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Show GREEN RIVER OI8PATOH, GREEN RIVER, UTAH War Must Go On Until Liberties of the Future Are Guaranteed By Seal tor . P. J. McCumber of North Dakota We cannot, ve must not, emerge from this conflict until the great nations of the earth have entered into binding and solemn international obligation, signed and Bealed by each of them, defining and proclaiming the inherent and inalienable rights of every nation great and small the right of each to live and work out its own destiny, free from the shadow of impend- -' ing war or the danger of annihilation by some mighty' military neighbor; and that no nation 'shall rob a1 weaker nation of its territory; that it shall not murder! its people; that it shall not deprive another of its independence or infringe upon its sovereign rights. We must provide for a court in which every international dispute must be settled and obliging of nations to jointly enforce the decrees of such a court, the and thereby forever prevent the recurrence of such a holacaust of blood as now incarmines Europe. Unless this war is fought to such a finish, this conflict will have been worse than in vain. Unless we are prepared to fight it to this finish, we have committed a grievous crime against humanity and our own people in ever entering it. We are battling for the liberty and happiness of future generations. This generation is suffering that the next may live under the reign of. peace and justice. If we allow this war to dose leaving the situation just as it was before the war, then we can rest assured that the same causes will bring about the same result, and that our children must meet that which we were unable, through inability or lack of courage, to settle. That we must not da ; j , world-fami- ly Military Training Benefit to Youth in Time of Peace as Well as in War Forest Products Laboratory hopes totting about a saving of two a year billion dollars WOOD it's a rather neat saving! AID the Chicago pork packer: We make our money by saving everything but the squeal. ' Says Frank J. Halliiuer: Tlie wood Industries are going to go the pork packers one totter; thpy are going to save everything, Including the bark. And it Is to teach the wood industry how to do this that Mr. Ilullnuer has been working for six years. Engineer n of a branch of government, the forest products laboratory, situated at Madison, Wis., Mr. Hallaner and his associates hope to tench this country how to save two billions of dollars annually. He Is confident that it can be done ; thut Is, that the annual cut of wood, now valued at two billions, cun be mnde Into articles of use which at present prices would bring double that amount. It Is a man-sls- e Job, but the confident engineer points proudly to unbelievably vast economies already effected in the wood trades through the work of the forest products laboratory's chemists. They are in- such terms that it would be hard to tabulate the exact savings, but there Is little doubt that they run over $100,000,000 a year. Few persons outside the wood trades know of the laboratory, the first of its kind ever to be established, but which has been Imitated in a number of countries since It began operation. Its annual appropriation s small for the work It . $200,00 does; Something less The laboratory is now looked qpon to save the paper situation of the country,; and It cheerfully tackles the Job. Only recently announcement was made In Washington that the laboratory had discovered that good grades of paper can be made from a number of far Western woods and that Wisconsin paper mills were already ordering trainloads of wood chips from the West for paper pulp. The cost of freight to Wisconsin is more than offset by the cheapness of the chips, and the paper thus made is expected to prove a considerable factor In relieving the paper famine. A visitor who leaves Mr. Ilnllauer can scarcely believe that there is anything which cannot be made from wood. How about the cabled story that the Germans have discovered a food they can make from wood which they are feeding to Russian prisoners! was the first question asked. Almost surely not true, he said. The human stomach cannot stand it It is possible to convert sawdust into cattle food, and thut was probably the foundation for the story. But Germany from her forests is obtaining such great results that If, as an English writer recently suggested impractlcully, England were to destroy Germany's forests, the war would surely end very soon. Artificial col ton Is one of the things which are being supplied from wood. Paper shirts are also being used, but then Japan is supplying these to the Russian soldiers. Germuny has been driven to extreme use of her forests by necessity, but no country with the exception of Germany has made such a systematic effort at developing forest products as the United States. Charcoal for the manufacture, of black gunpowders is being obtained from dogwood, willow and alder. Great quantities of alcohol and ether are made from imported molasses, but if we were cut off from this raw material we could depend upon the forests. Alcohol could also be made from grain, but in war times grain would be required for food. It is estimated that during the present year 40,000.000 gallons of denatured alcohol will be used at home, while huge quantities are being exported. The use of wood for gunstocks is generally familiar. Our supply of seasoned black walnut, the most suitable wood for the purpose, has been entirely exhausted by the heavy demands of Europe. Heretofore the practice has been to let gunstock material air season for months Iefore it would be worked up. Time became so Important that artificial seasoning was resorted to, but improper methods destroyed too much of the material. The forest products laboratory has now perfected dry kilns which overcome the trouble, and as a further aid is perfecting methods of using other woods, notably birch, for gun stock. Then there la the near relative of the gun stock, the wooden leg, making heavy demunds for willow. Millions of feet of lumber and heavy timbers are required in war times for structural purposes, such as the erection of docks, bridges, trenches and temporary shelters. Disinfectants are now a necessity. They can be made from wood. Pure wood alcohol is the only substance that can be converted Into foruniversally used for disinfection maldehyde, ' against such contagious diseases as smallpox, scarlet fever, dlptheria and tuberculosis. It is also used to prevent crop diseases by disinfecting the seeds. But the importance of forest products for war supplies in no way compares with their importance for industries. The largest of these are the lumber, pulp, and paper, naval stores and distillation industries. They .employ more than Jr, of Chicago As the world is constituted, and has been through thousands of years strife, there is only one safe plan, and that is to follow the advice of (Washington in time of peace prepare for war. If we had done this A few years ago, we would have saved billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives. It is common knowledge in military circles that trained men, by knowing how to take care of themselves in camp and in the s, .field, reduce the mortality and casualties at least and, what 'is even more vital, men of special training only can be used in modem iof two-third- .warfare. Nationally we need a little foresight, a keener appreciation of the necessity for providing for future contingencies. We cut ice in the coldest ;sort of weather when nobody wants ice, for we know it will be demanded ja few months later; so we prepare in midwinter for our comforts during tbs heated period of summer )S The plan of universal military training as outlined in the Chamberlain bill would make available at all times millions of young men who have had sufficient military training to enable them to become excel-'.lesoldiers with a few weeks of additional training. This would safeguard the nation and prepare it against any contingency that would probably arise, and if one should never arise, the training and discipline would be the very best experience that any young man could have. It would make him stronger physically, more alert mentally, quicker to see and to act Also, it would increase his earning capacity and give him a better chance to win success in his life work. Our boys appreciate this. I think the majority of them would be glad to take the training. Since the boys may at any time be called upon to defend our country and our flag, we owe it to them to provide them with a careful pretraining so that they may perform this important national function both efficiently and as safely as possible. nt All the Burden of Food Conservation Should Not Rest Upon the Housewife The average American man can do much toward stopping food waste and irrational eating. All the burden and blame does not rest on the housewife. Many wives are willing to make or buy conservation bread, but the husbands laugh and refuse to eat Many wives try to it substitute vegetable protein for animal protein, but the husband demands meat He likes to see plenty of food on the table and then to heap up the plates, expand his chest and say, "What a good fellow am I." Wouldn't it be better to ask for a second helping rather than have any waste at all? Does the average man know what he should eat? What is a balanced ration? Don he eat soup, roast, gravy, potatoes, beans macaroni, bread, butter, pie, cheese, crackers and coffee? Han must be cited on the food subject, but oftentimes his habits are ingrained and so the best the intelligent housewife can do is to begin with the children and teach them to eat just enough good, plain, wholesome food, to eat the right combinations and to refrain from spoiling good food so that it must be thrown away. 'Business as Usual Not Good Slogan for United States in This Great War Bf Frnk A. VmU IMmi N-S- osd O9 Bask ef N Ye The sooner the public gets over the idea that we want business as usual," or can have "business as usual" during this great war, the better for alL We want to stop all unnecessary work and unnecessary expenditures short off, and concentrate on the immense volume of work which has to be done. Business men should get rid of any foolish fears that economy will bring on a general paralysis of industry or trade. The country should immediately awake to the fact that it has a with one great task in hand, and that it cannot carry on a war like this other. the before with did business it Jiand and continue to do all the lowering the cost of production and raised yield to such a point that the Introduction of this alcohol as a motor fuel seems likely, imrtlcularly with gasoline going up as it has been. As Mark Twain suld, What chance has prohibition when a man can take a ripsaw und get drunk on n fence-raior drink the legs off the kitchen table? Western larch hus an unusually high percentage of gaiuctau, which it is believed can be converted into a fermentable sugar for use in niuklng-graialcohol. Tills same gaiuctan in oxidutlon yields large quantities of murlc acid, and murlc add can tnke the place of tartaric add in the iiianufudure of baking powder. A number of lumbermen recently visited the laboratory and one of tlie chemists made baking powder from wood, and his wife made biscuit with it Another advance is the preparation of a fine, sweet sirup from gnlno-tosa sugar derived from gaiuctan. So If the people of Montana, the home of the Western larch, get hard pressed they cun make their flupjncks with larch buking powder, bake them over a stove heated with larch alcohol and sweeten them with larch sirup. Converting cellulose obtained from wood into a gelatinous material known as a viscose opens up another field for research and odds a new line of products running all the way from sausage casings to tapestry. Five million dollars worth of silk socks sold last year got their silk from wood, as did many silk neckties and fancy braids. Probably it won't be long before the whims of the will have little control over silk market conr ditions. Kraft paper is made front sulphate pulp, and the method of making it came to this country from Sweden ten years ago. Kraft Is much stronger thnn other papers. It is brown, like what we usually think of as wrapping paper. Largo quantities of it are used for that purpose and it is particularly suitable for large envelopes. Kraft is used for book covers, for Imitation leather and for cardboard suitcases. An attempt is being made to produce a paper twine that will replace the binder twines now made from Imported fibers. This question has become more active because of the recent shortage of these other fibers on account of the conditions south of us. A successful paper substitute would provide, for the utilisation of a large amount of wood waste and at the same time build up a home Industry independent of foreign raw materials. The problems put up to the laboratory to solve are many and complex. One man in the frog business was suffering heavy losses from the death of his tadpoles. He asked the laboratory to find out if there was anything in the wood which when washed out poisoned the tadpoles. , , The government chemists undertook to study the matter. They could not locate the trouble, an it was put up to the section of timber tests. After a few experiments it was found that the resonant croaking of tlie large frogs produced vibrations in the boards of the tanks. The vibrations were transmitted through the water to the ganglia of the tadpoles (they have no brains), causing a ease somewhat akin to infantile paralysis. The remedy waa simple. The msn was advised to separate his tadpoles from his large frogs, thus confining the vibrations to the older generations. This was done and the mortality among the tadpoles decreased wonderfully. l little-know- By William Wrigjey, DJJTlLATJOJtLA&O0.jtrQM e, - MV&V0MXHQP OF CCUMSCTXm GJUEG2&XY 1,000,000 wage earners. Their products are valued at $2,000,000,000 annually. The most promising and novel developments in the line of from wood are In the nature of chemical utilization. It might be said that the chemists of the forest products laboratory have put the prod to forest products. The lumber industry draws upon the forests for many times as much materia. do all the other Industries, d and only about of the tree cut for lumber is actually put on the market In that shape. Right here la more than enough waste, although not often in the right form or readily available, to supply raw material for all the other industries. The problem now becomes one of adopting means of utilisation to suit the conditions. Years ago wood ashes were leached for home to furnish potash. The practice disappeared. It is now being revived as a source of potash to offset the shortage of fertiliser due to the war. In the Red River valley of Texas the Indians used to use Osage orange for dyeing, but that wood never gained commercial recognition as a dyewood. Within the last year, however, we have succeeded in getting It into the market as a substitute for fustic, which we Import from Jamaica and Tehuantepec, and more than $1,000,000 worth of these dyes is now being made by American manufacturers. The forest products laboratory has Just completed an analysis of the oils which can be obtained from the needles or leaves of all the coniferous trees of the country. From a number of species the oils obtained have very attractive odors; other bits can be used in greases and shoe blackings. In Europe the finer needle oils are used as perfumes in soups; others are used for inhalations for lung diseases. It has been working on the production of alcohol from wood for five years. It has succeeded in one-thir- sohp-makin- g, SPY ON FRENCH CHILDREN. One of the most interesting examples of how specialised spy work Is is shown by the way Germany has her secret service organised In the conquered portions of Belgium and northern France. German officers luive found by experience that the men and women who are left do little talking outside of selected groups where they know everyone can be trusted. But, often, the invaders learned, these citlsens forgot themselves when they are talking before their children. So Germany sent experienced schoolteachers, men and women who understood child psychology and who could speak French, to the occupied cities and towns to open French schools. When It Is possible the teachers win the good will of the children, and through the Innocent boys and girls learn what the parents are thinking and talking about Carl W. Ackerman in the Saturday Evening Post. Bummer Discussion. Whut's dem summer clothes you all is w earin'?" Inquired Mr. Erastus Plnkley. Dafs Palum Beach suit Pallum beach I Mebbe like Coney Island to me. tis. But It looks mo' silk-.wor- m AIRPLANE COMPASSES. Of the thousands of Inventions relating to the war which have been filed in the patent offices of the United States and the countries of the entente allies in the last three years many have been for compasses for airplanes. The points aimed at particularly have been the elimination of errors that result from tilting and banking. The problems are complex and have been studied for years, as the troubles worried users of compasses long before airplanes came into the world. The military value of a perfect compass tor an airplane would be great. With such an Invention flights on cloudy night would be comparatively safe and aviators could reach predetermined objectives without much regard to land bearings. At present, when he cannot see land or anything else, the airman practically has to feel his way to m large extent. His Wife's Little 8het Im glad youre over the draft age. Why. Think how humiliated I should be to have to admit that I was dependent on your stingy salary every week for my living. Detroit Free Press. - ing Transcript Bure Way. What Is a good way to get rid of angle worm In a garden? The best way I know is to plan a fishing trip. There wont be a worm there when you go to look for them. 8arcastie. George knows' huipun nature all right . Why? Yesterday he said to me: Hus your wife planned your vacation yet' Ntw Reading. The old proverb says uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. Yes, because it can't find a good way to cover the lies up. Making the Ueelees Ueeful. Cholly Er, I say, Miss Ethel, I er hem Ethel Oh, do you. Then I'll set you to work hemming sheets for the soldiers. Boston Even- |