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Show k4irA4 Dr.Pierces Favorite Prescription ( a powerful, Invigorating Louie, imparting Uoftlth and alreuglh iu (particular to I ho organa dUtlnclIy femlulun Thj local, womanly health U ao intimately rebind to tlio general health tbmt wlittu diaaaacs of the delicate wumaulv organa are cured the whole body gaiua in health and atrength. For weak and aicklv " women who are worn-ou- t, or debilitated, especially for women who office or achmlruom, who work in ature, ait at the typewriter or sewing machine, or bear heavy household liurdoua, and for lining mothers, I)r. 1inrce'a Favorite Prescription baa proven a g priceless benellt because of its and strength-givinpowers. Aa a maithing uud strengthening neris Favorite vine, and is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability. Irritability, nervous exhaustion, iiorvous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, apasuis, chorea, or St. Vilua'a dance, and other distn-sxi'inervous syinptouis cuiuiuonly attendant upon functional anil organ io disuasa of the womanly organs. It induces refrrsh-ini- t sloop and relieves mental anxiety and deniioiideiicy. Cures obstinate rases. Favorite Prescription" la a imsitive cure for the most and obstinate cases of fecumilirati-male weakness piiuful periods, prolapsus nr fulling of tbe pelvic sensaorgaua, weak back. Innring-dnw- n tions, chronic congestion, iuliumoiatiou and ulceration. Dr. Pierces umllcines are madu from harmless but ' efficient medical roots found growing ill our American forests. The Iudiuna knew of the uiarveluua cura tive value of some of tliuau roots and imof ths parted that knowledge to aoino amne of friendlier wliitcs, and gradually came to more tho progressive physicians test and use them, and ever since tln-ithey i have grown in favor by reason of Notre Dame de Paris The cathedral church of Notre connected Dame la almost as cloat-lwith the history of the French people aa la the Abbey of Westminster with that of the English. The gray-whit- e building with its fe-- t nearly washed by the waters of the Seine, haa seen grand pageanta and lurhl t raged lea such aa even Victor Hugo could not write. But no one who had read this author's graphic story, Notre Dame de Paris," ran ever forget the Archdeacon clinging to Its roof and at laMt falling to a terrible death on the pavement far below. It Is strange that where eo much haa been changed, thla building haa heallh-realorir.- PreM-rlulUni- " uieriur curative virtues and their salt and harmless qualities. Your druggists sell the Favouiva ami also that famous altera live, blood imrifli-- and stomach tonic, ths Writs tUouixv Mxuicai. Dihcovumt. i an to Dr. Pierce about your case. eximrienred nhysidau and will treat youi eliunn COlilldelit' and without for correspondence. Address him at ths Invalids lintel anil Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., of which liu is chiuf physiciau. r 1 Tea Only. The moat damaging testimony agalnut tea cornua tmai employed by the wholesale tea houses. Some of these are compelled to take long res: a from their vocation that they may recover from the baneful effects of the tea taken Into their systems. I.ckIIc'b Weekly. a Facade of Notre Dame. remained almost unaltered In outline and general effect The storm of shot and shell thut lias beat upon It has deal my eil only the detail, und the revolutions that have singed around It have receded leaving it like a mountain In the midst of the sea. Notre Dame cathedral Is no less written about thun others because it is less picturesque, it does nut so much excite the imagination. Thu Intricacy of Rouen, the richness of Reims, the fortruss-llkgrandeur of Ilourges, and the elegant variety of the Chartres, these are wanting. Most casuul observers know It only aa rather a squatty looking building with two unfinished towera, and It la In lta sculptures and classic architecture that Its greatest cliurm is found. The Interior Is unique because of Its double alBlcs, a feature which is not seen In English churches, even on so vaBt a scale as Ely or Canterbury. The stained glass was originally the glory of the church, and the long shafts of color that streamed in from every window must, in the early days, have been almost a marvel, if we are to believe the writers of those times. These were destroyed, not by an Infuriated mob, but by those in authority, who removed this priceless muterial and replaced It by sheets of J 00 or ornamented with the fleur e 1 ' lc-ru-n- Bod Cross Hall Hlue. Lane t ex. package tents. Tbe Uuss Company, South Bend, lad. Perfectly Formed Man. A man, to be perfectly proportioned, t pounds for Dauphin waa celebrated here, and should weigh twenty-eighof foot his every height that been have Te the Deums many have echoed through Its alalt-- s for the Everybody get ready for Spring A victories of the French armlea. Conference. once was service gnat Thanksgiving held. The King, Charles VI.. had been Sumatra Vegetables and Animals. dressed as a satyr at a palace fete. Sumatra had a greater variety of The Duke of Orleans curious as to animal and vegetable life than any his identity came near him with a other region In the world. torch, accidentally setting his clothes on fire. Four of his companions were Everybody get ready for Spring burned to death, but the King him- Conference. self was saved. Good in Lltt'e Things. One of the objects shown Is a part It la sometimes good to be content of the Crown of Thorns which was placed on the brow of the 8avior. It wf.h doing lltt.e; the great uud splenla almost white and la evidently a did occasions In which a man can long und very slender tendril of some beneht hla country are few; the humthorny hush. It is contained In a ble duties by which her benefit may glass ring whlrh has been very In- bo advanced are of dally occurrence. Sidney Smith. geniously made in such a manner that It la without scam or Joint and comIf you go to Conference be sure and pletely encloses the crown. This Is use the Salt Lake Route. an object of extreme veneration by "Silver Grays." the faithful, and was brought from Jerusalem by the Empress Helena. "Silver grays" In politics waa a Notre Dame was begun In the year term applied to the whlga of New 1161 on a site occupied by a fourth York who supported the administracentury church, and the first stone tion of President Fillmore, and reIn garded the slavery question settled by was laid by Pope Alexander III. 1185 mass was sail for tbe first time the compromise of 1850. A convenIn the high altar. The nave was not tion of the administration waa held at Syracuse Sept. 27, 1850, to secure a vindication of the President's policy, etc. The convention resulted In an smphatlc majority against the administration; whereupon the chairman, Mr. Granger, and several other administration men, left the convention; as they were elderly men, they, with their following, were Immediately dubbed silver trays. bird life haa been going on in Australia during recent years. From a number of places come reports of tho ruthless manner In which the black swans are being exterminated. They are said to be shot down In dozens who frequently leave by the birds maimed and wounded. was originally Western Australia know nas the Swan River Settlement. AH the early Issues of stamps in that colony had a graceful black wan floating In their centerpiece. y e Sand Well in Canada. A curious well In Canada produces sand. Instead of water. Thla sand comes np In a fine stream, like a fountain. The force which drives It to tbe surface from a depth of 100 feet haa not yet been discovered. TERRIBLE SCALP HUMOR. n I completed till tbe thirteenth century, the western entrance waa finished In 1223 and the towers under St. Louis. The history of Notre Dame la In a great measure the history of France. Among the sculptured figures of this cathedral la one collection unique tc this structure. It is called "The Dev- ils of Notre Dame." These weird beasts scowl from the high parapets on the people below. They are unlike the gargoyles on other buildings In thla, while they have the faces of beasts or monsters, they are positively diabolical In their expressions of ferocity and cunning. They have nothing In common with the crude figures usually seen, for they are possible creatures, you can imagine that they live and breathe. They fascinated the great etcher, Meryon, and Joseph Pennell in hla recent series of has made them of even drawings more immediate Interest. There they sit above the open air flower market that Is so charming a part of the Paris of and grin and scowl on the people below. Look for Pleasant Things. There are women, and men, too, for that matter, who are constantly on the lookout for unpleasant things and who after a while form a habit of always looking at the wrong side. Such a trait should be nipped In the bud f as soon aa It threatens to gain a headway, for It not only leads to endless unhappiness on the part of the perpetrator, but makes life miserable for those In their Immediate vidnltv. I j ! ! nation has for Notre Dame a feeling High Bought, Temperature. to-da- oxyhydrogen blowpipe. latter glvca from 3.600 to 4.600 grees; the former more than 7,000 ln-l- The de- de- gree!. a Pinch, Um ALLEN'S FOOT-EASA powder. It cures painful, smart- In ing, nervous feet and Ingrowing nalla. It's tbe greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package, Address A. S. Olmsted, Le FREE. Ro: , N. Y. When Courtesy la Snubbed. Did you ever try the experiment of being gallant In a crowd that had no time for fllppcrlea? It la well worth your while just once, as a lesson. Yon may step tilde till the crack of doom 'and a till find plenty to take advantage of your unselfishness of veneration and affection similar to that of English hearts for Westminster Abbey. The marriage of Henry, King or Navarre, with Marguerltte of Valois took place at the entrance to the cathedral, as the King was s Protestant. lAter the Catholic nobles swore at the altar to fight this same Henry to the bitter end. hut he became a Catholic In 1593 and attended masa when he took the throne as the first monarch of the Bourbon line. The marriage of Mary Stuart with the Congestion of the Kidneys Boon Cured by Doan'a Kidney Pills. and says I cant quit" you will have discovered one of the slaves of the coffee Importer. Treat such kindly, for they seem absolutely powerless to stop the gradual but sure destruction of body and health. Nature haa a way of destroying a part of the people to make room for Mer-yotbe stronger. It le the old law of the survival of the fittest" at work, and the victims are many. We repeat the assertion that coffee does harm many people, not all, but an army large enough to appal the Investigator and searrher for facts. The next prevarication of the coffee Importers and roasters Is their statement that Postum Food Coffee Is made nf roasted peas, beans or corn, and mixed with a low grade of coffee and that It contains no nourishment. We have previously offered to wager scales, dragons, aliiny coffee importers and f 100,000.00 with them that their statenumber of A There is but ono shape of evil. ments are absolutely false. human form among them, u man who roasters have Joined a movement to They have not accented our wager Pos-tutwists his fingers in his beard, and boom coffee and stop the use of and they will not. strains out over the city as thougl Food Coffee and In their newspaWe will phulie mnhn a present of longing for release from all these hoc per statements undertake to deceive f?f..niMUn to any r.msti-- or Inimtrier of rors. cnffi-who will accent There is a legend of the ruined by false assertions. Their first Is that coffee Is not harm- that wneiT. (hurehi-- in Provi nce which thp poet Mistral has told which gives a most ful. Free inspection of our factories and vivid pen picture of these strange We assert that one In every three methods la made by thousands of peomonster at the hour when the last the coffee Importsome form nf I net pi ple each month and day is dead and tho next one has not poffee users has ers themselves are cordially Invited. been horn. are absoent or chronic disease; realize for cne Roth Postum and Grape-Nut- s Then the shadows become alive, lutely pure and made exactly as stated. a menace to a moment what terrible un-these chimeras in response to tho The formula of Tostum and the anone deep peal of the hell, snuff the night nation of civilized people, when alysis made by one of the foremost air. and stride, shuffle or walk, each kind of beverage crirples the energies chemists of F.osion has been printed the people who on every package for many years and with his own peculiar gait toward tho and health of l summit of the tower. Through use It. Is absolutely accurate. the thick darkness are sounds of holNow as to the fond value of Postum. We make the assertion advisedly low laughter, of grinding claws, and and secure his It the reader contains the parts of the wheat berthat suggest clapping wtngs, mingled with the wall own proof by personal inquiry among ry which carry the elemental salts, of the wind. Then the first ray of coffee users. such as lime, Iron, potash, silica, etc., morning blazes iiihiii the honse and Ask your coffee drinking friends If etc., used by the life forces to rebuild the river, and the weird shapes rreep they keep free from any sort of aches the cellular tissue, and this Is particuback to their own places; with a and alia. You will be startled at the larly true of the phosphate of potash, , murmur of returning life the city which compercentage and will very naturally also found In Graps-Nutawnkes. and once more the cathedral seek to place the cause of disorder on bines in the human body with slim-medies. and this combination, together something aside from coffee, whether Grand old unfinished pile. No one food. Inherited tendencies or some- with water, rebuilds the worn-ou- t gray can overlook the stately grandeur of nerve centers all delicate matter in the else. the Arch of Triumph, the splendor of thing Go deener In your search for facts. over the body and throughout the the Louvre, the beauty of I At Salute If your friend admits occasional non brain and solar plexus. Chappelle, the fascination of tbe ralgla, rheumatism, heart weakness, prdtnsry coffee stimulates In an unTomb of Napoleon, hut for vital hisstomach or bowel trouble, kidney com- natural way, but with many people It toric episodes this church stands weak eyes or approaching nerv lowly and surely destroys and does alone as a symbol for the whole city plaint, om prostration Induce him or her to not rebuild this gray substance so lu all Its memorable expcrleaces. make the experiment of leaving off vitally Important to the well being of lam Angeles Times. coffee for 10 daye and using Postum every human being. These are eternal tacts, proven, well Food Coffee,' and observe the reeult Japanese Beer Bill. will etartle yon and give your friend authenticated and known to every It The Japanese drank S.800,000 gm. something to think of. Of course, If properly educated physician, chemist Ions of beer last rear. the pereos le one of tbe weak one and food expert one-thir- It haa been discovered that by the use of acetylene gas In a blowpipe much higher temperature! can be obtained than are available with the Severs BROUGHT IT ON. sea-coa- r of Substitute COLD A on Richard M. Pearce, a prominent Grand Bank ran up alongside Skip- business man of 231 So. Orange St., per Nat High of Marblehead and se- Newark, N. J., says: "Working nights cured a spare anchor, having lost during bad weather bis out in a gale. Aa usual in such brought on a heavy cases, he gave an order on the cold, aching of tbe shoresman owner and sailed away. limbi and pain in the A while after, on back and kidneys. the order, Skipper High exploded Severe congestion of with: Blast my eyes, men, but here la a the kidneys followed. devil at a fire. I didn't give him the Bealdea the terrific O., and my name'a Nat O. High!" aching there were "Don't worry about that, skipper," headaches, whirling aid Joe Vincent; and I became exceedyou can eaally make that all right. Just run down ingly weak. My docalongside and throw a hoop aboard." tor could not help me, and I turned Bolton Herald. to Doan's Kidney Pills, with tbe result that the kidney congestion disconversation. appeared and, with It, all the other 'The power to converse well Is a symptoms. What la more, the cure very great charm," says Ruskln. has lasted for eight years." You think everybody can talk! How Bold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. mistaken you are. Anybody can ex- Foater-Mllhen- i Pn.. Buffalo. N. Y. change Idle gossip. Anybody can recapitulate the troubles of the kitchen, GIVE SCHOOL CHILDREN MEALS the coat of the last new dress, and the probable doings of the neighbors. French Authorltiee Allow None But to talk wisely, Instructively, freshThom to Go Hungry. ly and delightfully Is an Immense acIn Paris the city government gives It implies exertion, every school child one full meal a complishment. observation, study of books and peo- day. This does not tend to pauperise of Impression." the children or to lessen the respon ple, the receptivity from slblllty of the Plato banished the musicians parents; for all those his feasts that the charms of conver- who can afford to pay for the meal sation might have no Interference, but are expected to do bo. On the other In our later fashlona many prefer hand, no Jealousy or contempt can be mualc rather than the gossip of the felt by the richer children for their Into starved comrades; for all are suphour which often degenerates trivialities, wearisome and common- plied with the same metal token, place. Aa a mirror reflects the face, which has to be given up in exchange o the conversation reveals the mind for the meal. The cxntlne acolalre," aa thla municipal soup kitchen Is Sea Water for Street Sprinkling. called, la not confined to Paris. In Many European cities on the the provinces, the soupe acolalre," use salt water for watering the lta equivalent, has sent up the school public thoroughfares, calling it a attendance by leaps and bounds. waste to make use of fresh water for Here, however, insread of paying for thla purpose. They are the more sat- their midday meal, all those who can isfied because certain properties of sea to possibly do so are encouraged water eliminate the necessity of fre- bring to school their handful of quent applications. On the other hand, vegetables and the like and the consalt water exerts a very destructive tributions are all put into the cominfluence on the paint and varnish of mon soup. vehicles and merchants affirm that Jefferson's Cheerful Philosophy. the salt Is found Everywhere and that Its deliquescence la attended with writes We spoke of happiness, harmful results. And again, salt Francis Wilson, In Scribner. Joy, water la destructive to the pipes and I said, "was the God of our housemetallic fittings, and the leakage of hold. No one waa permitted to hang the pipes kills vegetation in streets, crepe on the door of our feellnga." "That's the proper way," he mads parka and garden. answer. Happiness Is the religion Waste-Pape- r Profits. of our family. To begin with, wa The Salvation Army Industry in take all the comic papers. No one waste paper provides some astonish- la permitted to read aloud, and he la ing figures. Every morning horse begged not to read, even to himself, vans, men with hand trucks and men about the mangled corpse of the with bags go the round of the London father and the roasted bodies of tbe with which business premises and collect the ac- babies subjects tbe cumulation of paper and rubbish of all dally papers disgustingly teem. sorts. It Is taken to the army's setReady with Helping Hands. tlement. where the unskilled workers The aun does not always shine In ro set to sorting It The waste paper tageland. nor does it anywhere; but so collected Is sorted Into no fewer than fifty-tw- o different classes. Last the dwellers In that land are always to lend each other their umyear the army collected 7.035 tons of ready waste paper, obtaining for It a sum brellas when It rains. Mr. A. Vane Tempest. well over $50,000. e Bwrthe Alwe of Suggestion RIGHT for Missing Initial. The skipper of a Beverly vessel ns every bottle of C.VRTOtn.t, Xxxmlnn can-fulla Mil and sura remedy lor tufuta and children, aad see that it Cm For Over 30 Ynn The Kiul Yoa Usvo Seaman's PUT EASILY The Coffee Debate. s 2l OMISSION The published statements of a number of coffee Importers and roasters Indicate a "waapy feeling towards us for daring to aay that coffee la harmful to a percentage of the people. Ceremonies. 8cn?kn 8P thi'l wene A frank public discussion of the subof many mag Demons and Fiends. kHn ject la quite agreeable to us and can The one most noted through splendid was the coronutiou of N u pois n muscular demon certainly do no harm; on the contrary lld n and Joaephlne in the winter of with etching check bones, his lean chin when all the facte on both sides of any high 1804. a century and a year ago. It on his hands, he sits licking question are spread before the people resting waa on thla occasion that Napoleon his lips over the sins of Purls. look- they can thereupon decide and act Inof the ,k ,he f,r,u he hamU on westward Is a grim fiend throting hla haughtily Pope and placed a rat. the embodiment of cruelty. telligently. tling own head, a proceeding which must Give the people plain facts and they One monster grins with the very hoc have been rather startling to his Holi- ror of In a of laugh, another is a sort fill take care of themselves. ness. comic despair, and near him a beast A great service was held there In We demand facts in this coffee dishowls furiously at the city that Is IS 10 to celebrate the restoration to and propose to see that the cussion There Is a dog French soli of the remains of this beyond his reach. at the bullock's throat, a facts are brought clearly before the tearing great leader. bird. apes, elephants and people. It is natural that the whole French monstrous brutes with and Important to Mothers. SigBalBIS FA M On Work in Australia. A fearful destruction of animal and Parana la Exempt. The Internal revenue commissiona aa now er liua decided that manufactured la exempt from Internal revenue license. The highest medical and pharmir ceutlcal authoritlej in the United States have paused upon the product. It must be highly gratifying to the a and the local many friends of commercial world that the product which has carried Columbus' name Into all continents, again enjoys tho same fixed atatna aa any other recognized medicine. Columbus Dispatch. Use for Old Newspapers. Newspapers arc gixid to keep out drafts, put over the windows lushle the blinds. Sew them on the machine with a long etltch Into aquares aa large us you want to put uudn carpets and art squares. One can change them twice a year and be much more wholesome than the paper we buy. Exchange. Prize Goes to Foreigner, Prizes for tbe best patriotic songs lor the use of school children were offered In Brussels, and tbe first prize was won by a Frenchman. tSB THE History of Grand Old Cathedral in the Capital la the History of the French Nation g Badly Affected With Sores and Crusts Extended Down Behind the Ears Another Cure by Cuticura. "About ten years ago my scalp became badly affected with aoro and Itching humors, crusts, etc., and extended down behind the ears. My hair came out In places, also. I was greatly troubled; understood It was ecxe- ms. Tried various remedies so called, Saw your Ciitlruia without effect. aderth potent, and go; tho Cuticura Remcdits at once. Applied them to directions, etc , and after two weeks I think, of use, was clear us a whistle. I have to atate also that late lust fall, Cctober and November, 1904, I was suddenly afflicted with a bad eruption, painful and Itching pustules over the lower part of tbe body. I suffered two months, the dreadfully skillful treatment of my doctor, conjoined with Cuticura Soap and Cutt- cura Ointment, I found inyaclf cured. II. M. F. Weiss, llnHcmoud, Christian Co 111., Aug. 31. 1905. a d Please remember we never say ordinary coffee hurts everyone. Some people use it regularly and seem strong enough to withstand its attacks, but there Is misery and disease In store for the man or woman who persists In its use when nature protests, by heart weakness, stomach and bowel troubles, kidney disease, weak eyes or general nervous prostration. The remedy Is obvious. The drug caffeine, contained in all ordinary coffee, must be discontinued absolutely or the disease will continue In spite of any medicine and will grow worse.' It is easy to leave off the coffee by adopting Postum Food Coffee, for In it one finds a pleasing hot breakfast or dinner beverage that has the deep seal brown color, changing to a rich golden brown when good croam Is added. When boiled long enough (15 minutes) the flavor Is not that of rank Rio coffee but very like e the milder, smooth and Java, but entirely lacking the drug effect of ordinary coffee. Anyone suffering from disorders set np by coffee drinking (and there la an extensive variety) can nhsolutely depend upon some measure of relief by quitting coffee and using Postum Food high-grad- Coffee. If the disease has not become too strongly rooted, one can with good res--' son expect it to disappear entirely in a reasonable time after the active cause of the trouble is removed and the cellular tissue has time to naturally rebuild with the elements furnished by Postum and good food. It's only Just plain old common sense. Now, with the exact tacts before the reader, he or she dan deckle the wise course, looking to health and the power to do things. If you have any doubt as to the cause of any ache or all you may have, remember the telegrams of a hurt nervous system travel from heel to head, and It may be well worth your while to make the experiment of leaving off coffee entirely for ten days and using Postum In its place. You will probably gather some good Mild tacts, worth more than a gold mine, for health can make gold and sickness lose It Besides there's all the fun, for It's like a continuous Internal frolic to be perfectly well. There'g a reason for POSTUM hsia Canal Ca., LU., Xattla CraaS. |