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Show kel. have 0 ul out t Layton butcher' obtaining I tetter prices than can Ik bail in eastern markets. COJWJWESGIflLi CLtUB SflpELiY LiRUl4CHED SIIKH1 TKANSl l.KKHi. Mr. Wui. Muss of Woods Cross accompanied a train-bucl' sheep to Castle Koch. Wasatch couuty, last week. : d J Last Tuesday Marks an Kpudi in the of Farmington's Materia! Ad-vance- met -- I : Interests. Moving Forward. ANI !: CARE - Jtah Packing CHARLES SCYBOLOT. Prep. ! IN A Nl-.IltiMli. Mr. I.. J. Muir ot Woisla Cross lias moved from West Ifuiintilul, and joined the Mast ward. He now rents the Nephi Wood resilience. j JV.V.V.VAVWAViV.mVViSV.V.V.V.WV.V.VAV;V.r.VA Vienna Bakery Co. , PHORES Independent 15 Bed mi 19 Wants Your Chickens. EAST THIRD SOUTH STREET Will Kill Your : Hogs. Don't 1 Hither to kill and dress vuur 1 VISITING RliLATIVKS. Mr. W. S. J They will pay you more for your SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH at home. Yon can drive or. Hogs j and Aaron Muir, brothers of Uishup j J. Poultry than you can get by peddling send them down to lie dressed for the are Irom the north, visiting down Muir, (S Messed or Live Poultry. ! market. Highest Prices Paid. l.i-- t Tue.ilai , IS ul the board at 'datives in Woods Cross. April Ufd, a meet- - or any three nunilx-r' I. HHD 4. e. tuiir. BLACKSMITH SllOP.-Iai- ms iugot I he 1 if i: soeiety ft" U'pLle!!". 'Illy joint You Can Better Afford has We Buy and Sell movement was lielil in the! three Ilircitorsor liy any ten niciiiliers Arlnichlc ul Wuuds Cross i:itittibegun ill work his blacksmith new shop, just vestry ot the Meeting house. tj To let them kill your Href aad hold death, completed. 111,-I- n case ofof the Director Everything that is raisel in the which temporal y Chairman 1'.. I in cold storage for your nsc. Stuck , resignation or removal auy luru-ym- d or on the farm, all tin- way of the of Board shall Directors Coultrin I.onisa Mrs. Club, the IlOMK At'iAIN. will tie weighed up in its dressed form r'lai-- l ..fit.. eitii-iiioveiiifiit s.ir- from a ' 1(l. sausage to a line !eel, bologna ml Pure Ice Cream, Sherbets. Water VMl..1Hl.y ul Woods Cioss w ho lias been and may I taken out as required for reiiileteil the chair to l'rcsiilcnl appointment oi some member l the or veal, hog. Frozen A reIces, Puuches w intei in the California, Puddings family use. the uue pireil term. U. W. 1 aimer of the ivic society, Club, to complete rAHCY BRICKS turned home hist week. may Annan VI to eliulile the society to lv'ullv re- to in this Club under r vi.srriNi; with parhnts. Hr. j the lnllowiiiK conditions, viz: tlu name Factory anil Oliice solve itself into tin new organization. of the lileil shall with 26 Richards St. tlieij. H (.rant ul Kaysville was visiting! applicant I). I, l'elt introduced the following Secretary of this Chin, who shall hi the with his parents in Woods Cross, during sum moms j: m next meet inn .. ()11f ... .. . the Hiu-cI ' SALT resolution, which was adopted : LAKE - UTAH In tors, present such name to voted CITY, A two-thirvote tlie ol II HR IAKHNTS. "I""' moVKSTo Mr, majority Twoof the 1 Whereas, especial pur-poses for which the Civic society was ; l..m, I Briggs. wh. na Ilislumd died re..!!!.Tr Pl'hcant. organized; vu., the encouragement and I inruI,1 ,,l1" ,1!,n,c cently at If. iintitnl, has returned to x" f,0 promotion of a system of water works i !!"! i!11 ia. West Jordan wlicri her jsire meudier. ach f,,r ct'vi and electric lights for Farmington, . The annual ilm-- shall be fi.' txiyable -. seems now about to be realized, and "Whereas, There seem to be a gccii- - "' w before the hiiuuuI meeting ol the Djngrrt of u Col,I and Horn ine deiire on the part of the members of' i. ... , this society and other citizens of Parm- - . T!t,'E IX - The Hoad of Directors, snail have power to make and adopt result irom a cold than from ington to uuite in organizing an associ rules and regulations lor the caioe. This fact alone atiou having for its purposes additional and more extended plana for the pro- government of the Cluli, necessary to ieuple more careful ax there into eileci the i imposes and olnects motion of our citys welfare than those carry of Hie Club. ger whatever tram a cold incorporated in the Constitution and Akticle X. The private property properly treated in the beginning. l;or of the Civic society, and ! CO OP SECOND HAND STORE of the mcmljcrs of ,l111? S,u shall not Chamberlain's Whereas, We appreciate and most . . Cough many years , lor the the T organization welcome this increased spirit thc cordially ham'l Kiigilinaii, Mgr. l'hoiic , 7941 V.V.V.V..V iSkVaVaVsVsVsVnVV.V.VWAVAV.V.V.V.V.V., Ahtiii,k XI. This constitution may Remedy has Itccn recognized as of civic pride uud local patriotism ami iu e eifectual meiliciiie s. Male St.. Salt Iike City X desire to be of the utmost assistance in votealtered or amended by the albrmative u mat prompt and ' ol a majority of the members use for theilisease. It acts ou nature ' its tnrtber development, at ol the annual present auy meeting Therefore, Be it resolved, tlixi at Club plan, loosens the cough, relieves the or this, our tint auuual meeting, wc unani- Cilled at any special meeting regularly lungs, opens the secretions and aids for, that purpose. mously consent to suspend the rules oi iu restoring the system to a Y this society relating fo membership and On I lie adoption ol' the Mi asrsS s I'krnma CATARRH To Be Aristocratic, healthy condition. Sold by Ceulcryille constitutional amendments, and proceed Simms IW iSa X an. Nsm 'I hiust the election of nine directors Co-or l.ssss. IismW. IIWT I.lm. H. J. Sheffield at once to reconstruct or amend said Farmington Co-oIRS HsMs. Mans asm. Silt. I h,.rra. Y constitution in auy way that a majority wa cffci'tod. And in with IISshmUm. the L lime BvMsrs. rilM in the followkeeping T I'll-''- Is t the year, of those present' hen- - tonight may you should pur- - X IVsvslss. sH Chnsiis. Noble Heart the First Requisite. sr?nii. ing named gciilleiiii-ileeide. chase your High (Iraile Amcri- being i ho.-i-asS I'rlss's I'iMM sf Mm. Woa.su asil Aboiinil oi.ln I Sililrss. things a woinau IS. and Imported Ierfumes, Clark, (ieo. Y. I'ulmer. .1. M. who ninilil The report of the joint committee E. ehiii'iiiilig liiiisl iosi-f- t from Vail Dyke, who also X IIC'sras. Writs 1;. rhuf- - u true ami noblefull of love was then read ami ailoitel. after j s,','r't" J. - Robinson. carry a full line of Drugs, ! for fraaInstuss) Its If yaa aaa-at,aftsa f"i fellow her utl etc. Notions, 11. aall. 'ywi'aihy .1. CaaaaltaUaa traa. jv J. S. While. Wileo. 1'. ; which the following constitution was tin, Bl, A. J. MiiUlH, miiul. eniialile of a. w. asuaaa. and an inielligi-ii'1'. l'elt. A. Rose; Hfter which seeing matters from hhiiv lhuu one read bv ncctiou. ami. after some DyK Drujf Co. $! 230 8. Main at. tr vos aster fn minor amendment.-- , it was tinallv- ' ,,ir ,l,l,etnig utljoiirned until Tlmrs- - smuilpoint. Any woman thus endowed of Iks VNIDIUU ar VrMrfn trat mid t,griank A JICAROK Siaraaaa tunarri k omi cake Cit Utah nr an- ",ur nuI',,?l,lrf l'1;iwi1 1,hl h,,r' AHl. IMM Ivh fiiUNiftiiini. iav night at tlie Argil office. .. YiiimiIi AHR Till 1 1 111 rinaa taiKin I'SKaoM lor Wf mir wr viikI tiHMiAHiuia of ooftooia vlic womau iHnRibiliiUs auopieu WANT TO TAI.K Hi j 8lf MiW n K WANTI'OCLiUR kBft ihiluiM it. the Ha ',u ltuirmlay evening kae TiMz' V.tBMO Niktinil ArTiclh ! liaiarlrvistir j on,i for from tlwse j niHlfrgigHti (kM f Siwa-r- a bf yublltkinx aiasr valaaiarr will bob Ornatiil fKK mull wo ouro too. Tin ji urguniAitioD shall tie known as tur met as per iiiliouriiiiH'iil at Ihc aprinj! ilia ninny lit tli1 vntiu s whirli isatisiiiuiala from knwa strlaa Banaa. MiiiIhnmI. NfBiool Wook-a- . 10utlin,l4t IMMsrra aaS add the Farmington Commercial Club. iron. hiiotolurrhiiiMi a woman loved, admired anil Tn:il,iV ArtOtM OiH. eiilh-- t,f ntwrrlifio, p rnniolo Ulood. Un- WE HS'T M Itl.lSR OI K I'l'KU Argil oil n:e. ,1. II. Robim-oAkticle 2. aronnil lier. Kx nwded by rhnsinoiorol letiMkp MuiiHriri IhRordort, Airle IN ATE 1IIRKASEM rilll of and cluli this The objects mci-tiupurposes j the nils i'tiiiiiiif to order and placed change. rf, fir,, Mfiiptn. tai oil Class. First li w. ii,!s rything cvaSSeam. Msuas. Sample m.'-WrARNKK.if shall lie to seek remunerative markets e birr in rfs.inr aklll la U'arlaaaar a H R lBB UK; . h Hi. Iii.i M. m- :ri.-- t a .1. for Rojtu Commercial i,0,S IflllDfl Men. r investla sunllH-- war. Tkla la oar plaa: T for home markets, encourage the teuiioraiy lol; Monday r auU iHiiiilay. In i, m. lo Terms Reasonable ment 01 capital, the building of good andfieo V. I'almer a DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, 249 Grip Quickly Knocked Out. spervfaty. EZRA W. LAYTON. roads, the securing of improved rail- Proprietor. "l fobxi .iug permanent oilier: "Some weeks ago during the severe road transportation facilities, the liuibl- , ing and beautifying of hoines, the W(.n. !ll(.twl; j Vcsi.lont, K. II. winter weather both my wife and myself ,, esUbluhment of factories, to extend and contracted severe colds which speedily ; iec jiresideut, ti. Y. Iulmer; develop trade, mannlactures, agriculture, into the worst kind of It developed aiid horticulture, mining, irrigation ophi Ialmer; trea-nre- r. with all its miserable symptoiis. griptic other industrial pursuits; to collect and . - 1 lark. After thanking tlie savs Mr. J. S. Kgleston of Maple Lam ling disseminate Information in relation to f,,r tl,p honor conferred, j Iowh. Knees anl joints selling, muscles iutereLt- SkiHHiat1 head ami j I'reridunt Clark sore, tlie stopped up, eyes and nose run interesU the varier expressed hope to develop do with to and alternate amlall any resorces, ing, natural spells of chills and (), coiuph-tunit v of action, and to make I'lrnnngton an ideal fever. We began using Cliainlierlaius ; piu&ii ilinarlur prudent to resilience city. with Cough Remeilr. aiding tli same HI The prineijs office of (.xirP!(1 AKTICL vil!H.s 0I double dose of Chamberlain'll Stomach the Club shall he at larmington City., Hie (Joinim-n-iu- l Club ; and Liver Tablets, and by this litjeral use Davis County, Utah. ARTICLE IV. The management of 1. It. Cliaflin- - Rutler rum I ; rnam- - soon couipletly knocked out the the affair of this Club ahull lie vested . , Centerville Co-oin a Board of nine Directors, a majority ,,U cuttle Uiipiiiiudi-i- l by tlie uiiHihi'-o- f H. Sheffield. J. The a form quorum. whom shall ;(ies directors first elected shall serve as lb I. Felt Reciprocal relations follows: three until the first Wednesday Cow Wouldn't Sit On Stool. in February, 1907. three until the first established between the commercial A Mr. Taylor, who had always lived and three in 190s, February, Wednesday until the first Wednesday in February, bodies of the county: purliciilaily In B11M011. purchased a farm in the . country and went 10 live on it. He had 1909 aud until their successors are ulected the State Vkii lies. t told never milked a cow. but had Upon the adoption of this constitution, 1. W. I'almer Home building; to sit on a stool and milk into a the members of the Club sltall immepail. Directors better roads ; water system ; lights ; Up star ind to do this, but returned diately elect the Board of nine as herein provided, and thereafter, at very much excited and said hed he each annual meeting hereinafter pro- good schools all of wliieii will ftawicd If he could make the cow sit vided for, three Directors shall he elected bring new residents. on the Ktnnl while lie milked her. for the term of three years. Within I. S. Whits! election Arbor and nml each oilier every ten days after day How to Present Billious Attacks. the Directors shall meet and organize celebration-- , should Ins untile u feanumlier own by the election from their ture who is subject to billious attacks Due by properly observing them. eda Fresideut, s Vice 1residcnt, snd will notice that for a day 01 more lie lore I. 1. Seerist either from their own number or the Main street should membership of the Club s Secretary and lc attack he is not hungry at meal the pu. iu good condition at once: 110 time and feels dull alter a Treasurer, provhicci, that the same eating. A ioW the offices of Secretary mmwc Ay should he put on. but dose of Chaiulierlain's stomach and Pe?2? gravel and Treasurer. Article V. The Board of Directors' instead shale ami lime stone should liver tablets when these first symptoms of this Club shall have power to kv' hc shipped here, if n apear will ward off the attack. For j lu.sai). assessments on the members in such sale H. J. Shef- by Farmington Co-oamounts as they deem necessary for- ' A. T. Rose (Something to imluer Co-o- p. Centerville field, and the of Kaysville, objects the accomplishment men to remain in town ; build young that Club, the of provided, purposes the total amounts of such special assess- up our vacant lobs ami improve them. Seventy Years Young.'' not exceed shall ments in anw one year The expression "79 years young." The eomnuttee.were following active for each Five ($5,001 Dollars which is often quiiicil. originated In s, C. W. Ialmer, liosinn On member, unless s larger assessment is apointel : the occasion of Mrs. Julia authorized by a majority vote of tlie Ward How's Tmli bin Inlay, her members present at a meeting called daughter. Mis. Maud Howe Klliolt. for that wrote m l)r. Oliver Holme. VI. Uu the first Wcdne-slarush lent Clark wn in February iu each year, a regular! appointed Inviting him to Die birthday celehra-(inn- , held to official- saylua in her unto of iuvHaiiim, I'omuicr-fo- r the meeting oT the members sltall lieDirec-' represent 1 the purpose of electing three eial Club at the citiuns mass meet- - "My morlier ,K 1,1 young " to ton. and transarting such other husmern " wi,r loP,op- " Is lMer of , i . in c fav..r " of it "ek the las shall come before the meeting, hach It heM ; ' s a,l . Keeley Ice Cream Co. w - I 1 Z)acV County people are I - our Special Patrons. V" les s I j l- - 1 i s Iptah Packing Company Stock Yards! By-la- , ; 1 JZ4-a-- ; WETHI III j S.s-mr- p, n: - i - t - I. ! i j ! : : Weak Men Pay When Cured ar-- j j . I KtYiVILLE - . HOTEL1 T- r i iraa-kit- - UMciMi. i 1 j ; iasy'geneiil e , The Verdict of the TEOVLE decides issue. The re-thi- ng iicfl c-Vc- ry TEOVLE hci'Oc placed the VTLEFEHEJfCE stamp on the J. A of grip."-Farmingt- Co-op- p i ; Roeky fountain Bell Telephone i , . ; ( j i 1.50 a Month - Hy-law- purpose-ARTICL- E ! y 1 Will Kjeep - at any and all meetings of the nounecil that lie would huve tlie Club. Regular meetings or the nrectors various eommiltres uanied at the ' l first in on the shall be Saturday Keep the little ones healthy and happy, next meeting, to lie held Tuexl.iy. etch mouth. Special meetings of the Their leiuler, sensitive bodies require I the President, April ID, '.iiu;. lie called one Tote 1 you in Touch With ; lit-b- j jI by Directors may 1 i ' 111 Hollister's gentle, healing remedies. Mountain Tea will keet them of Woods Cross is now employed l.v the strong and well. 55c, Tea or Tab.cts.-les- ert I Live Stock Co., as clerk. f J j ISlt FORM 1ARTXliRSl 111. Peak and ' Chamberlain' t Salve. Atkinson of Voo.ls Cross have loruiml a j in Thi is intended especially fur salve the business.1 blacksmith nutnerfhip frort bites, chapped hw" . RITCKNS HOMI-:.-MrWilliam itching piles, chronic wire eyes, Iffiis ot Wools Crecs has returned huic old chronic sores and 'tcd K' from the Pacilic coast. for diseases of the skin, such as tetter, CARiliNTliK Y IR.K DOM.. Tlie salt rlieiim. ting worm, scald head, herpes, carpenter work lias lieen completed on barlx-rs- ' itch, scabies or itch and receiiia. the rustic cottage of Mr. Mar'ili.ill's of It has met with unparalolled success in1 Woisls Cross. the treatment of these disease. 45c a ' Co-oCenterville Co- SHI.LT HOMI- lil'TUHJiKS. - Ru- Ikiv. Farmington p and H. J. Sheffield, Kavsville. fus Aibims, M. F. A'Liiiis, Alex Dawson, jaiidM. M. Whitesides, who have been tec ling. a m- - . gri a I THE O10RLD- ; Kneky CODNTY NEWS IN BRIEF 1 OODLN VISITORS- .- Mr. and Mrs. R. Skeen and Mis Alice Llhson of Lav- tun, were Ogden visitors tins week. A BUSIN F.SS TRI1'. Mr 1lioto Dib ble of Lkytuu went to Ogden on business Saturday. TAKING A RHST. Bishop H. Uy-to- n oi the Farmer's Union store, Layton, is taking a rest for a few days. MRS. SILL IM IROVING. Mrs. J. A. Sill of Layton, who has been quite ill ol a;ipendicitis, is improving rapidly. A NliW CLI.RK. Miss Kae Muir i ! if 'W' eye-li-t- - you s, .a cjjj .7 ssr GET A 'BELL F |