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Show THE GRANTSYILLB OBSERVER. GRANTS YIILE. ITAH. AT1GE71, FINDS GOULD HARDLY Flattering Spring Frocks; HOUSEWORK EASY DO HER WORK li s? Chic Sweaters for Midseason LFikUui'i V(t(il!f Cmb peeaj lUie Her EaI, Sttf 111 Fed Better Enrj Wiy Krs. Jennings Says Tanlac Re stored Strength After "Ftu" Attack end Ended Stomach Trouble. lOX AND MU. lOU SIR. EMtOCKS for spring bars mails their cheerful entry and a typical aiuia-pinph'iunal lutra. tuition your ami- "I was almost an Invalid and Taa liny. There la iiuiluug wartime olimit built M n.v to a strong, well Wom- tlma uo divided departurca from the an. 1 runoulcr It my bent friend, la graceful lines of draped ilrvauiw that preuriled them; If uni thing they arc IliB grateful and cliaraetvriutle alate-iMf Mr. Kiuma Junulugo WumN even mure aini.la in their tinea and Pvcu mors liecuniiug to tiie average Mg B at Clearwater, CaL Rta arc enjoying now, ami will A a attack of tho grippe left m are. completely broken dawn. My stomach roailnut to have ailh us during tiie felt tick, my lege and a ran ao tired rouilag acasou. the moat graceful sad and weak I could hardly hub them, and pieaaing apparel that atyluila have en at for some year. 1 acareety had energy and atiengih to In acvcrul Hut, purilciilars, the dreaa my seif. 1 Just kept getting weaker In a4tn of nil I could do nad, na aprlug urales show new tleiwiupnwuit I had begun lo think 1 am seventy-one- , iy age waa against me rver getting home and announce that "all the girls had a fra at fur aoaie try. either." are wearing" this or that, u auiouuia VITK. "MI "But what do you mma by auyhix brcaaaf-'fe-fumug did not to aa uniHtuluin to the family. Father have alima what yoa did about the stable and frail wliu pruceeit to pet uut bla check-hoi-- and I hen tha boras beuig itolcn'r" tuqiutml hr. or nioi her lakea mvautury of the house aaa brokem and left so, until Ihid cuou-tilher of puraa. "I hd jma amer hear (lie old adage. MW day the former d wuvm-that all , schoolgirls ana showing of hla fowl were 'Wln-- the horse is stolen It la tai aid young aa caivliint wiaioia la that they are late W sliut tiie ataMs door'r' aa gmia milking l.auilamue Jersey knit alipovi-- r tne fowl, thnt were not trailer awered Mr. Fox. tndy and inaiiniMh aweaiers Ilia ebjacta of to the "1 meua by that ynnr master was were left. liking of L Ilnur eaploltailou fir miilaeaaon wear. "1 ahull md amt tluit farm apy' too lata In mending tiie broken winIt I n rtgul tew of cenaoratilu which more tliia said Ur. Foi aa duw In the poultry Imunr and brinit-luthree kniliad garments must unw ia he trotted home our you here lo pr.uwt the liens and uight. "I will le order to quality. Strictly purs wool Is off to new 1 had already curried huutuig grounds tomorrow chickens, t and they mutd be the Drat off all the heat and youngest of them bight." detailed la proper neck line. eurrw-tlOna night, as he was on his way tu and those that are left are md worth another farm. klr Kui liaiimrd to tokibg lie has locked the door after paw llir Hiuitry hm where lie had the horse la stolen, don't you seer "Tea, I do. Mr. Fox. rcilied Mr. found an atany lie looked f Dog, but yoa take this hit of udh-up at the w Inilnw and anillrd lo Uoie la a gaal hreakfual when he saw Ihul a new pane of from me: giusa hud been pul In ami there was but a bad supiwr That Is an old 1 sayno way fur him Hr. Foie to ing too. Think It oter, because am I going lo live here end If nl any time get In. lie la loo lute nth Ida repalra," aald yii hope to get a breakfast from till Mr. Fox aa lie th.wl off, "fur I ahull farm you will taka It out In hoping." "Now I wonder what ha meant ty not hothur hiia for aunie time to that," thought Mr. Fox, aa lie trotted rona." I ahull not visit thul Then one night 13 r Fox saw aa be off. "Anyway "Living lifs for all it ia worth" for hill la loo huix and The agulu. place I ran along the p of a stone wall, I hale hidden all tha thrilling, clean enjoyment there then and lo sleep that the farmer had brought a Mr. la In It, to tha creed of tha palila Why couldn't he hate said ling to lUe near he poultry house. meaningmovie star, Paulina Hark. Mas lie Instead of lo meant what trying Hal ha," laughed Mr. Fox. "You are Starks la from M'Caourl, having been allow off hla wisdom?" And away went Mr. Fox In Ilia born in Joplin Just eighteen year ago. ha waa educated in Kansas City, Me, niiMNiliKht. forgetting Hint lie waa Ilia Jhat city until obeut five one who ilrst tried lo Imprest Mr. !hg and lived inwhan oho moved with hoe years ago, with hi cleverness. to Lea Angela. family MeClara 121. bf ayaAlcaial Nsoasa" lg, S7S??1S?S?S?S7S?i7.,r?5?g5?S;S?CTriS?S?7l?S? j . u you will have aa Busy lima 4 It, f-- r none of my friends care for old poul- ; who are la a "raa dowa" roodl-t- m ootiea that tkuuik bouiare Ilian aiu-.- more Uua woaa luajr arv lo auud Mails. 1 lie fact prevaa lieu while Mt.rrh ia a Uwl dinen. k I. amity loftiMni-eby ranatiniuannl conrtlviuu. C ATAHhli fcfcJ'ii'iMC run aieia ( aa tim burnt wiuua iluirolr haiievaa levs! spirt Owuoa, and the laMiuol Nadii-tu- . a 1 UUK, which la Improving Iho (inneral Hniio KM by drnagiam tar ever Tnra F. J, ChvMy a Co., Tul.do, Oliaa Then hAUl he Right Thing Never Judge what she thinks by Wunoraful BMuicuvs. 1 roouaimebd 11 la iL vyfrawrtaaiidwiU never Iww'-hou- t -- Mrs M. Dmjmi, NOAJ & MotimnoU Avw, CLtcagvb k It la such Utter aa ike that toatifa to tho vaiia of Lyd L I'nkbu This wimma VagetaMo Compmnid. Bivaaka tram the fulmaoa of bar hurt, bha dvamhoa aa autracliy aa aha cafe Iwr auadtuon, hrst tha aymutoma Dat bothorod her tha wwal, ana lou r tbo too late to catch me. Mr. Iig. Too should have been Lera some lima ago If you were to save tlm farmer's poultry." Ills laugh brought Mr. Dog out of hla hoimo with bound, hut Mr. Foi woo out of Ids reach, an ho did am Jump or nm away. "Mr. Dog," Ik aald. "you should tell your master flic old aeyiiig that It lo too late to luck Ilia alalil dour offer tlm burse u stolen." "The aiahle door la locked tad tho borae la not sluleh," aald Mr. Ihig, too am here to see aiirprlaed to that yoa do not TXilk- and otbir fowl. Ton loot try It and am what hapiieiis," and Mr. Dog danced about, a lulling he could reach Mr. Mothmfl ge Booklet, "Mother of the Worlu Joy'd bsrkjt Lot m Products tin W ermywehundwr Cwipea Tha I Aw I life Lempaev m? EXPERT DEMGNINQ . IN iPRING FROCK a that are fascinating. Flint, and moat notlcealils, la tha matter of color. Frocks In dark nr aednte color are enlivened by enilieulderiee of oriental Inspiration, or by allka. Introduced In aleevna and trimmings. The palaley and cashmere Influence Is everywhere apparent la the displays, either In embroideries or In fabrics Introduced as a substitute for embroidery. In the mniposPlon of dresses. Roma rmliroiilerlea are la one or two strung mhos, uwd with Mark or a dark rotor la tha frock. Not all tha new arrivals use odor lavishly. Many of them are onewdnr designs, having tlmir embellishments, wheflier of stltcimry, embroidery or othar decorative fenturan In tha a mo "Oh. you wnn't have any trouble collar, sleeve, ahnuldsr. aud th It greifcat distinction reals In being from my visit fur soma tlm to mine." of tailored aliiirUcl.ty. replied Mr. Fox. ' All tlm poultry your Just now tiie line and ery la for the maer haa now are luo etil to tempi Jeraey-knlhhniao or allsner, but It my appetite. I liava had a feast, must ho of the quality kind. Eret Is thougn, and I am glad fur yon that added to tho wearing of these slipover types la that tt la possible this oesam tu buy hauiloome knitted aklrta, In plain stitch or plahled and trlied, A LIKE 0 CHEER and also attrsctlve wide border effects la-, acroniml-meotcollar With dainty By John Bin. a Jersey slipover has ao Jieer fur reflned apismrance, aud It la thoroughly practical for wear throughout tlm CHARITY lick I apring weather. Favor Ita color for tha entiling season emphasis aovy, AlMM Whatfl M TO fAH army gray, a new f ranch wdor called iif th lith rhunty, Is a very vivid light M rruri elsetio, wlih-fgi if I d inultt-col-nra- d Tha Boycott. The word boycott menoe te combine te refuse te work Air, deal, or a mat a ieraun: a with specie of ekivmiinuulcatina ; to plane under a baa te provenl Ita sale. It waa a method of Intimi dafloo adopted by the Iriidi Land league In IMi, amt Captain Boycott waa one of Its Drat victims. aien-hamlin- rlili-ka- n fox. Wl a t a i hit HiaH h ITM Wf fli liM M trn.m iHNd forth ft Add ho Hi non to otoM, EMhlmf Him AH froia Iho h tho of Hto Oorti Till: wir STAIlDCAhC me Julia U Wlmilrr unhappy loiuliy of nut that tha clever thing would have been on iat and ao diverting l( aaiil la Hie draw lug room until on hi going don mvtaim Hint Is what call I esprit d ew uller." the I rem-tha wit of the aialrraer A goil many people there aie who can think of liu that they iidglil clever ihh-ghave sold, or liu they wiuild have of that bird said. It la anolher in hand -- it la fur better to any aoiue au-any thing only moderately rmues, Ihua to It when tiie soy nuiliing at all and think or tha amniingly eleicr lldug Ion lute. Ti.ere are oumo peraoiia who not only tliink over what they mill and whnt they might have Mill alter It lo loo late, hut then bore Iheir friend by tcliiug llieni what they Hi glit have raid. "I waa thinking over a hut you Mid last about admiring Burnei play week. If I d only thought of It at tiie tlma I would have naked yoa to use some tickets that I bad. I couldn't go, and aa It aaa. they weren't used Hut 1 didn't think of II III! I got home. nr: "That story yon told was a gmai one. After I got lonue and aa Honking It over, I thought of another one foi bias n story I know," and tln-tlint la only mialcrntelr humorous and has absolutely no bearing on the present trend of th ronveraation. In ear Many person have rytng n their end of aiimll talk. Kiev are always seeking arty be and help K the They buy hook that of conpniHilao to auggeat versation every conceivable situation, nnd they lie awake nipM before ml gutlier- are to go to a Tilt, mei-rv'- '. cii-t- e rb-ve- l a To oxort upoo hi roo4 ooniti. m him otIU iwo Iho I'forf hoi of 111. To ovorv'nmo hti ooon mo to to bo Thof truly Tiio rit hrot ooii if ftioriy. r Orndhmto ) br MsCiin lo . aul-ter- t fr gn-n- FLU (C 'J : 'v- - , Coughs and Colds WITH l -- FOLEYS i iv i i$ Wins pea arw roaalipated, enough of Natures lubrica'.iag liquid U produced M the bowel I Ivor th food waaiw soil and moving, prenrnhs Nolot boraaioo it art like thm natural lubmanl mad than replaces iL N a al Is lubricant sot a mrdiriaa or laxa'ive as lira-tor- e l n lug nf any sort, plnnnlng wliat clever ranuoi (hiugi they ran any. Tlo-- when the time mines they It? It tuilay. to ho (In 2crt. wailing for the situation (list they have aulicliiilef to crop upi They have a apli nrthl story to tell brail cainela. if only auiiieuii would gull the conversation to caim-la- . and they have soma Inaiila lilt of lnfornmtbn alraut the kalaer; wrail araiieoaa pleas run In tlm baiter? Now tf thern la any help at alt to Tha Worst Feature. this toaguetiwineas It Is tliia: Hemein-he- r thunilng Into debt would n"t he ao that taking n clever part la the bod If one did out fminnil? run late roniersallfia mraao actual mental ex. Ituaton ertion. It means getting right Into aoe's rreditoni the ring and making your brain work. It meana mental qulcknmia. If yon are sot sued te tois amt of denial alertness yrai will perhaps arauHl'y fltul It fatiguing at first, but It noun Iwcoiuea a matter of crairae. Thera TOR INDIGESTION ore pretty girls w lio think that all they have to do at a party la to look And there are arana lew pretty. pretty girl who roadie that they have tu iia their wif tc male jp for leas 6 BtUAN attractive faces, tnd somehow it is often Ihes girls who have the nirot j Hot water -- Sure Relief a'lenrh-n- . And there are aome who aeein to yoong ELL-AN- S that their peraonMl'th-are Interea'inr to make up for their AKD 7A WLaAkiCS LVlflYWHLNC lack of wl'tlnaao. They go to dinner parties foment ouly tn INtea t" wlmt other ieopia say and to eat the good gri. a TTao-crtjff- Sure Relief i m-- 11 i4 DONT rimer Aviator Find Colorado Lakes, Aviator flying over the l(nrky mountain tm dlsivvered IWw lake lieretofiir unknown lo Ilia white man. Tlo-alakes are hidden In almost tu- penrarabl fawnroeea. An Idea of how a lass may ha lirat" to wlrt'e men la found tn rti Dog f'snon fall near l i b wef umt erert for (htrav, aeveral jeura af'er Hi ac'il-mcand ace: lent. Now ti.e fslia form then a show place 1 rcui h them one po mo- tIiroiir.il a in. rrow rIN In nn ka DESPAIR j , 11 you are troubled with pains or aches; fed tired; have headache. i , Indigestion, insomnia ; pairful possuga of urine, you will find j mlu-- f H'-- r.iiwg y hy regularly tekirg ajsnwi LATH RO PS . J Atn i I Tp'U. , - : v, W. N. U, Salt Labs City, Nsl Vr--A t jir, 'g ' Papa's Spalling Baa. A whs atuik at tiie t of "acquaintance" am advised hy hit father to mnaijlt a di' tinnay. however, failed to settle the punt, and te faler hlmveif railed fur the be hrmigi-- to Mm. f'f cmiro SI!!y bey." lie snapped, yoa wou'dn't find tt under 'Air. Surely y"i know better than that. Tt-la- . e-k t led . KtfmJtet Retry tyt ge Tow Eei fed Dull I wm di tVr'fS BWEATER Tlu- - pniulnr color tone p (Ik rotors are brown, cocoa, beige, navy and b'B' k. and the fabric mn! In demand are the vnrfon weave of crepe, and other twill and frli-poit Rleeve are emjiljrsliied. nine of them flar'rg and tngeidoualy managed. T?k appear na rretw long peasant ! froika, hut a few of the new model have dcred to p "Merit tlKinaelvea with-ou- t ary oieeve at all. T1k Jocquefte, with straight nr surplice fmt. and the bertha hove limb been embodied In tiie float-ludeatgno for frocks, and rrarul. panels and uneven hem line are atm with na. When It eoms to faaMcn. a- - book girt bava a way of aaiei!tsh:nf a rode af rates far emreef dreasir.g whl'b la franagroa mesas to loss rams la mT net. Bo, who daughter roma g PL ?&"' M I, Vl'lltgrt'frft IT BUTTON 1L J VihowolMlNMM , , WWJSS&zd Mitaitu , Knew. 0" Th.ng "Now fell n e, a r, ('ramindivl roniv i H for toe aid tulnd wtui I to you aro aayii-soar thuf I yn were wonml'--t.i InI tha a-- T The ! ra.atlnHte'v. ; I wl'i, cm pui-w-never ae'.l li- -r I v as wieuuie-l.a le-rIn the1 it n.'.ht hava anil, or again II mightn't. Ail I know t thi.l ha h't me." AND j j , i I of the guilt m irdcr of K -- r'led. aiyared the fare of hit brie her .y being killed early In the ennmnier by SLIPOVER brown, mra wherry red and, for aiim mer, pure white knifed ai.pover and aklr promise puecnw cwlled to 'be kn'it d a"pove r,. yn-o-lee-girl aa presetitert In th Not he tt Ima a tie girdie an--- ! with. two lUicket Wl'h two pearl tmltm i fTief among the Markgraf Iln-- I gr from this (tie feminine tiamee wa'hke source la a Vp'kyr name, or fleet rude Many prw'y mold and nf fetr'liera InS'la boro 'med wd tbeumelvea tc'W aa la With the apror id irbortel. by a daugh It waa given ter f one nf II great Pepin; aim Ah!rv of Nivehe and was founded and fieriuanc ywee-e- d tty the I Tti for th pefTnetPUP" iff mlra-le- a M E"mt royal nun fir""-'!- ' landa and the favnet'o hi leu' t Raint fSertrnde drtnk-nnf too firove-- b fur a vea si' "t at twvet-Tliero Jtf.otber . Oe trade of rove! bbv-- '- 'a Raaony. whs the atibena of Hetdeffa In Norway tb woodpecker wltb track aad white ptawnga and red band tier-dro- I e ca-'- The other your-girl la aearitig a aw eater. medium button weigh' two pa'-ahaker v'itch. le draw he't in and rack jThe a'ltch w!'h ron'roa'lny around the twefran. The ccffa arv flliied and flier I a fancy roliat n Mff urn-ro- Jidr VTM a 're -- - tegeml GFllTP.T'DE. ao rhnnoinglywnr. fetulIt an org'n in aignl&ee apear mn rt and crane from filieT'd. aeramd brother of fiunrlier. who. Mwvgh fn-- of the a Afreurloii effiaff of IIk ran a mi i.ici iLii: 'k hr-n- y. a name of br-- o v '.eriruile turi. Mill llir st (.erinioe nira the luiin who nit- our ! Iird pt-e-- a d lit.ku.g bv iiiol caked r a luuraoj ; e It, nnd nr pn ti.e log. a lo hub.! In kb acea grow in icr lor ' I'f gre-- 1 rep"i!tei her ) riiuiive. i.'iil a a pmerii a'K tiiroed into a nn'i'v-ktr-- l to her the hark end the wraul end neer to i bome u the red atiradd fall from ber teart For rhn' rwni n ll mud, the Wnoilpecka mlrrnfe from Norway wbi-- rhe to molt. uaiw the rur aie I.ng'ai-, wlrbrait nnd . '.ni-y- , mi kue t f.ee fn'de In France; fieerrurta In luut; t;er:rvud and Trad' hen in Geruiai.y, end frertrude in f'ortnral. Her tnliKiTiRnie gran la the garnet. Which poaaeawe ninny of tne same f lie relafve. tlw rahr. ft qmilitle protects the biwly and mental henl'h of It gn't1n of It wrorer; to the of a myaiery. Thunel la Certrade'a lockv day ; Pro ik, and the snowdrop lucky nutn'-er- ; said to be her flower. Tka wnld'a standard rocie-- i v fra Vidnev. liver, bladder and art- - a- .J pm Nva amt National PafMdy of Holiam' vine Ififev Throe airo. oil drnggrota. Ouaramaed. Iwh far lb imm fund m ever ,1 3LtCUJTDD:tTTnnY O 24 fferurt fttet fhZuwif itt .? iMUrtwe W MtULl'f f-- rraob-i'iio-- li.-n- la-t- g-- 1 (f ay M e:-- Wole SraUiew, last yviye raoro gTr-TT-- T- NA - - - j ( NT SORE EYES TTcab ItDB luniATrobsrntving cvcmaJe erron- - twrolro r'ieanmed or enur owincy nnraded. Send guaranteed treannenL 1 a derit-ariie- roi rTjry?vrrf H I. ,Vc MAMfiri Lergest eelllng cough medicine in the World Hmo. SlioeofOofTgedFwhpg ponfli -- VtumUy Hut tt inCmiiiwlMa - FUr end Lraiflo Skin Eruptions nt. w vrW'i.-isrv- GRIPPE by stopping Ak. It disappearanct of thuoa avoiid-ni- a. la a ameora oxprosaidac' grautudo. For nearly fifty year I yd U link. barn's Negotabio Cumjaiwid boa f ao araiaed br wunmn. n or pea. of all aad words of Innaus it nuaht have Th aadiwat ara Uiarn, fur diffh-uli- HOio Nat Guilty, ftnnd'irtur- - - Kliatuukln I Rhimoklal Irinli I'aMvcnger No. playing cards, I'm Htate Froth, Prtvent the l iaaeshall Durrn Right Time "Vau Taka Thm Bit af Advice." I pj j :a 3 3 7 UAtg HiemKmmmmmmmmmm bowQ) what aha aaja. WI , ' wot wail 32-Ta- tiniNL iil (M HI UN MlVrl Fit k- -, 'jjahoui I ij'J I'uvui a V e (stable ' , liiaimpiiuivd and wlmt .1 bdd rt no tur okhur aromas and ga vo it a trial. I began tu oat could bolter and moep. and maunder it ; wiU janw all las Ijmod diary, and cuui4 T'V'.iiSb mot Wee ana had no iHt'pelilo. 1 irwd d.f- - g bliu-aci- IUII'i Catanh Medicine k wwak and mam nervous euuoiuia 1 eouw hardy did e hall Gat It Anyhow. Nlpp A wraiio.1 always want tha laat word." Tuck "And man can aove a lot of tlua by lotting her have It." a j g "Almost from the day I began taking Tanlac 1 emiimeiMed to fed stronger. Ro 1 krpt picking np with every bottle unlii now I can aaaily do all tuy house-marfur I am feeling Sne. I wuulilnt be without Tanlac la tha house It la Just grand." Tauluc la for salt by all good druggist n Over 3 million bottles Bold. Advertisement. Write for ' r i fta cidi-krii- a a li . I wt .TV-i-e- 1 a chii-ken- wIL ll Vi- d liulra-.aiv-ly- il ruder 'T, s i 111. Qdcam Guam aim in such Ramady Ov.CKv. IHs-Rc- gl kwnvin tww Biro. Ban fe. iannKK!wraiin n I a,ipu tt I kumn ro--nr Inal N'lroicvi Arrromin. tm W yv mm m h B L li c I I rifCtW riTr.2 l-- rtf fe Th TAt tJmf f He fa ( GwaniANir bwvn Awtiy frif y ft I1. wbH vm. bw mirrvrjMro: rWv jM wm. |