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Show Chamberlain Music Co. JOHN M. CHAMBERLAIN. Successors to IjSOISIANA. gARY Reliable Piano s and Organs at low prices. Every customer is a Friend made by Square Dealing. Come and see as. PIANOS: I Maaoa The only place in Farm in gteg where the travelling man etopa. FARMINGTON CTARj HEVEREUX BY un ORGANS: I ROBINSON HOUSE port that he dreaded an unfavorable reply. Then, luying a hand on Grelnires shoulder, he asked, "What said he Bonaparte, when you told hlir ' that I had de;rted from Toulon? BYRON L KESLER, u- "Nothing." WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY DON C. WILSON "You have told me all I wished to PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, 8mm and I thank you, said lafltte konw, (Ctyyn&H, 003. Qr OBSTETRICIAN rjd : : 1 : 1 , gtturmf) U again holding out a hand, which Gre Office over Telephone Exchange lulro rlasped firmly. CHAPTER IX. by the enemies of Fiance, who thua Telephone Number aa. Adieu, and lion voyage." rendered me unfit for hard service oamriruL rrtkM fortune." bonne and Adieu, It wan late In a sultry, almost breese-lea- s against them, and am now Monsieur With this they parted; and Lafltte. evening In September, 1811, that Felix Greloire. attache of the einper returning directly to the wharf, orruuptihrma. ors household. As such I go upon dered the boat's crew to row him the ahip Condor." belonging to and hi asaoclaie. dropped anchor In various missions ; and my business back to the "Condor." THOMAS UD HAYCOCK the harbor of Port Royal, Martinique. here relates to the settlement of some e e e e She had but a single passenger, if matters connected with certain propconto thia Jean moment, had, up such he could be termed; for It was erty belonging to her Majesty the Jean Lalltte, returned recently from empress, who, as you know. Id a native sidered himself deeply aggrieved by nits toi-J- -J Deseret News Building a mission which will be referred to of this fair island. A line place it Is, Bonaparte s apparent neglect; and, rmeMee la 111 Stoss Ptdaral Onito standat the from the matter looking more particularly later on, and who both as to climate and people; but aval Minis 4 in hla of ardent, impulsive youth, Ua. at fun. had come from New Orleans for the Louisiana is far more to my taste." point laid hla love for the and unstinted nature, Irexof Lafltte purpose appeared to observe the meeting I.aro, whom he his feelings were not pected to find waiting at Fort Royal. relevancy of this last remark, for. young officer, Hla search proved unavailing, al- with a keen ltxik at Greloire, he said, without warrant. xJ. But. in the light of Greloire's explaWhat do you know of though he ascertained that Laro had Abstracter of Title well could man the of nation, thirty been seen In the town; and after vis- Louisiana?" see had unreasonable and how hasty end Cenveyeecer. Much seversl New Is. of of the where he that Orleans, iting places was liable to be found, Isifltte went for I was there several months. In the been the boy of fifteen; how unthinkIjlneesril Abstractor of Davie CmltJ, ing and rash; how utterly lacking In to an Inn not far from the wharves, autumn of 18i3. 1 and ordered supper. was then absent from Ixiuls-lana,- " a proper appreciation of Bonaparte's NOTARY PUBLIC . regard, md of how the manifestations Here he sat enjoying the coolness, said the young man. Mee upstairs, Farmington C. AIL lid while he sipped and smoked, when "So 1 learned, when I made Inqui- of this was subject to conditions and PARMINGTON. UTAH there came to his ears the sound of ries for you. But 1 heard something Influences beyond the latter's power a voice whose mellow resonance of you, and still more In regard to to always control. He thought of Margot, and her thrilled him strangely, sending bis that Spanish rascal who took you words returned to him when, upon I away from Toulon, not long before thoughts whirling into the past. that last evening of her life, she had The air was yet vibrating with the went there to get you myself." "What mean you by that? Lafltte said that Bon&iwrte was his good anhearty tones as the speaker came one. through the door; and a lamp hanging demanded, almost as if resenting an gel. and Ijiro his evil PRESCRIPTION Truly had her words been proven; from the celling of the balcony affront. DRUGGISTS, he for as now knew he the former flashed its rays into the face of Gre-lolrwas and mon the slowly This, ami," IOI MAIN ST. Thnt when was, slid would have been, while the distinctly uttered reply. or had either Increased, The recognition was not mutual; Gen. Bonaparte, late in October of passing years for Greloire, after a careless glance 1795, sent me to Toulon, in order to made more apparent Laru's coarseness at the younger man. crossed the bal- bring you to him at Paris, I found and cruelty. It. was only to the hoy Jean that he cony and seated himself near the rail. that you and Pierre had already gone had ever been otherwise; blit latterly Iifitte was, for the moment, unde- with Laro, bound for Ixiuisiaiia. In Hu wait scruakls for Who told you this?" inquired cided as to what to do, whether to something of a change bad taken a Hum, let ua nw ul ronsuUr toward the tha PK1. Ta this man, fi respect reveal his ldeutity, and risk hearing place ban a I laUIng A dozen people Thiel amongst csMcislly after he had refused to ae whatever conmunts Greloire might that la and urine lkn Stun, try ike make upon a name and career which them. I went first to Pere Hnot's quiesce In the adventurer's cherished already had heroine known In two house, and there ascertained that the scheme, that lie, Jean l.atitte, should WHITE BRONZE continents, or to remain silent, and good priest waa dead. I then visited take as Ills wife, I.azalie, the former's H la far mam ArtlaUc, thus forego this unlooked-fo- r oppor- Le Chien Heureux, and learned what niece. Uaauliful ud la tea n- nmaire ihau tee Best Hut the young umn hail, all through tunity for knowing something definite I hare told you. Vermont Merbte Lafilte turned again from Greloire, hla wild life, held within the Inner In regard to the man who was still It la uenl of lionummli Markers, Headatefiea, dear to him he who was now Emper- and nettled down into his chair; and most dept ha of his soul a sacred Orara Ktunea, nr Stela-aror of France. the latter saw the quick rising and shrine, kept closed and pure, where arlia fur Mrcatem. or Milan never the love for woman hail on ALMA HARDY, tered. Over Its altar, faded and in Bountiful, Utah. distinct, yet lila life, lingered the , Ills and of teaching! the remembrance of a sunny-faceblue-eye- d girl, who had promised the boy to pray that he might tie that whleh he had so woefully failed to he. or had even sought to attain. The past rolled in upon him like a smothering flood, until, in a wild tumult of despair, he left hla cabin After the Theater and after and went on deck. There he heard shopping: Malted Cocoa, one of the watch whistling to himClaret Punch, self; and presently the man broke Orap Punch, softly Into the words of the air: VsnSsnt and CkaBlcrlu'aW Mason tf Hamlin. A. B. Chane. Conover. Stroll bar. Hobart M. Cable. Cabla. ud AHTTB 51 MAIN 8TRKKT. Pn,rrutw. ' declared Greloire; yon ni eg I will answer It uisin my honor." Latin c apis-aieirresolute, as If the qiicsiion were of such grave Im- tf Haml I a. Chicago Cottage. 1 lUMMnm LAWtCRS E. ROBINSON . tote. GODBE PITTS. y0eucinoii": more? why pay Utah 234 Main Dental Lest We Forget ii 14-fllt- Co., The moat reliable dnntlats la tha oltr. Teeth extracted without pain by our an- entlflc method!. Free with work. . . . OU4 SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. Bet of Teeth (Beat Bad Rubber) ....KM 42.40 to b jjO Hold Crowna. (21-. to 14.00 Biidge Work (Beat) and wUoid Klillnim OOe to .. Other Fillings - I 1. a YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEED. Open till I p. in.. Sunday!, Examination free. 10 to 1 'Phonei, Ind. Bell. 29M; ITSI-- y. 234 MAIN ST.. A. ZIMMERMAN, Manager. H l"l"M-fr--l-"S-i- -i-l H"l- i l i 11-- i' Mnna-uw- al foster-mother- Intend to Build? t Do You tt d I A Few Hot Suggestions A STORE FRONT HOME BARN OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW CASE OR ANYTHING IN BUILDING LINE? THI Salt Lake Building & Manufactur- - ? ins Company. t Office blue-eye- Dr. West Tel. Office You will deliver him a message from me?" But all his Indecision was soon rout- fading of the young mans breast as the realization of what was rep- he folded his arms across It. resented by the face and form so Piesently Jean, without lifting hla close to him, and come to life, as it eyes, asked, in a stubborn, dogged were, from the dead. The living pres- toie, aa though expecting an answer ent seemed to animate the dead past ; hs did not wish to hear, Do you the reality of Greloire gave actual life mtan to have me understand that he lien. Bonaparte sent you to Toulon to the ideal Napoleon. "Pardon, monsieur." he said bowing aljcr me? slightly aa Greloire looked up; "hut I ('Most assuredly. He, as I have althink I had the pleaaure of meeting ready told you, sent me in the autumn oD '95. He supposed you were still monsieur many years ago. in France. Ah," said Greloire, as he turned to usder the charge of Hunt, being the speaker. May I ask when?" fi$ed for the career he our generally planned for you one that would Long ago in Languedoc, and ed by SEt SARPLU 2l IS7VL Ifoara 9 to 5. Sundays Mala St., K. af P. tlalL 10 ta It. WE MAKE TRAVEL EASY T011-len- 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 From Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo to Kansas City, St. Joe, Chicago, Galveston, El Paso and the Mining Camps of New Mexico i Arizona C. F. WARREN, 6eo. Ait., Dooley Blk., Salt Lake City i Wa Undaraall Them All. Rodger Bros. 1847 Knives and Forks t 1 1 1 i h-m- -i 1 1 1 M-- H LUMBER a I S3. 25 per set. Everything else equally aa low. JOHN DAYNES A SONS, JHWKLKKS AMD OrriCIAM Main St., Salt Lake City. ...m-h-H- -I Laths,' Shingles, Fence Poata, ftc. ! Builden Hardware, Pattons Paint, Screen Doors, Screen Window, ' Hotbed Sash, all kind of shop work done on abort notice. Price . a low a good work will allow, 1 :: L S. HEYWOOD I SONS I QMS LAYTON Mill 1 1 1 1 II Il : I M-H'- M d whom, late the previous May, he had piloted through the woods, and down the rivers, from her dead mothers home among the Choctaws. HALLIDAY DRUG C0.( The long, rough Journey had given Between Balt Lake and him rare opportunities for sounding Theaters. the depths of the childish soul so close to nature that It seemed to woe ship the mother's God through nature, and nature throngh God. He was known as Captain Jean,' a friend of her grandfather as Cap tain Jean. whom she found such a charming companion, and whom hit :: escort of white men and Indians re spected and loved. She trusted him :: fully, and their Intercourse was free from restraint. Recalling her now. while he pacec !: : the deck, with tlie troubled water ot his soul casting ashore such woefu' CAPITAL 125,000 SURPLUS wreckage for bis contemplation, the thought of her white purity, her sil ' AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS, very voice, her childish confidenes. n him Messed peace. 40,000. brought to (To lie continued.) ! i R. Baimki, President A DhOP IN VALUES. Lxwj s. Hills, ) R. W. Bakmks, Cashier Changed Condition! Affected Worth John R. Gailxy, Ase't Caxhlee. of Love Or-phe- WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL CUSSES OF DENTAL WORK FOR THIRTY DAYS. CALL. CET PRICES AND Egg Milted Milk, Egg Chocolate, Reunions, Chocolate, Perfection Coffee. Served at the new and handeeme Fountain. The song brought to mind again the girl's fare, and also that of her daughter, the little Island Rose," and Varda, 20 to 40 N. 2nd Weal St. I Lemonade, Malted Milk, Egg Cream, C'est I'sinnur. I'amour. I'amnur. Qul fait la iminitc a la rounds!" t ," replied Idiftite. fixing hla black eyea upon Grelnires face. "We met at Le Chien Heureux, In Toulon; and the last time I saw you was at the Convent of 8t. Sulplee, where you were reeoverlng from wounds In the final assault upon the city. Greloire. Moil Dieu!" exclaimed What means all .this, monsieur? Can ft be possible thnt you are Jean Lalltte Lafltte, the pi " The word was cut short by a flash from the young mans eyes as a sabe-strok-e might lop off the hand raised for a blow. The first is the name by which I was known In Toulon, and my friends still use It. The second Is a title given to me by my enemies, and which 1 do not recognize as appropriate. He spoke with stern composure, and with a dignity well becoming his tall, straight figure and refined face, while Greloire stared at him In silent astonishment. "Which of the two. monsieur, do you prefer to use?" Ifltte added, now taking a step backward, but not removing hla eyes from Greloire. To rail you Jean, as I did yean ago, Greloire exclaimed Impetuously, extending both hands, which were welcomed by the firm grip of the younger man's sinewy fingers. Bien," the latter said. "I. id It be so. And you what shall I rail you, marquis, duke, or marshal of France? Tell me of yourself, and of Napoleon." "The first will take but a short time," Greloire replied laughingly; for I am not a nobleman, nor yet an officer. Indeed I left the army six yean ago, on account of sundry attentions paid to my liody and limbs kp you close to him, and Insure your future. I.afitte had now recovered nppar-eiily- , at least from the effect wrought u(in him by Greloire's surprising BARfiES BACKING COmPANV ! Jon J Letter. Henry Clews, the hanker, was talking about a stock that had dropped In valup. It "Great was its fall," he said. was pm bet lr. It madp me think nl an incident that happened the othci day in an express uthes. "To this office a burly, kind looking young man came with a imckagc under his arm. " 'I want to express this package,' be said. The clerk, as usual, asked him: " What is the nature of the contents of the package?' 'It is,' snid the simple-mindeyouth in a sad lone, 'a bundle of let ters from a young lady. I am return ing them to her.' Their value?' said the clerk. The young man swallowed. " I don't know what their value Is now, lie said huskily, blit a week ago I thought they were worth about hall a million dollars.' " will deliver hint a message me?" With pleasure. Give him my homage for his own peatness. and for the splendor he hts brought upon France. Convey to hm all my heart's gratitude for his Midness and protection when I was s boy, and for what he would have tied to make me as a man. Tell hint list I love him, and will ever love him, and that no sacrifice he may vsh or areept will he too great for Can you B to make in his behalf. remember this?" Every word; and I will repeat it (sthfnHy . said Adieu, then, old comrade." J,sn, grasping Greloire's hand. "This gay he our last meeting, but it will get end our regard for each other. "Indeed no, nor our thoughts of ore anolher," wus thn hearty rcsimnse. grompanied by a tighter elasp of Family Aided. Ufltte'H slender fingers; and I trust Andrew Carnegie has sent a check 9 may not he the last, by many, of for 15.000 to the committee controlling oir meltings." the fund which la to be used for tha Adieu, old comrade." Robert R. support of the late This brings the "Adieu, mon ami." I'uttlson'a widow. .One final hind-clasp- , and Lafltte fund tip to $13,437. I'nttlson trned away. But, after taking a few was the only man who ever carried icps, he faced about and went hack Pennsylvania twice for the governor ti Greloire, who stood as he had leh snip. Aa he was a democrat, this bm. fact la all the more rcmarkahlc. When One thing more," said Lafltte William Slngerley waa wiped out one more question, which financially Pat t Ison, whose friend he yu may answer or not, as yon was. waa wiped out also. When he died he left his family nothing but noose." I will answer whatever question mortgages on hla home. You flam d Ex-Go- DIRECTORS John W. Gailey, William Blood Is. KAYSVILLI, H. Larkins, UTAH Through Train Service TO THE north CAST ANID SOUTH- - EAST ifijjjrn fjfiM) AND NORTH- EAST lllions have baau apent by ths Uenm of it lms, Lima la Ihi iwpniauaanot o d all bamak iBasauitjr ksa been adopt-taeri-Tli- a protect Itte pulrun aaalnei fast line mnewnrd fur ite THE UNION PACIFIC RUNS Cbree Tbronsh Iraiiie Pally to tba Kirt, Its trains arming many boon ahead of all eompetitora Pall inforaatino rhrerfnlly famUbad an application u. D. E. BURLEY O. P. T. A., O. S. L. R. R. Salt Lake City. |