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Show ' Supplement to the GREEN RIVER DISPATCH, October, 18, 1917. RED GROSS MINSTRELS DANCE FRIDAY AND EVE Presidents Proclamation to School Children of America PROGRAMME Introductory (behind curtain) "Old Kentuckey Home Chorus Lets All do Something. Opening , Mr. Brown, Speech Solo, When the Parson hands the Wedding ring from me to Mandy Lee Angelina Orange Blossom. Specialties Solo. 1 aint got nobody much. Jo Nathan Do Little. Solo. Fair Hawaii Specialties Jemimah Jehnsing. Hawaiian Dreams Chorus Specialties Keep the Home Fires Burning Male Quartet Specialties Diana Solo. Ching Chong Solo. Aint Yo Coming Back to Dixie Land? Specialties When Curtain Solo. Solo. Specialties the Sun Goes Down in Dixie Dill Pickle Lillie White Jemima Johnsing Angelina Orange Blossom Rose of Waikiki PART TWO The Ragtime Volunteers Topey & Mariah Mariah Snowball The Snowball Sisters Lucindy Snowball Cake Walk and Chorus A Bad Case of Harmony Solo. Back to Hawaii and Me Chorus Solo. Susquehanna Sue Chorus Joke Song CURTAIN Snowball Sisters Ladies Quartet the School Children of the United States: The president of the United 8 telex Is also president of the American Red Cross. It Is from these offices joined In one that I write you a word of greeting at this time when so many of you are beginning the school year. The American Red Cross has just prepared a junior membership with school activities In which every pupil In the United States can find a chance to serve our country. The school lx the natural center of your life. Through It you can beat work In the great cause of freedom to which we have all pledged ourselves. Our Junior Red Cross will bring to you opportunities of service In your community and to other communities all over the world and guide your service with high and religious Ideals. It will teach you how to save In order that suffering children elsewhere may have the chance to live. It will teach you how to prepare some of the supplies which wounded soldiers and homeless families lack. It will send to you through the Red Cross bulletins the thrilling stories of relief and rescue. And best of all. more perfectly than through any of your school lessons, you will learn b doing those kind things under your teacher's discretion to be the future good citizens of this country which we To Green River talent in song and verse will do their bit to aid the Red Cross fund next Friday night. Dont miss Uncle Toms darkies. 11 love. And I commend to all school teachers in the country the simple plan which the American Red Cross has worked out to provide for your knowing as I do that school children will give their best service under the direct guidance and Instruction of their teachers. Is not this perhaps the chance for which you have been looking to give your time and efforts in some measure to meet our national needs? WOODROW WILSON, President. PART THREE No Cure, No Pay Spangled Banner FARCE. Star Church Notices Minstrels and Audience FINALE Admission to the minstrel show will be 35 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. The funds realized from both the show and dance are to be used to assist the Red Cross in their great work for humanity. This is a worthy entertainment and deserves your hearty support , Immediatly following the show there will be a dance given in the opera house. ttt aS Auto Turn Work, Light and Heavy Water Hauling, COAL, Dray, Agent Continental Oil Co. I Office and Feed Yard Adjoins Metropole Hotel on eait. Earl Barber NOW! Don worry-O-ur to Customer Quarry facilities save you money. will PRESBYTERIAN of Ouray, Rev. Colo, will occupy the pulpit this coming Sunday both morning and evening. For the past few years Rev. McConnell has been pastor at Ouray, and he is coming to Green River with a view to locating here. Every one is cordially invited to come and give him a warm welcome. An invitaton is extended to all interested in Missionary work to attend a meeting of the ladies Missionary society on next Thursday afternoon Oct 25, at 2:30 at W. G. McConnell the home of Mrs. C. C. Walm. The fall study will begin. We believe a satisfied cusADVENTIST tomer is the best advertisement. The meeting this week will be We want you on our list of held at the home of Miss friends. at 2 o dock, Saturday CASH STORE afternoon. Mag-arre- ll, R. A. WOOD SCIENCE Mrs. E. A. 10 a.m. at Bricker, Sunday CHRISTIAN At the home of |