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Show THE GRANTS YILLE OBSERVE: GRANTS Y1LI.E. UTAH. The Grafitiville Obsernr ! i TuLlibhed Every Fridajr. Rate Advertising ua Applieatiua DIXIE MOLASES WHEN YOU TtJJNK OF JOHN T. FLINDERS, Editor. and ! OUR JOB DtRARTMENT USER THE FRAKKUN PRINTIRB PRiCB Kubscriptiua Ptk 1.M MHY CHANCE UiT. GRANTSVILLE HONEY Par leaf. ITT IWic Printer and Publisher tha Unu 'country iiaaapa.Mtr" aun-idar- a uncumpfemeiitary WJul aka auggwe- better term fur Cuunuy ttviie fur I'roa. which it think should u into the discard. The term in ittunf ia Biia-- 1 It aaya: leading and give a wrong imjireituun. the institution it I SupU posed ta describe. It u a tarm of another day and are." Foiioeuig reply ta Una ha baas written by Harry Hamanoid, Jr., jun- iur af tha Vnivereily sf California, forestalling any attempt ta change the name, and lifting U ta a higher plana: "I do not agree that the term aurora af the day when the puliliaher took potato.- - and other garden truck in payment of subacriptiuii Country weekly doea nut cauae in me a reaction, other than of aatia-- 1 faction. It enuili all that ia loyal truthful, aud Instead of belittling and giving j tha wrong impiriwiiin. it cun notee and auemidrfi.il ImpreMi.kly hut ia lack of yellow journalism whu-m evident and preiloiiiinant in the daily. Ihsaard it? Never. Ial ue rather uplift it and treasure it ea aomething which ie hoi an end in itself, but a meana to an end. Ia-- t vs, when we see country weekly' or any paper, nut think of the past, but what it truly j a Peppy Local AT SPEIRS STORE mi FRESH EGGS j . 60c. per dozen. ; represent! Led reHliae that here AND SERVICE AND ART IN Make your hens lay with Green Ground Bone 5c. per pound. Vowles Market Phone 9. SMMR fHH ia hee-thin- g we may cling to. something stahonorable, truthful; something that leadi to the creation of the ideal in Journalism and nut te Bacon's I do la f the Cava. Hearquarters for School Supplies ble, Son, a whita collar and created penta don't rut much ftgger, Vsept in the parlor. The old fashioned, honest go in dub s usually Urn reliable eon. aarvative maa wa ask far m time of trouble and need, and be might be w earin a rough coat Then, too, he ie uaually popular with tha aturdy ole gray headed bankers and business men. Wurk m the moat aatisfyin thing a in life, when grief er misfortune us. In fair weather, too, nothin maks us so prosperous and happy. huiiilen or rxrativ prosperity ain't a durn bit steadin' to ary of ue. Make a mental picture of the thing you want to ai'hieve in life and keep improvin' it every day, and Yore yoe know it, yer old picture ia a reality. Funny, how we remark today what durn fools we were a few yearn ago. ever-take- Everything needed in the line of notes books, pencils, pens, inks and othersupplics for the boys and girls can be had at Direct Your Attention To HANKS & EVANS. Full line of Conklin and Parker Fountain Pens and Pencils. The Observer SPRING! The BUILDING BUSINESS TOWN PESTS l'hone 154-Instruction on PIANO, VIOLIN. UKULEIJ5, STEEL GUITAR TENOR, BANJO and other instrument Mrs. Hurt (pupil of Mrs. J. Callia and of Evans Stevena teacher of piano, riaftairal or Jazz ayatem. Violin ar. other instruments taught by E. E. Bush (pupil of rjf. Wilcox of New York, and Trot, Emeet Kaai Every buxines nun wants more business. II wants every poaaible purchaser in hia trade territory to be hia patron. He ought to uae every poaaible inatrumentaiity to get that buaineaa. Today the telephone ia uaed by the moat progressive houaea to gat new account, to dose contract and generally to tranaact buaineaa which formerly was handled by alow mail or by the more expensive method of ending a representative. The Expert brnadcaeu FYee Advice an AD Bubje't. from Raising Chick-ento I onning the Tows. Berauae he baa Felled at Everything be ear the Expert' Advte eheelt be (peOI. fur he Knewe all fh Wrong V sy to Io TMnpa. Just take kia Advice beetresrd. There AIL Study the possibilities of tha telephone, or, better till, talk to tha telephone man about how it can be made more useful and profitable to you. There ere low rates which may suit your needs. Get acquainted with thia valuable and inexpensive ayatem of businae building. Station ro Station Calls Ate Quicker and Cost Lest see what we can do before you go elsewhere. Meet Deeirabi Oualieet)em Ooauesn ears ie the genlna ef h RmaityOeetbaL Expert Piano Tuning, Finishing and Repairing all Musical Instruments a Speciality Music furnished for all occasions xxagiMrftWBiottakWbqraaMiff ia true that many vere cold end teeover - We Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. for Agency for all kinds of Musical Instruments Taking IVwperale Chaaree - HEN in need of Gfllnjiolulu. Call or write and make arrangement courses of instruction It It soon lere Rid yoiH Music Studio fAmerican-Hawaiia- n Tooele City Utah Printing Pboie Zl. Soutk Side Merckiftt. routrart ('kamberlalea Ceagf Remedy the Mother Fa. writ. se- from them without taking any precaution or treatment, and a knowledge of thit fart leads other te take their chance iratead of giving their colds tha reed- -' ed attention. It should be borne in the mind that every cold weaken lunge, lowert the vitality, make the ayaem leea able te withatand earh :auceeeding attack and pavee the way or the more aerioua diaeeae. Can yoe afford ta taka aurh desperate chanre when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for it cures of bad ' rolda may be had for a trifle? A4v. i . j The toothing and healing pro praties of Ci. amber lair. 'a Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and effectual cure have mad K favorite with people everywhere. It ie especially priced by mothere of young children for colds, croup and whooping cough, aa it always affords quirk relief and ia free from opium end other harmful drugs. Adv. FOR SALE Four Inquire of Lara Johnson. Reed your car HOWS YOUR BATTERY? We do rebuilding and any kind of repain your batter may need. We handle the famous W'eatirghouM Battery, let us go over your electrical gyatem. "ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS." TOOELE AUTO-ELEC- CO. T. ART NELSON Earl M. PHONE 7 Christensen N. G. Lindahl CHRISTENSEN & LINDAHL FUNERAL DIRECTORS ft LICENSED EMBAI.MERS Moat Methods ft Chapel In looele County Our Reasonable Frices Id gkten the Burden Lady Attendant Tooele, Utah. Floral Designs Fhone 82 Dealen in Monuments. Ip-to-da- The Barton Truck Line for kinds of hauling Nothing too large or too smalL &11 Furniture moving a specialty Everything given immediate attention. Pi cue 133. Salt Die Was. 4350 |