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Show : Dniversitv Chronicle '. 1 1 i ivv J7"S A FACT REAL ESTATE Thai an advertisement in The bring results almost instantly. Are you looking for results? Then, be wiae ami use the mult-gettin- g medium. 4.000 people read The Argu every week. Not o bad, eh? For vale? Capitalists look for The Argu to furnish them with Iwrgaiu iu Real Estate in I)avia county. If you wih to sell a farm, advertia: in The Argus, the paper that will find you a buyer without delay. Argun volume ii. mjmkek A Journal Devoted to the CASHIER serics of local hits, introducing the A FREE FOR ALL" FIGHT. latest coon songs, dancing, qiiurtctle-- , duets and solos. A great burlesque Sheriff Ware Criee "Wolf When Layton Saloon Scene of Great Mix cake walk i. also in the program. There Was No "Wolf."-ClerUp. Sheriff Ware Rtopa the 600D JOKE Bold A "Holdup." WINS OUT AT LAS Hllilitalitluiir, LAI TON, April 9. A good story William Walker Finally Securee A la tulil nu the Farmer's In ion clerk Regular Position on the O. S. L. Railway. Friday . Tlicre was a young lady of who off the Ixigan stepped (.Vhu William F. Walker this city, a sou valley south bound train, at Layton. Not having kccii a friend for a long I. T. Walker, has liecu given a postime, aim made atraightwav fur tlm ition as agent at ixford, Idaho, on In the meantime, Sheriff the O. 8. L. railway system, lie left Hank. Ware happened to paaa the building. Sunday evening to assume the dutii-Seeing the happy uouple injuring of his new position as a full fledged amllea tqiou each other and looking station agent. That Will has finally tlicir aneeteat, he ran into the Farm-er- a hcen assigned to a regular station, Union store, saying lie thought speaks volumes for his purse veram-SjH Probate ON BANK ke After apimi. n Farmington. utaii. Tuesday. .'ll rill I -- Pi,' Ultl HI and nun. . fLai NOTICES. Consult Cuu'!!v Oink or lie rrKjXTlive! Signer lei lurlhvr iulntui.itioii. lil OTICE TO CREUITORS. 1 LAYTON. April si. A free for as jM. il Willi tiirlitr in riiiim iu a Layton all" light look pla-ut lit n hi uriuiiikt'iti, inti ib mtv, t'liili, nu or haloon Mootin' uficiiionn, between tip IK iwft. 'U MJI.l til!. 4A' t,A. oi Hilliard hells, AtJniiaifcmt r Mime telephone men. Mtivr, Hnl l lulIMjf ill 4 jmi. Ill qiifs. and gun xxctv the instrument war. knocked was One mail of NQTlqE CF ADMINISTRATORS down witli tlic butt end of a billiard SALE OF REAL ESTATE. ball- - were Axing billiard and qtie, I'M Ul, H'JKILT nil IT IXTHKl fKlitM 1 VI OK T4. III TUI, IN Al) foil through the air in great shape. The ISM IN'. lAVUvorKn. liUlUi ut AIwinM linmii, ill' assistant liar tender received a slight In it0 ftipMcr nd. th.if. in i'irmi,iiHii NiHlfS f wound in tlie mouth. The sheriff l,rl Vikuti, lb nrilrr of m'f ti mii me uIbiii u called to .it waout il Irivdli KiIr, Uhi fiillmliiK quid the row. The (bweflbtaiu of laml hi Kill CamiiiI), St.itii it? was who most did the man damage and pluck. mat 14 rliailii North i. Ini; at .i ordered by the sheriff to stop and hhi 1.4 I Inun ilii Kmith Wft cm iur f During the absence of Agent Land, hfCllMI Is Nor.U, Kaiiki I KaM. Hsilt lrliii i who went cast recently, Will had was compelled to cumc back and Uka Mi V :an, atifil t'liiiinitf i1miux KkI n.Oi) chilm! : HhAn Ki ilflHi.AA pImiiin; Uhmicw Hm1 T.tfl settle for the articles broken. elutiHA s to (to KiMtiiHA ol ii eortiiln four 4j rl charge of the key s at the station iu utrrst rollon Norsh mb! Ssmfli; Uifiipf Koutli it.W ; i'onirmntTiiNMil Ulus'll fliKiiM In'Ihh lo it with point Farmington, which he acquitted pUti'Ll n tli11 1'! l f llti.'rt Hurwy. Paints. Stunt, Varnithts. Pape, MikilW In tin mlilrh biilf fc'voy i. roiupiiil credit. This placed him iu line for Vi untlof Ka somint, Etc. Hwti'W li lli 64tifhAd or CiHiUtiiU,Tr Ifsr. regular work. He now lias arrived ut niutnt.4.SclMliii4iH)uth We are pleased to announce lb.it our Jj. AHspminir'ii-iutOtt l.M rlfijit Kai fuMii tnc Noriliwod rmtii'rof at ,lll! r,'otcl goal, after patiently elegant new toie East first South Un .(lutrior f srtlti 17, TimnJilp ImiLi UMnliu, run lMif I Kut, w,,rki,lB In way over hard mad- s- in street, is imw ojieu with a full and com- Aitirilis UkWtskiuMtb on tine susti lilt of i ciiriuln fmir hind md Rtrul rfuiiiuK Xoitn hih houlli hrnUoti, 1.4 the the lorm of iiiimcroii disappoint plete line of all tlie newest and moat cbutnn; tli4i KakI T.tu ihil: thm Nortli. 1S.JI ideas in all grades of paper, cbAlftBs l. Sotiili hiH iif Hinrtlier four nul menu. KmnI mui Wm 7.74 Picture Framing Department tiwt niuoduc Complete Mlnt of l"V ib eoniniMisBMni; rtiHln, Thu Argus force wislri's Mr Walker full lines of paints, varnishes, japalac and bidnK lU'HU. S, uxn poiiiaintiu; IU.4J Avkk, woru or Kim of Altdil iMbflfiHirvvf a thousand years of prtwperity. and other stains, enamels, etc. When in !w,MKilkjiN!ir fnrOMilit: ji 2s. of WHtcr right In tint I'o.rtln'c lie to will have yon houutiful W rrtHfJtj elMrcMi pleased loan, we IrriusiUoii rotnimuj, up. whether us a to make call, buy purhuuiiUYo; prepared Caught Cold While luntmg a Burglar. or nftr ftitnr TIhmI'T 4twill hike Mr. Win. Thus, l.auorgan, provincial or not. Come and get acquainted with ily Uw lU lay nf ArH A. 1). IJA snd nrltton fcirsIttMl by Um undSTflgiMMl, ut tbs NiIb will Is elsebefore us, and our stock purchasing 1 m c i J i , M i it- - ! F.UIT J v HI- i The making a desperate entered the building detercharge, mined i hare the honor ol cupltir- when the c i.icr Ing the hold-utold him ho had already captiiM-- the lender, p, I I lady. She iff Ware thinks there is something coming on the cashici or the manager of the Farmer's Union store. James Day asked if the cashier w is hurt; and Miss l.'liloe will take a long time to recover. Tits Gnp. Before we can sympathize with other we must have aufleied ouraelvea." No Thie Constable at Cltapleau, Ontario, says: "1 c ugnt a severe cold while hunting a burglar iu a forest swamp last fall. Hearing of Chamlierlains Cough Remedy. I tried it, and after using two mall bottles, I was completely cured.' This remedy is intended especially tor coughs nii colJs. it will loosen and relieve cjld in less time than by any m tv treatment and is a favorite wherever h. superior excellence has i become kn-..For sale by Farmington Comp, 11.; . jlietfifldj Kaysville, 1. Rowley Bountiful. The meeting tvnninatrd in a consolidation of interests, in " Id' ll Elder Geo. II. lllood tied the knot. Mr. and Mrs. Rowley will live at Kavsville. The bride has in Kays villi longer than any other person now in town, hc, with her parents, came to Kaysville in the year txvo IRtiU, when but years old. She lias lived tlicre ever since. Flans arc now completed to have another "get acquainted trip to on A 20. Manti, Thursday. April rate of $2.iiu front Salt Lake hoa been secured, and no doubt Davis county will send a good delegation. Our county will be their next inRheumatism Makes Life Miserable. vasion, and, if we want their comA happy home is the most valutble must show reciprocal pany, we spirit, as did the Kaysville Commer- possession that is in the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy iu comforts cial Club. if you are suffering from rheumatism. You throw aside business cares when Cciimo, Toitor, Salt Rhtum. Itch, Ring you eater your home and you can be Worm, Herpes, Barbtri Itch. relieved from those rlieuumtic pains also All of these diseases are attended by by Chamberlain's Fain applying intense itching, which is almost instant- Balm. One application will gixre you ly relieved by applying Chamberlain's relief, and its continued use for a abort Salve and by iti continued use a perma- time will bring about a permanent cure. nent cure may be affected. It has, in For sale by Farmington Co-oII. J. fact, cured many cases that had resisted Sheffield, Kaysville, Centerville Co-oall other treatment.. Price 25 cents per : box. For sale by Farmington H. Stranger Dies In Ogden. l Sheffield, K xyjvilie; Centerville Co-oOirresiKiinlciice. LAYTOM, April 9. Dcjuity A DUCK CLUB ORGANIZED. Sheriff Draper took, a stranger to the Ogden hospital Thursday, the Bporta of Hooper, Purchase Grou nd nmu having a bad case of pneumonia, Near Weber River. lie hail just begun wurk for Mrs. 9. A duck club E. E. Ellison when he was taken ill. yov 7U i ; i KJiO W WHAU UHAU MEAU H. J. Sheffield, Kaysville. The Kaysville Merchant 5 mimI C-I- 33-3- 5 Called Heme Unexpectedly. HOOPER. APr. 9. Miss Smith, our I'riniav teacher iu Hie district school, was unexpectedly called to her home in Ogden, Mouday, 011 sc. count of the serious condition of her brother, .who wa injured, recently by (tie explosion of a'gasoliue lamp. Miss Mary P. Patterson ha been engaged to take Miss Smith's place during Jut absence. For any disease ol the skin there is nothing lielterthan Chamberlain's salve. It relieves the itching and burning sen salion instantly and soon effects a cure-Sol- d II. J. Slu-- f by Farmington Co-ofield, Kaysville, Centerville Co-op. Have you been Iretr.iyed p. Co-op- ffix-ciii- by promisca of quacks, swallowed pills and bottled medicine without results except a damaged stomach. To those we offer Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea. j5 cents. L. H. Oviatt. Perfect A Food Skin For Dainty Ladies There are something like luuo Face Creams sold in Davis county. A LARGE NUMBER ARE WORTHLESS. A FEW DANGEROUS. SOME GOOD, SOME BETTER, AND ONLY ONE BEST THAT IS 'MOSS ROSE TOILET CREAM. IT IS Gl'ARANTEI) to suit you, OR BACK COMES YOUR MONEY. TRY TO BUY ANY OTHER ON THIS PLAN AND HEAR THE EXCUSES MADE. It will NOT make fui.1 on the face it is not gummy, nor yet watery con- tains no mineral or acid, und WILL KEF.I THE SKIN SOFT AND WHITE. It is prepared bv THE FLOWERS TOILET CO. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, A HOME PRODUCT, and sold at 25c ri FARMINGTON, fjr'i Iktjwsi.j wm. if. S'i .T'4rji2:m AImMIW 1C Ktilt4s jil Arl DaUmI IlfifajjSftttertioii .of , Incurring Indebtedness. hr Mayor um! (!lty Council of I'iiriulngtiMi , duly by itn ir(iiiMiir pwweil Ilf -- :,fil .yor ainl iSumril on ths tfttti iiiy f ilari-li- , jn,i itf.il Hfi)invHd by thi Miiyor nf stiiri t'lty ni i .i'tli ihiy Of March, ItNift, ilbl onlr H KfN4riul IIm i i to Ik Mil In Mini CUy on the S . UHm, for Cm iMiNMeof "iibmlt-pWvdi- t of Any -n hall luw mi !im( bmurli a pmiwrlj liu I .till i'ify ill Hu ye.ir limit, iIih iMwil(in of liu1 a Inmi.Ii-s- Iii.Ii'IiIiiImi'm hi the Mini llf l u 4 ,ul iMIi.ir- -. (frliMMMNJi for the pnrniH of In n islmf Uk water Riiily of naiil city, and t1i44iiiK wair iimiim wlierv nn now 1 1 Hull, of xitidl HlN'tlOfM mSirirt itiiiiiid 90 Cente and uo leriu- - mid dtivr-lioami tinder and irtirntnuit to Jin of tlu ItWVlfdsl StillUldl i liernhy ixtveii Had on Hm ' of riuli, nf inun''wish Joffi slay of AA IK, in Kuriuliikinn City, I'luh, Mill bt held for tlm a Aicc!iil Id'll pnrNMd of miMiilttlnH to i roll of mirh I1aIII1hI FlNlorn u y dutlt him paid I iintHrty t.it in Mild city In Uh iiiiioiis t: yisir luni, tli f l l n . The fnMi'l'f iiirurrinif a tnduldi,i. ms In tin aiiiu I r i iii Thoinaii'l Imllaiv, 4lO,UOu.-uuJ tin ur 1' of i4 fra)iii tlia fiifii id nd s'lly ly laying lmiviiilni( the u a at nr eyMcm to conduct 4ldiaiiri wiiil'S water from liuHriek atnl I1f trllHilarin to KnniiiiiKinn Oil1-rlKli- urt iinpiirliiM water au.l water -In Mild al.l city. i, llimugboul mhi'I wart-- r .lull a twited by FaruuiKlon t'lfv. thinl I11M11U Snil lutent-- i at a rale not to ei-I- I Bml 11 and ihi'-ar eenl i iar rent. er nH .ball bs itayaUe ul-boml annum, wlurli . eliall beernue dueaiul anniuilijr. will ijjl'lu Hi Um nr uf twenty IJOj ear fnmi tbe lali- 01 all lie ol urh demunlBatlnil or mi tim, dpiuuulii.ilun. mi a nuiiicil may liereuder ileter-yenu- e mini-- , ami tb. ih-fnan --aid water m -- liall ami -- hall lie a .Inkinii fund he l apartL fur Uu-- imyiiiMil' f will Iirnl und Intere- -t Dealing From 5 to 12 Per Cent. Eareiegs ee Deposits. .tr (Iu nut-- . hulil election nit, Hulun- - nimI I.wh luaiiuer and bNin Tli ivinrt nf la- - ACCOBDING TO TNK TIME THE MOMRY IB INVEBTED. WITH THE PEOPLES MONEY, we build homes for the people, to be paid in easy monthly installments, the name ns paying rest. The plan is Safe, Equitable, and Profitable for Investor, and Borrower. Write or call on us for further inloruiation. It will pay you to do so. eiHidiKtil aiYonlln U) llie be liwl.l In f flab, and diall nvlili- -l llwreiiy. B. II. Roberts, President; D. J. Williams, Vice Fresldestjsnd Manager; N. V. Jones, General Attorney; Joseph Nelson, Treasurer; Glenn R. Waterman, Traveling Agent aetal ciuiiiiilltee lieretofure Ity roiiuci! In examine Into 10 the waler uijily of Farm-li- e lUctiiMi of tatld liiKtun t'ttjr ami uiiio-e- d wa- - mlopteil by I lie water upily, wh Ui nu Miinl of Wh day February, 4. Ii. city 1th A mill .ippmtei! y (he Xapir of .ild clly on the Jttth .lay nf Fa In iry, A. I, laut, luuneiliately follow iil nolle ind aalil rep irt la hereby fcYiwil lu lur luun-lu- a iiiformHlloii eoiu-ern- Mild walar ani'Aiald linprm.uiiful . prupuwl 1 2AMXS1I. KOUIXSON. NKPIII I'ALHER, Urunliir nf a Hrfty 1 appointed Iqr Ui UNION SAYINGS 201-- Up-to-D- afe - t 4- y t vt-X'-tK & INVESTMENT Constitution IBulldlng COMPANY. Salt Lska City, Utah. ISKAI.J At Women9 : mii till- - lo wluuu w.i nfrrml of tli in illation of a w.ilsr ylni for tlm City or Kuriutn, J1. r,-- j orl- - a. folioa; -mat bHh-raai- l It w.i- - fniiiul iifai.l inor a,iaKnuaui nmlil I, mada by iurrliau imlrliiht lla ibni'ily.-- If lli I'ilf nnil.l walr uiily anil t ' llil- - cud uadi, and II wipi ftiSitrt dial-- by oldalnliiH lb control nf Kudd Crnrk. au.l prime. thnmnti nf tb and hy ntakliW S mii r wal.r -- u.ily roiil.l be bad uuio.llial mi d'-- ii' viiluauln a- - theyMr- whi...i mmld bneonif advaim-- . Hurlia wtraHni wmi .1 tflv, approi-- . a jrr day, wllli lb mitiiik nf ar In lli pnrrba nf uth--r and --Ii- fur rawnmira. It wnrald onatappmsl-- I yfiu till will iilr walar main faralali water fur thsreal a nominal coat. ai laad two main tnr Um Imbar nf lateral In igw IKS Tli ndrlMlHUty sriiilrln( rlifht fmni tb NVulll Cirttuiiwnnd mention UumfNUiy wm In. hvriHis (MllKalMl. tUKUthwr till tli. fra-llmhl Crnuk iroj --ill Ion. icforrml In I w Momme'id ti t tb b prupHUnn crridcl. Ilia iurclii irli not tu l Ui, iiiu b tekn tnmeura o' flliMH. uu,,,! ihat NM-n-m tb i land and water to rUlbt-- Ui Clly'a elulUM Ute In. -iilunittKd lh and hasn't them send to us Ir REPORT lOF COMMITTEE. HOOFER, Apr. The unfortunate man's name, Goods has been organized in Hooper. The is McMillan. just learned, (icorge club has purchased ground at the Tell the reason for our Holiday Later. He diwl Friday night. mouth of Weber river. The sports trade. We arc too busy to say who come down from Ogden every much iu this issue. We have the 4 Working for Ball Grounds. finest and best line of Kodaks and f of the for fall, purposs shooting in the city. Only ex- Cameras UorrePiionilpnce. ducks to see them kick will now have WOODS CROSS. Ajiril 9. Some i 7 elusive Photo supjily business in tlie City. pay for their fun. of the members ol la.t year's base BELLE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. hall team have started a subscription Salt Lake City 21 K Third So., ln the spring time you renovate your list to I luertlau the corner purchase house. Why not your body? Hollisters ball park. This is something Rocky Uountaiu Tea drives out impuri- for a ties, cleanses and enriches the blood and that Iounlifiil needs tor ''eluliratious purifies the entire system. 35c, L. H. and various other amiifciucuts. For a Big Crop OviatL New School House For Hoooer. PLANT Local Minstrels to Play. HOOlLR, Apr. 9. Hooper is to tSimchil Correhpoiuii'iiec. BOUNTIFUL, April lo Mrs. liaveafliic brick school house this! YOGELER'S PURITY SEEDS John Stable i directing a luinslrcl year. Work will commence m lliei' building as soon as the woalher jicr- that show appears Wcdnet-daThey me lliv Ust that niom-imii huv. . : : eveniug in the iprra house, said lo mit . Y lo the fuunient thing ever neen in v Dull 'I get your fci-- wcl mid catch :il.l T Rountiful. Site ha trained a chorii Buy a Y jwir of ruhlt.ruiid save a ducifir's j nf 40 people, aud lia arranged a ill. L. 11. iivmM, M1 4 'KX'W'W'v v Ask your Local Dealer for our GOODS and if he SALT LAKE KNITTINC WORKS. j lr EN Knit Undertuear Garments Tliercfi'Mlhirii.ml to ila Now -- liull.-- r llir prft inrry iii'mNsux (:'NN-tfull- MVP.il ITIAI'FIN ''iHiinillti". ,y May, d i id Fidiriairy A l An. I: XI -IX l..H.. ."I Ailt I. M I'III 3j and City Ouiirll tb lMb IU". Myor. fAixim 1, b.f.ir.n'C- I Uny r A Ii O"'t( city iiy C.uiih-1- ilu- - FUh J Z.XMt- - II. ItlllllMVlN i Mayi.y. i(r..r,r- I Millinery Sfprtng ALL TUB NEW and late Designs. Orders taken for making over at reasonable prices WOMENS 29 EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET T11K BIG CO-O- R - - BALT LAKE CITY. 4- WALL PAPER STORE. Chas. H Bodel, X WALL RARER, Varuluhes, lAXIhll IJ. IIOIIIXSIJV Co-o- p. A tfebo and Comphte Line of piwlal Paint, Stains Uslcumitie, Interior Decorsllutis, Mouldings Painting, Tinting, (training, d 4 3J..H EAST FIRST SOUTH ST. Phone i6s6-- y lait-a-la- rt A upw HOSIERY From 10 cents Faswiwuitix Cit'I dab, Fubruary'Jl. A. I. luos. To aiyor au.l City i'ouiu-I- I of tlia City of Kanuluift . , Stab- - f Clan UTAH. ' Have on hand the finest line of WllEKk-v- S.i Ymir l 1J. K.IK NOTHEOF SPECIAL ELECTION. UpbiIuoh-ii- Fair ANN K. BKUWN, nmol of Alsood iftrovn, fffi-tmtrii- a latUle by J. I). WOOD. Salt Lake Knitting Works H. Ktreiiwr Jr., tfnlsrvillA, lKinUifUUt4 (itiih; Titnenf ,ls: ChkH, lawful Monsy of Tnltsd ttUtMMs:i , simrr'HttJiN'r cunt nfjhs Mil pnyubls slid bslsuco upon sonfirai st UwtiniM 9Uh sUuB of s.rv ty Conn, Ihvt ottim where. Everything bright aud new. East 1st South St. S. L. C. Bodel, Iix-e- p. . INAUGURATED the first of last month, Nl), II. J. .Sheffield has introduced a cash clerks retained who will see that every 011c is TREATED RIGHT. HUY GOODS AT HOME AND SAVE MONEY mii ms e, t wbh )J p.' Davis County Will be out Time In Full Force. l s ! Ceu-tervil- le ''OBT ACQUAINTED TRIP" PLANNED, 1 uiMter-itf- 33-3- one can icalize the suffering attendant uiou an attack of the grip, unles he has had an actual experience. There i probably no dis ease that causes so much physical and mental agony, or which o successfully defies medical aid. All ilnngei from the grip may be avoided, however, by the prompt use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Among the Co-otens of thousands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reAn Interesting Marriage. ported that has resulted in pneumonia Mrs. Mary A. Lewis of Iviysxillc or that has not recovered. For sale by II. J. Sheffield, Kays-vill- was over last Friday on a:: appointFarmington Co-oCenterville Co-oment with Mr. Wm. of p, K i ; I novation that for goods plan that is permanent ; his UnV PRICE SCHEDULE will prevail; his KIU STOCK reputation maintained aud ids COURTEOUS corgis of .11 -i - I i'u-i- . 1 OBJECT that due not, lu the least detract from the HA KG A IN , s the uaahier was being held up. All the clerks armed themselves, held a hasty council of war, and proceeded slowly but carefully to the bank.- MAY COMPETITORS I e A YEAR Guardianship Fracas. I i Davis County. of Up-buildi- ng n. Paper-Hangin- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. - , 7 S 4 4 4 |