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Show ft 40 GREEN RIVgR DISPATCH, GREEN RIVER, UTAH GREEN RIVER DISPATCH IHUN STUPING, Mt. . Nntared nary Mto. u second daoo 20, 1007, Feb at the poet office at Qreeu River, Utah. Every Thursday. Our Country is her intercourse with foreign satiem, uuy she riwiys be right but right or wrong, Our Country. r Stephen Douglas. Now is the Time Another election is rapidly app- roaching and every loyal citizen should see that he is properly registered. The day is here when hot air and promises dont pay the war bills. Watch every measure having to do with local taxation and creation of new offices and expense. Now is the time to start the fight for taxation reduction in order that we may be better prepared to assist the government in the large sums it must necessarily have at this time. City, county and state taxes should be cut to a minemum and every useless and unnecessary office should be done away with to help offset the added tax burdens necessitated by the war. There is one more registration day left, Oct 30th. DONT FAIL TO REGISTER. v v OF THE OWNERSHIP, Management, Circulation, Etc.., Re. quired By the Act of Congress of August 4, 111, of Green River Dispatch, By Special Correepondor.l. published weekly at Green River, Utah, for October 1, 1917. The Masons gave a Smoker Mrs. Scott Miller was on the State of Colorado, County of Garfield. 88. Before me, a notary public in Monday night in honor of their sick list last week. and for state and county aforesaid, departing member Jack Crane. personally appeared B. F. Miller, who, having been duly sworn according to About 25 masons were present Mr. and Mas. Chas. Ivie spent law, deposes and says that he is one of the owners of the Green ltiver Disat the Miller home. Mrs. Tom Furgeson returned Sunday patch and that the following is, to the a and of his best belief, knowledge true statement of the ownership, man- from her trip to Texas, last week Tht dance Saturday evening agement etc., of the aforesaid publi- and stopped in Green River a few cation fur the date shown In the above was quite an affair and was well to visit her mother Mrs. P. caption, required by the act of August days attended. 14. 1912, embodied In Section 441, H. Riley. She went on then to Postal Laws and Regulations, printed join her husband at Helder. on the reverse of this form, 1. J. D. Niles and Tom Crick reThst the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing turned Sole Wednesday. from Castle leather heels and rubber editor and business managers are: where editor Dale, they attended court at editor, Adv managing Asimus, Publisher, and business manager, Helen Spalding, Green River, Utah. 2, That the owners are: Madsen (Give Four new students entered the Slopansky names and address of individual ownschool this week makWoodside name ers, or, if a corporation, give its The marriage of Mr. Edward enrollment of 17. and the names and addresses of stock-o- r tota a ing more of the total amount of stock.) Slopansky to Miss Dora Madsen B. F. Miller, Rifle, Colo.; Adella Mil- occured at Price, last week. STATEMENT IMLIMML . ler, Rifle, Colo. holders owning or holding 1 per cent 1. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. None. 4. Miss Madsen is the daughter of Mrs. Anna Madsen of this city and Mr. Slopansky is a brother of Dr. Slopansky of Helper. , After a short wedding trip the young couple will go to American Lake, Wash, where Mr. Slopansky will enter military The Lobby ocracy. Come on you Green Riverites! BILLIARD get in and help make Liberty Day in your town a BIG day and PARLOR Mr and Mrs. Jack Crane left Wednesday for California, where they will spend the winter. They may decide to locate permanently in Crlifornia. For Fire see J. H. Insurance, Fritz at once. Miss Merriam Johnson came down from the Marsing ranch to spend Sunday with her folks. A cattle deal of some importance was transacted at Woodside on Monday, when J. V. Sherer and A. E. Murdock of Reno, Nev. bought from Preston Nutter a large portion of his cattle for the consideratiqn of $60, 000. The cattle will be shipped from Green River to eastern markets. ) stamp on your copy of The Saturday Evening Tout and place in the post office so that our soldier boys may have a chance to read some of the good reading matter found in that magazine, and if you do not take The Saturday Evening 7W, call on or see Miss HcIm Spalding right now and she will take your subscription for same, also for The Uidies Home Journal and The Cou n try Gentle- man. If you need a new grate or fire back for your old stove, go to Asimus. (Adv.) seeing. in The scenes EUROPEAN Cafe Unexcelled and Prices Most Reasonable. Open Rates $1 AH Night Sunday Dinners A Specialty. from the Across a Day and Up. Straight Depot MR. . . . . 9:35 p. m. 11:25 p. m. WEST BOUND No. 1. (Limited) No. 5. (Mail) . . 4:40 6:30 . ) . F. L. PHILIPS A SON. Props NOTICE! Change Directory No. 3 In read as follows - Hightower, E. C. Jones, W. W. - 52 . 26 Wolverton, E. T. (office) - Gillies, Dsn' . 58--3 11 Magarrell & Byers, v; 19 livery, Feed, 30 Philips & Son, Pool Hall, McCarty, T. L. (Res) - - 46-- 4 29 Metropole Pod Hall, - 74-4 Spalding H. L. 24 Hour Service. Lowest Rates in Utah. Subscribe Now, Green River Valley Telephone Co. LAWYERS - FdRSALE . J. OR RENT FOR BALE . N. POWERS . , Kenyon house. Notary Public J. H. Frenofc. Office lu Bank Bldg., with 8. J. Near Attornay-at-La- DO IT NOW We Need The Money Candies and Soft Drinks 1 Just THE PLACE to while away your leisure hours. Come in and see us. w . . Enquire or About 18 tons of hay, ' one, two and three fourths inch MINING ENGINEER Send us the price of a year's subscription if you are a. m. IN ARREARS. a. m. For Paint; Turpentine and Oil Go to Asimus. Pastime Pool Hall . 3 POOL TABLES 3 -t-- Caskets at reasonable prices carried in stock at Asimus adv and MRS. M. SPADAF0RA, Prapr's I Cigars, The Asimus A First Gass Hotel .....Metropole Hotel and Cafe..... Great Divide are taken in the If you want the best Saddle Heiser at Grand Canyon of theColorado. made, buy the No. 4. (Mail) . No. 2. (Limited) t . C. E. LYNN Eopnomle Gaology 1 No. 2, Gould Centri-fic- al Pump, 1 Alfalfa Feed Grin- Wagon. der, 8, 50 gal. Bbla (new), some old lumber, 140 rds. 30in. Hog Fence, 2, Rowe Hog Oilers, 1 hog crate. Inquire of, H. A. Johns tf Ora Dapoalta . 25 yean field experience Aimak, British Colombia, Utah Copper, Gold. Uranium Properties Examined Eleotroicoptc Teats, Reports SADDLE. CHIFFONIER. library table, morris chair, tent 10 by 18 with flooring, 2 sewing maCastle Valley Abstract Gompy chines, Bridle, and Ironing board Inquire tf 0. J. Aaicrwa, Maeagw ABSTRACTERS ' Utah. 1907, aa ammendad hy the Seaekm Lawa of Utah. IKK; 1911, and 1915, to appropriate five S cubic feet of water per aacond from Village Springe. Emery County. Utah. Said water will he collected and diverted at a point which bear, eon th 86 IS' want 25. 1X12 fact from the aeotheast earner of Township 25 south. Range 14 sent. Salt Laka base and meridian, and conveyed by means of a 'ditch fora distance of 1(1, 66(1 fact and thsra used, whenever available, frum Jan. 1 to December 81, Inclusive, of each year, to irrigate 910 acres of land embraced approximately in Sections L 10. 11. 15 and 21. Township 26 south. Range IS seat. Salt Lake baaeipid meridian. This application is designated in the State Engineer's office as Na NOTICE For a special purpose, we will buy a limited amount of ManS ganese ore, which must not carIrrigated fruit Orchards and farm 5 ry .over 7 per cent silica nor lands. Gty Lab, fire Insurance S under 40 per cent Manganese. The Central Steel Co. E. T. Wolvertan, Agetn FOR RENT during apple sear are prepared to do your ab- son. equipped evaporating fully stracting with care and dispatch. W. W. Jones, tf' You can not Rafely buy or sell plant inquire 8 Room Beeson Cottage in Oi land or secure a loan without chard Home, good Cistern, Wired having an abstract of the title to for Lights. J. R. Cheney. the same. tf . NOTICE OP SPECIAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Fruit Growers State Bank, of Green ltiver, Utah. Notice 1m hereby given that pursuant to a resolution regularly and duly punned and adopted by the board o' director of the Fruit Grower State Bank, of Green River, Utah, at a meeting of said hoard held October 2, 1917, a special meeting of the of the Maid Fruit Grower, State Bank, of Green River, Utah, will be held on Thursday, the first- - day of November, 1917, at the hour of 2 o'clock p, m., at its banking house In Green River, Utah, for the purpose of considering the following propositions: etock-holde- I i 5 7287. All protests against the granting of Hid the reasons tharefor. must be made hy affidavit in duplicate, accamapniad by a fee of 82. 50, and filed in this office within thirty 80 m days after the completion of the publication of this notice. G. F, MeGonagla; State Engineer. Dale of firsL puli icalion Sep ternbar 20, 1917, date of completion of publication October 2(1 1917. CASTLE DALE, UTAH We L. Lass; whoaa poat office addrea. la Salt Laka City, Utah, haa made application in accordance with the requirement, of the Complied Laws of ESTATE annmmnnmmnm Under New Management life. The Saturday night pictures are fine and well worth EAST BOUND Fritz & Lewis s REAL NELS T. PETERSON. Big Feature at Jons Theater The Great Saturday night Divide. A Drama of Western V Dont forget to place a one cent STRICTLY CASH Owing to the iuersagad prime ca all material I muet have the CASH Tours far GOOD Vafc befoce the wok laevag the Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rutt entertained a few friends Sunday afternoon. Ice cream and cake were served and a jolly time enjoyed by all Elsewhere in this Issue appears a proclamation by the Prealdent of the Smokers Supplies, Candles, Soft United States to the children of AmerDrinks ica. In which he asks them to join A Gentlemans Place of Amusement forces with the Senior Red Cross workers and do their lilt Phone 24 Broadway street Children can do a great deal to aid H. P. THOMPSON, PROPRIETOR ' the auffering of their little brothers and slaters in the war stricken nations of Europe and the organisation NOTICE TO WATER USERS of a Junior Red Cross society in thla Slate Engineer's Office Sail lake Oily. Utah community should lie greatly encouraged by everyone. September 1 1917. Notice le hereby given that L. V All Work Done at this Shop will be Asimus and wife accompanied by Miss Vivian Blosser, A full line of comforters and motored to Moab, Sunday and blankets at Asimus. Get them spent the day in that city. now before they go higher. (Adv. ) W. F. i People by thousands ask the tivus-ur- y constantly hnw they can help the government In this war. Through the purchase of Liberty liotulu every une van help. No more patriotic duty can lie performed liy those who cannot actually fight upon the field of battle than to furnish the government with the necessary money to enable It to give our brave aoldlura and aailora all that they require to make them strong for the fight and capable 'of winning a swift victory over our enemies. So "Fight or Fork over. V service. Railroad Time Table Denver & Rio Grande R; R. an occassion not soon to be for' Commencing September First HUES to-w- lt: That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company hut also. In cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or In any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given: also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders Liberty Day and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company The President of the United 'as trustees, hold stock and securities States has set aside Wednesday, In a capacity other than that of a fide owner; and this affiant has Oct 24 as Liberty Day and bona no reason to believe that any other urges the people to assemble in person, association, or corporation has Interest direct or Indirect In the their respective communities any said stock, bonds, or other securities and pledge to one another and to than as so stated by him. the average number of copthe government that represents iesC. ofThat each issue of this publication than the fullest support sold or distributed, through the mails to paid subscribers durThe city council should loose or otherwise, ing the six months preceding the date no time in appointing committees shown above is (This Informa to arrange for a big, patriotic tion is required from dally publications only.) demonstration to be given in U. F. MILLER, Owner. Green River on Liberty Day. Sworn to and subscribed before me The Government needs the this first ilsy of October, 1917. JOHN C. COCHRAN, help of every man and woman Notary Public. (Seal) to carry on the great fight to My commission expires Dec. 8, 1918. make the world safe for dem- gotten. IMSWE PCS ANNUM a f. L it economy. The POOR grade you seem to save on cheap grade of fuel false oils and gasoline ia later spent on motor repain and shortened life of your motor. Poor food means poor health and poor fuel means poor service. Best Quality at Low Prices gas-- Considering the high quality of our oline and oils, our prices are the lowest th you can find. Scores of auto owners have found that they can get more mileage and better motor performance by always using the same grade oils and gasoline and that grade ours. . Franz Brothers Small Heater, Inquire Blacksmith Shop. tf re . I. mending Article I of the Article, of Incorporation of said, bank so as to charfee the name of said banking corporation to the Commercial A Savings Bank, of Green River, Utah. II- - 4 Room Smith Cottage, in Orchard Home. Cistern, Wired for Lights. J. R. Cheney. tf OLD PAPERS-35ct- a. Dispatch press room. per 100. tf -- SMALL' IRON HEATING stove, almost new, only $5.00, Inquire tf WANTED-HE- LP GIRL OR WOMAN for general Amending Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation of said bank so as to housework one day a week. read: "The purpose for which this Phone 54--8 tf corporation le formed and the business to be engaged In Is the general hanking business. Including both that A GOOD SIZE HEATER IN of a commercial bank and that of a condition. Enquire good savings bank. III. tf To transact any and all other business that may properly come before a ' special meeting of the stockholders. CIVIL ENGINEERS GEO. E. THURMAN, President B. J. 8ILLIMAN, Cashier. , E. T. WOLVERTON First publication, Oct 11, 191T. Last publication, Oct 25. 1917. Civil EnfllnMrtiif Mint Surveying an Platting. Monarch steel ranges and Coles hot blast heaters at Photographic Work Green Hirer, Utah Adv. Asimus |