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Show s era riwr bispatc - , X x GREEN RIVER, UTAH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1917 VOLUME XL IRin'S HRS! STEEL tUSlOMi Utah business men are y celebrating the opening of the firat open hearth ateel mills in our state. The mills are the property of the Salt Lake Iron ASteel Ca, and are located at Midvale, Utah. The.open hearth plant has been constructed at a cost of more than $250,000. In addition, steel men say that it may be regarded as the beginning chapter of a mammoth state industry, destined to make Utah famous and which may herald the removal of metals from the spacious fields in Iron county. The latest and most modern machinery has been installed throughout the entire mills. After Successful experiments with the electric furnaces and with the very low price of electricity the company has installed huge electric furnaces of the open hearth type. This new steel plant wily marks the beginning of Utah's great industries, which is bound to come to the front ranks as we have an unlimited supply of iron. STATE OFFICIALS MAKE INVEST- - a. m. Governor Visits Dam At 2 o'clock in the afternoon Gov. Bamberger and State Engineer McGonagle accompanied by Mayor Gillispie, A D. Lewis and Geo. E. Thurman, Btarted for the dam. The Governor, having been informed of the serious condition of our dam which endangers the F. F. 0. G. Japan tea lb. $ .54 water supply of the valley, exF. F O. G. faig. breakfast tea .40 pressed a desire to look, into the : White ' X" Cloud ' Compound bring matter. T ? After returning from the dam .25 per lb.' Gov. addressed a meeting of the .11 Bulk Rice per lb. the Green River Canal Co. which Best package rice per lb. .12 been postponed an hour in had Yellow cling pepches 2 can .22 order that the State Officials Libby sliced Pineappie 2 ,. .28 might make the trip to the dam Teco pancake flour, contains mal- and thus secure firsthand inform .15 ation regarding its condition. ted butter milk per pkg. H. S. Thornton and wife are moving into the Chriss Halverson house this week and will live there this winter. The Biddle-come- s having moved into their recently purchased new home. ' r pail. .24 All kinds of COOKIES lb. lb. .50 Plateau Creamery Butter per doz. per lb. ster. . GLOVES Lined and unlined. HATS Square Deal Store E. E. ADAMS. Upon their return the meeting to order and Governor Bambreger and State Engineer McGonagle were given the floor in order that they might give their opinion as to the best methods for the people of this valley to pursue towards maintaining the water supply. Governor Bamberger first addressed the meeting and stated that in his hurried conclusions he believed that the best course for the people here to pursue would be to expend as little money as possible in repairing the dam unless they have the means to repair the dam permanently, which according to the State Engineer could not be done for less than $15,000 or $20,000. .50 was again called .2 COFFEE .45 Barrington Hall per lb. LOO Amber 3 lbs. .32 Red Wolf per lb. .27 Morning Glory Try our Scent candy just arrived. We have the famous Peanut Clu- Potatoes Officials Address the Meeting The Governor suggested that they make an effort to effect a compromise with the bondholders and Beale down their inbeted-t ness, spend about $15,000 in making good the dam and thus bring all of the land into profitable productiveness. Otherwise the settlers will become bankrupt and the braid holders will find their paper valueless. "The state V, has continued the Governor, about $50,000 involved in the ear terprise and I will do all in miy power to have this partly dr wholly cancelled if you can induce the bond holders to scale down in proportion. In conclusion the Governor suggested that the meeting be postponed for ten days in order that the matter be taken up with the proper state officials. The State Engineer also gave as his opinion that in order to put in a permanent dam, in the opening destroyed by the spring flood steel pilings should be driven, in order to secure the rock and cretewhichv Vould necfcssari! have to be anchored to the piling. That these steel pilings could not be installed at a cost of less than $15,000, was his opinion. After a number of good suggestions were mabe by local people, the meeting adjourned to meet again on Monday Oct 22. RED GROSS - . IHS another year we have for chairman, Mrs. S. J. Neer;. Sec, Mrs. E. T. Wolverton; Treas, Mrs, J. er P. Simonson. It was1 with satisfaction that the committees announced the tending of the box last week. It was filled with everything needful for the boys so far away. Mrs. Hartwell Wolle of New York City, sent Mrs. Neer various samples of articles needful in Red Cross work. She also sent Mrs. Shinn a book called Over The Top, descriptive of life in the trenches "Somewhere in France. Mrs. Wolle requested read this book feo at Saturday meetings and so by permission of the chair, while the knitting moves and grows, this interesting narrative is read to listening ears. s Poultry gizzard linings are worth $40.00 a pound. Our Red Cross workers are asked to colTo a well filled house Governor lect and send in these valuable Bamberger gave a most interest- gizzard linings from which a very ing and encouraging address to important and valuable drug is the citizens of Green River in extracted. Please bring them to which he stated that conditions Mrs. Simonson. here were more serious than he The hotels have promised to had anticipated. It was not so save and send in this article of much the condition of the dam commerce, and everybody please or the question of money as the do likewise. complications involved that made the situation seriouB. He said! Dont forget the Minstrel show that he was extremely glad jie this Friday. Give it your rousing had looked into matters here and support. There will be five cent would do all in his power to i.ll- - VV corn for old and young AND 1HERE WILL BE A the burdens of the peoji.e .DANCE after the show. Get here Partners! your nGovernor Bamberger was an i thtiseastic booster for the Liberty Horse blankets at Asimus adv bonds and urged that everyone subscribe to the Liberty Loan. Mrs. W. D. Thompson and sons The Governor and his party left the following morning for Warren and Rowland left Sat- Salt Lake City after a most plea-s- urday morning in their car for and profitable visit to south- Provo where they will spend the winter. eastern Utah. Governor Speaks in the Evening The Protecting Roof In rain, in sun, in snow and wind its the roof that the hardest abuse. A good roof is a shock absorber gets of all kinds of weather. It will serve you well, twelve months in the year if you give it a chance. Inspect your buildings now while the weather is favorable. Check up on all your needs, then give us the word. Let us supply you with the one best roofing material S for your purpose. . "v ; j kid-evia- j te j Lee Madsen, William Howland, from Shinns camp last Friday Othella Cook, and Marjory Duff-or- d and remained a few days visiting motored to Moab, last Thursher parents. day night and attended the big dance given in honor of Governor McCartys to Leave Bamberger and his party. T. L. McCarty and family leave this week for Eureka, Utah where they will- make their home KODAKS : : in the future. Mr. McCcarty has mining interests there which Autographic : : will require his attention this lived 20.00 winter. The McCartys have in Green River for about 15 years 10.00 and have been affiliated with all 8.00 moves that have tended for ad6.00 vancement and improvement of the valley. Mr. McCarty at one Leave Your Films to be time served as postmaster here. Developed. Their departure is greatly to be regretted and the dispatch joins friends in wishing their I Broadway Drug Store them many success. r$ STATE BANK er Gold in Linings of Green River Chicken Gizzards - GROWERS er al Miss Anna Thornton came in FRUIT The following motion of imAsimus vs. E. J. Cook portance to the stockholders was et al. Foreclosure, Continued to moved, seconded and carried at be herd at Price. the directors meeting; Moved, Merriell-BolingLumber Co. that immediate action be taken to vs. J. M. Ruth Action on promis- repair the dam and restore full sory note. Demurrer overruled water supply and maintain same, and plaintiff given ten days for and that the repair work, and all other matters in any way pertainreply. ing thereto be placed in the hands Sylvia Smith vs. A. M. Steele of a stockholders committee et al. Action on promissory note. composed of, George Thurman, Judgment by default. John D. Byers and A. H. Green Civil Division-Triwith full power of action. That Cases committe meet with repthis Merriell-BolingLumber Co. resentatives of all other interests vs. Emma Rumsey. Action to re. the dam, and shall have using cover on accounts. Judgment by the power to fix and apportion default. the pro rata amount of the cost Utah Association of Credit Men of such work which should be vs. Joseph Sweasey. Action for borne by each interest, and accand help in recovery on account. Continued ept assistance labor for term, or otherwise from money, such on interests basis the of Merriell-BolingLumber Co. said intersts meeting and paying vs. Alferd 3. Lyons. Foreclosure. not less than their pro rata proJudgment and foreclosure. portion of such cost N. B. Knight vs. A. D. Beebe It was moved by J. S. Neer et al. Action for recovery on con- and seconded by John Peters tract- Transferred to Price for tnat the County Surv,w trial during dottiiruf teriA of Court1 uLpbinced to fnake'l' survey 'of the dam and irrigation works. Gunner Ihler vs. . Rob F. Fail. A regular meeting of the Green Appeal from justice court. Dis- River Canal Co. will be held on missed by stipulation of counsel. Oct. 22. W. F. The annual election of officers brought out a good attendance at Saturday 8 meeting. It was voted with oue accord for the continuance of all the present incumbents of the offices, including the chairmen of the various committees, and so, for s A meeting of the directors of the Green River Canal Company and Motion w REID Mrs. W. D. Thompson vs. W. D. Thompsom, action for divorce. was held at the office of J. S. Neer, Monday night for the purInterlocutory decree granted. pose of considering ways and Mrs. Lou McCarty vs. Lou Mcmeans of rebuilding and repair-n- g Carty, action for divorce. Grantthe dam and diversion works ed interlocutory decree. of the said Company. Action was Mike Spadafora was granted taken upon matters pertaining to the interests of the company. citizenship to this country. Governor and His Party Spend the Day Looking Over the Irrigation Prospects of This Valley Returning from a trip into southeastern Utah, Governor Bamberger upon the invitation of Mayor 0. R. Gillispie stopped in Green River on Friday, Oct 12 to look into conditions here. Governor Bamberger and his party consisting of State Engineer G. F. McGonagle. State Auditor Joseph Ririe, and State Road Engineer Ira R. Browning, were returning from an inspection trip to Grand and San Juan counties in the interest of good roads. They arrived in this city at 10:00 Division-La- GREEN L The following local cases were disposed of at the October term of the District Court held last week in Castle Dale: Civil or DIRECTORS T to-da- Eggs NUMBER 38 a B DNNEVLLE Oe o LUMBER CD. Merrill A a o l- I it t i: s A. D. HINRICHSEN. i GREEN Manager, RIVER, UTAH OF Livery and Feed Yard All kinds of Freighting done Good Teams and Careful Drivers Hay, Grain and Coal On hand at all times Water Hauling A Specialty Magarrell & Byers Phone 19 |