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Show CRUMBO RECOMMENDS' FAMILIES PE-RU-N- A GENERATION AGO. SHYEST PEOPLE EVER KNOWN.' A. Seemed to Think More of Real Eoaen-tial- a to Happiness. It tsnt often that a mother goes back to the threshold of her own mar-r'.'- d life for the benefit of her own WlA-rhildrvn she does she may tell them that When I married your father he made $12 a week and he did not have any neat egg In the bank. He had been taking eare of his moth-p- r and sister and the marriage of our aunt made our union possible. Wo had hardly a Flick of furniture at the start, and It almost seemed as though ou threp older children were liable II together." Ihit somehow these little families of a generation or so ago managed, for they loved each other. They worked and they d'd not have the foolish Ideas alxrnt keeping up appearance that play such an Important part and work such havoc in homes Kubus of Sumatra Nevsr Talk With a Stranger. There is a very singular race of ueople in Sumatra, the Kubus, who ire too timorous and shy to mix with the other races of the Island, and Iwcll in the recesses of the forests. They are looked on aa Inferiors by he Malays, and thought to be little better than beasts. Such is their shy-ies- s that they will never willing!) fuec a stranger. Their truile with the Malayans is consequently carried on In a strange manner. The trader announces his irrlval by healing a gong, and he then retires. The Kubus approach, put theii forest treasures on the ground, beat a gong, and retreat. The trader returns, and lays his commodities down in quantities sufficient, as he thinks, for the purchase )t the goods ou sale. Then he retires, the Kubus reappear and conaldet md If the mother Is the kind that is not the bargain. ashamed of the simplicity and per And so. after more withdrawals and haps poverty of her early beginnings as a matron, she will endeavor to im- approaches and gong beatings, the re press idi as of economy and truth upon spective, parties come to sn under her girls and also the paramount oue standing, and carry off Independently that money is not essential to happi- their bargains. The Kubus live on snakes, grubs, ness but that the love of a good man fiults and the flesh of any deer or and a quiet place called home are. pigs they can slay. They are skilful Chicago Journal. spearmen, and throw stones with mar velous accuracy. Stray Storlea. Disraeli's Picturesque Metaphor. Few men had a richer talent for Made Rope in Christs Time. vivid picturesque metaphor than Disthe name of the first rope Although raeli. Often, no doubt, It was bizarre, maker and that of the land In which seleven but it and sometimes tawdry, ho practiced his art have both been And dom descended to the cheap. lost to history, Egyptian sculpture! what could be more vivid than the prove that the art was practiced at of figure by which he pictured one 2,000 years before the time ol least the Gludatonian Ministries: The Min- Christ. isters remind me of one of these marine landscapes not very unusual on Identification of Criminals. the coast of South America. You beIn some German cities the hands of hold a range of exhausted volcanoes. criminals are photographed as well as Not a flame flickers on a single pallid their faces for the purpose of ldentl crest. But the sli nation is still dan- flcatlon. gerous. There are occasional earthquakes, and ever and anon the dark rumbling of the sea. to-da- ID. CRUM of Now lt(, Iiul., writes from 611 E. Oak street: "My endorsement of Peruna is based on its merits. If a man is sick he looks anxiously for something which will cure him, and Peruna will do the work. I know that it will cure catarrh of the head or stomach, indigestion, headache and any weary or sick feeling. " It is bound to help anyone, if nsed according to directions. 1 also know dozens of men who speak in the highest terms of Ieruns and have yet to hear of anyone being disappointed in it. Mr. Cruinbo, in a later letter, dated V govt-rumcii- i Ions. Geronlnio, tin- axed Apache wurnor has joined u wild west show for the or ihc war season, will: (he coiim-ii- I Martin Yuutholf, said lo he demented, Is being held, charged with burning his wife lo death in tln-ihome in Grand Hupids, Mich. Sixteen more hoilicn were brought the Cuuricrcs i France) mine Another Iking horse was Saturday. found, but no more living men. A punitive cxied!tU;n has started from Natal, In pursuit ol Bambaatu. the Insurgent chief, and deposed regent of the Grcytown district. The chief of police of SI. Petersburg. after various tests, is equipping with the isilice and gens d'airm-coats of mail tn he worn tinder theii uniforms. up from Gn-ytow- s Itcv. F. H. House, rector of the Ascension Episcopal church of St. Paul, committed suicide, shooling himself. is given ns the ctiuso. lie came from Hosion. Emperor William has telegraphed tn Herr Yon Kadowltz uml Count Yon Tattenhach, the German delegates tn the Moroccan conference, a cordial ;ie . knowledgmrnt of their work at Alge-ciran- The lender of the rebels, who boast-cthat he had killed t,wo Front-- officers In February of this year, wan executed at Nigeria, after a trial hy the sultan of Sokoto and a native court. Write us. PATENTS for PROFIT lM-- Booklet and fully protect un lnrmtlna. Calendar FKKR. rrfrrau-M- . High wit confidential. KuiMl.tied lMfl. k Lawraaaa. Waakiit . 9. OouimunlrutSHM II a ana. Taaviak a High Glass Druggists AND - OTHERS. The better class of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity, who devoto their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians prescriptions and scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, but always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines. They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes s all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a pharmacy and the finest and best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances. The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and thatit gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they aro selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest remedies, and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or that there is no other remedy eo pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to the excellence of Sjrrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, DUt there are individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations sometimes have the name Syrup of Figs or Fig Syrup and of some piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never have the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package. The imitations should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under the name of Syrup of Figs or Fig Syrup, which does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package, he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his establishment, whether it be lartre or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of physicians prescriptions, and should te avoided by everv one who values health and happiness. Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may lie purchased everywhere, in original packages onlv, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, DUt as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform ttie public of the facts, in order that all may deeline or return any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the fall name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the article and to demand the return of your money, and fn future go to one of the letter class of druggists who will sell you what you wish and tho best of everything in his line at reasonable prices. first-clas- ever-eatin- g, ! Rogers, who meant ly perjured himself, telling the district attorney of a plot to assassinate Itev. C. li. Park-hurs- t of New York, has been sentenced to seven years and six months In Sing Sing. The 1,000 union men who quit work on the construction of the shops ut West Allis, Win., because of un alleged attack on otic ol their number by a foreman, have returned to work. Charges made against James Yloscd, the American vice consul at Lu I'az, have been investigated by the state department and the navy department, and the result is a complete vindication of Mr. Ylosca. The supplemental treaty hoi ween the United States and Japan, which was signed at Tokfo last week, is comprised of one single article, including bribery in the list of extraditable crimes. In the life insurance rehalo cases Frederick Hockaday was placed under arrest at Boston Saturday. He Is accused of allowing rebate of rates Hooka-Ua.- v contrary tn public gave hall. James Clinch, 21 years old, said to be of a wealthy family of Portsmouth, Ya., was shot and fatally wounded at Chicago by Henry Seaman, whom Clinch and two companions, It is said, bad attempted to rob. Then French government has derided to make an invest igut ion of the meihodu followed hy the salvage engineers at Courriers with the idea ot prosecuting them under the criminal code for negligence and manslaughter. While playing on the dump at the low Angeles garbage incinerator, Jon a Cota, a boy, sl ppe 1 and lei; into the slide whirh conveys the garbage into the furnace, and was quickly carried Into the fire and burned to deni h. Premier Snrrien of France received the acceptance of the mining companies of the departments of the Kord and Pas de Calais of the government's the wage? of the projHisul to inrre-isof adjusting the miners for the purx-sstrike. General Mistchenko, after a long period of service with the army In tin far east, has defined for 8t. Petersburg. His latest service was In crush ing Hie revolution movement alor.n Hit- Trans-Siberiaeast ol railway Harbin. The monthly circulation staiemen shows that at th close of liiisines? March 31. 1901!. the total circulation of national banks was $rri4.u;t;.9l7. an increase for the year of $79,719,022. and an Increase for the month of $:t, r ; - n 903.072. POULTRY PAYS Set sstting el our prize winners and impress your stock. Black Monarcss. E k In Lsghorns, Plymouth Rocks. White Byaidottes. Rhoda or selling. Island Reds $1.50 VOCEtEB SEED CO., Sail laki City HOWARD E. BIIRTOR, ci.tf.?!" Unld. Silver. Lead. ii : lnld. IS IprrinPi Him: Zlnriir kwrTne; Copper. 01. t'jranldr Mato. (M.SUri Billing (BTOlupra Mid rail prte Hot oral ua oppile Mob. Coni rol ad Cmplro work uilclird. Load-lU- Colo. Usfonacc. CiiMlIl KaUuaal BioIl Undo Allen. Ive noticed,'' remarked Uncle There was Ajounp n nltf of Manilla 'Kept house forewent In a riffs t A confirmed women hater 'She married Mm Inter for she cooked with BardestrS, A Von fits. Al- len Sparks. that the man who in al-- v rya hunting for trouble finds it some day where he inn't looking for it." DON'T FOROKT package 11 rd CYowi Stall Hlue, only eeota. 11m Kumi Company, Bouib Head, Ina. A Urge I Prussian Savings Deposits. The deposits tn Prunnlan savings banks hive almost doubted within tbs loot ten years. Avoid Them. govi-rumc- Potatoes and Leprosy. fifteenth century, are responsible for the perpetuation of leprosy. Appalling Increrses tn the Number of Operations Performed Each Year How Women May p Years Hum Women in Our Hospitals V The German lum placed un order with tin- - Krupp Germania works for a batilci-liiof iv.oou tons. Jiritixli shipbuilders have rereiveil from Ibe Brazilian orders fur three ti ri.1 class cruisers of lli.uou Ammonia For Mosquito Bites. In hot climates, where mosquitoes abound, It Is usual to carry a tiny botAug. 25, 1INI4, says: My health is good, at present, but if tle of ammonia In the pocket, which I should have to take any more medi- la fitted with a little glass point on cine I will fall back on Peruna." the enethe stopper, and, as soon my hss worked his wicked will, the bottle Is produced and a drop of the Forty-fou- r liquid la applied to the spot. The same beneficial effect Is found from Is the time it hss taken us to establish our treating the stings of midges with amreputation as the largest Jewelers In the west monia, and It Is useful to know of a High quality and low prices have done IL harmless and effectual remedy for their aggravating attentions, which ofteg cause serious blood poisoning. It took three centuries to dissipate Ihe Impression that potatoes, which were first brought to Europe In the NEWS SVMMAKY Going through the hospitals in onr1 targe cities one is surprised to find Mich large proportion of the boils women on tiiiisc snow-whit- e uml girls, who are either awuitiug or recovering from serions operations. Why should tins he the case? Simply they have neglected themselves. Female troubles are certainly on the increase among the women of this country they creep niton them unawares, but every one of those beds liad plenty patients in the hospital feelof warning in that beuring-dowing, pain ut leftor right of the abdomen, nervous exhaustion, pain in the aniull of the buck, dizziness, flatulency, di.v alive incuts of the organs or irregnlar-tie- s. All of these symptoms are indications of an unhealthy condition of the female organs, and if not heeded the penalty bus to lie puid by a dangerous operation. When these symptoms manifest themselves, do uotdrugalong until you are obliged to go to the hospital and submit to an operation Lut rememb. r that Lydia 12. link-ham- 's Vegetable Compound hss saved thousands of women from surgical yperationa. When women are troubled with Irregular, suppressed or painful periods, weakness, displacement or ulceration feelof the organs, that bearing-dowing, inflammation, backache, bloating (or flululeney), general debility, Indigestion, end nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms asdizriness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, iiatii-iitslyin- The following letters cannot fail to bring hope to despairing women. Miss Kuby Mushrusli, of East Chicago, Jml writes: e u n Dear Mrs llnkhain: " I have been a great sufferer with Irregular period. Sint female trouble, and about three limit Imago the doctor. after uxing the y and would have on me, auid 1 luul an sts-eeto have an oimrntimi. My mother wanted n u to try Lydia E. PiiiLhani'i Vegetable Compound as a hist rmurt, ami It not only Kinil inn from an operation but made me entirely wefl." Mrs Alice Iicrryhlll, of 813 Boyce a Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.. writes t Dear Mn. I'hiUiam: Three years ago life looked dark to ms I bad ulceration and inflammation of the female organs and was In a wrioua condition. was completely broken down My and the doctor told mo that if I wus not operate! upon I wouM die within ns mouths 1 told him 1 would have no oj but would try Lydia K. 1 'ink hun i Vegetable influence me triud to lie Compound. against it but I sent for the nadirtne that soma day and began to use it faithfully. Within live days 1 felt relief but was not entirely cured until 1 uwd it for eomatima fine. I have Your madirtne is induced several frieiuleaiuf to taka it and 1 know more than a ouara who hod ore os well fimate troubles and who and strong as I am from using your Vegetable Compound." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- y pound at once removes such t roubles, ltefuse to buy any other medicine, for . yon need the liest, of Mrs. rinkhara, danghtcr-ln-laLydia E. llnkhain. Invites all sick women to write her for advice, Iler advice and " feelings they should reineinbgr ami medicine have restored thousands to health. Address, Lynr, Mass. there is one tried and true remedy, Succeeds Where Others FaC. VtetaMe E. PIbUuubs Lydia all-gon- BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Wanted to Be Sure. Scotchman who went to an English race course staked a sovereign. Tbe horse he backed proved a winner, and he went to the bookie" to rlatm his winnings. The sporting man hi grudgingly handed him five sovereigns. The Scot looked at each one verv carefully before plaring it in hla Well," said the bookie, with pocket. a snarl, are you afraid they're bad? but I Oh. no." said the Scotsman: v is Just looking to mat' sure tin; bod yin ! tIo'i! je wIstiii amour them." " New Yurt ""'h A All Things Necessary. friend of mine who ii.i very en thusiastic about things Irish, hersell being an Englishwoman, was driving on an outaide car in Dublin. She was praising everything to the carman and among the rest the famous Dulilii; stout with whtrh she had just hecnmi acquainted. "What an excellent drink it Is." she said, why, it's meat ant! drink, too." "Thrtte for ou, ma'am,' an a night'! replied the rani river, lodgin too, if you drink enough of it.' Katherine Tynan in New York Sun A Soli by all Druggist. How to Stop Gossip. There are two words, simple enough In themselves, that Introduce untold trouble into the world and are responsible for more gossip, scandal and harm than any other two words In the English language. These two little words are nothing more than They have done more They say. tn ruin reputations than any other thing. If you never quote what they say." you may be quite certain you are not a gossip. But If you find your self telling your friends at all times whst "they say, and at the same time lifting yonr eyebrows and ahaklnq your head, you may rest assured yon are saying something the world would be better for not hearing. Exchange. Jeweler Makes Sharp Bargain. Having rold for $25 to C. II. Baldwin. a Montpelier (Vt.) Jeweler, a fresh water pearl which he had found, a small boy from Waterbary thought he was in grout luck and "rich beyond the dreams of avarice." The Jewel weighs twenty-eigh- t grains. Is perfect In shape and flawless, and has an catlmu'cd value of $3,500. HALLS CANKER AID DIPHTHERIA REMEDY James A. Vail, a pioneer of Flagstaff. POM TUB MOUTH, VHNOaT, Arlz., and well known throughout the NEYER FAILS- - pon sals av all oauaaiaTS STOMACH AND IOWIKw. and oaNasAL STOsaa..nM. territory, committed aulclde hy shootNildin-Judson Salt Lake City, Utah. Drug Co., Gimrol Agents. ing himself through the head with a revolver. The cause was desisindency over a broken leg. sustained last June, which refused to heal. James B. Howard, who has been in B. C. NORRIS FLORAL CO. PLORAL DlfclQNS AND DECORATIONS CHOICB CUV PLOWBR-- t jail at Louisville, Ky.. pending the dis VMOS. saw lane oirv Hoaoav. aa.Ra.R of case Ills UnPed the position by You plant the best that 'sonsy can buy. States supreme court, has tieen taken When Answering Advertisements ; it Ii Iroo. tend lor our big to Frankfort to his term of life Mention This Paper. Kindly Imprisonment to which he was W. N. U., Salt Lake -- No. 16. IBO0. YOGELEil SEED C0.,ALTuLTAKH,o,Ty toured for the murder of William When You Plant Vogelers Seeds cati-s.us- n s-- n-I , |