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Show Dont Neglect Kidneys WM t, Dr. Kilmers Prescription, Overcomes Kidney Trouble Swamp-Roo- GOES It i now conceded by physicians that the kidneys should have more attention as they control the other organs to a remarkable degree and do a tremendous amount of work in removing the poisons and waste matter from the system by filtering the blood. GREAT BIG MONEY ATT PrtdvcftMg and Refilling Oil prices booming. U1L Blocks soaring. Thon-drawidividends from small Invest- of reliable oil ??t!Li,l.roUBdflocr refining eampanlca Write at once for BIB FREE BOOK OF PHOTOS AMD OIL FACTS ke oil and refinin company (novcraed of 11 conservative banker.) ownln by board 41,000 orea of valuabla oil Iraara In bank, all paid for and oertlflrd deposited law. In Oktihom and Texa., the world', by rlcheit oil n' well bow drilling. Doan write 10 Modern Oil Refinery to bo erected. Poeitlvely your fair and aquare 11; fre faklr'e oppjlrtunlty method) to buy In honeatly-manadu- d, SME ML 4 from humbuc or par aharea NOW 1 fut-.rowl- unim CS company. OkUkew City. GUa. Not There. , Purely Vegetable Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price Carters Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron In the blood, d sa moat people do. pale-face- b no more necenery thu Smallpox, tav th drat Iranian efft- Vaccinates. an ind harm! ranra.cfAJtltTpholfl a. vaccinated MOW hr IW phyaleln TOO aad you family. It it man vitel than home loaiinaca. Uk poor phjaldaa, facet, ct land for Ham af Typhoid Vaccina, peabri Typhoid?" teniae from Typhoid Carrima. radtafnanua , and daacm arm lmomtmy, nt fataaaea aamaaa a a. a aaaaaa aaaaabcruy, cm zine. RED FACES AND RED HANDS Soothed and Healed by Cuticura ple Each Free by Mail. Sam- Treatment for the face: Oil rising nnd retiring smear affected parts with Cuticura Ointment Then wash off with Cuticura Soap and hot water. For the hands : Soak them in a hot lather of Cuticura Soap. Dry, and rub In Cuticura Ointment Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura. Dept L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Unfair Question. Til never usk Jibwuy to lend me another cent I" Did lie hurt your feelings?" I should say sol I asked him to lend me a dollar until Monday and he asked me, Wlmt Monday? Laconcl. At Inst they agreed to marry And that wns the Mast thing they ever agreed on." M Medkim hr Wemeit For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has Relieved the Sufferings of Women. possible that there is a woman in this who to suffer without giving Lydia E. continues oountry Pinkhams Vegetable Compound a trial after all the evidence that is continually being published, proving beyond contradiction that this grand old medicine has relieved mere suffering among women than any other medicine in It hardly seems the world. Mrs, Kleso Cured After Seven Months Illness. Aurora, HL For seven Tong months I suffered from a female trouble, with severe pains in my back and sides until I became so weak I could hardly walk from chair to chair, and got so nervous I would jump at the slightest noise. I was entirely bottles and today I am a healthy woman able to I wish every suffering do my own housework. woman would try Lvdia E. Finkhams Vegetable Compound, and find, out for herself how good Kabl A. K1X80, 690 North Are, Aurora, HL Could Hardly Get Off Her Bed. CBTiffinnfttL Ohio. I want you to know the good Lydia E. Pink, hams Vegetable Compound has done for me. I was in such bad to try Lydia has certainly mnda me a well woman. I am able to do my house work and am so happy as I never expected to go around the way I do again, and I want others to know what Lydia & Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has done for me. Mrs. Josh Corns, 1608 Harrison Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio. to Lydia E, Pinkham MediIf you want special advice write Mass. Your letter will bo opened, cine Co. (confidential) Lynn, read sad answered by a wonur-- and held in strict confidence. Fail-moun- t, ; i t. . over night WAR BOARD CREATED ORDER OF PRESIDENT WILSON. t kid-nc- Antl-nlrcra- ft Liver Pills will set you right NEW IH EFFECT The kidneys should receive some Trading With the Alliee Enemiee or when needed. We take lew the Latter Friende to Be Under drink leu water and often eat more rich, heavy food, thereby forcing 8upervicion of Newly Crethe kidneys to do mole workthan nature ated Board. intended. Evidence of kidney trouble, such a. lame back, annoying bladder troubles, smarting or burning, brick-duBroad war powers Washington. or sediment, sallow complexion, conferred upon the president by tlie rheumatism, maybe weak or irregular trudiDg Tith tli6 enemy net ere put heart action, warn, you that your ord- require help immediately to avoid into operation under nn executive more aerioui trouble. er, issued October 14, delegating the An ideal herbal eompound that ha. had authority under the law to various govmoat remarkable succese as a kidney and ernment departments and to a newly bladder remedy ia Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Roocreated war trade board. There ia nothing else like it. It is Dr. Kilmers prescription used in private practice and it is sure to benefit yon. Get a bottle from your druggist. the However, if you wish first to test this peat preparation send ten cents to Dr. treasury department It will continue Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a to license exports and will exercise a sample bottle. When writing be sure and similar control over imports as soon mention thil paper. Adv. au- Tou are praising up this suite as extremely desirable, but I cant see How the Airmen Fight the point." The pitfalls and dangers which an "Of course not, maam. Tills Is a aviator must avoid at the front are flat." becoming more numerous every day. guns mounted mi fust Down to Fact. Do you work by systematic ar- motor curs, clinse around the country behind the lines nnd Prevent tlie enerangement? my airplanes and Zeppelins from reNom ; I work by the day." maining over our territory. Tills type of battery was responsible for the ZepFriend, Indeed. pelins brought down at Complegne in "Did you send flowers to his fuApril, 1917, aud ltevlgny, In April, neral? 1918. In fact this Invention was one No, I sent a fire extinguisher. of the immediate cuuscs of the Germans giving up their strafing" with Zeppelin. Tlie record for distunce and height lu hitting an airplane with this type of ennnon Is 15,0(10 foot In tlie uir at 9,000 yards distance across country. A very lnrge crew Is required to nmn one of these cannon. Besides the cannon 11 telephonist gets the report of the jioslrhm over which the German machine Is flying. Carroll Dana Winslow, In Scribners Maga- For Constipation Garters Little THE trade directly or indirectly ACT as the president proclaims, under thority of the trading with the enemy act, the articles to be so restricted. of . Trading or commercial dealings any nature with any enemy company or agent in thia country or abroad Is forbidden, except under license of tbe wnr trade board, which also is authorized to license enemy or ally of enemy companies doing business In the United States, excepting Insurance companies, whose supervision is entrusted to the treasury. Censorship Board. Censorship of malls, cables, radio and telegraph messages passing out of the United States is plnced In tlie hands of a censorship board consisting of representatives of the war, navy and poslofllce departments, tlie war trade board and of George Creel, chnlre mnn of the committee on public Information. To the treasury Is assigned the regulation of transactions In foreign exchange and exportation of gold or silver coin under license, and enforcement of the laws provision against transmission to the enemy of informa; lion by nny other means than regular mails. The treasury also is authorized to license Insurance or reinsurance companies of the enemy or ally of the enemy doing business with tlie United States. Regulation of tlie use of enemy-owne- d or controlled patents for the war, and of the granting or publication of patents containing Information valuable to the enemy, Is given to the federal trade commission. Foreign Language Papers. Tlie postmaster general Is entrusted with supervision over nnd licensing of foreign language newspapers. In anticipation of this authority Postmaster General Burleson lius been receiving applications for licenses nnd began Issuing them before Tuesday, October 10, the date the provision of the became effective. All such law papers, except those granted licenses, are required under penalty to file with their local postmasters before publiof nil cation thorough translations matter relating to the United States government or the government of any other nation at war. The same section of the law makes it unlawful to circulate In any manner matter made unmnlbible by tlie espionage act The presidents order defines tlie powers of the alien property custodian to act as trustee for all enemy property within the United States or to Issue licenses exempting enemy companies from ills supervision. An appointment for thia position will be made soon. . Tlie secretary of state la empowered to lloense the transportation of enemies to or from the United States through the existing passport means. The secretary of commerce will retain his present authority to review tlie decisions of customs collectors refusing clearances to vessels carrying cargoes In violation of the trading with the enemy net. Vance McCormick Chairman. The new war trade board is to consist of Vance C. McCormick, chairman, representing the secretary of state; Dr. Alonzo L. Taylor, representing the secretary efa griculture; Th minis D. Jones, representing the secret nry of commerce ; Beaver White, representing the food administrator ; Frank O. Munson, representing the shipping board, and a representative of tlie secretary of the treasury yet to be named. All but the treasury representative are now members of the exports administrative board, whose work hereafter will be done by tlie bureau of exports of the war trade board. The name of the present exports council Is changed to war trade council. This body will net in nn advisory capacity to the president and to the wnr trade board. The presidents order vests in the wnr trade board power to license Ask for Mediator. Kansas City. Fearing a strike of the 15,000 coal miners in the southwestern district, F. W. Lukens, representing tlie operators in thnt district, Sunday telegraphed Washington asking tbut a mediator be sent here. Bonds or Taxes, 8ays Clark. Failure of the Liberty St. Louis. loan will mean higher taxes, said Champ Clark, speaker of tlie house of representatives, who, accompanied by Airs. Clark passed through here Bun-la- y on his way to Fort Sill, Ukla. . i with nn enemy or ally of enemy. Only with consent of the hoard may agents of enemy companies do business in tlie United States after November 5. Enemy companies also may not cluing i the names they used nt the heglimlu of the war without siieclul license. McAdooe Duties. Secretary McAdoo is vested by the president with and is expected to turnover to the federal reserve board the executive administration of any Investigation, regulation or prohibition of any transaction In foreign exchange, export or earmarking of gold or silver coin, or bullion or currency, transfers of credit in any form (other than credits relating solely to transnctloni to be executed wholly within the United Stales) and transfers of evidences of teihieM r of the ownership of .. between the United States or the residents of any one or more foreign countries, by any person within the United States." The reservt hoard already exercises virtual control over gold and silver exports. The secretary of tlie treasurys veste uulhorlty to prevent trunsinis- slon of information to an enemy either to or from tlie United States will be exercised by tlie secret service. GEM J WILL CARE FOR OUR OWN. Government Insurance Policy for Its Soldier and 8ailora Washington. Samples of the Insurance policy which tlie government will write for Its soldiers and Bailors were made public October 14 by the wur risk Insurance bureau of the treasury department Details of the policy disclose that risks will be ' written upon tlie lives of men and women between the ages of 15 and G5 In nil branches of tlie army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, naval reserve, national naval volunteers, nurses and nny other branches of tlie United States service serving with the army nnd navy. Anii'Jtiuee-men- t was made ulso that ages higher or lower will upon request. rremliiiiis, computed on & monthly bn sis, vn ry between 83 cents per $1000 at age 15 to $3,115 per thousand at age G5. Between 31 and 31 years, the following monthly premiums will be charged per $1000 of Insurance (the limit being $10,000) : Twenty-on- e to 23, Inclusive, 05 cents; 24 to 25, 00 cents; 28 and 27, G7 cents; 28, OS cents; 29 and 30, GO cents; 31, 70 cents. During periods of total disability, tlie Insurance will lie paid, not in one lump sum, but monthly for twenty years, should the disability continue for that period. Sould death occur before twenty years, the reniulndcr of the policy will be paid ut once to tbe lienellciary. At tlie age of 25, tbe nionthy Installment fur tbe twenty-yeaperiod wuuid be $5.73 per $1000 of Insurance. Provision Is made for fumily allowances, for wounded ami cripples, for compensation In case of death or Injury without cost and fur Insurance at very small cost In cases of partial disability the amount of compensation is determined by a schedule to lie based upon the extent of tlie Impairment of earning capacity. Total disability payments are to be Increased above the figures named In the policy where the insured Imb dependencies. Where the Injury or disease is caused by the wilful misconduct of tbe man," the policy rends, compensation v ill not be paid. The policies will he issued in multiples of $500, no pulley, however, to be less than $1000. FIENDISH CRIME8 OF TURK8. Burled Alive in Trenchee With Bodietfif Murdered Mothers. New York. Burial alive of babies In trenches with the bodies of their moth era, who hail been slaughtered or ah lowed to perish from exposure, wns practiced by the Turks In their work of ext minuting the Armenians, It was declared hero by the Rev. Henry H. Riggs, missionary of the American Ixmrd of commissioners for foreign missions to Harput, Turkey, who re cently came back to this country. A trench was dng beside a camp of Armenian women, be said, nnd as they met death the survivors were furceil t drag their bodies to It and bury them. The gendarmes said they could not take care of the bnbles thnt were left behind, so many of those were hurled with their mothers, Dr. Riggs said. Children Utahns Offer Their Service!. Ten thousand farmWashington. ers, represented by the State Fnrm Bureau of Utah, telegraphed assurance of their support hi food conservation to the food administrator, through W. W. Armstrong, federal food administrator of Utnli, promised to supply beet-sugfactories to the limit of their capacity next year and assured him that through their efforts their state lias a surplus this year of 100,000 tons. 8trike Averted. A strike of railway clerks and station employees of the Northern Puciflc rallwuy, culled for Monday and which threatened to tie up tlie entire freight system of the road, wns averted Sunday, an agreement being reached. St Paul. New York City Has 626,809 Voters. New York. The citys total registration for tlie coming municipal election, ns aliown by the comiiletloii of the count establishment. Is 090,809. Ot these, 250,080 enrolled tbe first dnv ii Distemper sop CURES THE SICH And prevert others having the disease no matter how exposed. 00 reals sad SI a belllr. SO aad Silt a doaea buttles. All good druggist and turf goods house. Spohn Medical Co., Manufacturers, Geskru, THROUGH STEEL FOOT THICK Great Power of the Fifteen-Inc- Guns h PARKERS A KAiR BALSAM of niprlt. t.ilrttopreparntUia dandruff. pnuiirftto r:i IorP.MtoriBK Color tod h. i Now in Use in the European . IwntyteGnyorFauciriur. Mr, Md Bi tont Iniri j War. Wc bear inm-l- i and have road more nlsiut the power of big guns uiui havoc they create, yet very few people really understand tlie immense power behind one of these modern engines of destruction. writes a war cnrrcsMmilciit. What for instance, do you understand by the power of u gun?" driven seven miles away from the wall. 12 Indies thick and nuide of tlie luird-es- t steel : then take an automobile ami drive seven miles away from tbe wall. Arrived nt that (mint you Will find a big gun ninied nt the wall you lmve left seven miles behind nnd which you ennnot see. Go over to tlip gun and pull the lanyard. ,The steel that yon relense by pulling this Iqnyai'd travel through the air the entire distance you have come by automobile h and will go right through the steel wall. The most powerful land guns ever made are the German howitzers, or guns. Tlie most formidable steel nnd eoncrete forts are cracked open by these bilge gnus ns though Naval guns they were made of piiM-r- . ennnot be developed to the same size ss laud guns because it Is more difficult to handle one of these aboard n ship. For that reason the greatest effective range with u naval gun is from eight In ten miles. The largest naval gnn is the gun on tlie ruinous British superilrendnniiglit Queen Elimetzabeth. while llu German er howitzer, which reduced Antwerp and other fortresses believed impregnable. Is tbe most powerful bind gun. Tbe great gnus shonret the Queen Elizabeth tire project lie.. Which weigh a ton. Tbe United Stares, however, now ha pins defending the lanania canal nnd New York, which hurl through the air a tiqiss of meliil weighing almost 400 pounds more tlisin tlie British Ind.,U.S.A. COKKTIYATIOX Htnp b'tlBC piiyhUK: a Rluph) dfpU'tU1 mnt'Uj a Dicta you pivpiruyoaraelf will you permanent I), louilliblv: t) kin recipe aud fiiroBtiotaa. U. WAJLLiSU, ttCurnul, Sun YraneiMu, W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 42-1- 91. Wanted It Cut Down. Mrs. Siiekiti, a lady notorious for her saving Imbit. one morning entered tin doeioi'x nlli'-e- , leading by tin band a stout er Imilv boy nine years of age and of exceedingly ba!iliy appearance. "Well, Mrs. Slickift." said liie doe-to- r, who's my patient? I don't seem to recognize ills face. Not a village lioy. is lie? No, doctor: my nevvy from town. Not much w rong with him. I should bis say. hmghed the doctor, red cheeks. It's ill unit his nppeiile, doctor. said tbe hoy's aunt in u low tone. piin-iiin- What? exclaimed ilie doctor, stare-luat the well-feyoung patient. Surely lie doesn't need an appetizer?" "Good gracious, no. doctor i replied 1 want the Indy, in horrilW ids. you to give me something to make hi He'll eat tin out of appetite less. house afore his mouth's holiday is up If his appetite ain't rut down ! d Too Late. He was a great pedestrian, lmr ona day Ills pliysi'-a- l energy seemed to give out. Weary ami worn and sad, In was beginning to despair of finding rest ami refreshment when a small way-sid- e house came into view. Tile good Indy of the house cxcrulcd her mission to supply lier visitor eggs, toast mid tea. .Huy I open the. egg for you?' asked, smilingly. The young man nodded assent, looked well enough; nil hough the sin-1iipiienraiiees are often deceptive, and that egg would not have done credit guns. to any lieu. lie drew back his with a sigh. Occasionally you sis a woman's hut Hasn't it been h.iiled long enough, that really docs look like one. sir?' ipterieil the lady. Yes," he replied, wearily, but it 15-in- t! g was not boiled YOU BET A Long Wait Clerk But you Just bought this novel and paid for It. Customer Yes. Clerk Then why do you wish to return It? Cnsiomer I finished It while waiting for my ehnngi. Id KELFING SAVE THE WHEAT? Post Tories For mg 3 times soon enough. a day Vfcsn Your Eyes Need C&re Try Murine Eye Remedy No Summit Ooufiim H Just rTncxidi or mail. Writ fur Yn Kr BUiKISE KiE BCHEDY CO.. CHU f--nt; Al-- J t |