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Show ..it s4" jimkift v. o JS FLUKrAEY YOLl'ME ONE OFFICIALS EETFIltCH. i CkE E8EF.3 CLOSE keeping witA to platform of feng part the Cwoueieouweni met la n)imilif and went special sarniea the work is the ceenty to seek Juat way of curtailing too expense of admin mtraUng affain malar their junadicUoa. After a theruugh IuvesUgatuai It waa ftuM to oat too salary of too cant and lo aitmioate daputwa 10 too Aapaty tho treasurer office. appointed cpocual work la too (Wpatjr to Ooronal offices. Wat apodal arraug Moat too Sumo ami pap US of U IS3 QiE OUST; According to official word given out yesterday tha amsttar will gw bach to wpwaung two blast and one closed funua-u- , having down one reverb sad ouo blast furnace which wua pu in operation nenr the fares of too your. This will throw them back to the Ihwcmber 1822 basis of operetuM ond neceeiiela tha luyuig off of from MO la lot) wen. As fur as is known at toe plant too proeenl acoio of opcinuun . ill bo in effvetifur nomcLlme. Having ai irlti'i1 up the swats oie salary. stock pneo on bund waa tho reason This aoor arrangement will effort for U.r closing down of the given month. of 1140 a earing par two furnaces. mr lor pr a ijinnytanm GF EDM EXES HCKBEEEV. After a lingering illneaa, Mum Al- Rewberry died Monday, Job. bto, of a oomplicatioa of heart and kidney trouble. Mum Rewberry woo bora ia Omatorillo. July 12iht, 1077, arhere too has auido her kooM onrept, arhilo caching achoul at Erda, and for a toert tiaM Uua season at Vemun. there about two Sho returned waoka ago aa account of her health. tai fna A DEADLY ft ID. happened been uee tho Tooeie Junior High School boy did not arrive fee the achedeled game loot Thursday, la fact, kwua they did uot ovonknow they wore auppoeod to arr-Ir- a Tho rooult aas that tho Junior High and raohmen taenia of tho local acheel wont to battle in place of thoee who abould have gone, no aa aooa aa tha refereeb whistle announced the beginning of tho game tho din of battle taeo above tho dm of cheer squad, tho Froohieo bora doom upon their Junior foes so lustily that the firat hull waled with' Inn atari 4 to V in their favor. But Ihia waa only a prod to tha fury of tho mighty J union, whuao enalaught iu tho socond half well-nigwanned their older uppow-ant- a bayund racoary aud won them a final II to II victory. So groat waa tho chargia of tho doughty Frcohiea tout it became necessary to permit another struggle to determine their ability to tnmntu their friendly anemias. Therefore they mat again aa a preliminary to the Gnntaville High Wabnimater game Friday. Thia time they proved their auperiority, winning by a ecore of T to I. Tho email aeore aa each aula indicates how mightily tha guards of both truma fought Perhaps a feature of the games waa tho Junior High yell aqusd led by Uby Jefferies and Denoil John dun. Tha lineup followa: JI MOR HIGH. McBride rf, W'atsnn If, FTiniler e, Andoraon rg, Johnaon rg, Lmdgren lg, Rydalch lg It all KSffl! SCHCCL 5I1F5H11S ELCI3E1 cuirauis isiFosisrackim At a meeting rued with the 8toto road commiaeioneia last weak the County Commiuainnera leaned that tho W'endover route had been determined upon by tho State eoaimiaaion aa well aa the federal Government. Thia will take tho transcontinental highway by way of Grantaviilo. Tho Commissioners have however mode the suggestion that tha mad bo changed from the Milton Way South West of Lake Point, to tho rood South of F.rda thence Wart to Grantaviilo. If toil change is mad tha commissioners will enter Into an agree event to match federal aid aa tha 16 74 basis for tha euastruction of tho rood from tha Salt Lake linn Tooele Cbun fli'iitovilla. Unices the ehuj from Milton to Ei County will sot enter ment to match feder section of this County, fiuelely utnlersbHid tliat or tutor kilo any 4 ntrw. build or maintain a mad ai'Vuaa any Tho State sartion of tho dree ret. road commission promise to investigate tho change from Milton to Erda. SLII 1 IK-1E- Tho Tooeie County School board bavo enterod Suit ugauirt Salt Luke tout School Bowd to atop tho of litnie mutiry to tho Salt lmka Board which they are claiming ou u recount of Svhotd population In that Count Should our kcnl hoeid win this suit, which is beuig fiied Ij conuoctiou with other aclurt districts of the Stole, they wilt obtain from f 1600 to f tool) more from tho State School fund. in ndditioa to takii Tho n stand on 'law suit authorised tlie Committee, which will consist of the Superintendent and local board member, to proceed In tho duty of hiring teachers for DUS 24 school term ia thia County. Several bids wora received from local people of St. John to inatotl the pumping system in St. John School All bnh wora rejected ea account of a change in the plans. Later on n new plan will be compiled and resubmitted for bids. Tho appointment of Vanda Kirhham of Rail Lake aa teacher in Vamon waa approved. Afnra KowAierry of Granuvillo, who death has secured amco the meeting af too board, waa honorably released aa account of her health. 22-1- W'eet-minirt- party of end aurprieed her home cum Kiniuy M'a T'Ciiwvi on Clark St. night. Grantaviilo Firat Five years aftur the 1'iotivvis came At the aasooddy to day. Feb. 6th, Utah JedcdiaL M. Grant waa sent a Lincoln pi ogram will be given. Dr. out with a party to explore tho cou- L. A. Mklin.hr of Touelo will be the ntry Weal of halt luvk City. When speaker and a good pmgram haa been they came to toe vuinay of where arrangd to nimmumurate tho Ann Grantaviilo ia now iuralcJ llwy dwid-v- iveivary of our beloved Lincoln. to fuiluw tho rrwk that la now Tho request two eeks ago that the known as South Widow Creek to its loo for ei'hoid library Uiuka etukleiila source. They derided that there waa aurress. several sufficent water to cam for a settle- met with returned. were of books volumes bead ment. There is luiw saune of the Will you Iran look again and n if faraia in the country watered from " ni,t f,nJ that creek and no better soil ia found " VI the btola and no belter climatel !lh Gn jj,. lhli B(lllfh lhl. in this mountain tegnm. mu. question will Iw diacuaeed whab goes to prove the wisdom of the ln un tlir following quertnei. early pmiieia in emablmhing the settle sailors F'l, that soldo-ra-. ment of Gianlarilie. and marinia who particiNiUd in ths The first building were all built of jWlirU vMr should be gien a I.utiua" logs with floor of niodicr earth. affirmative af tho question will Brat summer the people emted a',,, ukli1 py ljWlh Burnicster ami bowery where they held their nn-1; weoevere Anderson, whila Alice mg. There Wert no ticca where the Rupp Blld Arthur Barms will debate town ia now mtuu. i.i. Aaron Sceta lhe nrKHtlve Hl will Thia James kli Brule, and Jiibh W. 1 lark n aluduta asscnib-pl.iiiteregular the fust trees in (. settle- - ,y st U.1S a. m aaj tlie patrons of ment. the school era invited to attend. Iu lhi-William G. You. :: waa sent W'ha t would you do if yon ami a by President Young to preside over tho people. Ho was the first Bishop to egrum to a supposedly ficticious was ans- and his word was law. lie ordered aildreu and tho tha rattle drives and t.mk tho lead in weed by a man of the name glen in neither Mr anything that he thought waa for the the best good of the aetticia Temple or her husband bsd an idt-Neaily all of the furniture was how thing were goig to be rvmpli waa most- rated, and all because of one little fib. homemade arid the ly dona with oxen. Before store were You should by nnmsana miss tins de- would loud up cnlcilly hilanou comedy of modem ealoiilished the astth-rhud of wood and take it to Salt hfc. t;ery mernlmr of the cant derid Lake City and trade it for gruo-nejedly fits the part for which they ore and other neccSHury art nice. Thut;eai'h working with might and main would taka them about four tn five j to make thia tho most pleasing of day to make Ilia trip. There gram all play veer presented by tha lural bool. With tha new scenery which was cut with cradles raked and bound by hgnd and a man wtuld rut about i brine built and painted, wo oro sure they will mure than do them two acre o dtiy. In the curly Heltlemem the children ;aelrx honor. W'hat on ynu going to and do alsmt giving them the support they did not wear shoo or to walk to. deserve. it was strictly in James Hawker Salt Lake City, aft wiht his Sister from tonada, who ha hoa aot area for irkgd years, Mr. J e Mr. and Mrs. by had and alL Wajte Juhmum tn tsTtamed at dinnerj W'nday fur Mr and Mrs. Ralicgh Jt-aonand Mr. and Mrs. Ch retar JretiM and fam , ily. ; M isa I E. 8. S. OS br rLCH KCF.E1T Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Johnson en- tertained at an eyxter stew Saturday Tho preiieot were: Strina Tuesday night tho Gtantovilio five night. won a very exciting game from the Warren, Anona Wortl.inglon, Ghnlya fart Murray five. Although Murray F iddior, Cora John.-nGwendolyn led for th first throe quarters Grants-vill- Andoraon, and lah liarrus, and Billy Rowtu-rry- , Fred Cook, Noel Rirom alagead a rally ia tha last ten minutes of play which gaa them tho Irerg James Cook. E.lbndge Bailey, gams by a 24 23 wore. Tlie Granto- - Sterling Ilalladay, Varum Anderson, villa buys did not play up to their and Walter Andenoa. usual standard, they being off both on , basket shooting and on general floor Mia E. M. Clark entertained at tho work. However during tha lart quarfamily roaidenre Thursday Febr. 1st, ter they displayed their old form. ia honor of her son Jamee, H being The Grantaviile aarond team gave Yi birthday. Gamas were played and the Murray seconds a severe . , , i.ln,.u. .. .h. .u being in attendanea. Beih Brown, Lory Anderson, Helen Mi Bride, Emma William, June Mary Hammond, Claik. Bryant Know-lton-, Frank Anderson. Taft Wrathall, Kwirey Futton. lunleli Laweetue Bumeter, Jay flicks, Jay Brown. Siam Palmer, Wayne Row! perry and Clack. .... 14-- h Star "ONE EMPTY RKFXL." kpisode of "THE TIMBER ylLEN "Asop Fable" ADM1SS1UM , n.; , li i I Jae the EE&Sm Town" explaining the part tho Farm Bureau was taking in the County for the campaigns for organisation i iean home and clean Towns, that it meant belter rural living Cnmmuni'y ringing directed by A. C and PRlCE-l- dc 2Uc 0 -- Saturday lal too Dorthy in "THE SIREN Baby Peggy w "PEGGY BEHAI E" ADMIShlUN PRICE -- 10c and 20c Munday & Tuesday Thus Mvighn and All btar Cart bt "MANSLAl CUTER." ADMISSION PRICE Hcrls-r- Sc 'hM.ed Her up." 10c and 20c ADMISSION PRICE Thursday and Bast Iyreum NnmlMM-- , CO., in THE LITTLE PLAYERS sudcvilie. Also Paramount Ri(ial luvst j Wk-J- "TIIE BPAMnII JADE. a ADMISSION PRICE 26c and 60c. ( , A , COSiSn FIRM tmi19m comm terns h ArUcr that Ui fust year he irT.iP- - 'PiJ 'P 0 m r of ground for James Mi Bride. !u KEWS lieen apptiiutod foi TFxjele A meeting of County. the wool projii't will be called In the near future. Farm Bureau will hold Lincoln Ish-.a murlit.g to day, at which the County President will attend and outline to the aims id Tooele the monitor Counl rf Farm bureau for 1623 t leavlt-- r on wool (mnple ntiH-km- w-'- E'JHEAll Allen B. Warr ha ptvji-r- fa-hi- . COii . l:rda.a hrtd Farm flnro There were but few plow in the comlast Monday evening. Josoph 7 meeting toxFor the purpose of aasialu.g of Isval K( kniin munity. The gras was no good f hi-fat beef waa gullen off the range in .v th and wiving return, of " inUfWBl were bP(lliyht up for diocu Itecemlier 31, ' or ' Count President being pre- jim early Spring. At the genera! drive j Abel Guilmunden will content would and haie situation as it 0UlUM they roping bo stationed on tho following dates other feat of Mrt up ta (Uu. The firat real house aa built l y at the places given below: TiMH-lA petition ia being circulated at Feb. 18 and 14. John W. Clark mol was with the support of the F eh. 15. St John Ophir of arhibic and it is still aianding on Tooele County Farm Bureau wlierel-Burmestor and Grantaviile, at The ail Ale were made Clark fit Grantaviile Feb. 16. tt ia hoped better freight rale will down on what i now called Cooli-he obtained for the St John and 7HOR WHO MI ST FILE Avenue. Ji,hn W. ( isdey waa one of Clover KLTI Farmer. Ft. John not being HNS l.mon d Mm e farmer the progres-iva common point. and duiing tlie eiir'y Fery person reaidirg in tho L'nitod now for many income fur the year 1222 whose States he the settlement of presided day Vernal Shield of IJno.ln local over the lirsm-- for a short limn. To amount t on mid married tlrtOd- -if .ingle, or if wh't; William C. Rydalch be.'ii g the riedi A mlm "f hw,t TO,r of doing more to inipnor the bred not living with wife (or husband.) wh,ch futur palM " 0u married and living with fjiu.ic-.-,f of honie and cat He than any other new. wd! ",n '"Htre.ting He imported wife (or husband ) man in the country. th ' t" UK m"' whether married or l (Gross) oTlhe one fit finesl from Canada of ooper.nvo M.rkel.cg "UM,t,,n .f net imirnie. mares and Durham liulla that was in Single, regardless het. All Corporation (utiiroa specific- the county then, and fur many em I after. Janie WrH'hMil who I think ally exempted ) All Partrrship. came lo Grantaviile tlie some venr that Mr. Rydalch did wax Hu- - mn-successful wool grower in the emurv and he, Me Mr. Rydiilih, through tact an-- l eln- t their keen lmme what ws then r - in - 'O economy ama-xe- d iitereil a fortune whi-'was In the days if Bil'ionar Thiy Ivrh 4 4 rame into ihi vsMiy itixu. Mr. Jj 4 Wrathall told the write that he lend- 4 4 ed in Graninille with only ore cor, 4 "r J t l kfJvrPf 4 but he soon managed to get a few 4 4 head of sheep ami from that amal! 4 hifinning he became the weslhiex 4m , Mr. Rydalch man in the coui-'y- . turned hi attention more hi the rai-ir4 also a umvfu! of ea'Ue but 4 farmer. Juiih men were natives of 4 4 Ih.-in were im in England li.v Hoi Meic'han 44 LcaV. rJnqcioiiWilsan day, and thi same friiiiidh-4 4 livi i. tvmalned ihr ughmit the-4 The tbe story, Strongest There were n'her ucces'ul 4 4 grraiest rs(, the moat men who will he mentmned latir. ti lavipibly beautiful TVie firsi brick house wa built ly 4 ro IteMdie has Rli.hop F.d- ard llurter :t is 44 n' . 4 picture that had, . Rowbi-ty upied ty V'. 4 khoas nnere the present 4 !s situated r urper Malt; to.. mad $ pursuit of pleasure For mnr y year the mao wii . is TTie lave A h fi on horsrt.aik 4 Fceva told the writer that when he 4 first rame t Gran'scide that he 4 44 F.'.gh a 1V for postage a The mail nrwr wo,l! a tnp 4 I'RK 4 o- -e to the n pv return--4 4 That was in (he days wh. the tr.x-4 waa earrig,! ),g stage V.ssour: X river to California, and the stag 4 route was thenegb AI! the affair the aettleme were executed under ). supervisin'. 4 4 b. C. irp.jlln of the o X whom a1' the d the X t Were Tp 'r-- r-l t:, f- - r a h'c I sul-jm-- ; Fr ,t i v-- ,der "r 'l "'n " STRAND THEATRE ' - rrr J . MONDAY & TUESDAY pir Cecil LOSS!?. L. I. RN STROM. RERORTER) and Kawiliiwii in "1HE BLACK t Coniivly teh-gra- s -- 15c Wednesday i ato Dorthy Knowltoa v aa surprised her friends Friday rvni, and all aa enjoyable tune : games, a dainty Luiahena af served to it sifjlvj ff.:e?jlm Friday (Tonight) AU . ) .DeMilles tit "tct.tnos g Mjk Myrtle Ar.ion spent the week end visiting with M e Maud Bell. r hf.y-ho-- d Mr. Geoi-g8. Fniirh was a visibly last Fundsy. e Fmou'e, A. A. Hinckley then add- reesed the meeting on thi Relation-- , ship of the Sta-- e BoaH of Agriculture Bureau tatrg that the and the F mire of th memla-- r and officer of the Board at the disposal of j the Bureaa to help in benefiting the j farmer. He eie spoke on Dairyir g j ar.d made a pla for better Dairy x'.o- k. and a've Cooperative Marketing ! Punt Reid on the Cooperation of the achaJ in Clean Home and Cb-aOooO Thirg It a:erp.-0-tin mun Town movement an-- l a fcou-Daring th lent week the Junior ivii auto Chairman Mahewx made the riotmobiles. Is a!d by a pf.ystrlHii te High School team ond tho Freehie the ing epeakere remarks, : thanking a of cl.'ld of hav th merit:. played two interesting game, divid- end all who took part in behalf of the fwetva." het a eotirter pe voti'd ing tha honor. In the game playp-local. bru'n ever P.d nwi have been If Thursday afternoon the Junior K.ph Benediction Otto Johnaon Sip. Rufitn Rxpres boy won by (1) on point. FTwwwer Th Lora a Farm Bureaa Friday right tk FmaFiieo vergd danca in th Opera House for the and the orher officer of th Local their defeat by defeating the J union ; married people Friday evening, shout fnt the manner in whjrh the by a point margin. 50 cocptea participating, this eonriud- Or- nut. The Jeff-ric- i' ed the program of the convert, on, ' Chester famished th music for the Rryal F.rickwm left for his home which was very eucceasfui. Great Jdance and James F. Ratcliffs acted at Delta m Thardy after an exten- credit ia due President E. If. C1T1 a fl'ior it Kruger. ded visit with friends and relatives. M j Printing see what we can do before you go - e elsewhere. A la-e- d tl ga Grarts-vdl- a , Mr. N. M. Ehepherd and family rpent the week en at Suit lake with relatives and friends. HEN in need of l-- m . keels , lit addrecd dies. . A Wnt-mmialo- mg with "l. illing aa an encore. Sxm K. Smith then h:sh echjdl tlSTCHT OF CFJLMSVILLE cuiiMik-rabl- Rachel Aaiersc arrived for a visiSWr, KECHJLM. LUCE Thursday, pe rents DE1TH.QF Mr. and Mrs, C. L. A uleraon, returnMrs. Alice M. Merham, ago 62 ing to Salt LakaCldtounday after years, and wife of Morgan Merham, died at 12.16 a. m. yesterday morning . following a lingering illness from Tha Junior High vtoboul students rheumatism and diebatia. under the diractioas ei Frank Johnson Ska baa been a resident of thia City Indulged in a denes ee turds y evening for the past M years. She was horn iu the Gym. Tha High School ia Salt Lakt City, February 23, iMttO, under df e'tion of A. M. and has resided also a portion of her Kproul furnished life ia Rush Valley. Her .farhaev Edwii. Pe'AvL r,r Rv.1 Lake City survives her, oh veell as a . alias Deierea humlier of brothe ' and aistora. Mwh pull at her home, night, op R. N. Bush of Clover ia one of her The Glowing girls apleu a very plea nmiH evening: Lou Clerk, Melba Rand surviving brothers. Funeral services will ha held ia tlie berg, Cwenever Andoraon, Eilia North Ward Chun-Saturday (to- Joiina-m- , Audrey Flinders, Margaret . morrow) afternoon at 1 o'clock. Wurihingtnn and Hdda n r Last Friday night tlm fact teem went down to defeat to Thu waa a cane tha score of of tho fastest teem winning aa bo'h teams played good ball. The rage re wwre larger but did not seem to bo in aa good playing condition as the GrsnUille boys. FILES Hu-ks- iiftl - Ml'MltER SIX. , 192S. to The Farm Bureau Cun van lion Was held Friday, Feliry 2nd, at 2 p. m. in the High Schwil Building, Gao. M. Tha assembly Mathews Chairman. mom was filieed ta capacity, on the platform with the Chairman were the following: President Koht II. Smith of the County Farm Bureau, E. M. Claik President of ths Grantvi!le Local, Superintendent Reid of the County Schools, A. A. Hinckley State Commissioner of Agriculture, and Sam. K. Smith of the Salt I .aka Chamlier of Commerce. Tlie program was remleirrd as follows; Selection by High School Band FRLSHMEV Gustave Anderson Invocation Bailey rf, Casteel rf, Brown If, Community singing dirc-tely Millward If, Imlay c, Barms rg, A. M. Bproul Fawaon rg, Wrathall lg, Clark rf. Pres K. H. Smith made the following address, pleadirg for the loyalty to their several local and the officers of RDM FUESSSS the Farm Bureau. Paul Wraths I) sang "Mother Macree" IMS ECAH3 LM smut' M lM mH0m Opera House February 22nd. Firemens BIG Priz Ml toSM r i Mrs. B, W. 8wnen entertained Mi Amelia Villwurd and Mr. Fmr.k Firr.adlient at an ir.tonral dinner last Sunday. J'k Harrison and George Dean, Fam Dmn apent h.mdsy and Monday at Salt Lake Ciy - They all enjoyed a day of skating. Mro. W, M. Shepherd will entertain at a bundle shower at he home in honor of Miss Ameia Mlllwa-who will be a March Bide. d n, pra-du- Mi Ira Hatch Amercaa Fork are Charintta Rowhemy. ion Kerne'll of with Mr Mrs. Hatch :i ass'rt in carirg for her eiter M: d vm-t.-r- : - Hsi-rip- & : lead-ng- !e-'- T- u. Toi-el- -S ! fr-o- ! f ' j bu-:- 'f.c-i'nei- w-;- 'f j F.mry RstT-i- s a Grar'.aville. (to be ror'.r j. ,1'e 1 4 4 f.rrt mayo' re4t i gM.V) 444444444444444444464444444444444444444444444444444 v fS.v |