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Show THE itblisiifd : kry ti f;sday FELT, EDITOR. FELT ERNON Manager D. P. 'In Advance.) l ne Year - -- f-- Si Mmitlis -Tinue Mmitlii spring iii. Tin liulii'tiial 75 imilding of aiiollu-- Iily mi iln- east of I'.i initifiil ; it means tin llllMlt Of holm u.l.-ir.- l lu.illwr N iiilsi I Inn .ml Mil liT tin l uttli II IliH In . I lie A t It. h.-- a, imul ill their nature. l:ir leueliiug i M.li. uti: that ha bought ll i tin old - - Aiiiii. in, oyob. AKMINtVi'ON, r farm l,a ujready begun an ' era ni iuiii'iii-uirii- i wbiili is iiinkiug FIX UP THE WINEGAR ROAD. old t i iiiitk rub tlirir ell in amaze- . The broad field are taking t thrift that is aliiumt mi an air old broken tenets are phenomenal with new, f lie old honi"" rejdueed a request lo repair and plan- - in good wllivi.IW, wiUl ti(lv (.urtai,Ul .on.lition the road leading east from (.t,M M11 tlie oHtaidc with their pii.po.ed plant, near the If. G.!)lolJrilIu Kalorot TMl " track. I hi piece of mad i minpany intends to exploit for water, never in cry good condition, and, B11(j but what they t1in, jH 0 in the wet season, it is almost lin- - xv;n to redeem the whole enough paalde. It is said, within the tract, and make it blusaom as a past mouth, that at one time work rose.'' at the site was temporarily stalled We hope tl.c Bountiful Commerbecause the team, loaded with cement cial club will grasp the opportunities could not reach the worka, owing ami make the moat of presented, lo the bail condition of this piece of heads their way. that everything road. Co. Help the Packing get the roads The Utah Packing Co. is an in- in good shape to operate their vast stitution that has a high standing in enterprise. If the commissioners the liuaiicial world. They will cannot see their way clear to giaut more much than the mere be expend improvement asked, help it out .011,1100 in the const ruction of their yourselves iu some way. i'lir-kplant -- homes, faetories, and all the If there is a chance to get elements of a suburban city will pnl.lishud from Itountilid, by all utteml the completion and successful means work for it. The mails operation of their gigantic enterprise, Ibmiigh Bountiful iwilh those in and every legitimate encouragement Farmington) am the worst in the that is possible should he given them. whole county. Uet your -- upervisur This is iiudeuialdy so in regard to to observe tliis condition, and urge the maiiiteiiaiice of good euiiiitv him to it improve mads from their plant iu every direcThere are thousands ut lilllc tilings tion. We hope to see the county that commercial bodies can lake open up a road from the new plant cogui.ance of, and accomplish vast along the H. ti. V. track to a point good to their locality. What is ucurthc Hot Springs lake. It would said to Bountiful applies to our make an ideal lower roud from Salt new and Farmington kayaville clubs Lake through beautiful Woods as well ; and u e look fur greut things Cross a drive that all sight seers from all. to take, Beside would delight the visit to the m-packing plant, "Once I was young, but now I am they could see the prettiest part of old, and I have never seen a girl that south Davis couufy. wa unfaithful to her mother that By all means let iih have good ever became to tie worth a roads iu all parts of the county! It is the law her husband. Especially, help out an enterprise of God ; it isn't exactly written in of (he maguitude of (ho Utah Packis the Bible, hut it written large and ing Co. Hive them whatever they awful in the many miserable lives of ak in reason, for they will have many misfit home. much to pay out 110(016 they can I'm speaking for the laiya now. If hegiu to draw dividends. At leal, one of ton chaps come ncross a we should pul the roads iu guuil (hat. with a face full of rocs, condition ; and the Argus hope the gill says to you as she i onic to the door : H coiiiuiissioueri will see that I can't go for thirty minutes yet of the Utah Parking Co. fur Hie dishes are not washed, you ure given assurance of genuine symwait for that girl. You sit right pathy with the gigantic enterprise, down ami stick to tier like a bur to and that immediate steps may he a wooly dog" Kansas Giiy Journal. t.keu to make a good mail 011 highway No. 3i Wincgar mail troui Mr. Y. C. Jenkins, staff editor of the new site to the mailt county The National .Magazine of Boston, mail. has been detailed to furnish an No doubt our standing with the story from Ctali; and he procommissioners is somewhat below poses to take his industrial data from par, and a mpiest from us to favor- Davis county. He asks no remunerably consider their petition will lie ation for tiie honor shown 11s, but tabled; yet, it would seem, the re- does not refuse patronuge for Hie quest of tlie company reasonable, Shall Davis magazine. eounty, from any point of view presented. through her business men and comTHE BOUNTIFUL COMMERCIAL mercial I'luhs, do something in the way of ordeiiug The National MagaCLUB. zine? - - G'RAAsi&ja,. LICENSED SEED DEPARTMENT 3rd South Street. both l'hone E. jl Bmlon Coal & Lumber Co. CEMENT. 606 1 2 S.. SALT LAKE. OSCAR C. DIXON, SAY! AMD OPTICIAN. : ; a t Why Not Make Additional 2 per cent? : 6 Per cen'Pr id on SavirsKs Deposits : T A . Get Your LOANS From Us. Wo Grunt the Loimest Tima oud Reciinro Sniiiiicht Pay- ments Jt ReasonaOio Intoiast. Unitor the Supervision of tho St.itc Bank Esiiminer. J SLKGKON . PHYSICIAN, OUST KTRICIAN. w t WESTERN LOAf & SAVING8 OS. 000 M. D. X I 40 CAPITAL PAID IN JANUNRY East First South Street IHI. 190b, S480, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH i J X 4 at James' residence, one block north of the pout office. Office - FARMINGTON T UTAH. R. L. POI.K, TheLagoon R Salt Ijike & Ogden Rai'.wav W. 1KKSI DRNT E. li. POLtK iad o V II H & Sxctv. KR, Ik Men. ! 0. -- DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS. . Time Table iu Effect Nov. 26, ... CITY AND COUNTY DiREuTORIESi. STATE BiUE BOOKS, NATIONAL GAZETTEERS, TRADE DIRECTORIES. 191.5. 617-62- 0 SU.r LAKE CITY. IKXJLV BUILDING Long Distance Bell Teiephone 39 LEAVE SALT LAKE. 6, K:3u, 11 a. in. ; 2. 4:30, 6 30 p. : Cv- -. r X ' ESTABLISHED Commercial Utah O. D. BANKS & Co. Wholesale Middle West. ORATORY, ELOCUTION, PHYSICAL DRAMATIC ENGLISH, ART. SHAKESPEARE, and kindred lirnnchrs. Professional and General Culture Gentleman and courses fur Children. Pupils may enroll at ANY time. GET TIIE BEST, AND SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Cl'L-Tl'R- E, THE METCALF RECITALS Dramatic and Literary. For all Ocoaslone. FEEDIHC A. METOALF.O.M., Principal of Oratory MISS BI RKELLA PIERCE, Principal of Physical Culture. The Pain MaKI'I-- ' XCTI'KRKS Ul- AINA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS TOhitaXfr Du the .amount of money you are losing by not getting interest 011 that idle money you have nt decided nliat to do with? Why not deposit it with us and take out a rertitlcatc of cent, two for 25 cents. FL Dallas, 18 FAVORITE. We make all Grades and Frees. 134-- IP Third South St. alt La(e City $ (Uhite Setting JVIachine. BALL FIVE YEARS BEARING deposit? When you want the money you can withdraw it and the interest it lias earned. GUARANTEED. LONG WEARING Investigate. 4PFR CENT SOLD ON INTEREST ON SAV INGS DEPOSITS. COMPOUNDED & Trust Go. GT. S. Frest. McCornick, J.J. Daly, V're Trei. Ilelier M. Savings l60 HAIM ST. "Dallas XQ hitaK&r 15 FIGURED? V,',WZSGSS9SS89S00 TRY. BLUE POINT PERFECTOS Have You Utah OlRVgRXK. Lists Fnrniahed. 1! - SUSTAIN HOME INDU ITS BRANCHES. The leading school of '!'r.ide '.'l'! Pr'!'- .... 7onr Per Cent Interest on Saving Deposits. Accounts Solicited Satisfactory Service Guaranteed. TEMPLETON BI.fi., SAI.T LAKE CITY, I'TAH. AT il.UU.l OO SlKIM.-- . & Savings - Oratory & Physical Culture- - C- - I.SS9. 1- - OF' I'CHI'U. m rmslruiig, president. Byron Grou. Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANKING IN ALL THE PIERPONT SCHOOL HOUR, Circulars Addressed and M.ii!el. f 100,000. CAPITAL, Win. in the OCDKN, Bank. and Relaal MILLINERY-- X fil2-i;i:l-r.- HKANCili-- n. LEAVE LAGOON. ni., 3. 5:30, 7:30 p. 7. 9:. Wells, Secy & Mgr EASY PAY- EASY RUNNING MENTS. We Invite You to Call. White Seiootng Machine Company . 29 West First South St. salt Lak City, U tah. SALT LAKK CITY Family i) e - ' HW- - j 3 . i SIMON RAMBKRGKR, Prea't & Gen'l Manager. l j GoUsa Health J Renewed Vy.rr. neciflo furCunstiimiimi. Iii'lia-iin- n. .lv in.1 Kulnev Trou hie- -, riiiiiili-a- . Kessiiei, Iniuur Bad Ureal ti. Ni.imcisli Uo,-l- . liu.ia.-- : ilmiQtaiu n'-- u ivi in' ssd Bsekache. It's Il.-'Vt form. K esnrs 11 Is.x. lleimiiiH made L; UoLi.iHTKa Uac.i CnapAw, )lu.lmn. Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Utah Moat Popular Road. Reachea all Mining Cauipa in Utah and Nevula. information write to I). P. A., Salt Lake, Utah MOORE, J.L. s ; Bsiy Htdlsln ter Bniy Feopis -- Salt bake Route i i A And its most entrancing reaorta and cities best reached by the two daily latial traina ot the The Bountiful Coiuiuercinl Clul John S. White wants tiie it iena lias u great work on its hands within to join with Die Commercial club iu a the next year. The recent enter011 Arbor dav. demonstration Shall prises that have been installed within bv all ' is more we join iu Hie procession? the one of their iiillueiu-than is generally realized. Indeed, means ! there are more "big tilings' iu the It is surprising what a big bunch south end of Davis eouiily Ilian iu of triends lam llcrvc hail lat Hiiv oilier part of the Mute, unless , and liuw cold tliey were mi we may ei-pthe new town-sitat of iiionev. Garfield iu Salt Lake county. The Thursday tiie inti Innew I'tah Parking Plant, the Pit. E. B. Clark of tin- new Com- dustrial Farm, and tin- Cooper Farm mcrcinl club: You hare a great work syndicate are all enterprises that The Aum s knows you mean much mure for the south cud , More you. w" of I avis county than is dreamed ''t" of. The members of the new Commercial club must needs keep a to Kaysville citizcus are ready weatlirr eve open for tiie vast benefits take tiie lead in a county fair if; that arc to accrue to their locality. others di not start out. It will not do for any one to think Didn't you notice that the eveut at they can rest hack on their oars and say, Oh. wc have them now, and Lmi Pierce's ltOllll occurred (?) Oil: can look for the harvest withuul April 1st? further effort Every, enterprise launched in a Spring is heir at last, and now for a host of work. community, opens up - Rocky Mountain Tea Nuyfjets California -- Wed-uesdi- 66 I i. ti.i-.- : I.i e iii Frames, Walt Vapor, Wmdoto Glass, and Furniture. HOLLISTER A ; 1 Viet ure TATLOCK p OFFICE: 'ineral Diree and ini c 11 a e d Iw'iiiier. .nA lejgVjJJSj . . BOTH TELEP60KES "k in-- ililicc, 513 Atlas Block, Salt l.akc. Member of the Bar, U. S. Supreme Court Mining, Irrigation. & Corporation I.xw MATERIAL. PORTLAND lliK e W. UTAH. Residence, Farmington. BUILDING LUMBER. iiii-nt- ropre-scutativc- - LAWYER. j ; ('minis ami keta of all kinds puauc. NOTaav - r .11 mumcter ana 'BA'RTOJi KAYSVILLE I Lms- Farmington, Utah. Salt Lake City. 1505 UTAH Represents the Best h.sjrnuce Companies of the World. lie will save you tiiuiiry. Telephone 9711. Bountiful Exchange. So. 3rd West St. 39 JOHJS NKIUl IALMKK, SEEVT the mean Farm CLNTERVILLH Garden and Field Office and Warehoueea 9-- -J HEX Dealers iin Fresh and Cured Meats, San sags of all kinds. Fresh Fish and Bread, Wholesale and Retail -d SlBSk'Rll'TlON PRICES: Co. Porter-Wafto- n alone. in aililitimi to tin1 expenditure nf .'M.i.iinii for building aiul plant, ilir territory pupln-r- d iu'lodc a val ri-l. i ut IhiiiI llial i to In- - liuilt up for for a suburban rit) , tln-i- r anil families, ruiploicc -- ides related thi. olliii iiidii-lri- e will Mirli town a of llii' lo building Farmington, I'tah Publisher J. P. FELT A SON ' R. BARBER & CO., n'i.irtiiiiilii Ini good to that lake (lie Packing I'lunl, Imaiit). oilier COUNTY ARGUS DAVIS You kimw ilieni: they are numerous, ami make their presence fell everywhere. The names of tiie family are HeadToothache. ache. l.araohc. Backache. Stomach ache. Neuralgia. etc. They arc sentinels that warn you of any derangement of your )icin. When the liraiu nerves become exhausted or irritated. Headache make inn miserable: if the stomach nerves arc weak, inresults, and you digestion double up witli pain, and if the more prominent nerves arc affected. Neuralgia simply makes life unendurable. The way lo stop pain is to soot lie and Dr. strengthen the nerves. Miles' Auti-lai- n Tills do this. I'he whole Tain family yield to their inlluenee. Harmless if taken as directed. "l Anti-l.il- n lirnl Dr. Mil. rill mi tviiii'fjy for n fTvomlnu iu;irl-u'- h. firurdlffisi mirl of nil sniij. I iwi'il thftn fnr th riit'Ilnil wlth Vrslaii " ' 'lls Mltlt. JoK MV.iuUI.1.. Pun. In-Dr. Mil' Pill arr told by yaur druggist, who will guarantee that the tint package will benefit. If it he will return your money. fail, 25 doae. 2S cent. Never sold In bulk. Anti-Pai- Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind n 44 poops ' REVERSIBLE DISC PLOWS. Otali implement ompany. Be Silt Lake Lity. Fnle Agent for T'lah :u.-.- Idaho. Prepared I. ii'il Mcht or left hand pioaiug anuiud tin-- land, orrevera-ibic- , throwing ii.irowa all ouc way. Our side nf this plow are increasing each year, ami we liavevet to hear of the Grit inn who lias ieen it ruu. condi-mi-i it or ;iv anything except tlmt it is the best; tiling Ik ever aaw in a held. 1 ravs 1111411 on upplica- (.AN It: For any ruieri-cncy- '. This is the wisest pliiu. A Life Insurance Policy will Kve your family a means of after your death, or an rt 11 Endowment Policy Will Kve the same protection in cane ofyiair death or will give you the full lenelit of your saving if vou live. UTAH Beneficial Life Insurance Go. Kmo Office, Deseret NewaiBlclg SILT LAKE CITY. UTAH. IMPLEMENT Salt Lako City, k. - -- CO. ;utah. |