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Show Wi fin -- rsi: a aV r U,j It HBe tfatt MOb.lHk VIpw w ChsU-d- . tV Af ' - r - C";--'.- ' i - " - w -- --- - , -I i . krtky. tcvtifcainr, wk"u.iv .i4 vts r 1 Jiihi v, . ir I, I At Home Why Bake u can t ready CVNT trnJ.r wllcc. TV-r-e it are hour it raisin flavor permeate tlw bread. No tired to at home v iirn we've arunvJ wuh b.iLrrt in alnnv-- t every town and city to h.ikc thin toll' iiuilcJ raisin brcaJ. Juvt plume and tin ' 'll d liter it '! ready to tlie faiiii'y .;!it. It comet fruit Ukutcr IJ.- - bfil iM.-- nd, M tia-lfii- lta:.a I'ultar. ili .. a hiiha If la h iniirden-- kmI ah.t 4aJ I no-i- f mao hutia t uifnr (ht Hoh. l.rinya Cfid party lit h.td pivea, a'iT mi aunl mi li (kkh of nit' t.ooau, in lank uiiiiii od, and iiutrii CHAPTER uttf. As If annuarliiK ny tlnuiebta he Vn, Kl.xte uiis murilered bare." Tliotich I had leeu aura ha would s.i y that. It did nut srein nwmaiir Dial any iwiwih iliuuld selnl ilia IhI run, of a tower, tidy or umra feet In tha air, aa a lui la which to said. i Now ill Bugera. Soiuemia had re a Ilm-he- commit a murder. It breama still SUN-MAI- D mors puulin, whan 1 reineuilierad tliut tivka hud be.' a earned dowa mid reused. twa llltlila of stairs, in had and a rronlier c)ushx) lnei Haitias In Ills hand. Vmt rtut'er hixild tell ynu Itix lie, his fat fm-ftur but Ikon UATF IU fluliiwii-gure uis a liewlliloml glunea. I Un M . rtiuld syiiiuithlxa with his astonishImM fc diw wn l i mi f nm -Iment as I fell uui.'h Ilia sums way !( twded fca4k M tm noself. ! fiat I expressed H'y sunirlaa ta Bartley I know, I VI I, all and lie this on- Avn f fNPir that you hat a said and all that you are thinking. I ie seem out of all Kaiaia Ilaa-Mari'uson tlmt aryaw almulil pli'k the Dept. N 16) 12, Frcinob California I arml nw copy of your liw hank, tup nf this tower fur a murder, let here are tlie spius ut I.IimkI. anil there I 'KttiptiwntRan.ua." art ane anywhere else. 1 am aura Kam la was ant killed iluwuslalra ; It must I tnnvT have lieen here, anil lie luiu-e- d and. henling mer. picked SrAii. I ClTliar Fa. fay a..iiietlins iii Al lirst I could li'H make nut wIihI It was: tliea I sew tlmt l It was a such as a nmn wears In Ilia front of Ms litrt. lliM'lia neeiled indy one luuk , In lilentiry It. "tilykes!1 - khflingeilO L,,r,l"i a'1' or m wlsliar Putnam radefrst Dyc you m1dyct t - & lirT'jLJW1 r w;A.ed i ileljT.iiiVTiir lowui and I known oitneuma liiagib'lity, ye wsa apiia beside ua. DiMgiaee fciH taparu. II P n milieu hi k Aftrr exbtiMw oht to "Clner," lie snl.l, ve mny any there nixI pnjrtMM, i4i r rlinl nf rtini. i nil flip nf font la Hu ili.nlif tlmt IrtpfMilH Myke waa killed .f IIihsm Iuim' nf pnH rliMiiren. uilullp l(ulHrl t.ir a d nut know why au.-Up here. 111111111 Ht ImiaKp! Ml XOltik'' Pllimillli0 ft, nt r" ange plm-- w ns limit Ih:?ik I" Mirnuirh litt but I du I1 n uikn'iil! flu fi'J 4km flip liuti'iMi iif i.uul:irN Imx rtr rli know lint he was drugged down these iiifii.nil ffnt In er ''IliriH Ja llitlo itipfi" aimra arier Ina ileiilh and pisred In nf(e f itrkr it'll If lal Lrri(th n'ur IM itnf IKtmi" N iriplH n rffi'e ll e Hhd riiit'jn his lied In make Ids ileiilh apiieer fn illO rfi fllP ii,.f I h Iho Milt M',.!l'lrl'n llf rill rnifllllffl of tie swh'lde. The imI.Ii we;-- very iiini'li inr''jM a PlIlllUl!, I In fHvnr uf the rrliiiliml'a l.einc able 'ji.r intl et C Uf lilt.uU HpnwlrUplil'lllirin tllHNO Tfml limy In1 I run nf Yvnorfu ahk In Ida to sncii-eIon. lint he y rn'iiil pvipitp, bill It I Rl'if alliMsl prMn Kt4 i.r r;.ur 'I It k iimph up - slljiiu-- up in I he uisnner HitJi.l nf liimiua un nf lc m pi't-'ibtn h piii litp pvpraitfc hpii he put the gun In I be hand In wld.-' I ij (!tN (.nil kPHf In liTil C. $A4 and hi tlie way In wlileh he rluaed ; tfiB l Ui. li HkP of il 'Ih tru m.i tint oMh'i'ii nihpr ll, ,vt i. the pree I'ul why he should have tt.rni'rti pfcprriwe- ,i1 'n in bp rl.Tk, fur n f t l nf tualc. Im fa' killed Kljke Up here I riinnul under I .os A'lLi'h Ilf Ll.f I'l V tv tf Vr.ib In llif Vi Tiiim, alund " 11 I1'! !l'l li On He I'liused for a nusuriil, a If B'arti Mn llrt.t I1 V! i f fill- Vll!l1? IWv-Via) An fpthor Wap llilnking, (lieu rnni.Hiied. "Klyke give nf till. tin ti !iiii ia iivh tbp ul.ir I rfti',!' profiler l'i; a purty 11141 rremng Tlie crime must a M if.iili pHftAlnjf inio finri-in- : fnY'rn ibiHvb have lmn roinnillied after tlie mrtj in- l!hril ovpr tin f4HP In idutir hrnke up That waa pruhnh'y bw ir.ll IbmiT. Rot. DitMHiy tween wie and ten In tlie 'r-- hi' If ai ifi, W- I..-- , bli I HH(1(ratHn(f I hHli ynv flue limn, peiliiipa two. mtirniiig H V !! ti; i I f f p I.:If niiv ii'ur I'l," Vi smed liebind t iHlk will Slvke t u "hi li. HinF iil irnunf. i fn cnil'l my mli;vily II mI Ibev rl l. but ' i, Fi.h If kiiiiI, Fmilinf ih'.nka tlmt they Hmy I. me. Kir-linI ! SiimitFl n v. i r fur yvf i tb i tlda a.sn, nr idcii, pi.iiindiii'd I he uiur t - I ItP I' Vv "fill I. N l (If P(P pf KM lli yi n. fu-nmn mnv bme der and si bs l!:fin rl I ll ta tl'i'h (iri nw ny beiure the murder, nr aomeoi e el e mey hne nmn. Innir u see mp lif. here Tli. 1 :m y In .1 8ha Shriekad, Yea tiy I Know Whs fie view, pud ,if ,.r fieui s' ..I lilin. Willed Hun I I Knew? Affcr li." rrii ie I !. bo lit mIiv ride, You se--0 li.e Mil) our wlm niurtler? v ink. 'li due noil nirn shift ..nei on It. suggealed ll. brfiy one else who (Hess.. I. i ll nnil li I11I.I In bed. As I e wanted It knew e b.iiu the i'lme thought H wae r i r like sir. Ids be murderer suicide lo li.e ; un n the ileed limns tin Tlmt a ll e rpiser Thins about H e I. rr d d a.it reniehilier Pell. hi. I) lli.we tlmt were lu the per- - l.ni b..w the or !.ii- did li..! kn mum wuh us ari pres'imeH to Rimw , i vi le unieea Hiss Tl.i It lu .j b."k i,f:r a siid-- l ll Puffer f.ibl oihi-r-t y hen she left her very tbini did'a to rnnke us ll rmihl nd The airHiize fhtnr le tl.iu ll whs es pne-IMv I en .ie." nin.le In npiMnr i I sni' cle by iae Inr a Vmr As y wsa now ready In pi ing the gun la Klyke a hnnil I la removed eviileure all lint in i.'nrueil hardly ncuin Iw-.is fratnttal, cf cmirkr, TARII'T V i.i in behave ne 11.1U11 lielnw. . The first lli.nit we know wlmt we are exis-ieiio iu-- ovt-rluc(lie l ul in frm i'Jir.4 xarif-ton a brown I bail an Idea, even befurr or came hi n ee Ham nt. in pn rufii't tJ li e mi'ir to the on In i'.h In'll flue rHn. Hint HI lee pui'er knew 11 r' ;i. li.--r l.;iier had l.eea nuir rmua h.i.iw, tv e had nut '!i( nmirivV iiereu." sa If on our oey to rhe bnli-u- ij It l in iiy ii.n.pact ir. bird under the run and Hie npenen Vlaii mre he mig'it lisve eeld I P'ottcd Im rt lev picked It up. du 11. 0 knw fur at thsl oesuent disvr hid P. g.;rr.'.ick li.e rich i:itr;ti!.n f wheal lie louhed reinmed yViu-eel It. andled. end oea prfna intldJic.g the imntrul tlcrnenta f.f llieie to n t euirethlng ik;i a voice railed end rather III at e1.. He told ue r.kndiJgra:ns,wi:lioutvlm.liltB5ihiuidilri:n4th t li Ht S.'ias picier hod refused In rail to a fn.tn below. L ctdinttir.ed. In a aeeoinl oe were down the the servants, saying Iliflt Bnrfiev had Th no an'liurpy to e.mpel her to ihi so, aod In fPykfs lwdrim ill) titl'd r'i'.k. is f;rrw-Nui."I'med Just Mid lie paused a moment. Ida red rl.Hir lo Ibe stsiresv oh modtrale tiuiouct I.c.'iumical, too. !craiie as we had left It : Hartley opened II face Pushing a deeper red wlm had aa nilih-a big provide unuvual iw.urivhnient. that al e rowelered Km-bIn Rnd a young iiirii He ibe ur.fj mi wlie had ery au'hurlty under Ids arm on the lnnd.tr SitU Lifrju hrrtt gave ua an Inquiring glance; then 0 give iwdeea heSL For her"If. e e seeing P.oclie. whom he seemed to a as convinced flir'KI)ke had mm konw, hr eiiRinrnre.i. "i ur Kns milled suicide, and tbal Ihirfey d'd si; Id you wan'ed me up he-- e to tke not know wlmt be wee la'klng about What ehi.ll I take when he aaid that hn had hen mur s soure picture dered. first 7" Urn wl.lole. "T"e Barney gave Hurtley g'anred at the bed and I j THE BUDY BUILDER ! thuugid gave a siigM mart. The hrd-- that eatisfy yon. Pocfier he esi.d ttoche replied, mSn. It diwent," Ho'liss hat bad been drawn down !r 'around tiyke'a waist a hen wc wee shaking Me heed vigorously. II r Ml I am examining the revolver In hta hand dnearX not by BM F . ftarley. that Made hr Paaww tswd frank enough fa j had bean replaeod hy Barley, befurg Bank Oaafc, Miahidaa wg went t the Boor above. In the fbeegh I don't new any firiit M ttla In which they were whan we all. I know yen can. Tour eTpenmee poskh-i enured tbn mem that It, around anti reputation are bath greater than RAISINS Tof The Supreme Dread RaLin pru-ca- i b4id. t (Kk.n r n't - wlth'iit! fia d Fb-av- t . T- e eidlur-hutlu- n Saves Need Guying a New Skirt fOc y -- - lYif f rf rrnth Am Iliiuiv-.Mit- 1 ! I -: e i i fu i if I m b in i I 1 ll- ..--! - M i 1 ' . f b' e Jl r-- ' 'TV 1111 . I , i e-- , rbi-ri- . M uiur-ipr- p-e- Ip-h- t fb-i- i s.ib-ld- -- i T J ntu !,;( ir ct-.cs- . s'lM-lin:- . 'J I'lM-li- crr pltc "d. w e tf Grrt Grape-Nut- Theres a Reason n fsao In an interview today. Air. Warn V right, AroeuieM of Urn Calwotol bosun Powder Company, auvagty the Bee of newspaper ndvsm a tmmg. anti pmota ti CmuumK s aa proof uf tin ataioumuL "Chiuuiec solan are Sin tunsa aa niuca aa aay other bread," slated Air. V right, "sad wa attribute this to our lavish ase of itewgpepar apac Ve behove that the newspaper le tbe mud direct medium we can use la gettmg eur BiewSHge acruaa te the housewife, and wo know from eur experience covering thirty years that the housewife Will reaiioBd te Bearspsper advert! tog guicker tksa aha will te any eibse form of advertiamg. "The housewives hare coatiiteaiw ta at tlie desk and began te Mtopiwd advertbamieBta because aewapapar Iim In an effort te mulenia arrange cover her uerveueneae and c.mrusim. they Anew that tbe newspapers set np tfauir sd vertIsom Kite did not look up even when we high stsadards fur It la fur that reason mat tlie bouse sere al her aide. looka to the Be spa par for After waiting for her te getk, wife oa la which aha Bartley said in a grave tone. "Al.se la iulerestod." prodncla Puller. I unilcnitaiid that yon told that you relusvd to call (ilbcer urn wf 11 the acrvunls." Ileaty Him aaid slit would never bhe roiavd her fiiesv crimson with forget neb end I ia puwUlve aiur meant angie, end tried to answer, but it ti,i;h tier lips fimncd the wurila not LlgliP Vhat makes jgm think boT aaouml cm me from them. At taut, la Heavy 1 Slapped on her foot eight a vrli-- hroi.ee wlili luissloa' sad with ttaies. Alliuieaula word atunihling one over Ihe other, she sa.'d. I yee It's so. I told Mr. TOR Iloclie not ta cull the oervanta. Ne SWAMP-ROO- T sue asked yon lo come here. Yon have no buaiiiMe In this house I nukKIDNEY AILMENTS ing Into 1 1. Inga that do not concern one Air. la and death Klyke every you. Thsre Is only one awdsiiae that suany will believe that be killed himself In out prseeuasut as a Baadieum lor spile of any lung you run any. Any- stoails bwm sod turwide ailuaBla ef tha kidiuy thing that has to lie done Air. Roclie buomr an do. lt'a neue of your husiuraa, ataada Root luliasr's tha le. Swamp anyway." highest fur Ilia rvssoa that it has pruvaa Klamling le fr.rat of ua with her ta ba just tha rvwisdy Bsvdsd le IheMsends and her ahonldern lies Ihouseada lif dislrwasmg swsss. figure straight bothrown back delianily, she almost hweeip Kuut makas frweila quickly as use iia mild and laieuslisls afl act ia a shrieked the lout words at ua. . iwalisrd m meat aaasa. It ia a ana waa so angry that site dul not aorta ksaling vsgotalda awaapsond wonwua lo know what she Ktart trsatawnt at awes, bold at saying. I dered why aha ahmild be la nuch a drug atorss m boilias al two suss, mvdiiua aod rage. Bo far aa I could are, there waa If yoa wish fiiwt to tost this no reason for It. Ve at nod sliest anti Hod Are esets te Be. emharraHMed. P.artley'a eyes sever rest prauarstina M. Y, tut a A Ho., left tier face. ITuler his grave scru- ssaicle bertle. Bieghamtiiw, V hsa wntmg be sera aod druimd. flushed her she and Uiw Adrwi issmset. eyra aiSBltaa tiny pwpsr. Alisa Potter, he aaid suddenly, me to want believe that ilont "you Hia Condition. yue know wlm killed your brother-in-law- , "Veil, Buidiaimii here egala, ehT" do yuuf" aaid 'Hyulre Uamsbottom of I'etunla. Ilia question amnied tlie Inst straw. "IMI Yawoeh, yaaanhl P'plciua I Kite turned on him like a fury, and la if ytf aaya no, sohl" chuckled the tier eyea roved ever the ileeh an If colored culprit. she were liaiklny for something to wrftut guilty throw nt him. Khe shrieked, "Yon onr 1 I Mm I know killed who aay Isn't nw' do a led knuw T M hy, I dual even believe that ia Jail guilty, If waa How he dare you aay murdered. ah; uad 1 hml an that how eaa you stand them and aay It to my fare" ell, tiM-u- . noc-aaa- IliH-h- The ar ra" i!T For aeve nC ua apukia For ao atari id that P .look at the hand 01 self, I could, j ' time Iwrure. held that had. so aliur ' .wild nut Imagine Hut ravulver. who culd It, and what hi could he. I puriHiaa IB tiulni glanced nl liarlluj. Ilia face waa eat. a while line uln ( aruuml his tlght-woangry, very ly rinsed lipa. angry. , who stood At ht turned ta with evet hulginc. hi eolct aliouk a little. "Iturlie, wwiPd get Mins Butter at once. ( to rull all the tervama and IwtO them aesemlile In ilia living rociuJ will ba down la 1 a mnuieni." lluclit hiirrledut without apnk-Ing- . I uiiiHMltatelm Hurtley bent again ov or Hi heil. Ihe position of atung held tha revolvor. the hand that li When ha tralgtJ.ied up he told the photographer tlmt lie wcmiM nut need .a aa the young him any lunger. Aa Hum had left theTi'iu. Bartley turned in tie ancle. ta me nly aMiifNcd up Well, Pelt, tide morning. Vo left tine mum without locking ttitiwr. True, there waa no key, but TVhowiJ liava left rillier Itiaiie i ,..u on pjarl. of that wediave given someone a to allp du here and remove tlie revolver. He tlumgiif he waa reof evidioice. moving a VBluHhliii.ri-removal of tha The ke la Ibaf revolver dura not Bake much difference. Ve ell eaw lie gun, nud all l.rurd V iipfuilkKlmil, i Ihe hand of the jneiL When we he revoiver wae t la muImno inilira fha 1,6 m il j nn- ermr Klvka .il ft.MiMV Iniuaia Hi a it 1 n 1 Itiitt-- toand. '1 hr? cuat w aao than aidinaiy rsiaiii. Mall cuupna fur frre bouA of txdcJ iwipca. aur-pri- tc a ia nul. iImH la iii ci. IiimIiB. and .wd you, so vImiuIJ aarva a at lead IK yuwrek a d Raisini aim in Iv pml.liiigv rattxaii.l wkKi. Van may tia altered orhrr biamiilhag well tliaa Sua you Anew lc Klaulv, but lix kind yon wan; is tVv k"d kiu la g.sid. le- ;u tlwrcl.ir, aoftart--lt- awit F.xk e iiv. ffvi Rn a-- eoched .sl.'lnl lies. iMiuscd nud r la tira lurlliv'a (trimni luyml ih tu nia in i lan Nim era modern oven In jwuf city. And it' made wuh bun Maul Tbal'i ak'lltfi raaann for ita Mrciuiriit. A rare cuubuiaiHMi irf aumuuiia nitdl and fiiui sit ley "Luuk Aa my eyes ft dead uihb L l hud gmie bmu CloSlH-id tdjtt they were etui lunvcd the gnu I la aari'.'ONl tlw raisin at bif, plump, iruit-gica- l to iLa il" Tbn Gist k fur iLe jouidt uuii the m.ttO' but at tail It v "New fur tha went lo tlie tie duo a, and ui Aa he drew thei a Ty eacaiawl (nm work the v t aaiktfj Hit cvitvffUvif tti nai, New lorn in hi a uiienuiHi r It it of the Kit kc It at I ml 10 oia. anil &u ekiii ah or iiiiHKHii of two man la II W for the rnnn A la auiv'td niM;iniauc of luairo hmia in 11 tho intiNiiii of lati an old c.ai la ifila'ealtoj a a 9 4 U 1111 kta ati.vr iha myMlwty lt frni. J VI. a aoin. 4o 4' rein Ijika, tno ao1 uir lo'cimnv liio auaaik of Httli I oi-r- i an 011 f'iin4. Tito tltna a. nil iha liumr. fohr rt " - wL,1?' -- ririii use cf IB no bet I criminal In frr m . Sira. Christina Van tUsa Kochei we will have te ge ti.'wn and eve wlmt w caw tie Yue tell her I am with her logither. your uvaisteuf. You Bilghl aiso add If aim re: uea to givo ua Ihe t!i we anvil, we van arrest her oa li.e rliurge of oiietru.'llbg mb ulhcur in tlie diM'liurge of ti doty." IU.lb HM'B griaaed at tb'i. Mill at ill Hiuiliug, limhe led Ihe way from Hie room. of the ntalra From the y we could eve Alisa Potter lu llte living rvHim bel.iw. imcliig Bervusy beck eud forth, k live sue bverd Be dm eceiiiliiig. with liwhe la Hut lead, slie M cluiheu duo a N'M HALF CRAZY ITAH. BthiiitHl. UiM-li- Rlykeu thin. "Von had -nf tlie bod si CHARLES J. DUTTON , ft 9 w T nouraav Ibe benti a ulna. I am. ilia IwbI Iodic nud a.xill hare te put np eumr kiud of a bluff, but 1 wmb you would take ebargo uf the easoi "You any Alise Porter duvaut wiab to give ua any aiti nt sUT Out of the Da , . OR VTS VTT I b ti-.- gsa-tie- ll Th Appealing Charm cf Ikalth and Beauty riom Falla & Uak. "About twt ara ago I waa h a rundown, oervoud cnnii.noo, aiy but ached terribly aod I had bearing paius. 1 autlered frosa lunctKmal disiabaoccs, and felt skw and BKis all over. A fitcad toid aod about Ik. Pvrcti hvsriu lYe aenptina and afw waa ao enthusiast id about a that 1 bought B bottle. I never took a BKdiviie ia my hie tusa did Bieae much good, it itrngia ened m and nd me of ail aiy achea and pama. Afy system rcguisied and my atrveusacaa 1st! aw. 1 aaa till just aa well and strong aa taa bf never know a twa or wcaosumc iH aud I give all the credit to ihe 1ierce's Favorite Pieserueiou." At. at fUiisuaa Yoa Fleas, lijj.lt, Jjakisa m Street Sold at drug store la tablets d Wmt Ik. Bmq I'resuient luvaiuU Hotel ie Bhttalu, N. Y, bog free medical advice, head lOq bud trial pkg. taMcta. liquid. hVff Owns awsleeA I trnm Evfk Ll Nt. fMSiM. ftflMRpanMMlklKttsEMaS J3 Ai4 1 pmtH. fm Lotif . tae Id btowssv viAfa tsi AmOuw. Sib IdMfk m! Cniuii ti '.. W .. U mmrnmA fNi MriKMMi hH m4 Kmim mm PMMBUI to M ftWlWN (gtfVfrtid esvim fr .ko.ll k.VMd( laa Tomb Vim HURT? fc.RdmwM m rVAtfl ' meH ntt nmilwnmNM tm amnL-Kii MR bFMlNRa kwmfNM. VAUIIMIl S14fl NltMMllfMI a lAvtley atigged Me a!ulder don't aay thsi yon know but If yon keep on acting Ilka this whenever yon are asked n question some one else will. If It slimild conie cut at tlie liiquant, for Ina'ancw that yon refused te allow ua le question the servants, people may aid only think yoa know, but they may ye even fin can tlier. If you don't aid us, ftm-harrest you for obstructing an officer la the performance of liia duty." Thla was news to her. Anger gnre p'see to fear, and tlie looked it un Burt ley rcallxed that, helplessly. overcome by wLaf aha had been through, she waa not herself, anti added kindly. "1 know this death ninat liava shocked yon terribly. Atlas Potter. I am trying my hmd to make It easier for you. I d'd aid force myr self Into the bouse Ring himself asked me to come fh'a morning. Vliet you do not seem te comprehend Is that a serious crime lisg Your hrotlier-ln-labeen commuted. Inis brn murdiTrd. and the law will ilemnnd to know who did It. It will also want to know If you did everything In your power to help ua 10 the murderer." For a moment she said nothing then she turned and fn.-elhirl lev. her ryes seur.'liing IiIh. anil In flir tone of on weary and broken she anld, "I will (Is what I cun lu help yon." Khe I.esifHied and hms'ied the Pair lure In ond aniia train lief eyes, as U hnrJij knowing what aim ws doing "It's driving me wild I am half eramy." sbe erled aud leuly. and luklng an nncerriiln a'ep fivwerd Btcmbied n'mi.si to her knees. 1'errlcy placed hie nrm around her and led her to a rtisir T'ihh tnrn-Inlie asked Mm to all tie In tervan's. . a rtoebe had gone, Bariey As A few begun to examine ibe riu.m. feet aw nr from Mm were three rsd tuhlp-v- , their Bi.rncee littered wlrh playing eer.l. J" e they had been thrown down when rhe Inst gnme wan over; an. f.io. the rliHlra were le the Into w hich tliey had ORitm been pushed when Ihe players rose for the last Hire. Bar'ley plcfeti up end card no tlie new reef lat-lroonle'l Ihem lie d'd the same thing with time on the weened table and on the third Ar the teat Hilda be paused bsirer than he bad at the oilier w. tbe Fliial'y t e took from Lis pork two card we hnd found lu the tower and motioned to ne te Jidn Mm he Aa I reached Bnrtlrys abed roe to eouiif the cards on the table. I d'd so end fonnd the pack waa two card abort. Aa I finished, he handed me the two rwrds that wa bad found ups-al- r aaylng. "look at ExaniimP ceivfuily every bottle ef CAPTtlUIA, Hint famtiua old remedy fur Infanta and chlMram and see diet It Bears tlw Signature uf la I'ae fur lh W k euro. CLiUren C lot FkiUlier'a l aatoria Culicura Soap Clear llic Shin Hotplate Hoe Looted Lang. A men In Vaalilugion elsir la sold to own tha olileet electric hotplate in exleteuce. He lies bail H twenty yenrm, during which time he eatiiiMtca It baa A novel rellrood grade croswiiig tj e been uaed lO.IMsi hours end hat row-auiu- AND OINTMENT U sod Us. Mx. YakaW ISs Reflacter Grade aig-M- aunllglit le the daytuur and uliuiud'lle lieedllghta at night threogh red glMsa. 1105 of electrical energy. Every man almuid Aaep a doffi If Ilia Mtaule majbety never lets np for mithltig rise than te try ble fuidip vntll be gets ble due. aturlra oa. Iba-tn- r it jO; pso SAY when you buy. BAYER Unless you see Bayer Cross" oa tablets, you ire not getting the genuine Cayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years arid proved safe by millions for e those." Insist! 11. e plfln tl-- oily Colds Headache Toothache Rheumatism Neuritis LumSago Neuralgia Pain, Tail yarVape which enrtainf proper Orectionu, TsT-c-r liandy "Bayer" bans of 1 2 tab late Also Fnttlea of 24 end JO ' s Druggist MiffosA bordered Stomach ne d lisle mi pi CarteT'a Take a liver then take 2 or 3 far a few ryrhta a .er. i Tim will t dab yvmr imwla fear ef trouble fallow. Mil'km nf nB agro take them for B'Jxvwvwes, ir Dtrsmesa Sieb Bwhck. ItssT Stnoveck awd furSeJiow, fmytf, fttotehy Skm. TAg sad m aWwp tf (WyiAs. M ire aa oomrrnj l rrflnii WM WA. UM. |