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Show KNEW SOURCE OF THE "lOEES" ! Seeds hOCflb ftfittlS Farris Wilcox Breaks Hla Arm. Terris Wilcox. son of Thomas Wilco. broke hii arm Sunday slternoou while playing in the barn, lie lell Ironi a beam and struck on liii ellxiw, tiacturing the armquite severely. Dr. liiaon d reused the member. He stales that the accident is not so had as could be expected Three little rules we should keep, To make life happy slid bright, Smile in the morning, smile at iiooii. Take Kucky Mountain Tea at night. L. II. Ovialt. e 15hat Grobu. ' from tin ira:ul .In ml ion seed jut rl incut ol Seeds in the State. Call lioiiie the finest and see u atMint it. It pays to plant Semis that Grow. You know they're the best seeds beeause, if you remember, you Used this Lind last year; result, a good erop ami a pocket full of Moiling dollars. We have ' rii-ei- : i j ! , Li. Truth Seeker" Wante to Know. H. OVIATT, Farmington. Editor Argus It is said on the street lh.it T. It. Chill, is the author ol that Lon Pierce Story." If this is so, the undersigned suggests that Mr. Clark shall never tiuhlish any further protests at our alleged detective flumes, tiridges roads, or dangerous TRUTH SEEKER. brace wires. Certainly nut. Ki. , M Farmington ia a delightful place to speud for the West Bountiful branch is now the uinuief ; all are welcome to share in completed as far as John Wood's corral. its pleasures. A SOCIAL PARTY. Mu. J. H. Gib-soof Lsytou give s party lo her friends Mrs. Byron Porter, ouenl J. II. Robinson's amiable daughters, now a resilient Saturday night, livery one present had of Porterville, ia in town filling out her a moat enjoyable time, doing ample jusvisit among' relutivea and tice to the delicious lunch provided by Sick headache results from a derange- conference friends in this bailiwick. She is a new the hostess. ment of the alomacb and ia cured by can now wear an Argus WILL SF.KVF AS NIGHT WATCHChamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- Subscrilier and from the old home MAN. button besides , hearing Silver Bros, of Salt Lake have lets. I'srmingtou Co-oCenterville Co op snd II. J. Sheffield, Ktysville. Young Horaliel Tanner was injured a tendered C. F. Ii. Neils of Kaysville a week ago by the discharge of a gun. He position as night watchman, pending the Oliver Wilcox of Garland was in town held the dangerous weapon in hii right entire recovery of his hand which was last week. hand, and the gun was suddenly severely injured at their shops some A linger on the lett hand time ago. Mr. I). K. Secrist of Bear River Valley disharged. was struck and badly torn. Dr. Dixon is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Wood. TIRED OP SOLDIER LIFK.-Ti- red attended, and soon bail the finger wrap- of being a soldier, Oscar Rennet, who Mr. V. J, Walker of Fielding made a ped in cotton mil muslin. returned to his home in Kuys-vill- e recently on his brother, J. T. Walker pleasant call from the Philippines, and who has daring the past week. L. II. Ovialt has a new 15 cent brand been in the I'. S. Aruiy for nearly so Mrs. and Mrs. J.O. Rice el Parker, of coffee which he Kells for 15c a lb, years, will remain home now and ply his Ida. were visitors last week at the lioim loose. trade us a carpenter. of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. St ceil. COLONY OF CONVERTS ARRIVE. A iiiignilijeiit steel engraving of Hag" Mrs. Harriet Bird, mother of Mrs. J. A party numbering eight souls accomI). Wood, is here visiting with relatives ei man Pave, the mint Inn 111 111 untain panied Elders E. H. Cottrell of Farming-to- n and friends. and Aaron Call of Buunlifil. It is pr ill Colorado, lm Imkii mue.l by the enThis Midlaud Colorado Railway. thought they will all locate in Bouutiful. Mrs.Maminie Barrus of Star Valley, ia 36 x 40 inches and suitable The party include Mr. Tucket and famslaving Mrs. of daughter Lucy A. Clark, was lo any lm framing. It will lie ily, Mr. and Mrs. Hooper and a young kere during conference week. nil receijit of 15 cent in ulauii by man by the name of Ho!nnon. II. I). Clark of Star Valley, and Chailea L. H. Hauling, SaltlzUe City. WILL MANAGE IT. K. I. Ellison of Clark of Georgetown, ,111a,, relatives of haa been as one of the Layton the Clark family in Farmington, were in "Bread," dul you nay? Oh ye! Get directoi of the Co. of town last week. Knight Sugar some for dinner at Oviatta. Canada. He assumes the posiAlberta, Mr. Madge Christeuseu of Garden tion filled by Manager J. William Knight Creek, Ida., lather of Joseph Anderson of FOR SALIi. At Syracuse who leaves the sugar factory to look Farmington sjieut a few days here dur- good brick houae and other buildings, in- after the Utah mining interests of ing conference, cluding 60, So. or 120 acres of land: three & Sons. flowing wells. Enquire or write W. H. Kniglit Edward Capeuer and family of River- Miller, Syracuse. J. A. ELDREDGE, PRESIDENT. side, and Mrs. Scott Turner of Garland, The directors of the Bountiful State spent a few daya during conference with FOR SALE. 30 acre of land, also 30 Ifamk met last Tuesday evening snil Mr. and Mrs Charles Turner. shares of water right lo sell with land. elected James A. E'.dredgeas President; Mrs. Mary laugh, a school teacher at Good location. Apply, J. J- - Walker, N. T. Porter, Vice President; snd Charles Saii miuim, ami Calvin Mayof Garland, Syracuse, Utah. R. Matiey as Cashier. It is not yet were conference visitors at the home of known whether the company will wait Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Mayfield. for a new building or assume temporary COUNTY NEW.! IN BRIEF. ' quarters. The majority would prefer a Mrs. W, W. Richards of Georgetown ' new building anil suitable fixture. Ids., a former resilient of Farmington, MRS. KING HOME. Mrs. Ju-epwas here during conference week shakTO HAVE A BRASS BAM). The ing hands with relatives and friends. King of Layton returned front Ogden music lovers are moving out for s reorthis week, where she has lieen under the ganization of their defunct liras bund John Karl, now ol Fielding, was in doctor's care for several weeks. and with this end in view a meeting was Farmington lor a short visit last week. had on Salunlay evening at the Central BKET SEKD ARRIVES. Tlte lint He ia still as jolly as he use'! to be, and school house, wliere an organization was of licet seed for Layton has can tell no end of funny stories si here- consignment effected with Win. Barber as President Scofield will arrived. Mr. George begin tofore. and manager: Charles A. Strecperas Sec. this week. planting and treasurer. It ia generally beleived Mr.J K. Robinson Jr, of Fielding, William that IMPROVING SLOWLY. was in town last week Harvey Day will be chosen as the visiting relatives auil friends. Mr. Robinson ia uoing Fisher of Lsytou. who lisa been confined leader and instructor. very well in Fielding and prospects urs to his lied with rheumatism, is able to A COMPROMISE. The Mutual Life sit up in bed. good for even better business this year. Insurance company have compromised LAID UP AT HIS SISTER S Mrs. the Mr. L. J. Robinson of Oakley Ida., and George H. Iayue claim on hi wifes laitnc Jones of Ccuiervillc is under fioxki policy. The amount received i O. L. Robinson his son Grin and dauglit er Alice of Parker, Ida., were in town quarantine with her brother, David Hors- said to be $8,1 10.45. H has been a bitterlast week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. ley who has contracted the small jhix. ly fought legal battle ami it ia well that H. Robinson. the company haa seen its way to a PREVAILS COUGH WHOOPING settlement. The public can seenodif- Cvntcrof of The Manning family Joseph Mr. V. O. Clark of California, brother of Ezta Clark of Farmington, ia in town ville is alllicledwith the whooping cough, fcrence lctween an authorized agent anrl Mr. Payne on a abort visit. Mr. Clark is known "! MISS GIBSON ILL. Mias May Gib- far and wide as a temperance lecturer of sou of I toil lias been confined to her lives at Syiacuse. .ay note. A CHARACTER BALL. room llic past week with a alight attack The East of Primary association recently Daniel G. miller, a bishop ol Parker, pneumonia. cre,1,tllMe character ball, at Ida., and bis two nous, Gardiner and VISITING IN HOOPER Miss Vmie j 'v.e Tery wer !wh ,0 Prticipale.1. in were Charles, Farmington during the Mason, of Salt Lake City, was in Hooper Mbel past week visiting their many relatives last week visiting her ...ter, Mrs. John ; Nncy Holbrook, Cache Rauqilun, ami and friends. 1Jolt for the best reprcsenla- Bryant Wright Charles Nielson, the euterjirising carSTORK IS VISITING. The stork 1ms 'ion of character taken. The follow-bee- n penter. has left Farmington for a new visiting in Hooper recently and ha inj characters also are worthy of special field, RichviUle, Morgan county, has left s girl at the home of John Edward j notice: The Huntress," Marllm ami captured him. He ia certainly an able and also one at Samuel Buttlvrs. George Washington." imlians, tauilmur- csrenter. and should lie able to do well ldiers. flower girls, gypnies, KXI'KCTEI) HOME Mr. and Mrs. ine Kif,. in sny field he may choose. Farmington clowns. who to went of Walter Green, Hooper, has lost a first class mechanic. Missouri las: fall to visit relatives, are exFrank Stevenson, the hustling painter pected to returu home atioiil the 151I1 ot Feast of Kisses. and paper hanger of St. Anthony, Ida., the month. in Umimiiiii'i. posse1 Halmagcn, stopped in Farmington for a few days SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKER HON- s public festival wliirli K probably while on a business trip to Salt Lake. It is a lltile ORED. North District Sunday School unique1 In tlii worhl. Frank is doing a sunshine lmaincss in of town or about l.Ln" iububiisut. and officers surprised Mrs. Lizzie EgU-r- t Idaho, and his friends here wish him even Centerville last week in honor of her on the morn Inc of ha annual fair day more. the population from nlioiit eighty vilfailhfull services in the wanl. lages come troopiuc in iu swarms. Mr. Daniel Carbine of La Grande. Ore,, RECOGNIZED. William To iliem go out all the young women, TALENT and Mias Hall of the same place, will be Centerville musician has jut married or alugle of Halmageu. each married in the Salt Lake temple on White the bearlug a siiihII flower garland and a week's contract furnisl completed Wednesday. Mr. Carbine is a former music fur tlte Hotel at Bingham vessel of wine, and all attended by Junction resident of Farmington, and nutde his their Koiluiotliers-th- ia last, precaution is taken from motives of di Terelatives and friends here s call on his Junction. TO RUN GROCERY WAGON Mr. rence for Mrs. liriindy. As the visitway to the Capital C. G. Parker, of Hooper, will run his ers approach, the young wuuieu offei Mrs. Clara Withers of Kexliurg. Ida,, tc each a taste of wine and-- - kiss. wagon through the isolated disBishop Hess and daughter, Alice, were grocery tricts again, this summer, ao soon at the visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. road get in belter condition. To those Boiling Eggs Scientifically, )obu White last week. Henry L. and this will lie a great Iwnetilk in h lecture the Koal Instiof Scott Ilinman Csrdslon, Canada, also visited, un English seieiitist SUES FOR f 25,1x10. The Short Line tute in laindon, made a short visit with our genial town-nushowed n new exnrt wAy of timing the has been made a defendant on a claim of boiling or eggs. The egg was suiqiend-efor the death of Mr. Yaw of front the beam of a pair or scales Mr. James C. Brown of Byron, Wyo., $25,01x1 whose demise, it is claimed and (lipped lu n pan of boiling water. has come to Farmington to spend the Karsville, Brown brought her was due to their negligence. The suit is The snnd front an hour gins trickled Mrs. summer. Into the scale which hung from Mt0 li'td by the administrator. dtughter Lillian with her, and Mrs. L. C. end of the beam iiniil ihe other egg The wus cooked. Then the PIPE LISE COMPLETED. llrown (post mistress i, exhibits the pretty weight nf the little bsliy with great pride, declaring much needed pipe line which baa lieen sand lifted the egg out of it,,. aiIee. she is the sweatest child in the world." under construction from the Mill reek pan snd mug an elertrie boll u p. J I ail-Ire- -a TO Russell Lowell's Letter Reassured Mrs. Spofford. While .lames Kussell lswell was n'inir of ihe AiIuiiHc Monthly he fr- i. i.Tii! ly aeeepicil stories written by Mrs. Harriet Preseott Bisifforil. with slii.m he en joyed a pvrsoiial frieinl- hii. Mis. Spofford. however, feared I'n.ii lie iiiighi to- taking them beeause of his iuieresi In her ami nnf for the ii.- ci ii of her work. Siic result eil to pul ihe imiiier to a ulisr. handwriting ' ui. of Her i he most rharaetei'l--!- ,' Oi.e Vnera a her if, lo ilie end of shleli she gave a oiieer lit t In cnsil., inward the lefr. !u order lo ilisguse l - work she Pad her sister eopy one ef 'u-- r stories liefui e sending it to ihe eill'o-'- . Mr. Iziwell aceepied ii In a letter. Tlii.1 d's in which he wrote: limy not l.i yours, hut there la no mistaking Jem SALT LAKE BUYERS! - I DKSIitK to reiniiul you that we carry a lull line ot GOODS in every line, so that you do not iilmhI to buy anything in Salt Lake fit). We carry all that anyone need, rih! we can furni.-- li anything from R i taming Needle to Thrcsliing .Machine. WE Call a in I Look Over Our Nc'.' idee." fan SPRING Wondrous Power of Love. I'niliiiiliieil..''. ns Ovid nahl sues ago, laoc Is tin- - tu- - - of r Is the root miiiret- ami anxlcllcs." of jn, earthly i grcs.-'s- lsu. Ii bliss which Farmington Coml. & (manufacturing co liiinmnii.v ran know. Murrovcr, with-otfaiili love cannot endure. True u lm.- - GOODS-FIN- EI always is enthusiastic: a love It may niiisi idealize the beloved. well lx-- , and iirubahly Is. that the man r woman llius Idealized Is licit lieiier nor worse than a million ni,.irs mid no amount of loving will niiiLiliein angelic, saving In the of !oe. Mill, mercifully for eyes y. There's nothing either good or Kill, thinking makes ii so. And h-- n angels might be uncomforiahlr for ordinary men and women. (rcaturiM far list bright and uno.l Chi for human nature's daily food. cap Trlliiim. eom-panioi- "Lucky With Women. In Knmt part of Ireland it ia of the farmera to money In I In- bank In the joint names of husband and wife, m that when - one dies the survivor eau draw out ihe money wiihmil any legal f irmsill-ties- . To a funner who made umiIIcu-linfor iiuuiey deiiiialled for !ii:nsi-!- f and wifi. lit- - iiiniiager of lie bank r sked : "Why. Pnt, how can this be? !. is not uiiirli more limn a year since you came with an application on the 1I1 aih of your wife?" "Weil, your I'onor, wan the reply, 'Tin a hit lucky wbl wlmmen. n 1 ABSOLUTELY Wlien making a Cash Purchase, ask (or coupon-.- . When you get $25 in C upons, you are entitled to a Talking Xlavliin,: free of charge. Fraijk-- W. Merrill Instructor in Music. J.D. WOOD, FARMIM01 ON. PIANO AND OKC3AN 221 S.fr First North St. LAKH CITY. UTAH. Wxst Established PIANOS I F'RELfci! 1881. Salt Lake Hat Factory. d. BROADBENT 147. TO SIOOO. TERMS, 10 iA MONTH. FRKD FROM Taylor, Proprietor. Manufactures WATCHMAKER SOFT MUSIC CLAYTON iQ9.11 -- CO. Prices UTAH 150 W. Drunkenceud. A and AND STIFF HATS Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. 13 $ Hain St. SALT LAKE OITt Clocks, Watphes, Salesroom, 24 East First South St. Factory, 166 W. South Temple. Tel. 1871X. Salt Lake City, Utah. South Temple Street SALT LARK CITY positive and permanent cure Lowest. - - I TAU bountiful Lumber for Drunkenness and the Opium. There ia no publicity, no sickness. Ladies treated as privately as at their own homes. All cor- S3t 'Building Ass'ti. (Incorporated.) ! ! respondence strictly condfiential. Address, Lock Box 480, or THE KKELY INSTITUTE. 334 W. South Temple, Salt Lake City.U LVMBEP Jo V.'.VV.VALV.V.'Kf.mW.'VI The heat supply snd most complete stock of Building Sup- plies to be found iu the county. Our prices always right. 60 TEARS' EXPERIENCE 'Vkone ! 12m4 Bountiful . Vtah. 444 4 4.A , I mmmrn Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone stinting a iketch snd dnrrlnllnn nay mr Quickly Mccrlslit i.pUiloa free Cwhether an lUTwrtion is ymhslily nmniunlcs. iimmhl. HANDBOOK leil'alem tlmwsinrtlynmSileniritl. mu two. Ulrtcst usury fur svrunnz twimis. Ialnns Inkcn ttinsaih Munii A Co. metre ipttM snflrr. Wlthnalctisrse, In the Ao Occasion Scientific Jlmcrican. to Visit the hsmtsmnrly llhnrtrsint weekly, t snrest nf any ninillSc Jonnisl. 'I'rrms, IS a by all uewiitMlen. SfUNNCo.'"-"NewY- ort Bnuwli vnky, A R. Wssblueiun. IA U PAWN SHOP A f gacaMtswstafaMBawaMiwiiiwtFi I Get ! in If you Buy the Swim AT THB cowyrioht SANITARIUM. Clothes at the BOVJVTIFXL COOT TWO Immense Swimming Fools BATHS and PRIVATE PLUNGES. Natural list Sulphnr Water. TUB BEST BARCAINS CLOTHING TSrOUND THE COUNTY! TURKISH BATHS OUR SPE- n. CIALTY. yarl Tarkiah Bath for Lsdlta ; eod Rulywrlag rlara. Rali-dree- IM s 8 52-5- 4 W. 3RD SO. ST. Salt Lake City, Utah jtXagfrShfiVhh&ttMlM'ITfHMRI IN h |