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Show GTREEN WIVE "DISPATCH, GREEN RIVER, UTAH 'around the mines A Thrilling War Story of the North Atlantic By RANDALL PARRISH Cefyil A. C McChrc THE CASTAWAYS ARE SIGHTED BY A SHIP, THE CHIEF, WHICH TAKES THEM ABOARD FIND CONDITIONS INDIAN HERE THEY RATHER AMAZING lynopil- - Robert Hollis, who tells the story, Is guest on Glrsrd Carrington's yacht, Esmeralda. It is supposed to be a stag party, and Hollis is surprised on discovering a woman, who evidently wishes to remain unknown aboard. Hollis, the next night, ncceedt la having an Interview with the woman. She merely tells him her is Vera. Carrington tells his guests of the coming war, and that he is engineering a copper pool. The yacht is sank in a collision and Hol-saves McCann, millionaire, and one of the party. Hollis and McCann rescue Vera and leave the ship in a small boat Merhnw to submit to the authority of Hollis, and the latter enforces i U n-fus- es CHAPTER VII Continued. However, our conversation lapsed at through sheer weariness on my part I had been at the steering oar so long, staring out into that drear expanse of ocean and sky, that every muscle of my body ached, and my eyes could scarcely be forced to remain open. In the silence she must have no tlced this, for she exclaimed suddenly': Why, I never thought I you must be nearly dead with fatigue. Let me take the oar while you sleep. I am afraid I shall have to, I admitted, ffor I must keep awake tonight Ton feel competent?" Why, of course; you saw me steer. If anything goes wrong I can call you easily enough. Please lie down for a few hours. I looked about permitting her to grasp the oar, and slip into my seat Beally I fed as if I must I said regretfully, and there can be no danger while things keep as they are. Call me, though, if there is a change in the weather, for that Jury mast will never stand any weight of wind. I promise; but I am a better boatman than you think. I must have slept for several hours undisturbed, tor, when I finally opened my eyes once more the sky above us was beginning to turn purple with twilight and the. breeae had failed, so that the sail flapped idly against ltd improvised mast This, perhaps, was the noise which had aroused me. I sat up wide awake Instantly, and stared about me in the boat There was little change noticeable; Miss Vera still clung to the steering oar, showing no outward signs of weariness, and greeted me with a smile and nod of the head ; bnt McCann had moved forward, and sat playing idly with an open Jackknife. I bear testimony that you slept well, ilr. Hollis, the girl said cheerfully. I did not realize until I lay down how weary I was, I replied, adopting her manner, but really you had no right to let me lie so .long. Why, I must have been sleeping three or four hours, and you will be tired out" Oh, no ; it was no trick at alt The wind kept steady until Just a few moments ago, and I do not feel in the least fatigued. And you have seen nothing? no no sail?" smoke, ' She. shook her head, her eyes grown grave. Not n thing; we seem to be absolutely alone in the immensity of the eea Just one great wave after the other. It it gets on my nerves. It certainly does; such a sight has driven more than one insane. But what does this mean? Why is the biscuit bag out here?" I pointed to the bottom of the boat, beyond her feet Her eyes met mine, her answer made in a whisper. He he crept back here while I Was adjusting my oar, and took two. McCann Yes, he had the bag before I noticed, and I thought it best not to anger him then, for he held that open knife In his hand. Ton should have called me." The mischief was done before I had any time. Besides. I knew you needed the sleep. What are you going to dor I smiled a bit grimly, glimpsing him beneath the sail. I am about to give Mr. Fergus McCann, late of New York, a little specimen of sea discipline which I hope may last him for the remainder of this voyage, I replied quietly. Hold the boat steady, Miss Vera, and leave me to attend to this degenerate son of wealth. I crept forward, scarcely Jarring the .frail craft, and was beyond the Jury mast before the fellow had aroused sufficiently from his knife play even to note my approach. He stared at me insolently, leaving the keen blade trembling in the jdank. McCann, I began, wasting no time in pndlmlnarles, lifting myself on one kueC, and facing him, the young lady says you took advantage of my being sound asleep to help yourself to biscuits; is thst so? Well, what if I did? I was hungry. So am I; so no doubt is the lady, for the mattes of that Hunger is no Justifies Use for stealing. You were not starvfm; you received exactly the same share we did. More than that I have assumed command of this boat last because I am the only one on board knowing the ways of the sea. I told you plainly what you were to do, and I propose to enforce my orders. Not another bite will be given you today, or tomorrow. Is that so? he drawled, a wicked smile revealing his teeth. You must think you are dealing with a foremast hand. It takes something besides threats to run me, Mr. Robert Hollis. He half arose to his feet, but I forced him hack onto the thwart none too gently. His face was red with passion, his eyes malevolent D you I take your hands off mel" he snarled. No blustering sea bully is going to make me Jump at the crook of his finger. You touch me again, and Ill ahow you who I am, you big brute. Me take orders from you? Why, pooh; Ive got more money in New York than you ever saw. If you owned 'the Bank of England it would mean nothing to me. You will do what I say, or I'll make you. You will? How? No matter how; Ive trained more men than you to obedience in my time, and always found a way. Huh I the bucko-mat- e business, bey?" he sneered. Well, Just try that on me, if you think it safe. Ill show you " His hand darted back toward his hip pocket, but I was looking for the movement, add ready. His fingers had barely gripped the butt of his weapon when my clinched fist crashed into his face. I have struck harder blows, for I was not poised to put my whole weight behind It, yet the man went over as though floored by an ax, and lay huddled in the bows quivering - like a Jelly fish. I Jerked the revolver from the grip of his hand, dropped it into my pocket, wrenched the open knife from the wood in which it stuck, and closed the blade. Get up now, yon fool, I ordered Oh, yes, you will, and I sharply. gripped him by the collar and lifted him roughly to his knees. That is likely to be the last time yon will ever attempt to pnll a gun on me. Make another movement, McCann, and I'll throw you overboard. You take your r Ck cause of the salt she said. You disarmed the man?" Yes, I have his revolver in my pocket end the knife also. He win make no more trouble. Come, we will divide a biscuit between us, and then it will be your turn to lie down. But doesn't McCann have any? He has had more than his share already. I'll offer him a swallow of water that's alL I imagine the way his head feels, he has forgotten all about being hungry. You had to strike him?" Slightly, a mere tap of sea discipline, and I glanced at my knuckles. He was armed, yon know, and I could take no chances. There is no harm done. Come; are you not tired enough to rest?" She glanced up into my face. You will call me at midnight, if I fall asleep? If I feel worn out then, and the sea keeps as it Is, or no worse. There, take my coat for a pillow. No, really I shall not need it; this is an ideal summer night, but we are out of the track of ships. But do you still believe we will find one?" I have every faith In the world, I answered heartily, determined to conceal my doubts. If the weather holds pleasant, we should be far enough south by morning to be in the north Atlantic lane between New York and Liverpool. Lie down, and rest, Miss Vera; there is no sign of any storm brewing, and tomorrow youll probably have the deck of a liner under your feet." I know not how much she may have believed of what I Bald, but she smiled t, me a cheerful and lay down in the bottom of the boat, my coat folded under her bead. She Vested there motionless, her face shadowed by one arm, and very soon her regular breathing convinced me she slept like a tired child. I looked at her shadowy figure; then forward to where McCann hung silent in the bows. What if we should not overhaul a ship? What if some evil fate would permit of our floating on unseen? And there were few eatable biscuits left, and barely a cupful of tepid water. The thought of what the end might be nearly erased me, as I sat there alone in the silence and gloom I could picture those final hours of despair, as we lay starved and helpless In the ungulded boat, the girl mercifully unconscious, perhaps, and McCann a gibbering idiot My God I I must stop thinking! I must be a man for her sake; aye, end l, so as te do a retain my mans work to the end. At midnight the wind wss at Its height, and I did not call the girl, as I dared not trust her to steer the craft through such rough water. She slept undisturbed, not even changing her position, a mere dim outline at my feet Forward McCann had stowed himself awsy beyond the bow thwart, and I could see nothing of him under the bight of the sail. I was foe only one awake In the leaping boat, fighting its desperate way through black waters under foe dull gleam of the stars. The sun had begun to show above the horizon before foe girl finally awoke, and sat up in the bottom of the boat staring about her with wide-ope- n eyes, as though startled by foe change in foe aspect of the sea. Finally she lifted herself to foe nearest thwart and greeted me reproachfully. You have let me sleep all night and lying on your coat You must be tired nearly to death." Far from it; and we are to be blessed with another day of sunshine. Perhaps by afternoon the sea will have gone down, and I can get a nap. Are you ready for breakfast?" My explanation did not satisfy her; I could read that in the expression of her face, but she made no further progood-nigh- test lay Sir, When Yeu Speak te Me. orders from me, and yon must jump when I speak, or I shall' take pleasure in breaking every bone in your body. Do yon understand that? I doubt if he could see out of one eye, but the other exhibited a terror almost pitiable. Y yes." Bay sir, when yon speak to me. Yes yes, sir." You'll keep to this end of the boat hereafter; whether I am asleep or awake, .yon stay forward of the Jury mast CHAPTER VIII. We Sight a Tramp, The one blow, coupled with the loss of his weapons, had so completely cowed the fellow, that I scarcely gave him another thought I crept back to the stern, and took the steering oar, the gill's eyes meeting mine questio- ning. I could not see all that occurred, be She drew out the biscuits from the locker, broke one in two, and handed the half to me. Still clinging to the bag, her glance fell upon foe slouching figure of McCann in the bow, and then her eyes sought my face questioningly. You are not going to offer him any?" He deserves none; he hss already had more than both of us together. How many are left?" Seven fit to eat But' she hesitated, yet went on bravely enough, please, he is not accustomed to being deprived of food, and is reslly suffering. Let him have my share, for I am not at all hungry truly I am not I shall insist on your eating, I sold, almost sternly. Your share is little enough to sustain life. If It comes to a choice between saving you, and that miserable thing yonder, my course Is taken. However, I grant your request now, although I doubt if he shows even gratitude. McCann I He lifted his head, and stared aft but without changing attitude. Hoe is your ration. You do not deserve a bite, nor would yon receive any through me. You owe this to the lady catch it now." He picked the half biscuit up from the bottom of foe boat- where It fell at his feet end began nibbling at it like a famished dog. There was fio sign of - The Kerr Ijike Mining ciunpiiii.v has lectured it regular quarterly dividend of 25 cents a share, payable Decern-!e- r thankfulness in his action, and he continued to glare at us with one eye open in sullen insolence. The sun blazed down upon us out of a clear sky, glistening along the foam of racing waves, but noon approached, the southern sky became misty, the clouds Increasing in density until we could see only a Yew hundred yards beyond our bow. It was not a storm cloud, and brought with it no fear of disaster, but completely blotted out foe horizon, and gave a dark, sullen gioAn to the surrounding waters. It must have been three oclock when McCann suddenly gave vent to a startled roar, straightening to his knees, and pointing straight ahead into the smother. I stared, but saw nothing except the grotesque forms assumed by the whirling mist, but Vera leaned out over the side, shading her eyes. What is it? I asked sharply. Make a report, man I A ship yonder! he shouted, but without turning his head. I saw it plainly enough, but it has gone now. '1 see it, Mr. Hollis I the girl cried excitedly. Bight out there through thut lane of mist its a big steamer I Straight ahead? Just a little this way there! you ran see her now I I did, a mere glimpse, instantly obscured, but visible again a moment later. McCann was on his feet, gesticulating wildly. Now, d you I" he shouted, put , us on board and Ill show you who I am. You brute, I dare you to put ns on board. Sit down! I ordered. Now, keep still, and stand by with that rope. I'll put you aboard all right, but until I do, you will obey what I say, or go Into the water. I took my eyes off him, and stared at the vessel, conscious instantly that something was wrong. She was apparently a big steel freighter, four thousand tons I guessed, her water line showing a heavy cargo, and her bows red with rust where the black paint had disappeared. The foremast was broken off at foe tops, remaining a great splinter, and where the bridge and wheelhouse ought to be there was piled a moss of wreckage, showing black above the bulwarks. A wheel had been rigged aft on the poopdeck, and there alone I saw evidence of human beings on board. One fellow stood gripping foe spokes, while another leaned motionless against foe rail facing forward. Neither one saw us, although I swung my hat end sent a hail across the intervening water. The girl glanced back into my face. What is the matter with them, Mr. Hollis T" she asked. Is something wrong?" I am afraid so; their foretop mast is down, and it looks as though it had smashed foe bridge and wheelhouse when It fell. They have rigged up an emergency Vheel aft Can you make out her name? The Indian Chief of Philadelphia. No regular liner probably a tramp. I never saw funnels painted like that before, and she shows no flag. However, any port in a storm. I stood up, hollowing my hands. Ahoy there! Indian Chief, ahoy! The man leaning on the after rail turned, and gazed down at us, shading his eyes, and the heads of a half dozen others bobbed up above foe forward bulwarks.. I could see foe fellow aft plainly now, a broad, stocklly built man, with extremely red face, wearing overalls, and a woolen shirt open at the throat In appearance there was nothing of foe officer about him, yet It was his voice which finally answered my halL sending a deep, roaring note across the waters. Hullo, there. Who are yer? From some ship close by?" We are passengers from the American yacht Esmeralda, sunk In collision two nights ago, and have been afloat ever since. Can you take us aboard? Passengers; you say? All of yer passengers?" thi-re- Yes. He turned, and spoke to foe man d grasping foe wheel, a tall, fellow in straw hat and pink shirt There was a moments argument before he returned to his position at foe looee-Jointe- rail. ter I dunno as yer would be much off along with us bet- than yer are thar in the dinghy, he called Indifferently. For, in a manner o speakln, we're no more than a wreck. I reckon thar ain't no one among yer who knows how to navigate? I stood up, hollowing my bands to make my voice carry more clearly. That is not a very sailorlike speech, my friend, I shouted, yet striving to conceal anger. But as you put humanity on those terms. I'll answer you. I have been in the merchant service, and commanded ships." Well? Is that so? Sail, or steam? 8team the old Atlas line. Do you take us aboard?" He did not answer directly, but had lost his air of indifference, striding forward to the end of foe poop, and giving orders to the men forward. The black beads adorning foe forecastle 1."). Directors of the Iron Blossom Mining coiiiumy have declared the present regular quarterly dividend of 5 cent a s alture. This requires the isiyment tin Oclolter 25 of $50.0U0. The tioldtield Consolidated Mines roitiiHiny pnsluoed 18,500 tints of ore, from which net profits of if lit, 1:52 were realized, during the month of August eoiiiiiured with $0800 in July. rail disappeared, and a moment later isThe Tintlc Standard Mines coiiininy the round, red face again appeared. lust week iNis'.ed its second dividend of Aye, well take yer, sir, he called 2 cents a share, payable October 25 down, a touch of deference in his lo stockholders of record Oetoher 20. hoarse voice. Yell understand the $22.-50trouble once yer come aboard. Yer llie disbursement will amount to all able to climb, 1 reckon?" Ore of u higher grade and in inueh We have a woman with us. quantities Ilian formerly found larger be Itll quite a Job to rig up a :ii tlte development of the properly swing, sir." was last week tit I lie South I turned and looked at her ; then up 1ark uiicmered mine in the American Foil; disthe straight steel sides looming before trict. us, but before I could speak, she had Dragon Consolidated directors at the made decision. monthly meeting at lrovo last I can go up the ladder, Mr. Hollis," veck declared tlte usual tiitarteriy she said firmly. I am not afraid. Jlvideud o; 1 cent a share. This ealls All right, I called. Lower away, .'or the distribution on October 25 of and send a man down to steady it be- fl8,750. low. Tlte will ill a few days The little dinghy swept in easily, uniioitiu--government the pric-- it will pay for oil. under McCann awkand, my directions, .These prices are understood lo lie satwardly fended it off from scraping isfactory to oil producers. Tlte govagainst the steel sides. A foe rope ernment will prolmlily uot fix a price for tlte public. The Heelu Mining couiiKiiiy. operating at Burke, Malm, 1ms declared a dividend of $150,000, payable ' telolier 20. Tills will make $1.."iI0.000 paid lliis year ami Increases tin- - company's total to $0,805,000. The I'ltilt Chapter of the American Mining congress 1ms lieeti advised that congress lias ii'lopicd u resolution which for the silseusion if till assessment work on iiiipuli-iilci- l mining claims daring liliT and ID'S. llosiou oiTicials give out tin- - iifmi:i-t- i lion that tin- - 'lull Metal A Tiiinu 1 mmpnny 1ms made a contract with the Smeliiug company whereby tlte latter will purchase ail the company's product for a la rioil of live 0. e s 1 c.i rs. l(cMiris received from tin Eureka kill ion last week were to the died I Ini I black in manganese was mid lliul indications were favorable to uncovering an ore body almost any time. The shaft is down lictwi-ei- i 550 mnl 000 feet. From Irovo comes wonl that ut the directors' meeting of the Kico Wellington it was given out thut the reason for imssiug l lie quarterly dividend was Ae fact lliut production had lieen cut down from nnruuil by sitortuge of men and smelter embargoes on ore. Estimates on production cost of zinc submitted to tile navy department hy llie federal trade commission will serve to fix the prices the navy will pay. It is probable Unit a general agreement will lie entered into b zinc 1 She Did Not Hesitate, Grasping Rope Firmly in Her Hands. the ladder straightened, I caught the lower coil, and held it firmly. Down the ratlines, hand over hand, until he dropped sprawling into the boat, came one of the crew a coal black negro. The fellow above, now standing on the rail and clinging to a backstay, roared down at him. Haul her in, Simms; haul her in. That's more like it. Now hold all taut. 8cnd up the lady first, captain ; there'll be a hand to help her in the chains. She did not hesitate, grasping the rope firmly in her hands as the negro and I lifted her high enough to get foothold. You are all right. Miss Vera?" Yes, site called down. Then go up, but hold tight; the vessel may roil. McCann followed, too glad to thus escape me to refuse, yet plainly enough half dead with fear. As soon as I suw his legs dangling, while the seamen above dragged him Inboard, I drew myself up to the lower ratline, leaving the negro alone to hold the line. "Hey, above there," I shouted. What shall we do with the boat? Let her go ; there Is no room to stow it on deck. Come aboard, Simms. We went up together, the ladder swinging dizzily to our movements. The voice of the man who seemed to be in command growled down from the poop: Haul In the ladder, and stow it; then go forward and get some o' that riffle overboard afore dark. This way, captain; I'd like a private word with yer afore yer go below. There were perhaps a dozen men in view, a typical freighter's crew, I Judged, mostly foreign faces, two of them negroes. They worked silently, and then shuffled forward, without exhibiting foe slightest interest in my presence, or giving a glance aft Evidently something unusual had occurred, but Just whpt was the nature of the accident to foe Indian Chief I was unable to decide. 1 climbed the few steps, and Joined the d man waiting me on the poop. I am very glad to welcome you n board the Indian Chief, captain Captain r Hollis, I answered shortly. And your name? Masters Gideon Masters. In command? Well, yes, in a way. I reckoned youd want the whole story, an thet things hed better be explained afore yer went below." Of course; but first a question or two, Mr. Masters. What h js become of my companions? red-face- Hollis and Vera find tneir courage severely tested. The final decision Is made by the girl In a manner that wins full admiration from her protectors. IXU BE UU.NT1MUKDJ producers with the war industries hom'd fixing prices generally. Action will soon lie taken in the mill lor of consolidating a large acreage in East Tinlie formerly owned hy lie railed Tiutic and South Standard. It is pniMised to the new company I lu South Sluiidard. It will have shares. Tlte United Tinlie will turn in two shares for one in die new ami llie Soulli Standard will give live for one. i lividcmls disburse by mining of tlie country during die iiiniith of September readied ii high total, but amounted to u little less '.lain tlie dividends for the same month last year. Payments by forty-thre- e United States mining uud nielulliirgi-ru- l companies making public reports amounted to $24.-- 02,821, as compared willi $24,520.4118 for die corresiciidiiig I eom-pani- es mouth in 1910. From llie principal mines und smellers of North and South America approximately 1.40o.ooo.uoo jammls of copper were produced during the first eight months of die year. Tlie enforced curtailment of tlte output, due largely to luliur troubles, skirled late in June, und was continued through die two ensuing months and is believed to liuve been rcstonsiblc for u loss In lOO.MJli.OOO production aggregating miiiikIk. A resolution of congress, spproved by tlie President July 17, 1!1 7. ex- empts owners of uiiputentcd claims wlio are in tlie military or naval service of tlie United States as officers or euliated men from assessment work throughout their enlistment und fur a Anlieriod of six mouths thereafter. other resolution which lias lieen passed by congress and was signed by tlie president October 5, suscndK work on ull unpiitcnted "luiir.s during tlie years 1917 nnd 1918. From Wyoming comes the word that W. E. Wunieke. secretary-treasure- r of die Moimrcli-Sa- l. (reek Oil comimny, operating in die West Suit Creek field of Wyoming, 1ms received telephonic iiiiflriuutiou of an oil strike by tlie coiiiimny. The strike was made at a depth of 2000 feet and Is one of the best ever made in Wyoming. A good Idea of die magnitude of the Guggenheim alterations at Jurbidge, uiny lie obtained from the fact that they have recently given a contract for 250,000 lineal feet of logs to lie used for stulls und milling tliuliers. The Elknro company is putting In a power plant from Thousand Springs on the Snake river, sixty-fiv- e miles from Jurbidge, Nev which will not only furnish electric Juice for Its own mines and mill, but will fnmisli lights fur the town and for other mining companies also. The contract price (or tlie power plant la $250,000. |