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Show I GREEN RIVER DISPATCH, GREEN RIVER, UTAH What Makes You Buy LIBERTY DAY SET a There is nothing quite so effective as reliable merchandise. We have built end maintained our , reputation with reliable goods. Prices honestly modest. PRESIDENT CALLS FOR CONTROL OF NATION'S YELLOW METAL RESERVE DURING WAR TIME. PRESIDENT IN PATRIOTIC PLEA NAMES OCTOBER 24 AS LIBERTY DAY. BOYD PARK lOUNBKDAff MAKERS OF JEWELRY of State Banka and Trust Companies Sought as Means of Vigorous Prosecution and Successful Termination, of Struggle. Executive Declares That Those Who Subscribe to the Liberty Loan Are Performing a Service of Patriotism. President Wilson on Washington. October 15 sonmled u cull for the mobilization of all the nations gold reserves under the supervision of the federal reserve board. In u sla lenient made public through the board, the president culled upon all eligible slate banks mid trust cunipunles to join the federal reserve system without further contribute delay, that they may their share" to the consolidated gold reserves of the country anil aid more 1 Columbia university war hospital just formally taken over by the government as a receiving and evacuateffectively in a vigorous prosecution 2 MuJ. Gen. Sir J. E. Capper, director general of the British tank corps which is doing such nnd successful termination of the ing medical center: efficient work on the huttleflelds. 3 G. T. K. Glragosslan, a Boston Armenian, who has offered the government a war. free energy generator, which will he tested by authority of congress. 4 Ruins of a French manufactory, typical Scores of such Institutions have flocked to the system within the past of the way in which the Germans destroy everything in the districts from which they retreat. three Weeks, among them some of the must sell it to Germany, Already ible spirit that they swept everything largest trust companies In New York, Holland has been put on tea and coffee before them. So swift was the attack REVIEW OF und other cities. Philadelphia rations. Switzerland Is in better case that an entire German division which Landslide Expected. for the allies seem willing that she was just relieving another at the front The movement to the federal recontinue her trade with the cen- was caught by surprise and decimated. serve system has lacked only a final WEEK shall THE lit order to obtain coal and The entire ground over which the Brittral powers impelling force to assume the proporiron. For Sweden and Denmurk and ish and French advanced was thickly tions of a landslide. Within less than even for Norway thefe is no great littered with dead Germans and heaps three weeks resources of such instiGerman , sympathy in the allied countries. Their of equipment Offered the Peace by tutions in tiie system liuve risen from A few more such drives in Flanders neutrality has been mostly a ahum. $1,200,000,000 to more than $2,000,000,-00Kaiser Slowly Losing Its and the Germans wlll.be compelled to Mutiny on German Fleet. The revolt on the German high seas retire to the east and south, abandonGerman Features. Liberty loan financing, the resultant fleet at Wilhelumliaven took place seving the submarines on the Belgian activity in the money markets, the eferal' weeks ago, but the facts have just coast. Tills would mean the almost fect of the governments huge flnnn-ccome out. At least four battleships utter collapse of the campaign, transactions upon the bond mar- MICHAEUS PROVES A FAILURE were Involved and the crew of one which already has been greatly weakkets and the stock exchanges of the threw their captain overbourd, drowsened. country, have made it imperative, in him. The mutineers lunded, but ing the view of the administration, for the Lloyd George Says England Will Fight were forced to surrender to soldiers. theThere are strong indications that allies are preparing for vigorous federal reserve lxiard to control not u Until France e Tiie crew of the Nurnberg seized the offensive movements in the near fuRegains fraction of the gold reserve of major vessel and started for Norway, but ture in both Roumania and Macedonia. Allies Make Another Sucthe country, but the entire amount were taken by destroyers. The kaiser The positions of the central powers on Drive in Flanders More cessful The recent embargo on gold exports went to Wllhelinshaven himself and both those fronts have been subjected of Bernstorffs Perfidy Is Rehas made it highly desirable that this ordered one out of every seven muti- of late to heavy bombardments. It ' vealed by Lansing. control be acquired as speedily ns posneers shot, but the chancellor pro- was announced last week that the sible. tested anil only three were executed. of Greece were about ready to EDWARD W. PICKARD. By conWith the board in active daily Minister of Marine von Capelle, In- take an active part In the warfare. Wilhelm one Kaiser the of reminds trol of the country's huge store of the reichstag of the occurMore of Bemstorffs Perfidy. peddler of notions who forming gold, at present more thun $3,000,000,-00rence. accused three Independent soSecretary Lansing reached Into the of would keep adding packages wntchlng every avenue through d of his desk pigeon-hol- e and even silver coins, cialist deputies of foreknowledge and upper Which it may be lessened and vigilant needles, watches, of the rebels, and lust week and pulled out another neat of the approval plot until to his little of bundles bargains in the suiienlsion of the countrys a sale was effected. With northern said the plan of the latter was to re- little expose of German methods. This hanking activities, officials believe that France und no indemnities fleet one hit Von Bernstorff again, rounding already in fuse to obey orders, paralyze the the financial position, of the country The out the revelations of the counts perand force the country. upon peace has his the emperor bargain offering, may he rendered ns nearly impreg- udded accused deputies denied any guilt, but fidy while this country and Germany and conditions with Belgium nable as human skill can make it now it is reported lie und Einperor Von Capelle said he had documentary were still technically on friendly At present the Imurd controls the ac- Charles terms. Three telegrams were made are pre- proof. of Austrlu-llungar- y tivities of institutions repvesentlni The fact that Von Capelle did not public, two from the German foreign to in the throw Alsace, price pared of the country's tota nly one-hathe relcliqtag, to aufhorlzy , thej Office to Von Bernstorff instructing ' being peace and. the return of Ger' rosecution or the deputies he numed iiirn to start a big program of sabotage hanking fiWninjMs. Tile latest repot many's colonies. In u word, the Gerof the cnuptroller of the currenc; man pence for which the kuiser shows leads to the suspicion that he waa try- in American munitions factories and places at several millions above six- so consuming a desire is becoming less ing to nse the Incident to weaken the to finance plans for the destruction soteen billion dollars the resources, of German of the Canadian Pacific railway, and every day, uud if the allies political power of the Independent the hanks within the system. Since bad uffulr the the oppobut cialists, tiie third from the then ambassador aa wood saw anil say nothing just that reisirt was Issued, however, near- they probably will it may finally take site effect and some of the majority to the foreign office at ' Berlin last ly $1,500,000,000 In resources have on un appearance that will warrant socialists joined the independents. September stating that the American been added through the acquisition of their consideration. The mutiny on the fleet explains embargo conference needed the furnew members. To be sure, Chancellor Michnellg the delay in the long expected naval ther support of the German governThere are, however, between 8000 movement agulnst Petrogrud. ment for the purpose of conducting a says that peace is Impossible so long and 0000 eligible hanks and trust In the allied countries the story of campaign to win a majority of condemand enemies as Germanys any with resources estimated ut German soil or try to drive a wedge the revolt was hailed aa one of tiie gress favorable to Germany In the apmost encouraging signs of the year proaching congressional and presidenfrom twelve to Blxteen billion dollars, between the German einperor and his whose activities are entirely beyond people, but the chancellor is hard and It was held that if such dissatistial elections. the control of the federal government, pressed to save ills political fortunes. faction exists in the German naval The heavy hand of the federal govbeing governed only by state laws. The He and Vice Chancellor Helfferlch are forces, which have not been subjected ernment fell on Daniel H. Wallace, president addressed himself to these being bitterly attacked because of the to very severe hammering, tbe morale blatant organiser and head of a paciInstitutions. fist society, last Thursday when a in of the army must be breaking down. policy of fostering New Government For Russia. the country and the army und at the judge in Iowa sentenced him to 20 WHITE 80X WORLD CHAMPIONS. Premier Kerensky, having virtually years in prison for seditious speaking. same time making promises of mildThe committee named to Investigate ness in return for peace. Michneils defied tiie democratic congress, apWin Four Out of Six Games From New was compelled to tell the reichstag pointed a new coalition cabinet the charges of disloyalty against SenYork Giants. that he did nut stand for the extreme pledged to restore order in the repub- ator La Follette and pass on the deund lic and suppress anarchy and to remands for his expulsion from the senNew York. The Chicago Americans demands of the won the world series baseball chamfor the time being his opponents were new the fighting power of tiie army. ate had no time to perform Its duties pionship here Monday afternoon, de- satisfied ; but his failure as chancellor Kerensky and several of his colleagues before congress adjourned and ao will went to the front to lay their plans be- report at tiie next session. It will not feating the New York Nationals, 4 to 2, is pronounced. la fore von the soldiers, and seemed hopeful go Beyond or outside of the senators in the sixth and deciding gume of the Kuehlnmnn Foreign Secretary 111 17 dliiiiioiul classic. For llie first more yielding than the chancellor, for of gaining their support despite the speech in St Paul before the time In almost a decade the titular he told the reichstag that there now upixisition of the council of soldiers league and there are prebanner will flutter over the funs in the exists no impediment to peace, no and workmen. The rail workers went dictions that the Inquiry will be a middle west metropolis next spring questions that could not be settled by on strike, but promised not to tie up fizzle. Feed Control Extended. when the series lienimnt is raised ut negotiations, except for the French the operation of the military railroads, He and later were partly appeased by an In order to prevent the taking of demand for Comiskey park, ns evidence of the excessive profits and to atop hoarding, of the White Sox in the added that Germany could make no offer of Increased wages. Is determined the governments control of foodstuffs new The to those provgovernment with concessions national regard game. great to work hard for a universal peace, will be extended on November 1 to After winning the first two games inces. Include about all the essential articles Premier Lloyd George was quick to but shows no Intention of abandonon their home field nnd losing the ing its alliances with tbe foes of Ger- of diet By order of the president next two at the I'olo Grounds, the Chi- take up this challenge of Von Kuehl-mannI do not think' that any many. It issued a declaration to tbat the manufacture, importation, storage cago clan clinched the goufulon with y statement Is more calculated to pro- effect on Wednesday, saying it will and distribution of some twenty prime two straight victories, one at However extend its whole strength In support commodities will be licensed by the park and the other nt the lair long the war, he said. war last,England in- of the common cause of the allies, to food administration. Farmers, gardenmay of the Giants. long the The total attendance at the six tends to stand by France until she has defend the country, to oppose every ers and many of the smaller dealers of territory of and manufacturers will be exempt games was 180,(554. Total receipts, redeemed her oppressed children from attempt at the conquest and nations other every attempt to The baking industry was left ont of their foreign yoke. $425,878. National commission's slture, Impose tbe will of others on Russia. Reasons Many and Plain. this arrangement but Mr. Hoover will $42,872.80. Each club's share, Allies New Drive In Flandefe. be ready to regulate it as soon as he The reasons for the kaiser's inPlayer's share, $152,88838. the blow are hammer at demands Another in lias standardized baking flour, baking moderation sledge White Sox will divide, $91,733.15. creasing not far to seek. They are found in Germans in Belgium waa struck on ingredients and either the size or the Giants will divide $01,155.43. the daily dispatches recording the re- Tuesday .by the British and French price of the loaf. Secretary Baker Issued a statement peated successful thrusts of the allies acting in conjunction. In tbe midst of Dry Win in Iowa. Brita furious rainstorm Haig's men ad- praising highly the work of the many of the advances the in Flanders; Des Moines, la. With an estimated ish In Mesopotamia and Africa; the vanced on a wide front east and north- manufacturing plants that are making majority of 30,000 to 35,000, Iowa voteast of Ypres, rapturing Poel capelle clothing and other supplies for the of German shells; the growers on Monday decided to prohibit shortage unrest in the armed forces of Ger- and tbe Gravenstafel ridge and other cantonment camps. Since the coning the manufacture and sale of liquor in many, reaching the stage of mutiny elevations that command the generally struction of those ramps begnn nearly amendtills state by constitutional In the fleet; the scarcity of food In Hut country and are Invaluable as ob- thirteen million articles have been ment The state has been dry by stat- the central nations, anil, perhaps most servation ground. Crown Prince shipped to them. In other quarters counter-attaclff- d In desperate there is much talk of the great shortutory provision for two yenn. The potent of all, the steady. Irresistible amendment becomes effective immedi- progress of the United States toward attempts to regain these dominating age of workers in such war plants as ately. full preparation for war. to a victori- heights, but only south of the Ypres-Roule- airplane and munition factories, steel road was he able to push back mills, nnvy yards and mines, and It Is ous conclusion. Coal Miners Will 8trike. to sees added British for a slight distance, and said that conscription of millions of the kaiser the too, Then, Kansas City. Resolutions calling the list of his enemies more of the that nt great cost workmen Is being sriouly considered for a strike of 35,000 coni miners In fast dwindling number of those not At the sume time the French on the by the administration. Industrial exOkluhomu, Missouri, Kansas and Ar- hitherto on that roll of honor. Though left flank of the British line made a pansion and the withdrawal of ahont kansas, beginning October 19, was President lrlgoyen managed to stave most remarkable dash forward across 1500,000 men from tlielr occupations repassed .at a meeting of the presidents off warlike action by Argentina, Pern the flooded bog land south of the for- for the armed services are held and Uruguay last week broke off dip- est of Iloutholst, piercing the Germun sponsible for the conditions. In the of the state organizations. aircraft factories thousands of women lomatic relations with Germany and line to a depth of one and ' Draft Plans Near Completion. miles nnd regaining land which tbe are to be given employment. sent sway its ministers. Owing to the present demand for The European nations that remain foe hail held for three years. While Washington. Secretary Raker inbarmore. the Stnndo-- d Oil company a terrific set more French as and the a gasoline, decision that up on guns dicated neutral are suffering Monday to the examination and classification Holland pleads with America for feed rage fire, the engineers rapidly spread inis decided to pernil alirestrlcted use of all remaining men registered under especially, with the o;en threat that if great islands of cork over the wuter, of its Burton proceri of refining, by and erected miles of trestle work nnd which almost twice ns much gasoline the draft law might he reached within It is not sent, she will have to slaughter nt least half her rattle and, luiv-ji- g innumerable bridges, nnd over these Is iilitalned from crude oil ns by other a few days. priicci ws. no means of preserving the meat, the troops rushed with such irresist NEWS PAST 0. al at Alsace-Lorrain- hr-nile- s 0, left-han- lf com-pnule- s, Non-Partis- Alsace-Lorrain- e. s. Com-iske- $113,-200.8- 1. Rup-prec- . one-quart- er Washington. President Wilson in behalf of the Liberty loun, on October 14 issued a proclamation setting aside October 24 as Liberty day and urged the people of the nation to .assemble on tlmt day in their respective communities und pledge to one another and to the government that represents them the fullest measure of financial support. Let the result be so impressive and emphatic, the president urges, that it will echo throughout the empire of our enemy us an index of Vliut America intends to do to bring this war to a victorious conclusion. The president's proclamation follows: By the president of the United States of America, a proclamation: The second Liberty loan gives tiie people of the United States another opportunity to lend their funds to tlieir government to sustain their country at wur. The might of the United States is being mobilized and organized io strike a mortal blow at autocracy in defense of outraged American rights and of the cause of liberty. Billions of dollars are required to arm, feed and clothe the brave men who are going forth to fight our country's battles and to assist the nations with whom we are making common cause agulnst a cgub. mon foe. To subscribe to the Liberty loan is to perform a service of patriotism. To Pledge Help. Now, therefore, L Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States of America, do appoint Wednesday, tiie twenty-fourt- h of October, as Liberty day, and urge and advise- the people to assemble In their'respectlve communities and pledge to one another nnd to the government that represents them the fullest measure of finunciul supiiort. On the afternoon of that day I request that patriotic meetings he held in every city, town and hamlet throughout the land, under the general direction of the secretary of the treasury and the Immediate direction of the Liberty loan committees which have been , organized by tjhe federal reserve banks. The people responded nobly to the call of the first Liberty loan with an oversubscription of more than 50 per cent Let the response to the second loan be even greater nnd let the amount be so large that it will serve as an assurance of unequaled support to hearten the men who nre to face the fire of battle for us. Let the result be so Impressive and emphatic that it will echo throughout the empire of our enemy as an index of what America intends to do to bring this war to a victorious conclusion. For the purpose of participating iu Liberty day celebration ail employees of the federal government throughout the country whose services can be spared, may be excused at 12 o'clock, of OcWednesday, the twenty-fourt- h tober. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done In the District of Columbia, this twelfth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and SAIT MAIN STREET LAKE BARGAINS IN USED N vlnlld nH ke, to IMO. rauioc oo4iliou--ii- r CITY CARS OUncbitn, Gunucod Hitt dn terma U rilheptitlM, Wtiie In trailed lltt Uud Car Due, RandalHIodd Auto Co ruled by ud dnciit-tioa- , Salt Lika City WAKTFD KIM AND WOMEN. Now to tha aiHHian time to learn the borlxr trade. Boa ben in rreatdemaiirl. Speol si ret now open for 10 daya. Onlr short time require Tools iumlsbsd snd commission psid while learn her. Call or write Motor Baber School, II Bt Salt Lake City. Utah. STRONGHOLD OF THE BEAVER Largest Colony In Existence Making a List 8tand In Fastnesses of Southern Roc Idea. I Far up In the fastnesses of the' southern Rockies, hidden in one of the most inaccessible nooks that remain: In this country today, what is proba- bly the largest existing colony of beaver, has established Itself for a last stand. The beaver waa once one of the most abundant of our American animals, but the ease with which he was trapped and the value of bis fur soon drove him far on the road to extinction. Soon only the most stringent of protective legislation was able to save him, but now he seems to be coming back, and wherever he finds a favorable location he increases rapidly. There is no better place In the world, to study the Interesting habits of this, little animal than In that little hidden mountain valley Just south of the Col--, orado line which the Mexicans Lagunltas and the Americana call Beaver Lakes.. The valley nestles against the very backbone of the continental divide, 10,000 feet, above sea level, and from every aide: it is approachable only y long and1 toilsome forest travel, except in win- -, ter, when It Is not approachable at all. The hollow in the mountains crest is dotted with lrregulai rows and minis-- : rare ranges of hills, two and three, hundred feet high, that make up a most bewildering topography. In among these hills the beaver have-buil- t them a city. The landscape is ideal for the building Af their dams, and by throwing barrips of stick and' mud from hillside to hiflslde they have created a dozen big lakes, some of. them half a mile long. Along the shores of these lakes are built the beavers lodges. There are probably a thousand beaver hr this community, reigning In undisputed supremacy over their mountain domain. They are shy brutes, but very early in the morning and just at sunset you can often surprise them cutting the quaking aspen on the bank with their chisel teeth or plustering away Industriously at ons of their elaborate dams. The Power of Sincerity. Though a man must be sincere In order to be great, he need not bo great in order to be sincere. Whatever may be the siae of our brain, thp strength of our pow.. t, the talents of any kind with which we are gifted, sincerity of heart, or belief, or life la possible to us slL It Is of Itself a kind of greatness which. In spite of mpny other drawbacks, will make itself felt The honest, upright man, who lives openly, fearlessly, and truly, professing only what he feels, upholding only what he believes in,' pretending nothing; disguising nothing,1 deceiving no one, claims unconsciously a respect and honor that we. cannot give to any degree of power (Signed) WOODROW WILSON. or ability wielded with duplicity or By the president cunning. If we could correctly di(Signed) ROBERT LANSING, vide the world into the sincere and of State. Secretary the insincere, we should have a much truer estimate of real worth than we Fire Bugs Destroy Elevator. generally obtain. It Is the fashion to New York. Reports of incendiarism gauge people by what they believe; in connection with a disastrous water rather than how they believe It Yet front fire which destroyed an elevator Important as is the former, the latter and nearly 700,000 bushels of grain In la much' more so, Exchange. Brooklyn Saturday were revived Sunday when Fire Chief Kenton Issued a Lucid Explanation. statement saying the cause of the Theodore had learned from his playblaze would be rigidly investigated. mates that the Murphy family had ten The property loss was estimated at children, each being two years older more than $1,200,000. than the one before, Yon know the Murphies; well they got ten shllren. Each kid's two years older than each, Queen Marie Thanka Americans. Jassy, Roumania. Queen Marie of other ; they go byi ages. Roumnnia on Suturdny asked tbe press Business Proposition. to convey her thanks to the United A little lad came in the grocery store States for American Red Cross aid and flve-cehead of lettuce. The pledged Roumania to fight to the end. for a The occasion wus tiie raising of the clerk was removing the withered Stnrs and Stripes and the American leaves and told the boy they cost ten Red Cross flag over the first relief cents, whereupon he remarked, Cant take off a few leaves and make It hospital established on Roumanian you five cents? soil. d. forty-secon- nt Door Comparatively Modern. Downfall Expected; Who Invented the do,Y no one The Gerinnn Copenhagen. reichstag adjourned, leaving behind it a latent knows. It is, however,ffin invention of crisis which imiitical observers think comparatively modern times. All the will lend sooner or later to the retire- ancient houses, even' the houses conment of I)r. MIcliaells, tiie chancellor, taining doorways, had no doors. Fob rlcs or skins of animals were hung without u following. across the doorways to keep out the , elements. Incendiaries Destroy Flour Mill, Suiina, Utuh. Fire, believed to be . Wrong Diagnosis. t of Incendiary origin destroyed the SaOmar Miss Hazel tells me she hoi line roller mill nt nil early hour In tiie blue blood in her veins. morning, together with n large amount Aimee Shes mistaken. She has tl of wheat nnd flour. Tiie less is estiin her mind. only mated at $15,000. Michaelis . |