. r!)rtl. OlVR Me H RAP An WAA A1! 1 j am Tharr data ft y hat a. . n e":ri t to :it" J. 'm-y rtwn af whVh gn k"w rrln and twn VA.Rnuld PAinRfrhnr Af ong tbf ftp At and fnrrnar fierrmo am-'' ' J V ' I - I1 i; a tom. TbR faor Hift ibm cam bind : paaa Kai arpoared gthna. j time has nvp'red rnd hi arv IM l ' i, I ' Af fAWRP gPWRRRd la CbA lAhlR AA ftPMrb - - ! mttifr", : 9 tn nr HjJ tmrm rut i.p ' . i ?t h :.f, fawUlar rkh tba npa'iim nf m Iwayw. r it.. A Iaa ft mv thlA Ad Java. If BparIm At Daap Aawap rl th )ki i- X ? h la luk Jf s w ; ,l aua-tla- ae l, - NEWS REVIEW epe-dll- e a dita-gutui- li.-l- a CURRENTEVENTS i auiulifl-i-utl-i- tr uf can-mg- beiil-nw- aiaiiilh-uui-C- ro-vi- r- pud-dn- ; ta-l- nm-iiilllr- d er Muo-evo- d e-i- a, y j . -- ronnd-lnws- pnv-Hag- I tatar-eatln- g. 1 BMft i "J-e- d at sum-thin- g Iim'-i.i- . Sail Lake Gty Firms un-iu- a i nr : tlus-i-h- X br Pm s ilrr f s he-n- . nmm-uvo- . mush-chop- ri I'r-.a- a nPC gns-tio- eu'V-ii'- unu-prllin- g s i s -- 1 . s iq t I - riii" X l T'.rir-- IaX-i- it. OV Ij r rum-ma- a : 1rl itm-fln- l.e-ei- eri'l nm. fl-e- t f 1 rtr ain-es- w i Api-nn- 'f re-n- r at rone, ' lito-l- h- . TI-S- 1 l- I'.-'i- tl-- , 1 f . nrt Ilm-iUlir- - if'-'ti- I- il- ms iti-iii- ! roe-iPo- Ia. ('' t I. -- nt inni-l-'u-al- hm-eii- d r -e . !', rifpc rJ i e fif e . -y j Irs-si- - K i . fy. !).) I " Ruii 1 ARpR-uii- ! l APAf-iP- - fiukd 1 t C n-- i e op--v- s - ; j it- - RT J av-r- f ' a- .n, . . s, - . - - 1 . m rpR-r- l 1n,R-R'if- I y i ' - 1 r"t ..-- l?f-nr- ?'. lnR-RRl- M R tjzs'zrjzrz: t, f-- m b-- ri-- M-- - nrfr - fr-n- - ! .i- t 1 - iar l In ; ip"r - i1- -e , ? t 5 fr tr i. A- - 1 0 .; Tf (') J trat br M FURS AfiC SHELPEK:riO -- : fa"w n r rsr" |